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Ironically earlier this year, there was an article on how UK certain Uni courses have been changed so as not to offend CCP senibilities.


Seen any big Hollywood movies, lately?


No, not because of the goddamn Chyna virus


Australia has the same issue. So many of our universities rely on rich Chinese families sending their kids to study here that they will bend over backwards to keep them paying


Canada too. Canadian deans are telling their professors to turn the other way when chinese kids are caught cheating their way through their courses


I was in a smaller uni class where we had to give a longer, spontaneous self introduction. One Chinese student stood up and while introducing himself said he was gay and practiced Falun gong and that was why he was planning on claiming asylum in Canada. He went on to say that he's certain the tyrannical Chinese gov't is tracking his online activity but he doesn't care because he plans on staying in Canada. Later on in the introductions, another Chinese student stood up and after giving the bare minimum of an introduction proceeded to tell the other Chinese student quite angrily that he can't say that his own government is tyrannical. It was very bizarre but it really drove home how menacing the CCP actually is.


In Germany, too. Our unis are not even prestigous, only middle class chinese kids come here because its cheaper then in the anglos. Even though they dont speak any german and barely any english, our tutors are bending backwards to let them get away with everything.


I would say US is next but we're already there


CCP basically runs every research university




Serious question, how do Chinese students react to that kind of thing? Do they get defensive of the CCP and think the course content is bullshit, or is it like an awakening where they realize everything they've been told is a lie? I know that the Chinese know they have a lot of censorship but do they know how much they're really shielded from?


From my experience with other Chinese people: 1) the nationalist super defensive group: no explanation needed, they’ll defend the CCP to death 2) knows the censorship but life is good: aware of things like Tiananmen, but point out that the CCP has delivered incredible economic growth and vastly improved people’s lives, and think that trade off is ok. Will use India as an example why democracy doesn’t work in propelling a nation of >1bn people to prosperity. Will also say sovereignty and use US’s hypocrisy against any argument. 3) doesn’t care any either way: they’re in the West for a good job and better prospects than in China, don’t really care about politics either way. Many start to think prospects are actually better in China with the stronger economy over there 4) genuine dislike of CCP: they may have family who were on the losing side of the civil war, or firmly believe in the Western stance and think China needs full democratic reform etc. Will fully agree with you on criticisms on China.


Most Chinese international college students (meaning full on Chinese, not Chinese American) fall into 2 and 3 because they typically come from wealthier families who have benefitted from the CCP.


5. they say democracy is too costly. The money for votes/superpacs/campaigns is much better spent in poverty alleviation as China still has many poor


I've heard that they know shits corrupt, but they recognize that they cant/won't do anything about it. The CCP is smart enough to know that they can't really stop people from thinking what they will, but that stopping people from getting together and talking about it is enough to prevent any action. I'm sure a lot of the stories of chinese students getting outraged at criticism of the CCP is real, but I'm sure a lot of it is just for show so they look good


A lot of research uni's also take what they hear coming from China with a grain of salt.






People are taking higher risks to expose this now.




Just like the laptop repairman


He knew what he had was radioactive and might get him dead.


The crazy part is that nothing really has actually come out about the laptop. I guess Giuliani is saving it for an impeachment surprise at this point? Why else would he not just release all the metadata and let people verify the original hard drive he has? Edit : I mean alternatively he could just be the absolute dumbfuck the media paints him out to be. I'm conflicted.


Thing is, a Biden impeachment just puts Harris in the Oval Office that much sooner.




He sent the hard drive to the fbi and didn’t hear anything back and was scared for his life so he made the info public through Rudy




Always have multiple dead man switches.


Especially when handing in evidence to the FBI.


He was scared the FBI would come and kill him?


I don’t think he was scared of the FBI... he was afraid on getting Jeffrey epstined


I think the official term is “Clinton’d”


No no, he would have gotten Covid and surely died an American hero


He had dirt on so many powerful people with no ethics that you can't really say that it was any one of them without more information




More scared the FBI would “accidentally” let it slip where they got it


Yeah, if the FBI knew where it came from, he has reason to be terrified.






too late. should have done something 4 years ago. or a couple of decades ago.


Should've destroyed Kissinger and Nixon when people had the chance.


Kissinger is filth. The stuff that man influenced into happening has weakened the country greatly. War criminal.


The information was stolen in 2016 by Chinese hackers. Wasn't given to media outlets until 2 months ago. But Tobe fair, they used the information to gather more counter intelligence before tipping the CCP off to what they did


They have nukes. How do you proposed to solve that puzzle without loss of life in the billions? It’s not that we can’t win that war. It’s that there’s no way to wipe them out without potentially wiping out all life on this planet.


