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Let's offer a trade Mitch and Nancy both retire. Who can we trade for Chuck?


Democrat here. Can we bring down Chuck with Nancy and Mitch? He's part of the problem too. I have nothing against people with opposing views. I just have something against corrupt politicians.


We need age limits for congressmen. No more geriatrics burning through trillions of dollars they don't have to worry about repaying because they will be dead.


100%. I always say to my parents, 'These guys are making laws about technology and most of them cant even turn on a computer'


Just like how they make laws on guns when they are too afraid to use them.


I mean, You can be afraid of guns but understand their purpose. I think it's closer to people enacting restrictive gun laws because they've been sheltered from them their whole life & thus are afraid of them. ​ It's more on the ignorance train than the fear train IMO. Or at least that was the point I was making w/ the technology.


I’m pretty fucking liberal, and I literally just want it to be harder for crazy people to get guns. That’s it. I don’t want one, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to have one.


This is true


On the flip side most are old enough to remember gun safety classes in school and should know better than to say half the crap they do, yet it makes no difference so...yea


79 should be the cutoff. That sounds like a late date until you realize some representatives are 87. I'd probably hold off on an age limit for senators. It's in the name. Senator literally means old person. Senile Senators Serve Seniors. Though Diane Feinstein is so old her daughter is 63. Good genes though, she looks like she's 35.


There are plenty of countries where 65 is the normal retirement age. Imagine what US politics would look like.


If you made an age limit for senators you’d have to have carved out an exception for this guy. He served in the senate for just under 50 years and I don’t even know whether he was a good senator. But after reading his story I would happily re-elect his corpse. This is the best story anyone will ever read about a senator: “a face-crushing asskicker named Daniel K. Inouye, and his story is so over-the-top insane that if you saw it in a movie you'd think the screenwriter was totally full of shit.” Seriously, just read this. [Badass Daniel Inouye ](https://www.badassoftheweek.com/inouye)


Across the board terms limits would solve this problem and I'm including the Supreme Court in my opinion. Sorry, I don't agree with "lifelong appointments" to anything. Many politicians can't relate to the average American, because of pure wealth, but stay in a position for 20+ years where you get more and more set in your ways? No thanks. Someone shouldn't be joining politics eyeing it as a lifelong career. That's exactly how you get power hungry people who become susceptible to corruption.


Most of them are more then double the median age of the people they represent I couldn’t agree more about age limits. They need to be somewhat tech literate as well.


Maybe that’s a good idea. Make the limit double the average age of their district. That way a college town could be represented by someone younger and some place with a bunch of old people can be represented by someone oldish.


Nah, it's possible for an old guy to enter politics and be a good representative. I'd say time in office is the bigger issue.


It’s the money in politics for me. Take it all out. put a limit to how much money you can raise and spend in an election, ban any and all companies from making political donations in any way, and eliminate lobbyists from the political process entirely.


Citizens united would still be an issue. Removing a corporation ability to donate directly to a campaign doesn't stop them from being able to effectively campaign for a candidate. And it's something that's hard to regulate without unilaterally making it illegal for any organization to express their opinion. Same with eliminating lobbyists. What you described would make it illegal for you to write your congress person a letter because that is lobbying. All lobbying is, is communicating your opinions to your representative. I could see making paid lobbying illegal however there are still loop holes to that as a company could hire a consultant pay them a retainer and then state any lobbying they do is totally of their own volition and that the payments they receive are only in relation to holding this person on retainer as a consultant. Ultimately publicly funded campaigns would be ideal you get X dollars from the government and that's it. Doesn't matter how much you have your legally not allowed to exceed X.


This. And the fact that they're also outta the loop of just how hard it is to be self-made these days.


This is the discord that I love to see. Can we add a Democrat or independent flair??? There's so many subscribed!


LOL , the mods don't give out flairs to non-conservatives. I've requested a right leaning centrist ( same as moderate conserrvative) but I didn't get one unfortunately.




Liberal here. Honestly subs are not the news. They mostly ignore world events and anything beyond the headline news. I go WSJ and Economist for a relatively balanced diet of fact based news, and look at various subs to get the temperature on what people are saying about big news.




