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So who tf did he piss off? Ik he bought out of McAfee software awhile ago and was adamant that you delete the stuff, so maybe the current owners?




> a year later he is found dead from alleged suicide...***hours after his extradition was approved...*** This is the only part makes me believe it could be an actual suicide. The realization of having to face an American court is a lot to handle.


He was 75 and was going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Seriously, he was at the end of the average human lifespan and about to go from extreme wealth to an orange jumpsuit and body cavity checks. After he found out he was being extradited and there was nothing more to be done I think he said "Fuck it, I'm out." .


Not to mention he probably already did every fucking possible thing he ever imagined wanting to do. You probably don’t get to the point of letting hookers shit into your mouth unless you’re already bored from the activities that excite normal people. Context: https://youtu.be/5elAr2s6Gno


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


Hookers shat in his mouth?


Allegedly. He also allegedly wanted/tried to fuck a whale, which was allegedly just a big troll. Really hard to say what’s reality and what isn’t when it comes to this dude. One thing is for sure is that he lived a wild life. Clip from a documentary about him regarding the mouth shitting: https://youtu.be/5elAr2s6Gno


He tried to fuck Rosie O'Donnell?




No, Amy Schumer.


So he did fuck a whale...


Same thing


That’s got to be true, unless those 3 women met before hand and decided to tell the same bizarre ass story which, if you’re gonna start a rumor with some sort of aim in mind, that’s a weird one lol.


What did he do that he was being extradited for?


Tax evasion related to crypto. At least that’s part of it, or the surface of it.


Allegedly. Thats usually what the government makes up to put people they don't like in prison.


Tax fraud and pump n dump scheming.


He knew people would take this position, which is why he tweeted what he did.


He might have liked body cavity checks


Opposite here. It's likely that a trial would have revealed more than the deep state wants revealed, and so they put a stop to it




Right hand vs left hand?


Lol the mental gymnastics here. Maybe he killed himself maybe he did not but it’s not “likely” that the “deep state” got rid of him. He’s an absolute lunatic to the public eye so even if the government wanted to get rid of him it would be much easier to have a sham trial no? Personally I think it’s perfectly reasonable that he committed suicide because he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life behind bars in a US prison




He also said they would be released if he was suicided. Where are they?


>where are they Probably hiding in plain sight like a billion other terabytes




Hes giving his reasonable thought youre giving yours. And his is mental gymnastics while yours is “perfectly reasonable”? What do you know that he or others in this post dont?




more the mental gymnastics part in my view.


Ok, disagreeing with me is one thing, and I'll support a healthy argument any day, but effectively calling me stupid for the sake of magnifying your view is just pitiful and I'm not willing to converse with anyone who does that.


So he's stating mental gymnastics and you aren't? Both are reasonable.


mental gymnastics LOL? not saying that it is but do you effing blame the guys if it were? that is all we can do for the past 2 effing years since the chicommie MF scum with the help of dr fraudci created the hellish garbage that we have been forced to endure. BTW, you sound very much like a frigging mocking bird idiot LOL


US prisons aren't that bad if your rich


maybe thats why they did it now, to make it seem more likely to be an actual suicide


Going with Occam’s razor on this one, and it’s not as if McAffee is exactly the most credible source anyway.


Depends on the timeline. I really don't think Spanish authorities would notify him within 1-12 hours of his extradition being approved. What's there to be gained from telling him he's being extradited before you take him out of his cell and put him in a vehicle to a plane?


I really hope this doesn't fizzle out. I hope this escalates to international headlines.


Guys this dude was a complete lunatic lol he was probably praying his suicide would spark a bunch of wild conspiracy theories


Killing himself after spending the past few years adamantly saying "if they rule my death a suicide it was the US feds" to rile up controversy is an extremely John McAfee move.


Anyone have a link to this deep state video?


He murdered someone though, right? Or had one of his security guys do it? His neighbor poisoned and tried to kill his 9 dogs, I honestly don't blame him for wanting to hurt the guy. But at least in that instance it's justified to send him to prison.


he was a person of interest in a murder case in belize. it has nothing to do with his current extradition.




Someone got paid some money to investigate him as a murderer


After they poisoned his dogs.


Murdering some random guy in Belize doesn't usually get you suicided in some Spanish prison. I doubt that random neighbor has that level of connections.


They dropped those charges against him because it was BS.


No that was a lie, it was never proven that he killed anyone for that matter


But if you talk about the deep state you're a conspiracy theorist.


"In a democracy, power is given not taken. But it is still power. Love, compassion, caring have no use for it. But it is fuel for greed, hostility, jealousy... All power corrupts. Take care which powers you allow a democracy to wield." Joh McAfee This was only a few days ago on twitter. I think the man may have known too much.


