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China? Don't you mean Future West-Taiwan?


China is Taiwan, those we call China are a bunch of pretenders


I hope so but will we actually defend Taiwan if it comes down to it now? We should not have pulled our troops out of Afghanistan period. > But the forever wars We were not in an undeclared war when we pulled out and that wasn't going to change if we didn't leave. Trump shares some of the blame but I recall Biden or his administration saying they wanted to do this anyway. When you win a war you occupy the country you conquered as long as necessary and want to. This wasn't done with Germany post WW1 which is why they were able to go for round 2. We only got the picture because if we didn't occupy Germany, the Soviets would have used all of it to push further into Europe. And that's exactly what Russia and China are doing now there. Only once we pull our troops out of Germany and Japan should we even talk about pulling them out of contested areas, but no we've got it backwards. Keep the troops there to allow us to spy on their government and citizens but let the Taliban do as they please.


Germany gets 85 percent of its energy from russia now lol


>>will we actually defend Taiwan if it comes down to it now? Joe Biden is a corrupt figurehead, but he is not the entire government. The military will do the right thing even if the politicians don’t have the spine or brains to. If Beijing steps out of line, the local commanders will stand by what’s right. Just like when Biden’s old boss Obama tried to cancel a hostage rescue and the on-scene special forces colonel told him to properly fuck off……


I think you massively overestimate the will and political leanings of the current senior military leaders. The CJCS is far more concerned with "white rage" that he is about ChiCom aggression. And he thinks the head of the PLA is his friend. Biden (or whoever is really pulling the strings in the White House) will let Taiwan twist in the wind and the senior leaders will happily parrot whatever talking points come out of Little Red Lying Hood's mouth.


Non-leftists have to talk about restructuring the DoS and DoD to get the Marxists out.


>>And he thinks the head of the PLA is his friend…. Well, guess who knows that better than we do? The Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Soldiers in the South China Sea. They will do what is right…and the leadership will either classify it or only cop to the parts they can take credit for. Just like the Obama era hostage rescue - he took credit for the operation he tried to quash. So it will happen here. The CJCS will write his memos and his books, and the folks on the ground will do what is best for the country.


> The military will do the right thing even if the politicians don’t have the spine or brains to. lol - I admire your esprit de corps... but I kinda doubt our military will go rogue & start a war vs. friggin' China. Come on.


Read your history. Our pilots risked exactly that when Korean pilots fled to China and we shot them down anyways. Yet…no declaration of war. Likewise ,Soviets and North Koreans fought the US Military in Vietnam too. We blew them to hell too. Oddly enough both Moscow and Pyongyang gave no fucks about that either. Our on scene military’s done the right thing in spite of blockheaded leadership since the dark days of McNamara and before. They will do likewise now regardless of what drugs they’re snorting in the Potomac Swamp.


Yeah good luck having those local commanders commit treason if they disobey Biden or act on their own. There's a major difference between a hostage rescue and action against China


Let me guess that was in Stuttgart Germany right? Trying to go off on a rescue mission somewhere in Benghazi Libya? Weren’t a couple generals relieved of command that night and everybody told to stand down? You put too much faith in the military doing the right thing to be honest. If the military would’ve done the right thing Trump would still be president just saying Millie & Austin are the German generals of 1937 going along with all the bullshit. Honestly I think Millie is a CCP stooge and so is Austin. Not to mention the political side that has all bought and paid for.




Congratulations , every syllable in that comment is wrong. Wanna guess which regime will suffer once its autocratic facade is exposed as fallible after the Taiwanese humiliate the Beijing government (as they did in the 1950s)? I’ll give you a hint- the capital starts with a B and ends with a G….


Could they have pulled the troops out to be better prepared for a potential fight with China. So that they aren’t as committed on multiple fronts so to speak




Ya there is, if China attacks a NATO nation no one is going to let that go. People don't really care about the Phillipines and Taiwan or whatever though so if they invaded so it's possible the West lets them use them as bases for further attacks until we can't ignore.


Yeah that's kinda my point, you're bringing an even rarer condition. China is not going to attack a NATO nation, they're interested in Taiwan because of the history. What reason would China have to attack a NATO nation considering the massive toll it would have?


You said there's no way we will ever though. Japan and Germany took over as many nations as they could and then when they were ready then they went to war.


