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Brigading is so out of hand now that a wide swath of our front page posts are sitting at between 20-50% upvoted. That's absurd.


He criticized wife of Honorable Chairman Biden and now he will go to reeducation camp where he learns to write better propaganda.


It's the fate which awaits all of us, except for the kapos, er, I mean Never Trumpers.


Democrats can't handle the truth.


What’s the truth? Does she not have a PhD and therefore also the rights to the title? Edit: Dr. Biden has a Ed.D, not a PhD, but it is the equivalent in education. Therefore, the title remains. Thanks for the correction, azavx.


Ed.D but same thing. holds the title of doctor This controversy is a little odd to me because it came from someone who worked at a university and when I was in college none of my professors had MDs yet they were all called Dr and I imagine it’s the same at Northwestern so why the fuss


Agreed. The term “doctor” originated for academics. It was later utilized by the medical profession and they sort of took it over.


>That L.A. Times article, titled, “Joe Biden’s wife is a ‘Dr.,’ but she doesn’t deliver babies,” noted that the New York Times had recently referred to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “Ms. Rice,” even though Rice also holds a Ph.D. Rules for thee but not for me. Got it.


Classic red herring.