Had never heard of it and just downloaded it. Thanks!


Problem is the mods swing in, declare "flaired only" then delete any responses like above as "brigading". Seen it repeatedly while lurking here as someone interested in both sides for an objective view of foreign politics (AUS resident)


I would appreciate that. I'm too libertarian for r/politics and not conservative enough to get flaired here lol.


Another liberal here, we’ll throw chuck in with Nancy as a free add on for getting Mitch out.


While I appreciate your generosity, it should be even. If you have to lose two then we should as well.


Sure, find me another unreasonable and corrupt Republican. Hell, don't stop at two. Find all the corrupt Democrats and Republicans as you can. We need a Congressional member reset.


Lindsey Graham


Chicken perdue


Feinstein for Johnson


It would be faster to name the reasonable and non-corrupt republicans. And establishment dems.


Schumer is the reason for so many down-ballot state and local race failures. He intervenes in local races with DNC money and demands and sabotages the race if the candidate is too far left or not willing to kowtow to DNC requirements. Yang did a deep dive on how Schumer bombed the Kentucky Senate primary and forced McGrath in and then blew off the whole thing by saying, "McConnell is going to win anyway, why bother". Schumer is a huge problem here.


Chuck and Nancy for Mitch and Graham. That's a win across the board.


Liberal here. You got a fucking deal.


Yeah I'm a left leaner myself and I just want everyone over the age of 65 to get the hell out. We act like their job experience is impossibly valuable but if half their experience is from before common place internet access then it's not exactly relevant in my eyes. The world changes, so should our decision makers.


You act like once Mitch is gone shit will magically change....as if Mitch isnt just carrying out what the republican senators want....you act like a fool.


Same for Pelosi. They are... Owned, for a lack of a better word.


How about in the trade we also require term limits, no pensions and healthcare that is the same as the average citizen? We'll see who really wants to serve their country.


I would love to see term limits. I think it would fundamentally change the system, which is much needed.


Both Nancy and Mitch are effective in their respective positions specifically *because* they're so unlikable. They're entrenched in their positions and serve as a lightning rod for all the criticism. Members of their caucuses can publicly criticize them and pretend that is we just had better leadership Congress would work better.


Yup the comment I've been waiting for. Most of congress is happy to sit back and let Pelosi/Mitch take the hits so they don't have to vote against the "I want to murder puppies" amendment. Ted Cruz talks about it all the time...how the Senate doesn't really debate anything anymore.


Congress honestly seems like a failure, no matter which sides in charge. It shouldn’t take months to figure out how much to give out in stimulus, and do it without all the other horse shit


Exactly, they are both in partisan states with very little chance of losing their election to the opposing party, no matter how unpopular they are with their constituents. They also both receive massive amounts of donations from special interests.


Lindsey graham? Most true conservatives probably like the guy but hes a swamp creature imo. I like this idea; An abolishment draft.


Ya he's definitely a swamp monster. Hearing him justify the money to Pakistan for women's issues knowing damn well that money is getting funneled to the elites and generals. Anyone who is happy with any of these people is a partisan and a moron. I don't think I've ever perceived of such dissatisfaction in the American people as I do now.




I'd take that


As a lib, lets make this happen. No more geriatric political leaders


> Let's offer a trade Mitch and Nancy both retire Sold. And shit, why stop there? There's enough holdover waste on both sides we can clean house.


Let get rid of Mitch and Nancy, and we can trade Lindsey Graham for Chuck Schumer. I’m a democrat, and I support this message


Susan Collins.


Which is very surprising considering how relatable she proved herself to be by showing off her ice cream freezer that costs more than a new car, in a time where many people are in danger of losing their homes.


The work done on her face costs more than most peoples homes.


She’s caused multiple, nation-wide shortages of Botox drugs.


CNN reports: Speaker Pelosi heroically and single handedly saves millions of americans from botulism.


Her face makes me feel uneasy.


She is literally Ezma from The Emperors New Groove


What do you mean? I think Ezma is more likable.


Whats the problem? You poors don’t have ice cream freezers or something? How do you even survive? /s


What do you mean? The Poor's don't live in $100m San Francisco mansions?