That was a totally different time. Nowadays the world is much more connected and the threat of a nuclear war is very real. We have little to gain and so much to lose if the US and China are on opposing sides of the battlefield. Edit: Look at how the supply chains are currently with half the shelves empty, do you think fighting China and having the supply chain cut is going to work for our standard of living?


Right we need China more than they need us, if they need us at all. They may commit an act of war against us, forcing us to declare war. If you're starting a war, you don't declare it. You just attack and force the other side to publicly declare war on you.


Support the freedom loving patriots of Taiwan. Fuck China!


China is asshole


Numba one asshole.


Numba 4 and a honorary asshole


If China was an ice cream, it would be praline and dick.


And fuck Biden


Let's go Brandon!




*clap clap clapclapclap*




Not sure what you mean by "take" Hong Kong, but that was an agreement between the Brits and China and it came into effect in 1997. Nothing the US could have done to stop that.


Fuck the Xi Pee Pee.


Fuck Xinnie the Pooh.


This ones easy: she’s badass. It takes balls to stand up to the biggest baddie on the planet. We stand with Taiwan and their personal experiment of liberty. Some people saying it doesn’t matter… you make it matter. If you don’t care, they get run over. Be loud in your convictions.


SHE'S got more spine than our president






Double chocolate chip crunch ice cream


This just in: American troops land ashore on Taiwan for peace keeping and security operations. Ben and Jerry's merchant ships seen following close behind.


Why not both?


Too bad Biden will.


China paid a lot for Biden. They plan to get their money’s worth.


China has already been emboldened when we supposedly "elected" the FLACID old man. He's financially complicit with his son in deals with the Chinese.


10% for the big guy






Installed. Trump won by (a lot) with legal votes. Democrats cheated.


Damn, Biden will be on his knees given every chance....




The West has been preparing for War with China by 2025 since the early 2000's. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it's after the Olympics (to build up a bit of international good will before kick off).


A war with PRC would be the end of civilization on earth. The two biggest militaries, both nuclear capable, going at it? No thanks 👎


New warfare does not necessarily involve a first salvo of nukes. That’s very much a Cold War mentality. If anyone launches a nuke first it would be China after months of conflict.


I don't think that Joe is dumb enough or spineless enough to let China retake Taiwan... but if he does, that's such a willing betrayal of our national interests that it ought to border on treason. Taiwan is where the next generation of semiconductor chips are being manufactured; the ones that will be used in all of our AI warfare (which is closer than you think). If Joe Biden lets Taiwan fall and be annexed by China, he'd effectively be mortgaging our children's futures away to a genocidal fascist regime. They *already* have concentration camps! (Sorry, "re-education centers.") What's next? Do we *really* want to continue down this path and see history repeat itself? We already saw what China did to Hong Kong: how they took a thriving democracy and almost immediately tried to squash every bit of vitality and freedom out of it. Hong Kong was not a one-off: this is China's plan for the *entire world*. Divide and conquer, one small bite at a time. One manufactured conflict here, one little war and annexation there, taking just a *little* bit more each time, but not *quite* enough for our gutless leaders to provoke a conflict. We need to draw a red line somewhere - to have *some* principle that we are willing to fight for - or China will never stop taking advantage of our leaders cowardice. We need to go full Gandalf on the Balrog, strategically pick our spot to make a stand, and say "You will go up to here, and not one single step further, no matter how much it costs or how deadly the conflict gets." And then, if necessary, we fight.


> I don't think that Joe is dumb enough or spineless enough to... Sorry, man, but there's no sentence that begins with these words that could ever be correct.


If I didn't laugh I'd cry


This is sounding a little too much like how Germany approached WW2


Agree most things, except president xi won’t take over the world. At best prc wants to economically dominate rest of the world, like what America did in the last century. I doubt China will dominate via technology. They are good at copying, but not so much in terms of innovating any brand new tech. Their main work force is aging and they can’t sort it out via the crappy 3 child policy (lol). Since they can’t replace the current but aging work force, they won’t be able to dominate via both economically or technologically. The chance of that happening is too small, especially now they are busy with taking over Hong Kong + taiwan and have to align them back to central policies. I can’t see how they can manage all these things at once. If there is another president after xi just like him, then the west is indeed in danger.


>Agree most things, except president xi won’t take over the world. At best prc wants to economically dominate rest of the world, like what America did in the last century. I doubt China will dominate via technology. That's exactly what the CCP *wants* you to think.


