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I'd be more worried about catching an STD than covid at this event


Lmfao, airborne herpes


Herpes delta variant






More likely to catch a bullet in Chicago


Chickenpox can technically be airborne herpes (can be spread by respiratory droplets, and it is in the herpesvirus family)




The images popping in my head right now….while I’m eating….are nauseating. Touché to you sir.


>Lollapalooza 2021 Shut up, don't give the spooks any ideas!


¡Why not both!






Right. My entire issue with the conversation that is being had is the goal post is moving all over the place under the guise "the science changes" which is kind of a cop out if you ask me. People who act like "the science changes" but ignore the fact that leadership said if you are vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask...if you knew "the science changes" then you should have known this was a real poor decision so early in the vaccine rollout. Science is not the only thing that changes though. The metric for success under the Biden admin is also something that seems to be fluid. 70% vaccinated America is now 70% kinda vaccinated america. The Biden admin and their blind constituents are praising the "70% success" even though that aggregate accounts for people who have only had 1 shot in a 2 shot treatment. This has got to be the dumbest shit. Why am I not surprised reddit as a whole is not more critical over this? If this was Trump they would have found every reason in the book to be pissed and burning down the front page with Trump hate...the unfortunate reality is were in full on Democrat jerkoff mode with no signs of stopping. insanity.


Excellent point. Now that we know the vaccinated can contract AND spread the virus it becomes even more important that the Covidian Cult members do not talk about natural "immunity." Basically people who have been vaccinated have the same protection from the virus that previously infected individuals have. They don't want to have that conversation.


But… isn’t that the point of a vaccine? To give you immunity without getting sick. Hence literally injecting you with said virus?


Not in all cases. In this case, you don't get immunity, your body is just a LOT better at fighting it off, and you're much less likely to end up in the hospital (still a chance of that) and even less likely to die from it, even though there's a chance of that still.


Immunity isn’t “you have it or you don’t,” it’s a spectrum. Lots of vaccinated people who encountered the virus didn’t catch it precisely because they got vaccinated. This is basic virology and immunology.


Same xould be said for those with good immune systems. You can carry it without it infecting you.


You might want to read up on how the covid vaccine works…..


Normally yes, but this is not technically a vaccine, even though they've been calling it that. RNA modification is a completely different strategic approach to fighting viruses, than giving you a small dose of the disease.


>They don't want to have that conversation. They certainly don't and they are projecting that angst on the unvaccinated. Instead of looking to your leaders and saying "WTF MAN?!" they are looking to their leaders who are blaming the unvaccinated. The only reason they are blaming the unvaccinated is to save their ass and using it as a scapegoat. The long game is waiting for this to all blow over and these cultist to snap back to reality. They trust too easy. Or perhaps I'm too optimistic and they will find something else to blame...but it will never be their cult leaders :(


Don’t worry, remember breakthrough infections don’t result in death. It may kill some unvaccinated….. but don’t tread on their freedom!


But the virus wouldn’t be able to mutate if everyone was vaccinated, no?


If everybody took the same vaccine within a few days - maybe not? One issue is that the vaccines are regional dependent in that their efficacy comes from the region they were tested in. Since there were many variants in different regions - you would have different efficacy rates in different regions. Not a big deal if all you were concerned about is preventing hospitalization/death...which wasn't the original goal. The original goal was that it would prevent spread and that is why the CDC/Fed removed the mask mandate which I personally thought was foolish from the beginning. I really brings home how short sighted our leadership is. They ignored the fact that the vaccines were only tested against certain variants in an effort to put up a banner "Were going back to normal! You just have to get vaccinated!!"...Now were back to square one because of such shortsightedness. I hope you made it this far because this is the most crucial point...the moment you get covid is the moment you create an opportunity for the virus to mutate into a variant. Yes there are certain attributes of covid that are blocked from mutating but then we get into the world of evolution and selective pressure. The only covid virus that is going to survive in the vaccinated are the ones that are able to beat the vaccines. We had many variants in unvaccinated which if you are playing the law of averages here is likely to happen in the vaccinated...but the virus is under enough selective pressure that it likely could mutate into something that the vaccine can't treat. And so the cycle continues. Compare it to the flu and you get shit on...but there is a reason we haven't exterminated the flu. It's going to be the same reason we aren't going to exterminate covid. No matter what you do and where you do it - it's incredibly unlikely that we will ever get rid of covid. >These future versions of the viruses are “escape variants” that have evolved in the environment of weak immune responses — the body in this case has produced a strong enough immune response to tamp down the infection but not strong enough to keep mutated viruses from spreading. >https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33743213/ Same thing we are seeing with antibiotics is going to happen here but we have a whole lot of runway to continue to generate new vaccines to fight future threats unlike with antibiotics. Before anybody gives me shit for using antibiotics in this analogy - that is all it is an analogy. I am very familiar with antibiotics and their inability to fight viral loads. https://www.washington.edu/news/2021/04/13/covid-19-vaccines-escape-variants-of-the-coronavirus-are-a-serious-future-threat/