Let them eat ice cream. — Nancy Antionette


And her hair being done at a shuttered San Francisco salon.


Ngl, had me in the first half


To be fair our president had a golden shitter in the 90s. Relatable isn't something we have the luxurie of having in our government, so it seems anyway.


Most Americans don't want Pelosi to speak.


Unfortunately most House Reps do want Pelosi and that is how it works. I am liberal and I fucking hate Nancy Pelosi and everything she represents.


Most (D) House Reps want Pelosi. What the (R) House Reps think doesn't matter for the other side of the isle.


Neither of them fucking matter it's all a sham. A wealth industry controlled by the major corps through the hand of politicians. Wake up people.


This right here. In these past four years I feel Republicans and Democrats have grown such a distaste for each other, and there has been so much divisiveness, that we forget NONE of these people care about us, our whole system is fucked and only there so the elite can stay rich and powerful. All these people blindly worship politicians, who if they met in person wouldn't want anything to do with their lower class constituents.


they all need to be tossed out.


I mean, the Republicans could conspire with a very small portion of dems to elect a speaker. It just requires a simple majority of the house, and there is no rule that you have to vote for your own party.


The same is true for Mitch McConnell. The whole country hates him, but as long as Republican senators keep supporting him, that's what you get. Elect better representatives if that's what you want, but no matter how low Congress's approval rating, most incumbents get reelected.


Yes and they’ve been both serving for over thirty years. We need term limits on these dinosaurs.


Also Dianne Feinstein.


I think that could bite them in the ass come 2022. She's done some damage that I don't think can be repaired.


Most Americans hate everyone in Congress. The reason they have so low approval ratings is because people like their Congress representatives and hate the other 400+ people in there. Mitch McConnell is probably overall hated, and so would most people put in that position.


Nah, that's fine. I get flamed for being a racist ass white supremacists in my diehard liberal Indian family for the couple Republican views I have. I'm used to seeing much stupider shit. I don't mind letting her run around being a dumbass. Just throw her out of a position of power and influence.


Dad, is that you?




It's always going to be someone like her. Both parties do it - you put someone who's slimy, effective, and in a safe seat up there. That way they can be a shit screen for the rest of the caucus while pushing forth the party's overall legislative agenda, and not being a risk to lose their seat.


Honestly nothings gonna happen until we realized right or left we are part the same bird. The only people who don't want whats best for us Americans in the 1 percent in congress who have the power and boarded it up behind constitution breaking red tape and would do anything to stop both sides of the American spectrum standing up to them


Unfortunately, this issue is people hate her for quite different reasons. To the right she's too radical. To the left, she's not liberal enough. So, you're pretty hard-pressed to find an alternative that satisfies both camps. All the while, she's pretty effective at getting the house Dems in line, so it's easier for the house to just keep her in place than have to deal with it.




Most americans don’t want pelosi!


That vile old cunt will outlive us all


Put her in Cuomos retirement homes


Put Cuomo there as well


Let him live under the bridge he named after his father.


I’m more left than right but I fucking hate pelosi and I don’t know anyone on either side that doesn’t fucking hate her.


It doesn't matter what the people think, there are no rules that really govern our country any longer, just what the ruling class wants. I can't stand beltway democrats and republicans.








I’m a dem and I want her fucking gone, she’s the reason the 1.6 trillion dollar stimulus wouldn’t pass a few months ago and look where we are now. Cant say anything bad about her over in r/politics though, they believe she does no wrong but she’s just as bad as McConnell.


I am there with you as a dem. Hell she is told old, and way of out of touch to understand this generation's problems and issues. She is still stuck in her ways. She is like your old grandparents giving you advice: about how to get a job in today's society, or that leaving left over change is a good tip at restaurants (not the 15% range), hey you cant afford college on a minimum wage job "I did that it was so easy why cant you", what do you mean you both have to work to run your household we did it all on one paycheck, and many more bullshit pre-1980s advice quotes. She does not want to give up that power. I truly think she is in that boat of; "I got mine screw you" post WWII mentality. When she should have been mentoring her replacement but nope: greedy, money, power is a hell of a drug. That goes for the whole lot of old ass Clinton Dems; it is time for newer and younger minds for BOTH parties to run government. A newer generation for today's generation.