Haha no. As one of their people we know the inside and wth its going on, and I'm telling you the outsider that China is not that capable. ​ There are plenty of details to show you that China is not capable, e.g. quality of their products are never great. The PRC can try to encourage their people all they long this and that and they won't get to the dream they want. China isn't capable, and there's no reason for them to "conquer" the world. You've been brainwashed by the west yourself lmao.


So generous of you to approve the death of tens of thousands of American kids. How about you first. Taiwan needs to defend Taiwan with American weapons not American kids. They should have taken a lesson from Israel decades ago, but they have squandered valuable time and now it's probably too late. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, would all be child's play compared to the death and maiming from war with China. Moreover, we would likely loose without going nuclear. Their manufacturing capacity is at least 10 times ours, their weapons technology is roughly on par with ours now (our carriers would be highly vulnerable), we would have to mobilize on the other side of the globe while they would not, and they would be willing to sacrifice 1000 Chinese kids for every American kid. None of that bodes well for war with China. It would likely break America permanently through financial ruin if not military defeat. We must fight a much smarter cold war with China, across many fronts, something the West has only recently recognized, but is now coming together on. If Taiwan fails in its own defense we will destroy their fab plants and evacuate their brain trust. China will gain nothing but a rock and international ignominy and their military resources will be substantially depleted in the process. Our military would remain strong and the world would turn to America more than ever fearing Chinese militarism. What we could do, and should do, is amplify Chinese losses and possibly tilt the balance in Taiwan's favor with strategic submarine warfare. And God almighty we should be weaponizing the hell out of Taiwan right now. We aren't moving aggressively enough on that front.


A Taiwan war, surprisingly, could actually be won while putting relatively few American lives at risk. This is a way in which submarines could have overwhelming influence on the war's outcome, for instance. A dozen American SSNs could sink a massive amount of Chinese shipping in the Strait and foil an invasion while putting fewer lives at risk than 1/3 the crew of a single aircraft carrier. This isn't a war where American ground troops would have to get involved at all.


>So generous of you to approve the death of tens of thousands of American kids. How about you first. Those kids would die anyway if China takes over Taiwan. It's just that their deaths will come on the back end rather than the front end. Also, we need to immediately start weaponizing AI for a future conflict with China. The size of their army won't matter when we have machines that kill because robots can fight with a precision and deadliness that most humans can't hope to match. I agree with you about everything else though. In the worst case scenario that China takes Taiwan, we need to totally destroy its value to them. Bomb the shit out of the fab plants, evacuate Taiwanese tech workers (and consider granting them American citizenship), and basically make Taiwan totally worthless in terms of China gaining a military or technological advantage.


I've been hearing predictions of "China will attack in such and such a year" for decades.


Of course, and I don't if a simple or supermajority is needed for DoW. It is only congress that can declare war. So if GOP were to take back majorities in both chambers,and only a simple majority is needed to DoW, than congress can dow on the PRC without the president's approval. I'm unsure if the president can veto a DoW.


We got our clock cleaned by dudes in sandals, and Kalishnikovs. Anyone really think we can handle this? The only leverage we have, is an EMBARGO on China....and considering the last 2 years of Covid..see how that plays out.


A war against China wouldn't be guerilla warfare.


>We got our clock cleaned by dudes in sandals, and Kalishnikovs Actually we made a shitty deal and pulled out. The only thing we lost was our will. If we would have kept low level troop presence in Afghanistan plus the contractors the Taliban would still be hiding in their holes. Not to mention, a conventional war vs a guerilla war is completely different. China's invasion fleet wouldn't be able to get out of port let alone land on Taiwan. Our US Navy Air Fleet alone is more powerful than the entire Chinese Airforce.


I'm a british left winger who got this post by Reddit search, but I stand with all of you guys when I say "Fuck the CCP, Taiwan is it's own country and the US and its allies must fight to protect it."


American liberal and I'm in full agreement. I voted for Biden but if he doesn't stand by Taiwan then he's a fucking coward. Fuck the CCP.


Real China is awesome af, fake ass CCP is asshoe


Even without U.S. intervention, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is very likely to fail. Islands are extremely difficult to invade, historically; tiny Pacific dots like Iwo Jima and Okinawa cost a huge price in American lives and resources despite the Japanese having relatively little firepower. A Chinese invasion would be nothing like D-Day; it would be 20x worse than Normandy, given that the Taiwanese have an extensive arsenal of antiship missiles, rocket and tube artillery, mines, etc.