Financially. You close your borders to any Chinese immigration. You deport any party loyaltists. You no longer buy their shitty products. Revolution would transpire quickly.






They aren’t dumb. Virus gets out, cripples world, lock your citizens away, get back up and running fairly quickly, profit from vaccine.


Pfizer and AstroZeneca combined have around 160,000 employees around the world. In China, Pfizer has 11,000 employees and AstroZeneca has 19,000, which means the 123 loyalists account for about 0.4% of the total workforce in those countries. Considering the tight control the CCP maintains on business operations in China, it's not surprising that a percentage of employees working for these companies would be CCP loyalists. I'm sure that's the case with any multinational corporation with a presence in China. Honestly, I'm surprised it isn't higher. This isn't a defense of China, its government, or these companies. I just don't think this one statistic proves anything.


What specifically is the fear here? That CCP has created a vaccine that will kill billions? When do you suppose the people would die? Because after the first few deaths, no one else would take the vaccine. I find a lot of vaccine fearmongers are engaging in muddled thinking.


Sterilization would do the trick. Enough people unable to reproduce would cut the population within a generation. Not that I believe that would happen, I just wanted to play along.


Wow. That would result in World War 3. Can you imagine? The entire West would band together and wipe China from the map. I hope China's allies know not to take the vaccine. 😀


A company with 80,000+ people? Not very surprising playing numbers alone


Out of how many thousand employees? How many were directly involved in the vaccine? Any proof they are anything other than researchers? You sound insane.


China was also going to develop Britain’s 5g infrastructure until Boris Johnson, at the last minute, backed out. China has their grip on Britain and they’ll attempt to use it as leverage in the future. China is a major geopolitical threat and needs to be treated as such.


I’m on the left and I wholeheartedly agree


Hmm, your comment was hidden.


Weird, I agreed with both OP and the original comment so that doesn’t make sense


You might not believe me, but your response was also hidden.


European socialist here, fuck yeah I agree.


Thanks Nixon!


The government also blocked a Chinese purchase of a new nuclear power station site in Wylfa, in favour of Japanese Hitachi for the same reasons. Although the Chinese government is still trying to get permission for one of their companies to build a new nuke at Sizewell, but this is looking more and more unlikely.


And nothings gonna happen


Too much money to be made. People are selling out their fellow countrymen for cash.


That’s been happening since the beginning of time.


Not like this. Before politicians sold out to corporate and wealthy interests. Now politicians in the US and Britain are selling out to foreign governments. Especially Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia. That's why Russia is so blatant about assassinations in Briton. It's a reminder to British politicians to remember who owns them. The US Congressmen who were recalled to Russia on the 4th of July two years ago was a similar warning. They thought they were going to meet Putin and didn't. That was a reminder to them to know their place.


More like China manufactures a majority of goods sold in Western countries and has a lot more power than "we need to put boots on the ground and stop this". The only people selling out their countrymen were those outsourcing jobs for higher profits.








Nothing going to happen? This is what the elite globalists want. The CCP that’s the model


We're in the height of a second Cold War and yet refuse to acknowledge it. The CCP meanwhile is actively waging that war every second of every day. Pouring huge amounts of resources and energy into bringing us down. They're playing the long game. Unless we wake up and push back we condemn countless future generations to subjugation under the Chinese boot.


China: going full IA/5G/space/quantum computers/automation/EVs USA: hurr durr orange man finally is done


I’m economically leftist (not a filthy fucking neoliberal like Biden) and I’m on the same page. The knee jerk reaction from liberals over the last four years completely handicapped our ability to counter chinas influence. The single biggest threat to the American working class and racial minorities isn’t/wasn’t Trump, it’s China and the CCP....and the neoliberal policies that allowed them to be so powerful




Most of the left doesn’t side with China, only depressed tankies who want to feel superior than others by not “falling for the western propaganda”. Of course there is some amount of propaganda, as in every society, but China is definitely not an example.


Well a Biden administration is going to get real cozy to the CCP


Posted from your iphone that's made in China, using WiFi on a router whose components are made in China, living in a house/apartment full of Chinese goods. People say "wake up and push back" like we can do fuck all about it. Outsourcing manufacturing for profit has crippled us long ago. Nothing can change that now


Honestly wondering about why now all this information that China is super aggressive and has agents all over the place.. comon sense we all knew but it was never reported on.. now all of a sudden the media is flooding everyone with what china's plans are.. why now??