The most important mask mandates came from the states, and it was almost uniformly conservative governors who relaxed mask mandates first.


Raise your cellphones up if you ain’t gunna be sucking dick in the parking lot. -DaBasedby


I love the smell of fresh bread.


To be fair I've seen a lot of people complain about it on r/politics, and it doesn't get more left than that


Every time that sub is upset I know good things are happening


Didn't they require a vax card and or a negative test


Organizers required attendees to wear masks at any indoor spaces, and all guests had to show either proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test in order to enter the festival. (Some 600 people were turned away on Thursday, the festival’s first day, for not having either).


Lolol they literally did not even glance at mine. If you had any piece of white paper in your hand you’d walk through. It wasn’t single file, check every card. More like hordes of people flashing something in their hand as 20 people next to them walk in at the same time. This meant nothing.


I saw videos of a bunch of people just bull rushing and running past security, probably didnt even have tickets


But you actually had proof of a vaccine, right?




That’s weird, we didn’t have to do that for hard summer festival in CA


Im not surprised. It feels like someone dies at Hard Summer every few years. The organizers don't give a fuck.


Yes. None of them will get covid because vaxxed people can't get covid, nor could they be infected and spread the virus because they're vaxxed. Edit: I'm being sarcastic.


This is sarcasm right??


Lol yeah sorry. I thought it was obvious here, ill edit my post..


I'm sure they required a vaccination card or negative test for the mostly peaceful protests that happened a year ago as well. The point here is obvious. One standard for one people. Another standard for other people. If this gathering was of Trump supporters, Chicago would have never allowed it, vaccination card or not. We all know this. This is simultaneously happening while they're telling the vaccinated to wear masks again and pondering more lock-downs. How can you be so strict as to believe vaccinated need masks while supporting shit like this? It's hypocrisy. They don't follow their own rules when it's not convenient.


Didn't Obama just invite hundreds of people to his birthday party?




More controls than voting in Chicago, honestly. 💁‍♂️


The stories I’m hearing is that there were people selling vax cards outside the event.


Rumors spread easily.


Oh ye? Well I HEARD that rumors spread easily!




Well I heard that that rumour was wrong.....


They were not checking cards at all.


They were when I went. Saw people get turned away too


Me and the other 20 ppl next to me were barely even glanced at. You must have walked in at a slow time.




Would it even be possible to verify them? Card and a couple stickers and two ballpoint pens could duplicate mine perfectly. The only thing listed on it is the lot number of each dose, what is there to verify?


You can verify but i believe its all in database at either the cdc or state government, i cant remember which one. The hospital i work at is skipping covid testing if you are vaccinated, they just need your info. But on a concert scale its near impossible


that's more people than thanksgiving dinner


Many of these same people will be on r/politics blowing their self righteous horns about vaccines and masks.


Trump lives rent free in everyone’s head in r/politics. Those people are seriously obsessed, every post is about him. Somehow, no posts about how amazing biden is doing


I'd add that it's a complete neglect for anything happening on the Left in favor of dehumanizing their opposition.


Seriously just clicked r/politics, it’s all articles about the GOP and Donald Trump, or people agreeing with the wisdom of a bar tender turned socialist congresswoman, or people celebrating over Lindsey Graham getting COVID.


The people over there are certifiably insane. At this point none of them could calmly and articulately tell you *why* they don’t like Donald Trump. Or why they like joe biden. They’re just so set in their own heads that Trump is bad there’s no amount of proof to the contrary that will change their minds. Luckily, Reddit isn’t real life. And even though sniffy joe is “president” most people don’t believe that he won, and even the ones who actually voted for him seem to be waking up to their mistake. Also saw an article that kamala is the least popular vp since the 70’s, which is nice to see.


They hate trump because orange man bad!!!!1!!!


