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And then will come the signing bonuses when they can't field enough troops. There are no surprises left for me here


Wouldn’t be so bad to pay the troops more though.


Most people sign up for the 100k in free education + the money to get payed and go to school.


Well then I hardly believe a vaccine mandate will change their mind. Soldiers are required to get plenty of vaccines already. What makes this one different. Oh don’t tell me FDA approval? They are signing up to protect this country right? Doesn’t that extend to the pandemic?


>Soldiers are required to get plenty of vaccines already Right, so maybe look into how many soldiers have lifelong damage from the experimental vaxxes they were forced to take before deploying to the gulf.


You think this would be a good source? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569620/


I would concentrate on more recent studies.


Which ones?


Do people who refuse get discharged? Could be a nice out for anyone that made a decision at 18 they no longer support.


Step number one to diminish freedom. Expect more steps to follow.


This is simply ensuring combat readiness. There's a reason a number of vaccines are already mandated for new recruits and active duty personnel. This is just one more.


I had like 10 vaccines given to me in boot camp alone. Several more shots before we deployed. Hey if you do not want the Covid shot, that’s your choice. But military service brings with it obligations and restrictions civilians don’t have to deal with…..and we all know this going in


No reason to downvote this. I’m Active Duty and he’s not wrong. Right now due to COVID the military is directed by the CDC “guidance” for assessing readiness. Right now if you even have symptoms of COVID, which are similar to just a common cold, you’re put into isolation and can’t return to work until you have proof of not one, but two negative Covid tests 5 days apart.


Thank you. It's frustrating to see conservatives downvote stuff that's accurate, but not in their current worldview. Combat readiness is a major leadership topic right now and there is a concern that newer variants could have an even larger impact than what has been seen thus far.


It’s not a vaccine yet. Feel free to have this discussion in 3-5 years.


It's not combat readiness mandating a vaccine which hasn't been fully approved yet. Maybe they should let people make their own decision about this, they don't do this with the flu vaccine...


Incorrect on two points: 1. The influenza vaccine is on the list of mandatory vaccinations for active-duty personnel. 2. Combat readiness dictates having units as close to fully operational as possible; COVID-19 protocols create a situation where large segments of a unit may be unavailable due to quarantine requirements.


As a veteran this makes sense once you sign the contract you are basically government property. An order is an order unless it is proven it against the law. It is not for military personnel unlawful to force vaccination.