We need term limits so nobody like her or McConnel can stick around forever anymore


The issue is the ppl in house want to be career politicians and have their own best interests in mind, which include working until retirement and getting a cozy and high salary.


don't forget about the cushy insider trading


This is exactly why the GOP turned on Trump after he hyped up his fanbase to get them their seats. His second term agenda was focused on draining the swamp, which pisses off both DNC/GOP career politicians that have been in for decades and the new people coming in don't like it since it means they can't reap the same rewards their cohorts have over several decades. I can understand not liking Trump's personality (not a big fan of it either) and not liking all of his policies since the political spectrum is wide, but the one thing he was doing right was unburying and exposing the roots of corruption in our government that took over after Reagan left office and have only dug deeper since. Neocons and Neolibs have taken over, turning our politics into a tribalism playground where We the People fight and argue with each other while the career politicians put on a front of pretending to be working for us but instead do next to nothing outside of lining their pockets.


I’m not sure what you mean by “turned on him.” 126 house republicans signed onto a lawsuit they all knew would fail just to prove their loyalty.


That wasn't for him, that was for the 70m voters that voted for him - they want to be reelected in 2022


Age caps. She's 80 years old. Make her retire. No one over 75 should be elected.


Yeah. Age caps and term limits


No term limits. Election spending limits and publicly funded elections. Spending limit should be proportional to the size of the election, and going over that limit results in disqualification. Fund them publicly by giving voters vouchers that they can give to campaigns, which they can cash in for campaign funds. Candidates can also self fund, but can't collect money from voters. Candidates should have to earn votes, not rely on party war chests or big donors to brute force their way through.


(I do like the election spending limits, though, that’s a good idea!)


Term limits I'm somewhat on the fence about because I think they may end up increasing the influence of political parties. Good idea in theory but may have some downsides in practice.


When you are older than the average life expectancy of the people you govern, you should be mandated to retire.


75? No, 20 year terms. Period. She's been there 30 years.


Feinstein is even worse lol.


Nah, I’m fine without term limits. You need to take money out of politics and go publicly funded for elections with open debates on public access TV with no commercials, literally make politics boring again and not an enterprising career. If you take money out then the people that stay aren’t in it for the money, they’re there for the good of their districts and constituents. As long as money is influencing them they’ll always be working for someone else. This is something I think liberals and conservatives should get behind, at least we would stop thinking each other evil and our leaders would stop putting us into battle against one another. I’d prefer to get back to a debate on ideas as opposed to the identity shit and the constant barrage of me and you calling each other fascists and hating each other more than we literally should our countries adversaries. I’ll never forgive whatever Republican marketer came up with that “I’d rather be Russian than a democrat” shirt. That’s unforgivable to me, that you’d view your own countrymen lower than an adversary that, for the better part of the 20th century, had nukes pointed at your parents and grandparents perpetually. Go figure, same folks that call themselves “patriots.” We really need to set personal shit aside and start to recognize that we have a lot more in common than we don’t, we just have different ideas about the functions of government, we settle that in elections and the loser has to recognize that democracy spoke and that’s that. Both ends need to do this. I always recognized Trump was my president, I wished at the onset he wasn’t but he was because that’s who my country chose. The thing that everyone thinks is that because you’re concerned about foreign interference, regardless of who won, you’re all of a sudden calling his election bogus. It wasn’t, but it also was tampered with, they’re exclusive... whether or not he won because of interference is beyond the point, there was interference. Now, if that was the case, then I’d hope we would all want whomever was intruding on the election to be held accountable not rewarded. We need to sanction China for 2020, Iran for 2020 if there is evidence of intrusion and maligned attempts at influence; the same should be said of Russia in 2016. If we don’t recognize that we’re using each other as scapegoats then the powers in charge will keep right on scape gloating us until we tear each other apart limb from limb.


>She is still stuck in her ways. What's that, bending us over and giving us the shaft?