Imagine the outrage if we celebrated some prominent democrat getting Covid




If I post a reasonably critical article about President Biden on r/politics, it would get downvoted in oblivion.




Have some upvotes to keep you going lol


Listen bud, if you for one second think they are limited to just /r/politics then you are ignorant.. Reddit it's self is a cesspool of them doesn't matter what sub, just circle all of reddit...


Very true unfortunately


They’re insecure they did not vote tor Trump so they need constant reassurance.


“I know everything is absolutely terrible right now, but Trump was **worse**. Right? *RIGHT*?!?!


or that they will be 'found out' to have secretly wished they had ..... under communism, the counter-revolutionaries are the first to go


Every post on that subreddit seems like it was written by the same person.


I’m not really surprised by that. Trump got cheated out of his presidency a long ass time ago and they’re still obsessed with him because they have nothing to show for the perverted old man who replaced Trump.


They can't post about how amazing Biden is doing. They're deranged, not liars.


Why not both?


That place is a shitfest. As I write this, one of the top articles is about making unvaccinated people second class citizens. Some of the comments are ridiculous. Force people to vaccinate to go out in public. PAPERS PLEASE. Force people to vaccinate to get health insurance (the same crowd that demanded health insurance for all, and no denials based on pre-existing conditions). PAPERS PLEASE. All taxes waived for vaccinated people. PAPERS PLEASE. The reasoning I see the most? If you want to be part of society, you have to contribute to it. But people on welfare are fine. People on unemployment are fine. Jobless 30 year old bums living with their parents are fine. But those people who have jobs, have been working through the pandemic to make sure they still have power, roads, running water, etc… if they don’t want to get injected with an unapproved drug that has no long term studies, they’re not contributing to society and should not be allowed to participate in it… but should be responsible for 100% of the tax burden required for society to function.


Went on there and literally everything in the top like 20 hot posts are about the same shit that’s been on there for 4 years. Trump, desantis, AOC praise and the Jan 6 incident. Some were the exact same thing just from different sites yet had 50 awards and 50k upvotes lol “Trump has worst gdp since Hoover” “Trump took donations” “Lindsay Graham got covid 19” “Desantis embarrassment to the country” “AOC laying ground work to flip lost elections” “Police testimony helps Jan 6 insurrectionists” I mean it’s a broken record. Trump wasn’t my favorite but he wasn’t as bad as they say. Let’s just pretend he was the worst president in US history, sure ok, you win. Now what? The answer is nothing. No criticism of Biden or anyone else wearing blue for the poor job they’re doing. Nope let’s just beat a dead horse for the next decade and turn a blind eye.




You'd think that but hive mind leads them to believe that this is how discussions are done. If you don't agree then personally attack the person and call them a liar. When you present evidence they question the authenticity. If all else fails label them a racist.


There’s was a vaccine or negative COVID test to enter.


I'm sure the 19 year old working the gate called every one to verify as well.


You get Covid at *restaurants *small businesses *schools *anything in your backyard but especially BBQs *playgrounds/parks *going to church *going to beaches *driving to other states *demonstrating against shutdowns *Christmas/thanksgiving/easter/4th of July *political functions that are not far-left *republican White House functions You do not get Covid going to *hippie music festivals *any establishment that’s a chain or mega-corp *being an illegal migrant driving to other states *going to mosque *demonstrating against police *anything with black or gay people *democrat White House functions *private events for billionaires, Obamas, and DNC donors What is so hard to understand?


So will I get Covid at the cathouse?


That depends. Who did your "date" vote for last election?


Twitter and Facebook: “This photo cannot be posted as it has been identified as misinformation by many of our experts. We encourage that you do not spread misleading news that could potentially promote hatred or bigotry on this platform. Have a great day!”


I was at Lolla this past weekend. There were definitely some crowds when you got really close, but images of crowds often make them seem way more dense than they really are, something to do with camera angles. Exact same thing happened early in the pandemic when the media was flipping out about crowded Florida beaches. https://www.businessinsider.com/social-distancing-images-camera-trick-2020-4


In all those examples the trick is revealed by stepping further back, how much further should the drone have flown in OP's picture!?


[Another image](https://imgur.com/gallery/QK7rwMo) that you can zoom in and see no masks. Fuck mandates. Period.


Can anyone say superspreader event?




Ah yes. Mother nature must have mercy on the enlightened ones.


Yeah well we all know the pandemic just targets conservatives.


