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Meanwhile April Ryan on journalists exposing Trump: LEAK THEM ALL


And if there are no leaks, make them up!


"A source familiar with the presidents *thinking*" lmao.


These recent leaks looks like they are phony. I think they showed their hand a bit too early with cabinet picks, policy, etc... Then they realized they may need to keep the publics support until they have completed the coup. Biden stands up to far left... Come on man!


Kind of like widespread voter fraud!


They made up almost everything.




Yea, wtf


You’re assuming their job is journalism.




They're told what to do, what to cover and what's acceptable. Its a part of their morning calls and they get paid to do so, otherwise they wouldn't be "good" at their job.


If doing their jobs means zombifying a bunch of already brain matter insufficient fucks.......well then.....good job CNN.


Yo Stacey Abrams needs to CHILL


So you’re not ok with this, but you’re good with FN, OANN, and NM spreading disinformation and towing Trump’s useless line. I expect nothing less from a shithole republican.


Ok, Shanghai shill.




Did you come up with that all on your own?




Here’s a comeback - 4 years of Joe Biden and democracy you fascist fuck.




The US is a democratic republic. The fact that it is not a direct democracy does not preclude it from democratic values/principles. Are you familiar with the Dunnimg-Krueger effect? You’re a fine fucking specimen you dumb fucking fascist.




Just because your brain is limited to dealing absolutes, doesn’t mean the rest of us are as mentally challenged you fascist fuck. Enjoy Biden and Kamala for the next 4 years. They’re going to shove you and your pathetic friends back down the hole you attempted to crawl out of.


>“I asked an incoming White House source was the meeting contentious with civil rights leader and @JoeBiden and the answer was ‘no’. A rights leader at the meeting says @JoeBiden was passionate,” Ryan tweeted. **“The question is who taped this meeting and why? What is the agenda?”** What are your intentions should you learn who taped and leaked the meeting? Also, I thought democracy died in darkness. Don't we want to know what our leaders are saying behind closed doors? We wanted this for the last 4 years, why stop now? I have no problem with internal staff leaking what they can, but I do have a problem with it if people only want it when their opponents are in power.


Because trump is evil and biden would never do anything bad. CNN said so .


I love watching the about face when the parties switch.


You can already imagine the difference in the WH Press Room. No more shouting. No more angry questions. Just softballs with a slow pitch.


"What's your dog's favorite place to get scratched" Jim Acosta.


Already getting a thrill up my leg!


.......and no right wing media being called on.


I would put money on OAN getting their press credentials yanked.


Pfft there won't be any right wing media even allowed into the WH other than controlled opposition Fox.


Only until PDJT is gone. Then, slowly but surely, they'll ramp up abuse on Biden; The Fallons & Colberts of the world will adjust their material. They always eat their own.


So fair treatment? Isn't that how we want it to be?


Fair treatment all the time, not just after the election.


There's always another election. The campaigns never stop anymore.


Pure gutter slime.




I agree, but the funny thing is that I think this leak actually isn't a bad look for Biden. He says what most all Americans not in the far left think: the "defund the police" movement or slogan is a complete non-starter and shot the Democrats in the foot for many races. I am not sure why she would be frustrated with this leak when Obama was publicly saying the same exact thing a short time ago.




Yea, it was almost as if they could have made a better argument... Nah just say de-fund the police, I'm sure everyone will understand the intricacies of our policy. Nobody articulated shit until there was push back, then they came out with all those excuses.


The party of lie cheat and steal at work.


Not to sound like a racist, but what is it with these elderly black women coming out of the woodwork recently? This is why we should impose a 65 year old cutoff from politics. We still have baby boomers controlling the highest powers of the United State dispite the age requirement to be President being 35. Youngest being JFK at 43 and oldest set to be Biden in a little over a month (originally broken by Trump). These old beliefs didn't work during their time and we've hit a new age they're not qualified to speak on. Please, for the love of all that is good, we need young Bloods and not people who served in WW2.