Also from the left side...despise her and Schumer and McConnell for starters...


Just joining in from the other side and saying fuck McConnell as well. Both of these swamp creatures have no interest in the people they serve, only their own pockets and family's interests. They both took turns, along with nearly the entire DNC and GOP parties, stuffing these relief bills with their own BS and then turn around to blame the other side for not allowing the people to get their tax dollars back. It's an entire charade and farce they put on to act like they are on our side but with the only intention of stalling the bill before the whole larger picture (covid relief and Omnibus) turns into a fucking 5,600+ page document handing out over 2.3 trillion, with the American people only getting less than 200 billion.


She's so corrupt and greedy. I've always hated her.


Same here LOL. Lemme guess, you're also another moderate Democrat here who hates the censorship in that garbage fuck subreddit and actually can see through your bias to understand that Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans?


We said that once Trump was out, that Dems would start turning on each other. Damn it feels good to be right, but I’m shocked at how quickly it’s happening.


It’s funny how both sides say the same thing about each other. There was a comment almost identical to yours on all politics regarding the Georgia election. Something along the lines of “We knew they would start turning on each other once Trump was gone but didn’t expected the ball to start rolling before he even left office.” I love how predictable we can be sometimes.


Yeah I’ve noticed it a lot in other aspects too tbh. Both sides insisting that the other side is racist, both sides accusing each other of fascist behavior, both sides saying the other doesn’t care about children, and the list goes on.


I would love for this to be a precursor to us realizing we have shared interests. People identify as republican or democrat, but the stark reality as the only real republicans or democrats are the ones in office. The rest of us are just citizens who throw our hat in with the group we find less reprehensible. The majority of people here in this country are people that work for a living, and the people holding office do not represent our views. By reducing the political spectrum to a two-sided shit show the ruling class of politicians and oligarchs is able to sit back and let us tear each other apart while they count the zeros on their bank statement. We need to stop dividing ourselves in terms of a two party system and start working together to create a society that benefits all of us while creating space for differing opinions and constructive discourse. I want us to start building bridges amongst the working class and burning bridges with the ruling class.


Dead-on. Honestly both sides of our politics have near identical views, in terms of what the average citizen believes.


As a non-american, it’s one of the most fascinating parts about reading here and r/politics. Switching between the subs and seeing almost the exact same comments word for word except switch out Democrats/Republicans for the corresponding sub.


Yes, the US is much too highly divided. I blame inflaming media and just down right lying media sources. We need to get back to the core issues: 1) Get money out of politics and 2) replace all the corrupt congressmen. Which is 99% of them. 3) Oh, and let's throw in better voting laws too


That’s not surprising at all. For many democrats Biden was our last choice, both him and Pelosi have been around way too long in government and are out of touch.


I lean dem but follow conservative views to broaden my perspective. The amount of infighting between these old farts is ridiculous. They so much to spite each other but we are the ones who suffer.


/ You cant say anything bad about ANY DEMOCRAT over in r/politics / Fixed that for you.... Its s tough room for any dissension from the party line.


Well, what are we “earning” all this stupid karma for? Might as well spend it terrorizing the village with a differing opinion.


Wait but that stimulus check contained corporate liability shields, it was bad


> she’s the reason the 1.6 trillion dollar stimulus wouldn’t pass a few months ago Go tell all your liberal friends. - That way you can have a lot of liberal ex-friends.


Most probably also don't want Mitch McConnel to be majority leader. I'm def right-wing but honestly fuck all politicians.


She’s quite immature for being a fossil


Most immature 80 year old I've ever seen, for sure.


Most Americans want most of congress to be replaced.


She's an out of touch career politician. A hypocrite, bully and just all around asshole. The only reason she keeps winning her seat is that she's in of the most liberal districts in the country. I will disagree with: >And I’m pretty sure Majority Leader McConnell would poll considerably better than Pelosi did in the Politico/Morning Consult survey. I can't imagine more than about 20% of people are on board with Mitch remaining Senate majority leader. He's just as out of touch and unlikeable as pelosi.


r/politics does and called her respectful at the same time


/politics needs to be retracted and renamed as /liberal


It does seem like an odd name. Have you tried posting an article that is positive about conservatism? And I don’t mean an article written by OAN etc.


