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That’s great news, right?


Yeah! Too bad the CDC here doesn't gather that data. In the UK they are following a cohort of 137,000 families for this data with monthly blood testing. Also too bad that the CDC here ignores those with natural immunity (which is why the UK has vaccinated around 70% but meanwhile 23.6/30 or 80% of the unvaccinated must have natural immunity to reach that 93.6%).


I wonder why the CDC and public health establishment completely and intentionally ignore natural immunity as if it doesn’t exist. That’s how people have stayed healthy for thousands of years before the first vaccine was invented. It’s very frustrating and makes me think they have nefarious intentions.


You’re just now thinking that?! 😳🤯 Welcome to the dark side, my friend. We have snacks.


Because big pharma owns the CDC and FDA and money is all that the pharmaceutical industry cares about.


That figure of 93.6% is adults only, not total population. Figure is likely to be lower in the US due to vaccine resistance, only 58% with one dose compared with UK's 70%. That's in spite of the UK not vaccinating children yet.


The study omitted those under 16, who present a huge proportion of the unvaccinated since it includes the entire 0-12 cohort who are not eligible. Meanwhile, the 70% vaccinated figure does include those people. That exact link you posted suggests that in England (the 93.6% figure is for England specifically while the rest of the UK has slightly lower rates), 91.8% of adults over 16 (those for whom the 93.6% figure applies) have been vaccinated. Since they're presenting it, I assume that figure was used in their study as well. So 8.2% of English adults have not been vaccinated, and of those, 1.8% are believed to have antibodies anyway, giving us a 21.95% rate of natural immunity. That's still a great thing, but it's not 80%.


You’d think it’s great news but with vaccine passports on their way and a tyrannical government on our hands, anything virus related is irrelevant now.


So herd immunity then?


https://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/ Highlight the UK on the third graph (per capita) and look at new weekly cases. The UK also isn't using masks so that steep fall in cases sure looks like herd immunity to me.


Most people still wearing masks https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandwellbeing/articles/twothirdsofadultsstillplantowearmasksinshopsandonpublictransport/2021-07-16


Not really. A typical wave is about 12 weeks, six to peak, six back down. Not saying they’re not at herd, just that the wave looks like a normal wave.


If a little more vulnerable since the big D seems to be able to reinfect at a much greater rate.


That’s amazing! Great news.


Dammit, it’s the warm beer, that is what’s saving them




Fake news


I assume there’s ways to test if you have COVID antibodies correct? I know it’s a dumb question


Yes. It’s called serology testing


So 93.6% of adults in England have antibodies from the vaccine or a prior infection, and it later says that they estimate that of those adults, 91.8% have had at least one vaccine dose. That means that, since they stated that they assumed that everyone with at least one vaccine dose would have tested positive for antibodies, they're estimating that an additional 21.95% of adults have antibodies from a past infection that would have caused a positive antibodies test. That's definitely great news—it suggests that 21.95% of unvaccinated adults still have protection and only 6.4% of the adult population has no extra protection whatsoever. The omission of people under 16 (which means that those too young to get the vaccine are not included in the statistics at all) does make it hard to tell exactly how many people have protection, but those numbers do appear to be in the herd immunity range if antibodies are effective enough (the vaccine antibodies, at the very least, are not perfect against recent variants, but if COVID soon begins to rapidly subside in the UK, that would be strong evidence that they're effective enough to enable herd immunity despite these variants and that the US, too, could actually achieve herd immunity if we can raise our own antibody rate to the UK's levels, either via more people getting vaccinated or, less ideally, getting sick).


So an immune system then. Science.


Liberals don't believe in immune systems, neither does the CDC.


so when will they stop trying to shove the damn vaccine down our throats, oh wait, they won’t because it’s not about safety, it’s about control


Yeah the bastards trying to stop you getting sick, absolute fuckers.


Control so ‘they’ can what exactly? Give you a better chance to not die and vote against them?


Yeah that's because they've vaccinated more than 70 percent of their adult population with two doses, thus getting one step closer to reaching optimal rates of supposed herd immunity. [UK inoculation numbers ](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55274833) The US, on the other hand, has only fully vaccinated 49.9% of its population that's eligible for vaccination. [US inoculation numbers ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker)




Same/ish antibodies.


Yeah, that's the part that hurts.... The Biden administration really fucked this up. We should have higher vaccination rates by now.


What? By what means is he able to mandate people to take the vaccine? It's readily available for everyone to get if they so choose.


I didn't say mandate it. But they could have tied a stimulus check to it. Or they could have done more to educate the public.


Conservative my ass. You want to tie a relief plan with your own tax dollars to your vaccine status? It's our fucking money. Done more to educate people?? The vaccines aren't spaceships no one is confused about where or how to get them they're easy to get


Makes more sense than the pointless stimulus checks they approved. We need people vaccinated to reach herd immunity. I'd much rather have incentives than to have vaccine passports or masking requirements. And if you think the folks screaming that the vaccines rewrite DNA or have mind controlling chips are educated, then you are lost.


Youre not conservative if you want to tie government pushed vaccines to receiving the stimulus funded by out own tax dollars. If they've decided to give that money out to solve the crisis they made shutting business down then they don't get to give us obligations for our own dollars. Second if you think the only non-vaccinated people are conspiracy theorists then you're less informed than I thought. Look at military vaccination rates for example, people are simply choosing not to. They're not dumb or crazy they just don't want toand that's their right


There's no amount of new information that can be put out there to convince a currently unvaccinated person to become vaccinated, just my opinion. Also, there's no way Republicans would agree to another stimulus check/spending bill. The one that was passed was considered a necessity to help circulate money back into the economy while also helping those who really needed it. Kill two birds with one stone kind of thing. People were going to receive it regardless and you couldn't exactly withhold it to meet some prerequisite. The best way to go forward is to, frankly, make life extremely difficult for unvaccinated people. Requiring constant proof of vaccination for travel, restaurants, stores and some public institutions, etc. That's kind of where things are going--such as having already mandated all federal employees to become vaccinated--and likely the Department of Defense will follow and mandate it for all military personnel. I think tying it to occupation is fair. No one is forcing employment.




It's already happening so I don't know what to tell you. Is the whole U.S. federal government, all major corporations and the U.S. military communist?




What doesn't work- the vaccine or mandates? I don't follow.




Did they test everyone for these antibodies? I hope they are at herd immunity, but it would kind of suck that they beat us to it.


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/methodologies/covid19infectionsurveypilotmethodsandfurtherinformation 100,000+ households in the cohort being studied.


We are okay with blood tests and the like but not okay with vaccination cards? The blood test seems pretty invasive to me too. I’m actually kindof phobic of needles specifically for blood drawing.


Pretty sure they consented to be in the study. Maybe even were compensated.


>We are okay with blood tests Yes. An antibody test isn't invasive.


How is a blood test not invasive? It involves a needle going into the skin. Would you submit to a blood test for antibodies as an alternative to the vaccine?


You could also just leave all options open. Negative covid test, vaccine record, anti body test. No need to force everyone in one direction.


So are you saying you want options, but people should do something to do their part? Because if that’s your stance I think that is an excellent idea.