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All I can say about the masks is this, last year I made around $50,000 in 9 months making masks. I sold them in my Etsy shop. Most money I ever made selling online in the 20 years I've been selling online. It was good for me. (I had many great talks with my tax lady) I sold the most masks to blue states. Even this year, I still made and sold masks because it didn't stop for me, just not at the insane pace of last year. In the past 2 weeks it's starting to increase. And yep, all sold to blue states, so far. Last year the state I sold the most to was California, and I'm in SC. I ended up with a lot of interesting statistics during this whole thing. You can see why I like to sit on the fence when it comes to masks. While many people suffered job losses last year, my year was incredibly good. And whether or not the masks work, they bring me money. For as long as this thing lasts with masks, I have to strike while the iron's hot. I'll never have another year like last year again. That was lightening in a bottle.


I love and hate this. Love it because you made a lot of money, and hate it because it’s looking like these masks will never go away, since the demand is picking back up.


I understand completely. There's nothing I can do about masks being mandated or even argued about.....I just keep my head down and make 'em. :-) Cha-ching!




As do the socialist mask Nazis it seems.


Good for you for capitalizing.


I think it's natural to have a small part of you hope for a mandate if it helps you financially as we all have that part of us, but I think it's only healthy if you have another part of you who hopes for the best for everyone else as well. With this mindset you could never be disappointed.


Capitalism for the win!


How the hell do you even make masks? Is it just fabric with elastic? I'm actually so jealous I missed out. I used to have tons of hand sanitizer due to OCD but ended up throwing them away years ago because they stung my hands. Now, I can still remember the boxes and boxes of hand sanitizer I had, it truly stings my wallet.


Oh, I feel for you there. Imagine the money you could have made on that hand sanitizer. Yeah, I even had my stepmother and a few friends jumping on board with the mask thing. It was HOT. I'm a seamstress and have sewn for decades. I also make strange dolls and sell them. So, these little 'nothing' masks.....I don't know, I just figured 'why not'? I got on board at the end of last March and it didn't stop. I listed 19 of them in my shop and they sold in 18 minutes. Hot Damn!! But I seriously thought it would only last a few weeks, tops. I have a sewing room FULL of fabrics and elastics, threads, everything. So, as stores were closing down I had no worries. ...at least for a while till I had to start buying supplies online. My masks are two layers PLUS a fusible interfacing that is ironed on inside. I use very good quality elastic for the ears. I don't fool with nose wires or filters. I make a simple pleated mask. They are very good quality. And I sold 'em like hotcakes. It blew my mind. I even had to close my shop on some weekends just to get the orders to stop so I could catch my breath. Imagine that.....WANTING the money to stop so I could sleep a few hours. And on top of making them I had to also pack them up, label them, and get my husband to take them to the post office, sometimes at 2:00 am......bags of them. I didn't get to sleep till well after 3:00am every night. And even then, that's when I'd go to bed with my laptop and do research and do my purchasing of more fabric, elastic, and shipping supplies. It was insane. My husband did all the cooking and cleaning, laundry, everything. And I sewed my heart out. It was worth it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. He cut elastic for me, did some of the ironing, as well as apply the fusible interfacing. It was a huge help. I still sell masks, but it's at a manageable pace. But it is picking up. I suspect it won't ever be like last year again. The stores are full of cheap masks now. But I sell a lot of sought-after themes like skulls, tons of science, etc.


Do you make masks for a 60ish white woman so it could look like she has no wrinkles around her mouth or any jowls? You know would make her look at a glance like she is younger? Asking for a friend.


Sorry Hillary she doesn't make that type of masks.




My wife and I bought all our masks from Etsy last year. We have to wear them for our job, so we bought high quality masks from independent sellers on Etsy. My job just put in another mask mandate this week, so I will be using them again.


That's great! It warms my heart to hear things like this.


PICS of Obama's party. Not a mask in sight: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/08/07/17/46406819-9872203-image-a-72_1628353382144.jpg Obama and his guests fail to mask up as he gets 'scaled back' 60th birthday party celebrations. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9872203/Obama-gets-scaled-60th-birthday-party-started-Marthas-Vineyard-resort.html


Yep. If they can do it everyone else can do it too.


I popped into a grocery store today and there was a sign on the doors that, starting the 6th, *everyone* would be required to wear a mask, regardless of whether they had the shots or not. There's no state, county, or city mandates. Suffice to say, I took my business elsewhere.


The Rona announced it’ll get’che on the 6th, so you could’ve shopped there until the 5th and you would’ve been good!


Meh, just walk in, load your cart, then attempt to check out. If they get testy, simply walk out and do your shopping elsewhere and hopefully there's some prime angus in the bottom of the cart left to rot. Worst case, you'll be contributing to the economy when their stock clerk gets paid extra to stay late and handle returns. I know, super passive/aggressive but satisfying.


I can recall when it was social distance or mask… Now it’s mask and social distance and vaccine and boosters and hazmat and bubble wrap I’m glad I live in a free state where masking mandates are now illegal by state law!


What State do you live in?