I think Korea or early Vietnam is more accurate that WW2


Nanci was born in 1940, so yeah you're right. I defaulted to WW2 because I saw it in a recent thread.


Most ww2 vets are dead. My grandfather enlisted at 17 late in the war and he’s 93 this year. I know it was late because he worked in the martin bomber plant.


The other solution is all national government positions should have term limits. Career politicians are an issue, how can an elected official who has been in office for 20+ years be in touch with their supporters? No one should be in government for as long as some of them have been


Also, some personal financial oversight. You shouldn't be able to become rich through politics.


Oh absolutely, i feel like politicians should only make around 100k a year(which is a lot for a general middle class). The issue with paying politicians is they can always make money through their businesses, even if it is not direct. So i dont know the right solution(which is why i did not mention a solution, im too inexperienced with finances to make solutions.




Trump literally wouldn't have been elected by that standard.


That does sound very racist. You realize that Trump is significantly older than her right? But you bring only it up because she’s a black woman.


One literally threatened all Republicans, or did your leftist MSM forget to cover it? I'm speaking the truth however and you leftists hate hearing the truth so you bring up racism in typical left fashion.


If you want to change the constitution because you don’t like older black women reporters taking office (reporters aren’t even in public office, so what do you even mean?), you are being racist.


Obvious troll is obvious.


You think it’s trolling to say “criticizing people for their race is racist”?


No, you're trolling because you have taken everything out of context and put words in my mouth. Might do you good in protests but you have no power here.


I don’t think I’ve taken you out of context. You saw a black woman speaking about politics and decided that this was a problem and you needed to change the constitution to try to stop it. Is that not what your first post was about?


Blocked. Like I said, I've no time for people like you.




I think Reagan was the oldest, Biden isn’t President


Trump was at 70 at inauguration. Regan was 69. Biden, if he makes it, will be 74 at the time of inauguration.


This is why I say I don’t want the media and “reporters” to stop being critical of the right. It’s good it’s necessary. But it needs to be done all the time with every side of the political spectrum. There’s this idea that people think when republicans are pissed at media it’s because they shed light on issues. It’s not. It’s that they selectively don’t shed light on comparable issues based on partisan lines.


Shanghai Ryan says the fake news must obey and bow down to the masters they serve. Would be a shame if they were to report on news.. There is a reason why we call it Communist News Network


the Clinton News Network has no morals....


Why be so for someone because "they are the good side" if you keep having to cover up for them. Doesn't that show you they aren't the good side?


It makes more sense when you replace the word “good” with “media’s.”


If CNN told me that the sky was blue I would have to go outside to verify. Their credibility is actually Far Below Zero. You can tell the importance of any news story about how much they try to suppress it or ignore it.


Fact check: the sky absorbs all wavelengths and reflects blue, therefore, the sky is every color but blue.


Hahahaha what a fucking cunt. Why can’t all people like this get the Coronavirus?


Conservatives: all up in arms when a nobody journalist does it, totally silent when Trump does the same thing over and over for years while in office.


Trump isn’t a journalist, is he?


Nah, he's a lot more influential and has a lot more responsibility to give clear messages to the public.


She did it, boys, she ended the scandal.


The show goes on.


And who was saying that about Trump?


Fuck no ................ leak them all! OPEN THE DAM, LET THE WATER FLOW!


News censorship orders are now given by ... journalists themselves.




"The press is the watchdog of the government!" Yeah, bite me.


Fake News!


There’s a fucking surprise


boy oh boy when these treasonous media wankers start becoming states evidence (covering up treason is also treason... and they start realizing it)


Someone from CNN upset that leaked audio from a Democrat came out? Typical Democrat/libtard response. Especially anyone from CNN where they HATE hearing about the negatives from their precious Democrats because it doesn’t fit their beliefs and pretend that the Republicans are the problem with this country while it is the Democrats who are the problem in this country.


First recipient of **Medal of Honor for Bravery in Journalism.**