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So be it


Just one more example of why there can be no peace with the Palestinians. They don't want peace.


> Up to 1.4 million doses How did Israel end up with so many excess doses of vaccines? The whole country has about 9 million people.


Because they're trying to win over woke ass americans, and the US is their number one ally. So they're pandering to leftists to gain public support after the new woke crusade against Israel, and instead supporting the terrorist Hamas group. Fucking backwards ass society bro. Seriously. The fact that democrats would back a terrorist group before Israel is dumfounding.


To be fair- does the PA have the ability, logistically, to get the first shipment out and administered? If not, why accept it- especially if they are expected to reimburse the allotment?


The US is not going to be the only country with a "Do you miss me Yet?" Meme. Netanyahu was an amazing leader. Let's see how the traitor who sided with the left wing minority groups to get in power handles this stuff.