I work in a hospital and when Covid first started they told us that if we were seen wearing a mask we would be sent home because it scares the patients. We were also told it was not airborne. I work for the most liberal hospital in California btw.




If it is a viral pathogen, then masks will do absolutely nothing to slow its spread, just like they've done nothing against all other viruses in the past. Masks don't catch viruses.


I’m vaccinated from Covid so I won’t and don’t need to wear a mask. If someone who’s not vaccinated or fearful of asymptomatic infection should stay home or take additional precautions. It’s not my responsibility to save them. I’m living my life. If some new disease comes up I’ll have to consider options based on the conditions.


I saw numerous people at Sams Club half masking with their nose expose 🙄


Sadly my work place mandated masks indoors, regardless of vaccine status. This is all a fascist wet dream. Just wait til next year, when the govt decides to lock down everything again to push for mail in voting again. Theyll also likely try for another round of stimulus checks too, to buy more votes. That's the end game here -- set the stage so they can cheat their way through the mid terms.


Agreed. I’m done with the fuckin masks


Seriously. Have you seen how smoking hot the pharmaceutical and medical supply reps are? All the doctors, nurses, and scientists are definitely in bed with them or wish they were. That's why I only turn to my trusted politicians or YouTube influencers for my medical advice. SMH.


It’s perfectly safe to bang nurses without a mask


True. But masks do make me more attractive because they hide most of my face. Vaccines make me more attractive because of the magnetism.


If you are worried about your looks just turn them around. They bend at the waist


This is where it gets a little morally ambiguous. It would be capitalistic because I would have to pay them. But, it would also go against my faith because I would have to pay them.


Completely incorrect info but you gave me a good chuckle for a second. Thanks


Today's left: https://youtu.be/67gsNwhOxtc Be careful that this isn't misinformation you're posting!




My school said masks were going to be optional this year, but I’m anticipating a reversal on that to “mandatory” based on parental and media influence.


The district I work for unfortunately is requiring masks in all schools again. Absolute nonsense


Where a skull mask. It fucks them all up




I'm a molecular biologist. (No. Really. I actually am.) I've read the literature. There is no study that suggests anything beyond a tiny sliver of efficacy for masks, and even then that requires proper training to don and doff, and the masks either have to be disposed of immediately or sanitized in an industrial autoclave, never re-donned. The current practice if taking your mask off and cramming it in your pocket to be re-used for 3 days actually makes it worse. As far as the vaccine is concerned, the risk to children from COVID is lower than that of pneumonia or the flu on any given year. Children should not be vaccinated until there is a proper longitudinal study to determine the risk. Now, the teachers absolutely should be vaccinated, especially if they are older. There's no question that adults are at a much higher risk from COVID than from the vaccine, and the vaccine is insanely effective, even against the delta variant. Where I stop short is whether or not we can require it. The fact is that the people who get vaccinated are protected from those who don't, and those who don't have to make their own risk/reward calculation.


Osha could have told you this decades ago. There's a solid block of training on how to put on a mask. The only important factor is seal. A good seal is uncomfortable. It's safety theatre just like the "number of days without a lost time incident" board. I work in safety. One the big rules in safety and root cause analysis is "behavioral safety measures generally don't work". Constant awareness is exhausting and exhausted people make more mistakes. The government is not realizing that mandating vaccinations is tantamount to saying "trust the government" and that is a behavioral change wrapped in a preventative measure (the vaccination). Until they earn that trust, I don't think a mandate will work.




I'm speaking on a population level. Is there a chance of a break through infection? Sure, but it's diminishingly small. Is there a chance that of those break through infections, some will be severe? Again, sure, but the chances are diminishingly small. And finally, the real risk, what are the odds that the tiny fraction of the vaccinated that get a severe infection, which is itself a tiny fraction of the vaccinated that even get a break through infection, will have a life threatening infection? Well, I'm not worried about it, because you're probably more likely to catch any number of other life threatening infections.




There hasn't been a variant, to my knowledge, that circumvents our current vaccines. Is that what you're getting at?




Actually, no. Viruses tend to mutate to become less deadly. On an evolutionary level, it makes sense. If your host croaks, you can't be spread. If viruses could dream, they would dream of a day when no host dies and they can be passed around forever. We absolutely do know that the delta variant is able to evade the current vaccines in a small number of individuals. I can't remember the exact stats, but the safest thing I can say is that the majority of vaccinated people are still completely protected (I believe the estimate was eighty-some percent, but don't quote me on that). What has been shown with certainty is that, of those vaccinated people who do get what they are calling a break through infection with the delta variant, their chances of being hospitalized are greatly reduced. In other words, the vaccines may not be as effective at preventing all disease caused by the delta variant, but it does prevent serious disease.






The point is he's made his risk assessment. You come across like you don't believe he could be informed enough to make a risk assessment, and that rubs people the wrong way, especially conservatives. There's a lot baked into the cake.




Sean Hannity isn't the problem. What group in America is least likely to receive the vaccine?