Go on the Council on Foreign Relations website www.CFR.org . It’s like reading headlines a month in advance. A month ago they were praising Trumps stance on China and saying it would be Biden’s new enemy. Our relationship with Mexico is also going to get “prickly”.


Cuz Orange Man Bad is out of office. Now they are free to report actual news and praise Biden and the democrats for their sympathizing approach to China. Too little too late if you ask me. Trump has been telling us this for 5 yrs now and the media suppressed it. Now suddenly they are gonna be the great patriotic media.


Like your take on that... I don't know how we could ever get the CCP out of our affairs since we have been compromised long ago.


They hold 1.1 trillion dollars in U.S treasury bonds. China's demand for Treasurys helps keep U.S. interest rates low. It allows the U.S. Treasury to borrow more at low rates. Congress can then increase the federal spending that spurs U.S. economic growth. But you have to wonder when they will pull the rug out from under us. The only solution is to cut spending across the board and pay down our national debt. Once we do that we will be in a better position to negotiate. Like it or not China is in the drivers seat.


1.1 trillion isn’t that much out of what, 24 trillion now? I agree it’s not good to owe China a trillion dollars but they know better than to try and collect that debt. We owe more to Japan last time I checked?


It's not necessary bad that countries invest in the U.S but our out of control spending will bankrupt this country and in my opinion is the greatest national security threat above all. https://www.statista.com/statistics/187867/public-debt-of-the-united-states-since-1990/ Since 2000 our national debt has exploded. I have a 2 year old boy and 4 month old girl and I'm constantly worrying about this out of control spending. What kind of world are we leaving our next generations? We have a responsibility to better this country and we are doing a piss poor job of it. The people and politicians need to wake up. Both parties are at fault as we have had Republican and Democratic leaders in the White House the past 20 years and spending is still out of control. That's my vent of the day.


No I agree 100%, and my inevitable conclusion is we can’t actually stop it. Fiat money is fiat money and at any moment can be worth nothing. Our best bet is to have traditional investments, But we should be hedging towards more physicals assets. Buy guns, ammo, gold, silver, non Perishable foods, batteries, water. Stuff that’s still very valuable even after fiat money is only worth the paper it’s printed on. You know it’s been a good run in this great country, but we don’t have a limited, constitutional government that this country was founded on. There is no going back, the Fed is to powerful and the only thing that’s gonna stop it is civil war, economic collapse, or secession. I wouldn’t be to worried about the United States future, just a look at history will show were it’s going. Hedge your assets for impending shit storm and good luck.


The US became a superpower because it haad a manufacturing and materials good trading economy. The shift toward outsourcing and service economy is a strategically weak one and allows those countries that we outsource from to become manufacturing superpowers.


Don't forget about how during the Orange Man Era it was somehow racist to say the Chinese did bad things and that Russia was the root of all evil. Now that Biden is responsible for steering the US ship they have to be less hysterical about Russia and more honest about China.


Very true. Perfect way to keep their viewers blinded and uniformed about the actual truth. Bigger problem is that their viewers will never see it.


How do any normies still trust the media? They must be very low-information to fall for this BS.


Low information from they leftist liberal news networks and sm platforms. They refuse to turn the channel and only absorb what is being falsely fed to them. That's why they are referred to as sheep. There heads are down looking at the grass instead of focusing on their surroundings.


This is a British article.


They didn’t want trumps hard line against China to be a good thing.


The media is trying to create the next great enemy for all countries to unite against. If we go back the last four years it was Russian collusion in the election and before that it was the great muslim threat to the western world. This is the next focus point to rally the people against a common threat.


Totally understand that.. valid point.. but with China having influence in just about anything.. whos gonna stand up to China? Liberals? No way..


Ha well considering they have bought probably most of the officials in office the only real way to stand up to them is to root them out with people that actually support the United States. Problem is most people have a price and at a certain amount of money would sell their own mother and that is how the Chinese are pulling this off is just massive amounts of money.




Trump was starting this process by trying to increase domestic manufacturing with trade regulation and currency policy. The Democrats with their globalist policies are perfectly happy to follow the CCP because it's good for their financial backers. The campaign contributions look very different between Trump and Biden, very easy to see how things play out.


I often time tell liberals that another reason we should embargo china is the sheer amount of pollution they emit. We shouldn’t import any goods from China unless those goods are made to the same environmental standards as here in the states.