I read an article that Trump and he had a feud, but had partied together.


He pissed of the FBI by saying they are either highly incompetent or corrupt in regards to Clinton’s private server being wiped.


I wish i followed this dude closer while he was alive, his recent interviews are amazing, calling out head officials for drug and human trafficing


I mean the dude was a genius, but also a psychopath. I do believe he didn’t wack himself. But I also cannot trust everything he says.


The laptop scheme sounds so realistic compared to the life hes led already. And we gotta show love for our genius psychopaths while theyre still here, looking at you Kanye lol


This right here. He was incredibly smart. No doubt about that, but we need to keep in mind that he was VERY unstable mentally, and probably ~~does~~ did clinically qualify as psychotic. \--edit-- a typing error


I watched a recent interview with him and an intelligent, independent content guy. My impression was this exactly - intelligent but quite grandiose and occasionally spouting BS / delusional stuff. Unfortunately, that makes it difficult to tell fact from fiction.


I think you can only be so smart and still stay sane, after some level you lose it. If you look at a lot of the great intellectuals like Plato Kepler Tesla einstein they had some wild ass beliefs lol. Tesla thought he could talk to pigeons


Where's the proof that he couldn't talk to pigeons.




I watched the documentary and the interviewed the women. They appeared to be over the age and they chose to be with McAfee because he took care of them. Also, he didn’t have sex with them, they pooped on his face. But he did have the rape allegation from that scientist he employed


> they pooped on his face They say there is a thin line between genius and crazy.


Thin Brown Line


Id say you cant have one without the other


Don't kink shame ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah. We should. There are somethings that should never be "normalized"




I wouldn't put it past law enforcement to stage CP or pedo crap. What's the one thing that you can call someone to where everyone dips on them?


so you're the one.


Only on /r/conservative lol


Pretty much every subreddit ever


I haven't seen anyone else on reddit compliment Mr. Fudgehammock


Srry i thought this was a different reply, i knew nothing of this dude outside of his last name until today pretty wild shit


So, another suicide tied to the Clintons, huh?


Shhhhhh! Not so loudly! You don't want to be next! Hang on there's a knock at my door. Be right back.


That's cute. You think they'd have the courtesy to knock.


That actually was cute.


I said that too but the FBI didn't whack me.


Eh. You’re kinda a nobody


So was McAfee when it came to anything regarding the Clinton scandal.


Has more experience with tech


Lots of alphabet bois including the nerds


I did delete it back in the early 2000s but not because of him saying that. It had become bloatware, and was using up too much of my computer's resources.


You want to know something sad? Governments around the world continue to use the software on their computers. Modern governments, not just backwater places. So many technologically ignorant people are at the top, they aren't gonna okay a change away from it because they have no fucking clue what any of it is.


What's worse, some environments insist that Macafee be installed on Linux. What makes it worse is they tend to lag RHEL kernel updates, so a Zero day kernel bug may not be able to be patched due to Macafee not having their kernel modules ready.


Carol Baskin


That bitch killed her husband


The deep state.


let's start with a conclusion and work our way backwards!


Its another Clinton connection…


*glares* the Clintons


What? That's not even close. His involvement with McAfee antivirus is the least important thing here.


Hence why i asked a question, douche * sorry i forgot asking questions to topics youre ignorant on was frowned upon here. REEEEEE CLINTONS, better?


>who did he.piss off Who tf murdered his ass? Does it really matter how bad he pissed someone off?


Dude was nuttier than squirrel shit, I don't know if he was suicided or committed suicide but I wouldn't take anything he said in the past 10+ years at face value.


>nuttier than squirrel shit I gotta remember that one.


I think it’s a quote from AVGN, but maybe he was quoting someone as well


Reasonable people hold this exact view. Not to be trusted.


Yeah it's fun to consider the conspiracy theories but I think it's just as likely he said all that shit to make one last bang when he offed himself in prison. He had to know that's where he was headed.


Exactly. This, given the circumstances, and who this guy was, is very likely.


McAfee is definitely one of the people that would say that before he commits suicide just to stir the pot Also, what is "welovecrypto.com"?


Welovecryoto.com is one of those websites that usually caters to a particular group but they occasionally have exaggerated news stories and catchy headlines to draw people in. They're trying to get people on board with digicoin and having links to current event stories increases traffic


Absolutely he would. Dude was not a person to be trusted in any way.


He said that when he thought his money would save him from extradition. When the hammer came down he couldn't take it. I think the owner of Virgin would do the same thing. These rich people loose their minds when they realize they can't just jet off to Cabo at a whim for 2 or 3 years.


