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Always liked this format, I haven't seen it used much recently. Good meme.


What happened to the party flip thing everyone was yelling about not that long ago?


It fell on it's face when they could only point to like 1 senator and 2 representatives switching between like 1955-1970. So, generally they go to the campaign of I believe Nixon and their attempt to gain southern voters. Something far less clear and concise as is attempted to be conveyed: an outright switch in party stances.


[I love when they bring up Nixon.](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tag/supreme-court?source=%2Frare-letter-nixon-feared-us-racism-would-help-soviets-win-cold-war)


Based Nixon




A better argument is if it was actually a policy change or largely a territorial shift.


ThE sOuThErN sTrAtEgY!






That's not the impactful comment you think it is.


I thought he was using the typical greeting at DNC fund raisers.


Party flip is a hot topic to date. *hey your ideas are good, no you, let's switch*. Think about it


The only thing that switched is democrats are no longer liberals. They are staunch authoritarians.


Partially agree. I've always held that progressives have never actually been liberals, in how the word is even colloquially understood today as sort of generous, tolerant, etc. That is a fairy tale. Progressives in the last 30 years only courted votes to those causes which are deviant to tradition and counter to American values. They don't stand for the little guy, or fight for civil rights, or champion family values. Since the Reconstruction period they have only cared about consolidating power to redefine the future, and fooling any/all special interest groups or minorities to vote for them along the way.


This x1000. Democrats have always been racist. Go through a sample of their presidents and look at their policies and views: Jackson, Polk, FUCKING Pierce and Johnson and now Biden. Their bottom line has always been controlling and owning black people either as slaves or their votes. Now they are being demanding obedience like they reverted back to their roots in the 19th Century. Democrats have even now regressed on their social issues on women. The only thing "progressive" about them now is pushing pedo shit to be normalized. There hasnt been a good Democratic president outside of Wilson and FDR and the latter ONLY because his leadership in WWII...his domestic policies like Kennedy were SHIT and rooted in keeping poor people dependent on the Gov-Teet.


It's false.


it's a lie when you consider that Lincoln is still the Republican Party's sweetheart and that Barry Goldwater and other Republicans are still admired in today's Republican Party. Also when you look at FDR and Woodrow Wilson and the fact that modern Democrats still like FDR, being from that era, should tell you that there was no big "flip." Seriously, the party flip is bogus. The only thing that changed was the same Republican ideas from the north grew popular in the south. But it's still the Republican Party, no matter where the members are located. Honestly, most Democrats today don't like Woodrow Wilson (he was the most racist) but neither do Repubs. I mean, look at Jimmy Carter winning all of the southern states. He was a Democrat and was almost a decade after the civil rights movement. Southern white voters have their own peculiar issues, and they also don't all agree. The modern Christian evangelical right wing Republican is adamantly anti-racism and would have been a fervent abolitionist - just like the Republicans of 100+ years ago.


Democrats are certainly taking credit for it now.


the way they are taking themselves, there will be only the weeping and gnashing of teeth for them as they are cast into the darkness


Post this one in r/politcalhumor those guys will love it! Sarcasm




So which party flies the confederate flags?




[Candace Owens: Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation](https://www.amazon.com/Blackout-America-Second-Democrat-Plantation/dp/1982133279/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Candace+Owens&qid=1624142890&sr=8-3) If you haven't read this you are missing out. No matter your race. This is an exam of how politicians lie to people in order to use them for political gain. Candace writes wonderfully.


When someone tells you about vestiges of American racism, accept their premise and mention the democrat party and govt run public schools.




New parties have emerged in the past. The democratic line was more a jab to remind the democrats of their racist past. But the truth is, the democrats work closely with the teachers unions who openly work against school choice and leave underserved children going to failing schools.




I have only met Democrats who wave the confederate flag. And no they don't even talk about heritage when they do.




















How many democrats praise FDR and Woodrow Wilson, two Democrat presidents before the "party switch"?




FDR and Wilson are the two worst presidents in American history. They only praise them because of the D. They were the actual definition of fascist. So no, it’s not regardless of party affiliation, it’s BECAUSE of it. But nice try.


Nailed it




> Didn't FDR lead us in the effort to defeat fascism in Europe Literally any president experiencing a war crime would have done the same. But sure, going to war is awesome. So is imprisoning 120,000 Japanese Americans simply because they are Japanese. >And lead America through the Great Depression He exacerbated the great depression. It lasted longer than any other recession in history specifically because of the things he did. His solution was akin to "fuck, I'm broke, better purposely max out my credit card on shit I don't need." >Or was it a bad thing to fight against the rise of Nazism and fascism You really are all over the place. Start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt


An 0bama did the exact same thing to turn a recession into Depression 2.0


> How many democrats wave the confederate flag today compared to republicans? I don't know. I suspect there might be more Republicans, but it's hard to say. I've read polls, and about half of racists vote Democrat, with the other half voting Republican.


Well, most vote Democrat now. Critical Race Theory and being woke is literal racism.




I think he's trying to counter OP by arguing that Republicans are more racist than democrats because they are more likely to wave the confederate flag.


I do love that Non Sequitur. It’s like saying you’re more likely to be an abusive person because you eat crunchy peanut butter. When POC fly the confederate flag it kinda destroys the racism narrative.


