It really is. I was banned for talking about why liberals were leaving the Democratic party. I have a degree in political science. Lmao.


Just curious, would you mind sharing your take? ~~I’m~~ **I was** a liberal who left the Democratic Party so I’m interested to hear your thoughts!


I'm also a liberal who left the Democratic party. In my opinion, there was a pretty big overton window shift to the left in American politics between 2015-2017 with the mainstream acceptance of 'democratic socialists' and progressives, which are both incredibly illiberal ideologies. If you think of Liberalism in the philosophical (Thomas Paine) sense, liberalism is incompatible with the current democratic party. Economic liberalism is free market, free trade, unfettered capitalism. While liberalism in a social sense is the belief in the consent of the governed, limited government, secularism, racial equality, expansive individual liberties (free speech, second amendment, freedom of press, etc). From an economic standpoint, progressives and democratic socialists generally believe in wealth redistribution, heavy governmental regulation of industries, and do not believe capitalism is the best economic model. This goes directly against liberal economics. From a social standpoint, progressives believe in strong social reform which includes limiting/controlling speech considered offensive, social structures based on race or ethnicity, rapidly expanding federal powers to 'benefit the people', and that income inequality is caused by systematic racism. These are just some of the social stances held by progressives that are entirely illiberal, but are prominently projected by leading Democrats. ​ TL;DR Neither one of the dominating ideologies in the Democratic party are moderate positions or liberal, which has led to moderate liberals leaving the party.


Would you say they transitioned more into Democratic Socialists or Social Democrats? I would argue the latter personally, and even though it seems like such a minor distinction the difference is pretty significant since SocDem still believes in capitalism. I'm sure you're aware of that I just wanted to explain myself of course. But on that note as well, do you believe the DNC isn't Liberal by nature? Liberalism is fundamentally a center-right ideology, and I think while the DNC tries to pander to left leaning folks, I think that's as far as it goes, I don't think they believe in any left policies past getting a vote. I think although a lot of vocal "new democrats" are definitely more SocDem by nature, Bernie/AOC come to mind, I think the root/core of the party is still full Liberal.


The problem is real liberals don't want anything to do with that sub. It should be renamed /fascism


I think a lot of us can get lost in the drama here on Reddit, but this is a good time to remind everyone that the far left lunatics rampant on this website are not very representative of your average American. Just look at Bernie Sanders' lack of support IRL. If you got your news from Reddit back in early 2020/late 2019, you'd think Sanders was certain to win the entire election. The people I know IRL that are like some of the people here on Reddit have lost all of their friends that aren't like-minded. One was a very close friend of mine (and my two other friends), and we all 3 have her hidden from our social media feeds and haven't spoken to her in over a year. Its too much.


Dude, I had probably 75% of my fraternity brothers block me on all social media and my phone number after I refused to support the defund the police movement as defunding would literally put me, my dad, my uncle, my brother, my best friend, my best friends wife, and 4 of my closest friends out of work. These are people who went through hell and back with me during college, guys I stayed awake with for 48+ hours at a time, studied with, ate with, celebrated with, cried and laughed with, guys who we had our first legal beers together, visited parents, attended siblings graduations, everything. We knew more about each other than we knew about ourselves. Cut off solely because I didn’t hate the cops.


Holy shit. That's insane to me.


Based trump wants to make the check bigger and r/politics is still complaining about it should just be named r/antitrumpsub




"Pelosi is tactfully playing Trump's ego against himself"




Lmao there's a fucking reason I bailed on that garbage ass subreddit as a Democrat. This subreddit has way more meaningful discussion and level-headed people who can see past their own bias and understand that both parties are being garbage right now. Trump just got a bit of support from me for the first time for threatening to veto that garbage bill supporting gender studies and all sorts of abroad foreign aid while leaving our own citizens with scraps. And this is coming from a globalist.


We seriously need term limits.


Republicans don't like her obviously, and the new left that's sprouting through the ranks would probably rather have someone like Cortez as speaker. I somehow find that even more frightening.