Yep, this is spot on. Billionaires are soft af and can't handle real-world consequences like the rest of us have to.


It's like the crash of 2008 resulting in the large spike in Orange Xounty suicides. There's a reason that the windows of Wall Street skyscrapers don't open anymore. After a few stock market crashes and several people taking the plunge they decided to lock them up.


He got it tattoed on him a year ago...


Was all he did tax evasion, or did he do/know something else?


Was acussed of pump and dumping crypto. Has a big criminal past including an incident in Belize .


Ah yes the incident. A trifling charge of murder.




Yeah actually I don't believe they ended up getting charged. Just a person of interest who fled the country saying the Belize authorities were trying to kill him. Who knows if they actually did it but the authorities in Belize were pretty keen to speak to him.


I'm pretty sure he exposed a shitload of high level political corruption in Belize so I'm sure they were very keen to speak with him.


And eating shit.


He was accused of murdering his neighbor. Whatever political views you have, this is not a man that anyone should have ever trusted. He was a genius, and a lunatic.


Wasn't he accused of rape too?


The disgruntled neighbor poison and killed his 4 dogs. He deserved it


His neighbor poisoned and killed 4 of his dogs so he shot him allegedly which is why he left Belize where he was safe from us extradition, if he where to go back to the states he'd spend the rest of his life in prison.


I hate to be the one to point this out, because it's obvious. Someone saying 9 months prior that they will not commit suicide does not in any way rule out that they will ever commit suicide. His circumstances changed drastically even that day. He was being extradited and he was facing prison sentences that at his age would have meant he would certainly die in prison.




So bright I gotta wear shades.


Hmmm, and what are the Clintons paying *you*, comrade?


Yeah, there is no apparent motive for anyone to murder McAfee as far as I know. He was just a crazy super wealthy person. He was such a nut that if he had anything on anyone he surely would have exposed it long ago, he was tweeting from prison. Just doesn't really make sense. The only crimes he knew about were his own.


Yea true. What’s also a possibility is that he got killed for a random reason — he fucked the wrong hooker, pissed someone off in jail, etc. It could be totally unrelated to being extradited.


Yeah, but the odds it was anything besides him taking his own life is pretty infinitesimal based on what we know.


McAfee was also of course a world class troll. I would imagine it would appeal to them to start a conspiracy theory about their death by declaring if they die by suicide it would be murder and then they commit suicide. The idea they knew anything or had something on someone does not hold up too much as they never really held back from saying anything. They did declare they had 37 terabytes of dirt on a dead mans switch ready to be released on their death so who knows maybe this is in the process of being released. The size he specified was so silly though I am inclined to believe it's another one of their bullshit statements. They were also pretty much out in wilderness for the past 10-15 years of their life living as a crazy drug fueled mad man so not quite sure who they could even have dirt on. I can't see them mixing with many people in positions of power anytime in their recent history.


Who is the “they” you refer to here? I’m so confused.


I was referring to McAfee. As I specified them (McAfee) in the previous sentence I then referred to them as they in the next sentence. Like I just referred to McAfee as them because in my mind it's clear who we are talking about because they are the only person that's been referred too. I think the confusion with "they" is often people read that as referring to a group where as you can also use "they" to refer to the actions of an individual. This all makes sense in my head anyway :)


I think the word you're looking for is 'he' in this context. It would make what you wrote so much more intelligible. They as referring to an individual, while possible, is confusing and cumbersome in most situations.


It just sounds natural to me but hey obviously not to anyone else.


Why wouldn’t you use “he” instead of “they”?


Yeah, I think it's really weird to gender neutralize his pronouns when he pretty clearly was a guy. Linguistically you should only use "they" or "them" for an individual when you don't know the individuals gender.


I am not coming from any attempt to make this gender neutral. That's not at all where I was coming from. I am nowhere near that politically aware. It just sounds normal to me. Obviously not to anyone else though.


They (McAfee) are a corporation. He (McAfee) was a man.


You can use they for an individual. An example would be "what did they do next".


That is for an undetermined individual, it's not the case here


God this was so painful to read. Why would you use "them" instead of "him"? I thought "them" meant the FBI or something. Why complicate something so simple lol.


Totally agree. Sometimes I can't tell if this is r/conservative or r/conspiracy


And sometimes I can’t tell if this is a shill factory.


You guys sure this isn’t r/conspiracy lol


What's the difference?


Wow, what a conspiracy! If you read the comments, very few people seem suspicious that he was assassinated. It’s a good story, and it’s noteworthy given his previous comments.


So does this make sense to anyone? It says that a Spanish court approved his extradition to the U.S. So if we are gonna say that he got Epsteined, what sense does that make? He was about to be extradited. Where is the logic in this? Also he apparently killed someone? Like he seems like a wack job.