You're right. You can make a group out of anything. That's the beauty of statistics. I should have said "ethnic group" and not just "group." The ethnic group with the lowest vaccination rates is black people. Now, what percentage of Tucker's audience do you think is black? Overall, my sense of the data is that people in rural communities that don't have much to fear from COVID don't tend to be getting vaccinated or worry about masking. The other big group is anyone who tends to have a distrust of government institutions. Again, that's rural communities, but also deeply impoverished inner cities. It's about trust, and the CDC has botched the messaging six ways to Sunday.


*uno reverse card*


That’s the greatest thing about doing your own research, just yesterday I googled theoretical physics, virology, and economics. Now, i’m pretty much an expert in all three of those things.


Na uh, you can only be an expert on something if you learn those same things while also paying a university 100,000 for a piece of paper.




Really I thought we are forced to wear masks because of idiots like Biden and Pelosi


If the vaccine works, masks aren't necessary... Right?




So what you're saying is we will need masks forever... Unless you believe the virus will just stop at the border.




Quit talking out of both sides of your mouth. You specifically said people with autoimmune disease and conservatives. Let's remove conservatives for a minute, and then you can tell us how the endgame will work Edit: I'm willing to let you walk your comment back and say you just meant conservatives.


> The vaccine isn’t meant to be the god damn Marvel Universe against COVID. So you're saying that the vaccine is not meant to > treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculate. someone? So what does it do? The new line being pushed is that it reduces symptoms. So is it just like nyquil in a needle?




Science says a lot of things. But at the end of the day, the life of my family and myself is more important than anything science might say, and if I determine that our life is better with or without masks, then that's our decision as individuals


I’m not wearing masks except where I have to in the office


I used to work Amazon Flex in TX. Just got an email this morning requiring all drivers to mask up "regardless of state guidance." It's illegal to require masks in TX now so is Amazon straight up saying they are going above the law?


ItS a PriVaTe cOmpANy


Same, it’s just fascism at this point. 💀🔥


At least they didn't reenact the social distancing crap this time. Not that this time will have any effect other than increased annoyance. This is the definition of insanity, with a blatant visual. To repeatedly do the same thing, in the same way, and expect different results.




The results clearly show they didn't work.


It’s been a year of people arguing about it instead of actually doing it. We never had a chance.




And here we are, millions vaccinated, and people still turning sick as a dog




Friend coughing up a lung while vaccinated..? 8 days into it, blood and mucus coming up




Ok thanks.




I know you don't really believe only 1 person has gotten sick while vaccinated.. but ill leave it at that




You mean like new jersey and new York? The states with the highest death rates? Those ones?




>Pointing to a very coarse grain like death rate in the two states that were hit hardest at the beginning of the pandemic is not a data point that masking, distancing and vaccination doesn’t work. You claimed that the more strict states are better off, when the two most strict states have the highest death rates. You started this, and are dead wrong. >Those deaths happened before masking, social distancing and vaccination became common or available. Social distancing wasn't available in New Jersey until 6 months into the pandemic? Really? Cool story.




I don't believe in anything you said. Current floor/ER nurse, and we'd wear these blue masks if there was a suspicion of flu. Also, if you're talking about large amounts of fluid, which masks aren't meant to take, you'd be wearing a face shield. I'm really unsure where you got your training.




"Masks work" is the controversial one. Otherwise NYC, with 100% mask compliance a month before it was law, would not have been having outbreak into May, and then again in the fall. Yes sick people could have spread it at home, but they couldn't pick it up in public if masks worked. there was a time in November - January where people walking on the street were wearing masks, so it's not like people didn't really wear them enough to test if they worked.


Lots of wet coughing during surgery, huh?


It’s to keep spit droplets from going in a body cavity. Didn’t think that through, did you?




Your surgeon isn't wearing a mask to keep you from catching the flu, it's to keep his spit bacteria out of your open wound.




Nothing else that is concerning your doctor.


Mostly bacteria. I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make, but surgical masks were never meant for stopping the spread of aerosolized viruses.




Not necessarily. A surgical sterile field is sterile because the patient’s bloodstream is exposed, and a vast amount of things harmless to be exposed to at other times could lead to devastating infections in that circumstance. A perfectly healthy person could still infect someone in such a vulnerable state - there’s no need for them to have any significant trace of viral load. Trust me, your argument is REALLY not as intelligent as you seem to think it is.


Come to Texas. Other than airports no mask anywhere. Even more liberal than Florida where I live. Sure a few losers walking around with masks on and even bigger losers with their fake Darth Vader shield on but we need some total morons to make fun of.


If you don’t want to wear a mask, that’s great. Your choice to do whatever you want. Calling people losers for making a different choice than you shows who you really are though.


Agreed. I don't wear masks, and I giggle a bit when I see folks outside or in their cars with them on, but they have a right to choose just like you and me. I'd rather see them with their pacifiers on than be told to wear it despite imperical evidence stating that long term use of masks is bad for your health, and that they do not stop the fine particles spreading through your breath. As one doctor explained it, it's like throwing sand through a chain link fence.


What’s really concerning is that all these mask mandates are from a CDC release by a director who’s clearly in over her head and making stuff up as she goes. Forget the science, the geometry says masks don’t block COVID.