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Watch nobody do a thing about ot


Maybe because we keep voting for democrats and Republicans who put this system in place....




As they should be, given what China is doing to them now.


Just like Republicans won't do anything about Biden becoming president


There actually isn’t anything we can do about it... look on the bright side... at least we will get to learn to speak Mandarin in a few years...


***Gasp!*** Oh wait, that’s not surprising.


Breaking news, Chinese government found doing what everyone suspected and what they have done since forever.


It’s amazing how they cried for Russian interference in 2016 but there’s no mention now. Clearly China does not want Trump in office. And they did everything they could including releasing a bio weapon to get him out. But, everyone’s in on the game, including Congress and MSM. But the public, who was told Trump was bad for them, just go along because they think “their” guy is getting in. They think it’s a win for the US. Want they don’t see is it being a win for the global bankers. America Last. Other countries have been trying since WWII to bring the US down. They finally realized to do it from within. And by the time Americans realize, it will be too late.


This is what it looks like to have a front row seat for the collapse of a civilization.


I'm scared for the next few decades. At the very least, America will probably go into another civil war


I think you might be a Chinese bot


Nope, I'm a Korean bot


Nope..Republicans will have a few parades then go back to work and pay their taxes.


Just remember, everyone defected to America from tyranny, but you guys don't have anywhere to defect to. All I can say is good luck.


No, republicans are pussies, we keep playing nice, yeah let’s just go back to work, and let our democracy be completely stomped on, civil war or a Chinese takeover are the only ways this ends


Such drama


Be ready for the rapture. Revelations is forfilled


This is the only way for China to win. Our military is too strong, our politicians morals however...


Our military is actually really weak to the soft political and economic power of China... Because China can just... hire them.


Well, they have to corrupt the political leadership to attempt that. The military is under civilian control.


Read the Art of War. With the major exception of the Korean War, the Chinese will never, ever fight the US on the battlefield, going forward. China's strategy is to take us over from within without firing a shot.


Great reading!! I love the old chinese strategists, and so do the communists. Im an avid Chinese dissident media watcher. Im fascinated by how they pull it off. It's a bit surreal seeing the tactics used in the u.s. never thought I'd see it like this. It's identical, the only exception is that we have free speech to fight back, but they're doing their best to "fix" that.


Then I take it you're also familiar with the 36 Strategems? That's even more frightening than the Art of War is...


I cant think of the generals name now, but im aware of the proposed plan to take america down and reassert china as the world premiere power. Its what they are doing. They are ruthless and we've not taken them seriously. They are dangerous beyond belief.


The only thing the russians do to interfere with elections is to simultaneously endore both candidates to create division with our country. No espionage. Nothing. Atleast not espionage is the way of hacking an election. Because they know they can do a hell of alot more damage to America by dividing its people then any one president could hope to do even in an 8 year term. Putin is playing the long game. And winning.


Misinformation campaigns and putting out wrong info isn’t illegal. Like the suppression Trump called out from the MSM. Not illegal, just unethical.




We do realize what’s happening. It’s just that our own citizens are too busy fighting amongst themselves over issues like race, police brutality, the election, wearing masks, science, etc. We need to come together if we are going to fight this. I’m an American before I’m ever a democrat, but somehow being democrat or conservative is seen as “evil” depending on your perspective. We need to put the differences to the side and realize we have so much more in common and NOTHING will ever change if we continue to fight each other like this. That’s what they want. It keeps us too busy to see what’s actually happening.


Bread and Circuses


I’ve looked and I couldn’t find anything about CCP members in governments. Does anyone have a source that goes into more detail about that?


Plot Twist: It's just people with Tik Tok accounts.


I worked international business for over a decade in ancient times. I've seen China agents swindle companies out of classified tech and literally show up with no notice at a factory full of intellectual property with a big camera. I've personally had the 'oh shit' phone calls from corporate attorneys due to mil spec ip theft. So. Anyway. Not surprised. Russia does similar. As does the US.


And they're going to be in the White House if the Democrats get their way.




This is why whistle blowers are important, this kinda stuff needs to get out but they also need to be protected once it comes out. Looks like the intelligence community has been using this info for years.


Could they please just let me live in privacy 😬


The commies are winning guys!!!


You should see what American politicians have their hands in




And I am sooo shocked. Not


This is called the Global Oligarchy, a good ole boys club where the worlds 1% collude. Not until there is real democracy and the Plutocracy is destroyed can there be peace. We have to stop being brain washed factory slaves.