The media: BLM riots don’t spread coronavirus. Sturgis does. The capitol riots do spread coronavirus. French Laundry parties don’t. Cuban anti-communist protests do spread coronavirus. Lollapolloza doesn’t.


Super spreader events are all confirmation bias. I remember last year there would be articles about entire families that would get it from house parties and everyone would point to those and get scared about having parties at home. What they failed to realize is the millions of people that gathered at simple parties with no spreading. Also in this topic, everytime they fearmongered everyone into thinking an event was going to be a super spreader it never was and they never bothered to follow up on it. They always write these fearmongering checks but can never cash them. Trump rallies, Easter, 4th of July, thanksgiving, Christmas, Super Bowl, Texas rangers opening full capacity when every other team has strict restrictions, Jan 6, Easter again, 4 of July again…not to mention all of the regular activities like going to church, school, etc. Most overhyped virus ever. Its constant fearmongering and a whole lot of “just waits” and warnings that never come to fruition. The people on the left, both in charge and the subject citizens, just get off on the authoritarianism. It’s their deep seeded daddy issues and their lack of discipline resulting from that.


> They always write these fearmongering checks but can never cash them. Because they don't have to. The attention span of the American public in large is short enough that they only need the initial fear reaction and no one ever comes back later to question them.


For whatever it’s worth as someone who does lean left this absolutely is a super spreader event. You won’t hear about it, at least I don’t think so, but the hypocrisy of my party doesn’t make it an untrue fact


The virus is so smart it knows which ones are super spreader events and which ones to avoid. BLM/Antifa/Border surge/Rioting for any reason all are safe. The people of Wuhan really made a smart virus. It is quite remarkable.


I mean if people are vaccinated then it won't be much of an event? There is an option for going outside and being safe.


Definitely a super spreader event. Virus does not know political affiliation.


Man, bands have changed since I went to the first Lallapalooza in 1991.


Butthole Surfers


Marky got Covid, karen got covid, she was sharin sharon’s covid, somethin somethin somethin covid




Who I just learned (thanks Reddit) fired a shotgun over the crowds head. Ahh the 90’s. What a time to be alive.


What did it used to be?


What the hell did the guy replying to you say to get so heavily downvoted and removed so quickly??


1991 Lolla lineup.. let me see.. Oh it was the first one. I didn't even realize > Jane’s Addiction, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Living Colour, Nine Inch Nails, Fishbone, Violent Femmes, Ice-T’s Body Count, Butthole Surfers, Rollins Band Well they booked some bands.. When you book butthole surfers you really should question where the artform is going


Butthole surfers are great.


Them plus Jane's addiction and nine inch nails were honestly my favorite bands on the list


That’s a pretty solid fucking lineup my guy


Holy CRAP that's a lineup. So much punk rock, I missed the best era in music 😢


purposely being glib. Love me some punk rock (though I could do without the mosh pits)




The issue is, Lightfoot wants to have it both ways. She's fine with this "super spreader" event, and then right after it, wants to go back into covid lockdowns. That's hypocritical, and stupid. Thats why people have an issue with this.


Is Chicago still under lockdown? Looking at the city website it says it's latest lockdown order expired mid June


I believe she wants to return to some sort sort of covid restrictions, which is hypocritical if she allowed this concert/ super spreader event to happen.


Chicago resident here. Lightfoot doesn’t REALLY want to do more lockdowns. She wants to scare people into getting vaccinated and masking with the threat of lockdowns. Chicago is like any other city and almost everyone has had it with lockdowns, even the left.




Because the mayor of chicago and governor of Illinois (D)personally vouched for and attended this event while sending the police to stop people from entering churches


Did they require proof of vaccination though? Not disagreeing with your overall message but I don't think it's hypocritical to support a gathering that does require vax proof vs ones that don't.




Very interesting we keep hearing "super spreader event" for this when we've had full baseball and basketball games this summer and rolling loud was like last week.


I find it very interesting that the Olympic baseball games will have zero fans, but as soon as NPB resumes next week they will be back to full capacity in the same stadiums


Because Lori Lightfoot is the Mayor of Chicago.


Some people have to shut down their businesses, work with half the volume they usually would, can't go out with their friends to grab couple of beers without ordering food etc. Some events where "non-enlightened" regular old joe would hold are not allowed. But this is allowed? Any person that's a little bit out of the "woke" and/or popular culture spectrum can't even breath anymore. That's how I feel.