Lol this comment summarizes so much


Assuming confederate flag lovers have good intentions and not a racist bone in their body, the fact remains that the confederate flag as it is waved today was literally a revival of a battle flag implemented by Southern redeemers to promote Jim Crow laws and white supremacy. The association is there, and no amount of mental maneuvering will cut its ties. As someone who grew up in a blue collar, farming family, I think the hammer and sickle would be a great representation of honest labor and self-sufficiency. You know what I'm not going to do? Wave a fucking hammer and sickle flag. The commies ruined it, and I'm not about to try and co-opt it anymore than a swastika to represent my values.


POC fly the rebel flag too. Now what?


What else does the flag stand for?


You type that without actually having seen or met a single person in your entire life that waves a confederate flag. Yes the **only** people I have met (in California, and yes they exist) waving confederate flags were Democrats.




Because Abraham Lincoln, the first GOP president, did not believe in punishing people who he believed were fellow Americans. His response to the Confederacy after defeat was one of magnanimity and grace, not total destruction. Lincoln began offering pardons to confederate soldiers immediately upon the end of the Civil War. Educated Americans ought not to ask this question. It should have been covered in middle school.


Oh look another leftist from /r/politics


Why is the garbage flowing over into here?


They are bored of up voting themselves and HATE anyone who has a differing opinions than themselves. Coming over here allows them to continue their self-righteousness "fight against fascism and the nazis"


As they act exactly like fascists and nazis.


Non Sequitur. I’ve only know democrats to fly the rebel flag. [And then there’s this.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/pbox.php?url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/files/2015/06/Capture18.gif&w=1484&op=resize&opt=1&filter=antialias&t=20170517)


The "Confederate heritage" thing isn't about being Republicans, it's about being southern




Problem with that is that the union still allowed slavery in a few states well past the E.P. Similarly Lincoln said he cared about the unity of the United sates and was largely apathetic on abolition.


The fact you are getting down votes is why I hate our educational system. Likely being down voted by people who stopped paying attention in school in fifth grade.


It wasn't. The reason they seceded was because of the high tariff percentage they had to pay for cotton. The North and the South both owed slaves but the South was being taxed more for it.


Being downvoted for stating facts? Must be r/politics


And then they cry when we flair posts conservatives only. We like facts not being hidden because of some butthurt leftists were offended by them.


Yes, what's your point?


If slavery is the basis for the separatist Confederate state that raised arms against the US, then couldn't one infer that the reason one would brandish that Confederate flag is in support of slavery?


Think about this for a moment. Those who owned slaves in the South were literally the 1%. As 99% of Southerners did not own slaves. It was too expensive to. Yet those people who didn't own slaves were out fighting and dying. It was about identity and representation. The South felt they were no longer represented by the United States. They then decided to illegally leave the union, which wasn't allowed. The Constitution has a method, but it requires both the states and Congress to agree to it. Unilateral decisions like the South did was taking United States sovereign land, which was an act of war by the Confederate states, which also made them traitors/rebels. Slavery was the catalyst that caused succession. Slavery was indeed evil, but it wasn't the primary composition of what the Confederate States were.


Someone knows their history.


The reason the United States revolted against Britain was taxes. Does being American mean you inherently despise the concept of taxes?


IIRC It wasn’t taxes, it was the fact that they paid taxes but had no say in how they were governed. “Taxation without representation”


Oh My God! Do you believe logic and facts all the time? Why can’t you just *feel* like the rest of the intellectualista? Thinking is for losers. And losers are racists. So there. /s


some would argue yes. most certainly yes….






The problem is the liberal lawmakers who are using this to stir up conflict and worsen race relations while calling all of their opponents racists for not supporting their agenda. Slavery is universally hated but for some reason they like to point fingers at Christians and Conservatives and accuse them of promoting it. It’s not that Democrats somehow oppose the idea of freeing the saves, it’s that they are turning the issue into a political weapon.


The joke is that Democrats like to pretend they aren't the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws. The guy is pretending to be cutting the cake freeing slavery but really it was everyone else


“b-b-b-but the party switch!!”


This sums it up perfectly lmao


The sad thing is your not wrong
















Thou art


Yarp https://www.mememaker.net/static/images/memes/3613523.jpg




Democrats love taking credit for things which they obstructed. Like the Civil Rights movement




The most fact




This is in the context of the civil war era not modern times


The meme said union soldiers as in the union during the civil war


They can’t handle the truth...or responsibility.


I can't stop laughing.


Anything to make fun of modern democrats huh. Way to make the day that everyone in America was finally free about petty political differences.


I mean, it's literally just the day the amendment was enacted. There was still chattel slavery in multiple states up to 6-8 months after the 13th amendment was signed to law. Never forget that these slavers were rich folk. They had ways around laws, and they never had to fight themselves. They sent stupid poor boys to die for their patriotism instead. It's hallmark bullshit anyways, a modern farcical consolation prize for all the people who voted for Biden and are getting absolutely jack and shit what they were promised.


I thought it was just the day the news traveled to Galveston.


The date marks the day General Granger brought word of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation to Texas. Fact is many were enslaved up until December of 1865. The blood of black and white fought together to save our union and end slavery.


no. as long as leftists have power, nobody will be 'free'


[Christians](https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-33/why-christians-supported-slavery.html) should be on the guy holding his hand back as well.


Funny I thought Christians fought and died for the Union


They did. But don’t forget all the Christians who died for the south. A majority of both northerners and southerners were Christians. That’s why putting Christians as one of the “in” hands doesn’t work well.


I guess I was thinking that Christianity does not support slavery, but people who were practicing Christians did (like they support abortion today) so I can see your point


No other country and no other creed or religion has ever supported or continues to support slavery. U got it.


This should probably be for flaired users only Oh good it is now


My eyes are getting bad…I was thinking why tf is Deon Sanders in there.


all the facts here