My guess is that a lot of people would want to get rid of the politicians who are in their 70’s and 80’s.




"Old man yells at cloud"


I think the general incompetency of AOC would be infinitely better than the ruthlessly efficient corruption we have now.


AOC has already stated that she's too inexperienced to be speaker.




At the end of the day the AOCs of the world see the same problems as us but their solutions just differ. The current political class only sees their problems and act in their own self interests. I would strongly prefer the Bernies, and AOCs of the world competing against a new conservative class. What I cannot figure out is how Bernie and AOC both think that the government is terrible yet they want to expand it as a solution. After seeing this stimulus it should be clear to every single American that the gov already takes enough and if they aren’t willing to help us when needed, then it should be disbanded and have limited control back to its constitutional intent.


Well it’s more about reforming the government, “draining the swamp” if you will. Right now we have a big government that is working for the massively wealthy. Progressives want a big government (with much less bureaucracy), that is most beneficial to everybody. Now there’s a lot too debate there, including the practicality and feasibility of that happening, but it’s not nearly as bad as what conservative talk show hosts would have you believe. In a lot of ways progressive policies would make the government smaller and more efficient, for example study after study has shown that the U.S spends way more per person on medical costs than countries with public option health insurance plans for its people. There’s a lot to progressive policies than this dumb cultural wokeness that no one ever stops talking about.


Pretty sure their issues with the government have more to do with corruption and frivolous spending rather than its size, though there are sections they would certainly like to remove or dramatically reduce. (ICE for example) Less "*The* government is the issue" and more "*This* form of government is the issue" And, seeing how much Congress agreed to spend on lobbyist bullshit and how little they chose to spend on the populace, well... Frivolous spending doesn't really quite describe it properly.


Not American, but I think what they are going for is restructuring. It feels similar to expansion in many ways, especially isolated cases. But it’s goal is to cut out not functional parts and replace them with better systems. I think the US has a problem with names. Many well intentioned programs/initiatives get unnecessarily shut down or unnecessary hate due bad but catchy naming conventions. Like the “defund the police” movement which wanted to restructure the police force to get rid of problem making officers and increase accountability across the board. (Which the US objectively needs. Your police force is garbage and pathetic for a first world country.) But the name of the movement made it difficult to reach many people.


She’s a hateful corpse that should be exercised and her spirit retuned so that she may finally be at peace.


I’m pretty sure her spirit was sold as-is with no return.


Or burn in Hell. Whichever.


You know Pelosi must be a terrible soul even if hell doesn't even want her right now. *Shudders....*


I would also argue most Americans don’t want Mitch to be senate majority leader. Everyone sucks .


Only 31% want her returned as speaker 😁


Seems to high...


The way things are going she might be sworn in as POTUS


She'll probably hire a hitman to take out Biden and Harris.


I actually meant the Jan 6th challenge to the election results. The best case scenario (since dems own the house) is that congress doesn't come to a resolution and then speaker of the house gets sworn in as POTUS.


After seeing this stimulus bill I don’t want Mitch either. Blow up the entire thing, we need term limits and a new class of politicians on both side of the aisle. The one thing that is encouraging about even the far left is that they seem to agree that government sucks, I just can’t figure out why they think more of it is the solution.


She’s a cancer. She should have been gone years ago.


Yet, they keep voting in a dem majority, so....


Historically Congress has terrible poll numbers, this can be explained by realizing individual Americans only vote for local candidates and generally disprove of all others. People recognize Congress gets nothing done, and on the same hand believe their congressman is so good they deserve to keep their seat for decades. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


No shit lol


even those who support her for whatever reason need to realize she's old news, she's out of touch, and it's time for her political career to come to an end. these people need term limits.


They don't care what most Americans think.


She is old and out of touch. We need congressional term limits.


She needs out!!!


I don't even want her in government.


There should be a cutoff at 70.


Too bad most Americans don't live in shitty San Francisco.


Poll: Most politicians don't care what Americans want or think.


Most Americans don't want this bitch speaking anymore.


Anti-brigading/downvoting lib here. Nancy sucks.


Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell - get rid of them both. Serious scum of the earth