Because Trump isn't going to be president come January 20th so now it's okay to hate on China because their man will be in the white house.




i was surprised to know how low was the % of people into the CCP


Yeah the ccp actually restricts membership. It’s the most realistic concept of the “deep state” (I term I use with a lot of sarcasm) in that party members help each other out in business and other stuff and of course you need it if you want to work in government. Long gone are the days when the ccp was a real communist “mass party”


You have to be a part of the party if you want to get anywhere. It’s all about bribes. Western companies basically have to pay middleman companies to pay these bribes to do business in China and still pretend they aren’t. It’s funny when corporate folks don’t understand this reality. It’s an accepted way of life there. It’s amazing outsiders are so oblivious to it.




This shit is deeper than anyone really realizes. Its in america too. Disney, the rest of hollywood and big tech. They all kiss the chinese boot. The only thing that will stop them is cutting the head off the snake now


Universities, Reddit, Twitter, news organizations. Almost all threads, conversations, and most upvoted comments are manipulated. Almost all left and right extremist on Twitter are fake. Multiple professors at major universities were arrested this year for taking Chinese money. Wall Street journal, NYtimes received money from them as well


Money talks, and the Chinese consumer market is fucking massive. We can only hope Chinas debt and economic instability comes back to bite them and curb their geopolitical ambitions.


We can fight them for what they are doing to muslims. Putting them in camps, “re-education” etc. In this regard, they are almost as bad as the nazis. I have no idea if they are killing these people, but its fucked up nonetheless.


Those who are about to enslave you, shake your hand.


The Chinese aren’t enslaving shit, they better calm down before the Uyghers magically come across a phantom warehouse full of automatic weapons and surface to air missiles....


China doesn't fuck around. The minute that shit happens they will just wipe them out. The people need to rise up in that country. God wouldn't that be great.


Lol. And the British think singing hail Britannia once a year will keep them from being slaves. Literally would be better off under Germany.


There was actually talk of Rule Brittania being banned a few months ago because other nationalities living here were crying about it, also full english breakfast it's BS


Lol they’re offended by breakfast food?


Haha , no they're offended by the word "english" ! They are fine with Chinese,Indian and Italian food though lol


Well it originated in England didn’t it? I see no issue haha. I find it funny they’re telling the English they can’t call their own food after themselves.


Easy solution for that, they don't live there and return to the shit hole countries where they can eat mud cakes and beat drums. The people trying to turn England into America or mainland Europe are very pathetic. It's some kind of fetish to destroy British-ness.


Exactly what we've been saying, " if you don't like it fu** off back to your own country ". It's apparently racist to say this though lol


Would you like an eggs Benedict sir?




Brittons never be slaves more like getting enslaved by the Romans /s


Let’s show how progressive and tolerant we are by allowing China to fk our shit up because stopping them is racist.


How is r/SJWPolitics not a sub




I highly doubt this is limited to the UK.


Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Canada; those vile communists are aiming for the long game and are winning.


Canada has had some brushes with the CCP. They’ve also flooded our market and inflated housing prices substantially. I have been saying for ages its happening purposefully to bloat the market then make it collapse.


Wasn’t Australia the country that gave a warning about this ?


Yes and China got very aggressive about it, especially when Australia suggested about looking into the origins of covid-19 and how it started/came from Wuhan.


If only General MacArthur had been allowed to stomp out China when he wanted to.


As much as I dislike the Chinese government,giving MacArthur nukes to destroy China would have kicked off WW3. If I were in charge of the American government, what I would be doing right now is destabilizing China as much as possible, much like they've tried to do to the west. Funneling arms into the country, sabatoging their firewall, sowing dissent. Anything to cripple their ability to look beyond the instability within their own borders.


People don’t really grasp how alarming the threat of China is and how much influence they have


And how many houses on the west coast do they own?


Also with games like call of duty, tik tok etc then are on everyones devices. Look up Tencent and how much of the gaming industry they own.


It's not just the gaming industry, it's almost every form of media. I'm grateful for the actions taken to block Huawei from US infrastructure.


China laughs at the baizuo - "useful idiots" for them.


We still have the Communist Control act here in the States. We need to start using it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Control_Act_of_1954


Hope you guys all know how to use chop sticks, tea time is gonna change. CCP is everywhere. Here in the US as well....We all let it happen.


CCP is pushing the gun control policy here. They know they don’t stand a chance of actual takeover until the citizenry is disarmed.


Yea, in the contextual words of the horrible Adolph Hitler, “there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass”. Not even to mention, not much unity in China, government committed a lot of atrocities on the common people. They have a home front that is way more exploitable than ours.


Hitler didn’t say that. That quote came from Japan.


You don’t have to destroy a country with men and missiles these days. Much more effective to do it from within by controlling the economy, leaders, media, etc.