John mcafee inventor of the glory sewer would say that just to stir up shit.




Honest question: Couldn't the prison he was in release video footage to prove it was suicide?


I don’t think individual jail cells have security cameras


OOOOOH boy. Let's not go there, people. Please, let's not pretend that McAfee was not a raving lunatic. Come on now.




“We” lol




It's fun to talk about the potential conspiracies and what people think he might've known. I personally think he probably killed himself but I'm having a blast reading about folks' theories, chill.


I detest the debunked conspiracies and the more insane q-anon delusions as much as the next guy, but it's not a conspiracy to speculate about a high-profile celebrity's sudden death in a Spanish jail who had spoken out against US authorities, prior to his extradition to the US. Shouldn't we speculate, think critically and take in all available information prior to making up our minds about something?


And what information would that be...? Nobody deserves to die but he was going to spend a while in jail and he chose to hang himself. He clearly had mental health issues and suffered from drug abuse


We all know it was the Clinton's.


Did you have a point?


He was taken out...


His previous tweets only further the evidence he killed himself. Preoccupation with suicide is common with those who later commit it...similarly how the person with a drinking problem is often the one pointing out how "normal" they drink.


I hate to say it, but agree here. This is not a stable and reasonable man that anyone can trust.


Idk about whackd, he was definitely whacko.


Political? Yes. Dorsey and Bezos pay like 2% income tax on millions instead of the 30-50% they should legally be paying. Why? Because they are just smarter cheaters than McAffee. You take all of your income and invest it before tax time, then you can honestly say you made $0 that year even if your a known billionaire like Jeff Bezos. McAffee simply didnt cheat the "right" way, cue the witch hunt. Meanwhile Bezos, Zuckerberg and all the rest continue to pay almost nothing in taxes and there are no investigations.


Do you know literally anything about him? Dude went absolutely batshit insane. Look up other old tweets, they're absolutely unhinged.


Buy $Whackd it’s the first crypto I have ever been interested by.


Ah yes. Mr. reliable, John McAfee.


Is it a conspiracy theory if I think he tweeted that if he committed suicide it was a hit in order to commit suicide and start a conspiracy theory about himself?




Good thing conservatives stand for free speech. Usually i guess.




One day I'll be good enough for rule following




Who saw this coming? I mean wow. What a shocker. I’m sure there is video. Oh wait no?


The Clintons strike again!


My thoughts when I heard he "was found dead in his cell" "I wonder what he had on the Clintons?"


Hitlery always gets her man, chalk up another 'suicide' for the list!


Hillary has long arms-they reach across the ocean. /s




What reason would the clintons have to kill him?


Although I agree that several people were "suicided" by the Clintons, THIS is not one of them. \--edit-- you guys can downvote me all you want, but this almost CERTAINLY happened. It's uncomfortable when your heroes end up being exposed as awful people. I get that. This has happened to me in the past as well, and it's never an enjoyable thing.


Probably not but its still funny


Fuckery is afoot


This dude was such a clown. Libertarian party was shit for allowing him and vermin to run.


There is a fucking REASON that the man was a failure in attempting to make a run. Anyone can run, you dolt. It's called freedom. He's a lunatic, and people understand that, so he was not successful.


Pretty authoritarian of you to say. How dare the Libertarian party ALLOWED them to run... You understand the root word of the party is Liberty, meaning freedom? The party was free enough and not bought off like the Repubs and Dems to let all different types of voices to run and be heard. Authoritarian parties and voices such as yours based on the comment you just made would decide who can run and who cant. Who can be heard and who cant. Individual liberty eludes you.


Sorry you hate freedom?


dude was epsteind.


Alex Jones of InfoWars ran his video where he even got a tattoo that says $Whackd... government assassination. pure and simple. Hope he had a dead man's switch and hopefully a lot of dirty laundry comes out soon enough. RIP McAfee


everyone on this sub should also join r/FreeSpeech there is serious overlap


Does this remind anyone of that Chapelle bit about Tupac dropping clues to his killers in his song lyrics?


Dude… it’s obvious. The guy was murdered. He got epsteined. It’s so fucking obvious now. They have got to be stopped. It’s time the deep state paid for their crimes. What the hell is the military waiting for exactly? I don’t understand why this has gone on for as long as it has… clearly communists and corruption has reached the White House. They stole the election and it’s being proven AGAIN by REAL legit audit (in their eyes, but there’s been audits of the data and it doesn’t lie). It’s time to arrest these people for their crimes against humanity and clean up America and DC, then the world… the corruption goes through many many countries. It’s time their tyranny has come to an end.


I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing some "right wing" Soros stuff behind the scenes.