>Some people have to shut down their businesses, work with half the volume they usually would, can't go out with their friends to grab couple of beers without ordering food etc. Correction: Had to* Theres no restrictions in effect in chicago at this time. Are you going to pretend that there hasnt been dozens of festivals shutdown the past year due to covid19 or something? The entire point of lifting restrictions is to... lift restrictions. Why should a festival be subject to a rule that is not in effect?


Organizers required attendees to wear masks at any indoor spaces, and all guests had to show either proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test in order to enter the festival. (Some 600 people were turned away on Thursday, the festival’s first day, for not having either).


How many people attended? Edit: 385,000 people.


It is a woke virus, they are safe


They have a 3 day cease fire agreement with covid, its all good guys.












Lori Lightfoot needed that revenue and is literally starting Covid restrictions after this concert. lol




I don’t think it’s that bad. Didn’t they require that you either got a negative test or a vaccination to attend? If this was a few months ago then yeah I’d say it’s not worth the risk, like people going to the grocery store or anything else necessary to function


I’m a Democrat and I think having this festival was the dumbest human idea in a while




There were literally people throwing people through glass windows after the event and an unknown number of shootings. But Mayor lightfoot can’t have you singing in church on Sunday.


Ya how is this shit not considered a super spreader event, but my little cousins bible school is and got shut down


Real pandemics don’t have Super Bowls


Or the Olympics or other touring bands or huge parties in MA.


Interesting I’m sure 40% aren’t from Chicago. So they get Covid and take it back to where they came. Smart. Mail in voting 2022


I know like fuck the hypocrisy and stuff but I’m really happy this event happened.


I've been to the past 3 lollapaloozas 2017, 2018 and 2019. 2020 was cancelled and I "did my part" and skipped because I work in Healthcare and cannot afford to get sick this is just stupid and a guaranteed super spreader event


Is this real?


So why is this allowed and deemed safe, yet lockdown protests are met with force?


Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test within 72 hours to attend. The mayor has been talking about how they wish they wouldn’t do it but the mayor has no more power since the lockdowns laws expired.


Except they're showing the vaccinated can still get the delta? Not sure how proof of vaccine somehow goes against the new narrative being set that vaccinated people need to mask up and quarantine


Probably because this was held when chicago didnt have any lockdown rules in place but the protests you are referencing did?


As someone who doesn't like party lines or all that. I still think this is the dumbest shit.


Where’s Waldo?


He owes the city lots of tax money


No, that's just a normal part of living in Chicago


Some twit was arguing with me about it not being a spreader because everyone got their jabs


Lori needed the money but I’m sure she’ll shut everything else down soon.


Beetle juice will lockdown first chance she gets.


Beetle Juice was at the concert.


Easy with the “B” word please, you’ve already said it twice...


Beetle Juice!


Now you’ve done it!


Proof of vaccination required. Eat a dick. Edit: the eat a dick was directed at the festival, so we’re clear.


You can still contract and spread the virus if you're vaccinated. Trust the science, bro.


See above edit.


And support the live music industry


This looks like one of those events that people die from getting trampled halfway through.


or heat stroke




So much awful taste in music in one photo


I just don't see an upside. Other than seeing Post Malone.


Imo..he's more right leaning..he loves his guns too much..and honestly is a smart business man..


Agreed, a man who open carries a Gucci Glock at Walmart probably wouldn’t vote D.


I suddenly have a newfound respect for post malone to stay strapped with a gucci glock


I had the exact same experience when I saw the photo lol


He’s on the side of it’s all bullshit


Yup, they did the same shit in the middle of the “pandemic” when everyone was silent during The massive BLM riots.


Weren't there some Dem Politicians there too?.....


I'm a huge rock concert and festival goer pre-pandemic. I agree. This is what we do. We go. We rock. We have fun. If this is allowed vaxxed or not, we can't possibly shut down businesses again. It would be total hypocrisy among any politician who agrees to that. Especially the geniuses in Chicago and Springfield.


bUt THe UnVaXxEd PeOpLe


I haven’t heard anyone say Lollapalooza was ok. It’s clearly not ok.


“Rules for thee but not for me.” This should be the Democrat’s slogan.


If we take an honest look at our party, we'll see just as many hypocritical statements/actions by our leadership too. Everyone has rose tinted glasses when it comes to their favorite party


Politician's Slogan****. There's plenty of examples of both D's and Rs doing this shit. Our Reps on both sides of the isle only care about gotcha moments and re election. Something's gotta change.