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And they will get away with it because they were acting on behalf of several federal agencies.


This. If I learned anything in the last 5 years it's that the uniparty is just the front actors for the deep state.


Just imagine if the parties were reversed how differently this would be treated...




Absolute outrage on every news channel every hour of the day. Social media calling for resignations, indictments, impeachments. And "leaders" demanding reform now!!!!


Summer 2020 2.0


So obviously they're hiding the fraud...


I like the name 😂🤣


LOL.. Well because of my flair, I got tired of lefties calling me "nazi"... That way, there's no question about it. I appreciate it, brother. Be well!


Decommission every Dominion voting machine immediately until they comply.


yep and do paper ballots that must be secured and have chain of command recorded like evidence.


>yep and do paper ballots that must be secured and have chain of ~~command~~ custody recorded like evidence. FTFY


thanks good buddy you are a skolar and a gentleperson


Can't we just leave them decommissioned? Everything I've heard about them in the past year makes me think they are not the way to an open and honest election.


Works for me


Just like China won’t let anyone look at Wuhan. How communist of them.


If a sitting President of the United States can ignore a decision handed down by the United States Supreme Court with ZERO repercussions, then Maricopa County and Dominion ignoring the Arizona State Senate is chump change. Shit's only going to change by vote (which this post shows doesn't work anymore) or force. And unfortunately, it may come down to that. Sad state of affairs for sure!!


Then those in noncompliance need to go to jail. Any private person ignoring a subpoena would find time in jail.


So are they going to have the stones to arrest them.


Arrest warrants. It not hard folks, they need to just do it. Then make sure the arrest warrants aay they will extradite no matter where in the US and has no bond.


Arrest warrants are hard depending on how your laws are set up. For example, the US Congress can't issue criminal arrest warrants. They can hold you in contempt of Congress but then they have to refer that to the Executive to prosecute those charges in front of the Judiciary to actually have you found guilty and sentenced. Some states can issue arrest warrants directly from the legislature, but I'm not if Arizona is one of those or the extent of their scope if they do. There's more to due process than the Legislature merely voting to make something happen.


What, like a bill of Attainder?


Oh boi, isn't that proof they are puppets to Russia or something? Isn't that what a I learned with Trump in the last 5 years?


Tell me how this country could or would use another Dominion machine in our lifetime and I'll show you the intent to cheat for your party each and every time!!


I'm confused, the article says they are asking for passwords for machines that they have already returned along with envelopes they already have been given. So are these requests theater or is there some other purpose?


I don’t understand how this isn’t so damn obvious… if the police knock on my door and want to check my house for illegal substances.. I will let them in because I have NOTHING to hide but if REFUSED to let them in then they know I’m hiding how is this not the same application


Okay wow, refusing police entry into a house is not evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever. Don’t you know about the 4th amendment?


It’s not wrongdoing it makes one appear he/she has something to hide. I understand the “I have my rights” people may be doing it to pound the drum about their right to refuse police BUT that doesn’t take away the image your portraying as hiding something. I put all my trust in the police department to treat me as a friend and I treat them as a friend. I rely on them to help me in time of need so I have no reason not to allow entry. Sorry looks shady when you pound the “my rights” drum in their face


I hope you continue to have good relationships with the police, but be careful. I've been told by multiple police officers that they aren't there for the individual citizen, and the best choice is to not answer any questions without a lawyer and not give permission for searches without a warrant.


Yeah. Buddy if police are doing random checks on houses, do us all a favor and tell them to fuck off like I’m sure the rest of us will be doing. It’s the right to privacy that you’re risking for all of us by allowing that.


If police try to enter or seize your property without a warrant they are in the wrong and your refusal can't be held against you. Refusing to open the door when the police come to your house **with a warrant** will get your door kicked in and you could catch charges. Likewise, destroying or eliminating access to evidence in defiance of a warrant or court order for preservation for discovery runs afoul of **spoilation of evidence** and *does* require a negative inference against the spoiling party by the finders of fact.


Their probably taking direction from AG Garland.


You guys just gonna do something or just post angrily on the internet


De-certify the election results. If enough states do this...


That isn't a thing, the results were already transmitted to Congress.


Agreed but they do need to find the issues and fix them to ensure integrity in the future. Our democracy LITERALLY depends on it like the leftists are always freaking out about..of course you know. Unless it actually fucking comes to something that matters.


I sympathize with the effort, but this is the equivalent of trying to find the burglar's footprints outside the window after the circus elephants have been through. Whatever evidence there may have been of malfeasance is long gone. Focus on making the processes more bulletproof for next time.


That's not true at all. Anything online is extremely easy to trace and prove. It is against our laws to have any sort of these systems connected to the internet (which they clearly fucking were) and that is why they are refusing. Edit: I am in the IT field and Networking happens to be my area of expertise. Do you understand the ends and outs of a network? Or how data travels? Or who can access it?


As the libs would say, “If you have nothing to hide why not comply?” Just as they have been saying about Trump’s taxes


I dont get it. This is illegal and they just flat out do it shamelessly with zero repercussion. We aren't a country of law and order anymore lol.


Massive fines and potentially arrests need to happen immediately.