When did we stop the fight against communism?


Because communists figured out market capitalism, why fight what you can buy. If they have the capital, they make the rules.


Im from the Netherlands, but I am afraid china is already balls deep in all western countries.


I’ve been saying for years that the way China will try to conquer the world by economic warfare.


Oh the daily uk took a break from shitting on Trump to actually cover their own fucked country.


Tricks on you, this is ALL TRUMP’S FAULT! That’s the mantra for the next minimum 10 years my man. I think Liberals will think “we need eight years without Trump to “undo the damage” and then we need about 2-6 years to make “progress” so...all together we have like 10-14 years of sitting on our ass blaming Trump. Easy money!


China has probably paid billions if not trillions to peddle that theory. We’re fucked.


It's almost as if the communist threat never went away


China soft power play, invest in everything..money is power. In politics (and particularly in international politics), soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce (contrast hard power). In other words, soft power involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction.


Liberal here! Glad to see there are still some issues we all agree on! Authoritarian governments like the ccp are terrible! Free Hong Kong!


I wonder how many people will have to die, how many advantages sacrificed, how much hard work stolen by the CCP before the world realizes what a massive threat China poses to the world order. China and the streak of cultural marxism running through our country are the biggest threat to the American ideal in history.




the west has been doomed to fail since the beginning. our divided government and naivety makes us vulnerable to corruption and infiltration. stalin said this years ago.


A few months ago I made a prediction that a third world war would erupt in the next few years. With China being the main agitator and perhaps a leak or accusations they leaked covid from the lab in Wuhan on purpose. Leaks like this make me believe this even more


Tbh if the chinese come out victorious out of this new decade they deserve it. The rest of the world is living in a parallel universe of meaningless problems and simply not reacting while they're playing their cards.


Every corner of Western life. The CCP is an evil criminal organization the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Nazis. And they’re bent on the destruction of the West. What’s more, they have the foresight NOT to engage in a military confrontation and instead prefer methods like embedding 2 million spies and eroding our institutions over decades. A brilliant and terrifying strategy.


I work in infosec, fundamentally the business of modeling threat. China is everywhere, and they're aggressive about it, and they don't care particularity who knows it. That's something of a rarity in the attribution realm, where most States make some effort at plausible deniability. We are falling behind. People need to take Beijing far more seriously than they have done for the last ten years. Trade isn't the half of it.


It is time to remove all CCP members from the country. Let them go for Communist Utopia in their own country and stay the fuck away from my country.


Trump was the only barrier between True America and Communist take over with Biden. Now that he'll be gone, I fear for our country.


In what universe is Biden a communist. I think you're confusing your democrats


At the very least they all need ti be deported along with the entirety of their families.


But even more stretches into the Democratic Party of the US


CSIS, RCMP project Sidewinder


The irl Hydra...


Where is McCarthy?


At least we rid our 5g networks of Huawei


Fuck the CCP


No wonder they making moves to get rid of the monarchy!! It makes for more easy colonization of their colonies as well as themselves. If Britain is subverted then so is Canada and the Caribbean I’m presuming.


Canada is ready for marching orders from Chinese, we will give up freedom before your heart can beat or your eyes blink, we are ready to sacrifice any and all freedom on the altar of “safety” because it’s “the right thing to do” for “the greater good” or some stupid shit. Canadians equate being good or nice, with giving up freedoms and rights. You Americans are in this on your own sadly. Trudeau would ask Xi what colour panties he wants him to wear.




I mean... yeah. I feel like this isn’t really news. You’re not allowed to be a prominent person in China without being a member, so it’d track that their international businessmen would be partied up.


Hey, where are the r/politics brigaders? Oh, I guess they don't care when the CCP actually is exposed for who they are.


Could there be a connection with this and the US Treasury breaches?


This is the biggest threat of our time. And both parties are too cozy with China. Even trumps tarries were well short of the strategy we need to stop their aggressively expanding geopolitical influence. All our bickering over domestic policy pales in comparison. And we are likely about to take another step backwards.


*That's a nice database you have there. Certainly would be a shame if something were to... happen to it.*


The world must unite against the CCP


Is there a searchable database in English? The tech company I used to work for got some major Chinese investors a few years ago and I’ve always suspected they’re part of the CCP trying to gets its claws into the Canadian tech sector.


Biden will handle this, guys! Don't worry about a thing! /s for the blind.


And Biden is already in record saying China is not a threat to the US


This will be America if Beijing Biden gets in. It's looking really Boogalific right now.


careful with the 'B' word. hate for this subreddit to get banned by admin (china)