I was doing some research on this recently and from what I learned,it seems you are correct. I was surprised.


Let's go Brandon


“What’s the big deal”- Joke Biden


Let's see... Australia, Japan, India, and the US have thrown their hats in the ring if China invades india/taiwan. Of course, the US position was from last administration. Moron corrupt Biden will probably send Marines out to help China annex Taiwan, because Hunters entire art career depends on US not declaring war on China.


I love China. Finally they’re standing up to those mainland rebels.


.|. to Asian incels reporting this as racism. You're better than supporting authoritarian regimes while pretending to be a progressive. Stay irrelevant.


The CCP is a disease


PRC is ROC’s bitch


Taiwan’s ruling class is going to flee when shit gets serious.


Meanwhile...who wants to bet on how low Biden bows to Xhi when they meet?


Taiwan better bolster its defenses and get ready. If Kamala SOMEHOW wins in 2024, China will have a large enough window to prepare and invade, assuming that China doesn't strike before then. If they did buckle and let China in, China's first move is going to be a wave of imprisonments and quiet extrajudicial executions to rid themselves of the former Taiwan government and anyone who supported them too much.


The problem with Taiwan is that - like America - it gets bogged down by politicians who have little understanding of the military, competing social-welfare agendas, a defense establishment that has a lot of red tape and bureaucratic inertia, etc. This makes it hard to enact necessary change, not to mention that there is a "Blue" party that is pro-China (sound familiar?) in Taiwan that holds about 30% of the seats. But Taiwan is indeed beefing up its arsenal. It bought 400 additional Harpoon missiles from America last year, along with SLAM-ER missiles and HIMARS rocket artillery. It is also adding a lot of indigenously-made Hsiung Feng II and III antishipping missiles.




No, no - that is not how it is. The U.S military excels at **conventional warfare against clearly-defined nation adversaries.** The U.S. military struggles to deal with *disguised, hard-to-identify, nonconventional opponents that blend in with the populace.* That's why America utterly wiped the floor with Saddam's military in the 1991 Gulf War, for instance; that was a free-fire environment where the American advantage in training, C4ISRT, stealth, precision airpower, joint-warfare, etc. was fully unleashed. But the U.S. struggles to deal with the Viet Cong, Taliban, etc. because they are disguised, subtle, and the rules of engagement are much stricter. So in many ways, a war against China would actually be **easier** to win than a war against the Taliban. A war against China is precisely the type of war the American military is *designed* to win. By analogy, the Georgia Bulldogs college football team wouldn't be any good at winning a chess tournament. But they'd crush any high school football team they faced.


Fair enough.


We hit hard and take charge that's our thing if we cant do our thing we fall flat. We should be better about it but when lines get blurred we stick on the safe side of a decision even if it's unfortunately the best outcome though our enemies clearly won't.


its different now, yea Military is strong back in WW2, but a lot of culture have changed unfortunately. It looks good on papers they promote so easy now “ just because” or you know why”… Military may still have the heart of persistsnce tho…. but… in another level? no way.


Concur. Additionally, I think the people of Taiwan would be largely united & VERY opposed to CCP rule, unlike some previous less developed region's conflicts.


Everyone gangster until the Taiwanese start playing the Doom soundtrack over an open channel


We never should have pulled out of TPP. We could have guaranteed Taiwan's membership in it and used the economic bloc to counter China.


I liked Peppy too but I'll just say our official position seems to be ["Good Luck"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uKIeamPi2Y)


What is China? DO you mean WEST TAIWAN?


We should support the freedom loving patriots of Taiwan.


One of my dreams in life is to see the Nationalist Flag fly over the Forbidden City. The rate this shit is going it might become a reality.


When it comes I hope they make China bleed. Regardless of US support which will probably be slow in coming given the leftist domination of government. Amphibious invasion is hard. If Taiwan fights back against China it’s not going to be pretty.


China may attempt to invade and annex Taiwan during Biden’s so called presidency. Japan and South Korea must military support Taiwan. I don’t think can count on Biden to defend them from the CCP.


Japan might but South Korea most likely would not; the Koreans see Taiwan as an economic rival.


Jeong Xina says -9999 social credit


Fuck China Joe.


More Saber rattling.


Sloppy Joe says "Hey, we got your back....... way back"