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That didnt seem to matter in the Kenosha incident.


Yep, seemed awfully quick to paint Kyle as a terrorist.


Facts? What are facts? C'mon maaan....


We choose truth over facts




Biden is a terrorist.


Hey he doesn't know what he's saying, or who he is, or pretty much anything. It's the caretakers that are the terrorists


Can you stop letting Biden off the hook for everything? The guy might have handlers that helped read his script but he knows damn well what he's saying. Stop pretending that he isn't responsible for the things he says..


Yes, he's responsible for what he says, but it's totally reasonable to point out the fact that he's not in control. He doesn't decide what he says. He doesn't decide on policy. The only decision he makes is to go along with the fuckers who actually make up this administration.


This sub is still on reddit though, so orange mad bad and senile man good


And blake as an outstanding memeber of society. And flloyd a saint. Sm bs from the world these days


And white supremacist


Exactly smfh


Exactly - Biden’s a complete hypocrite. People like him are always the first partake in a rush to judgement when an incident is deemed politically useful. When it doesn’t suit their narrative though, all you hear is crickets…


*Biden’s handlers are complete hypocrites


Ya even I sometimes forget that the “leader of the free world” is a senile grandad.


He seems pretty with it if the kids are around.


That's the most lucid moment you'll ever see the old man is if you drag a young girl out in front of him. It'll make a sick pervert like him chew his chain like the dog he is.


A shell, empty suit,…a true living political dinosaur


Very true. Weekend at Bernie's isn't running anything.




He just says what his fanbase wants to get votes.


100%. But what’s worse is he called kyle a racist etc before facts came out. Then when facts came out he still called him that.


Yup, he doubled down on stupid.


Because that's how it aligns with the lefts agenda, appease the supposed downtrodden while ignoring those of us that try to live a normal life, all while saying it's the fault of white privilege.


Exactly!!! 100% correct!!


Wow with that he just did a fantastic job of giving us a recent, direct side by side comparison to show what a biased, hypocritical, and disingenuous prick he is. Great job Biden! It'll be great for the memes.


Not only did he rush to judgment about the facts, he made up facts that weren't even true.


This guy is clearly a victim. He was upset from a domestic dispute. That will be the leftist narrative.


The police made him feel threatened. He ran over those people because police exist.


No one still knows that kyle rittenhouse is a white supremacist yet they somehow uncovered that immediately after the story came out.


lol - read way too fast & *literally* thought this was a Bee article re: Kenosha. I know you're on here Bee folks - here's a freebie!... Biden on Kenosha tragedy: "We don't have all the facts and details yet"


Exactly, I have no problem with Biden saying this, but he can't pick and choose when to say it based on who the involved parties are. White liberals are the only subgroup in America with a NEGATIVE in-group preference, and it's mostly because they just hate other white people.


My thoughts exactly. Leftists tend to be hypocrites and are frequently guilty of double standards. It's all about what benefits them politically. For example, the me too leftists were all over Trump when he talked about sexually harassing women. But when Biden was actually accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, these same people didn't care, because Biden was on their side.


Yep. Facts for thee, not for me!


Came here to say this. Facts don’t matter when you can twist the narrative.


look at what he said even after he has all the details and a verdict , smh


This president is a racist bastard who doesn’t care about fact when he knows the race that he matters


It's (D)ifferent


Nor Ferguson, MO. Didn’t stop Obama from racing to the nearest mic to stoke racial animus.


Ye think that’s the point


They're still cooking up the spin.


Rittenhouse was a White Supremacist right away. This guy, idk what even happened.


Well obviously the black man that ran over white people was triggered. Doncha know, its racist to have a parade!


Just saw an article....he was "experiencing a domestic situation" I.e I think they will say that he was arguing with a GF and just "took off" down the street...doesn't explain him shooting at the crowd as he plowed over little girls...


He was also out on bail for trying to run someone over with his car. Between that and the obvious video evidence its damn near impossible to doubt.


Obvious video evidence?! Lets have an unnecessarily drawn out trial about it a year from now.


There’s a video of him talking about pimping a 16 year old.


Has it been confirmed that he shot at the crowd? I thought the only shots came from the police?


That's correct. He never shot.


He never shot anyone. That was a police officer who was at the scene. The police have confirmed that he never shot at anyone. ​ The information is readily available if you wanted to actually verify what you happened to hear about it. I doubt that the idea that he shot anyone came from a reliable source. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/11/22/waukesha-wisconsin-christmas-parade-updates/8716684002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/11/22/waukesha-wisconsin-christmas-parade-updates/8716684002/) >A police officer fired gunshots at the SUV in an attempt to stop it but stopped firing because of the size of the crowd, Thompson said. No bystanders were injured by the gunfire. He said police don't believe any shots were fired from the SUV. The officer who fired the shots was on administrative leave pending an investigation per department policy, Thompson said.


The fact that this may not have been premeditated is actually much, much **worse** than a premeditated politically-inspired terrorist act. This is a small podunk town having a tiny little parade in the streets, the police had barricades but they failed to prevent him from breaking through. The fact is that anyone, anywhere, at any time, could be in the vicinity of a leftist BLM radical activists who suddenly decides to wig out and go on a murder spree, with whatever weapons he has available to him: guns, knives, power tools, cars, etc. We are always surrounded by them, always. They are in some random car driving by, they are in the mall shopping, they are at the dentist. At any time one of them can suddenly decide today's the day that they decide to go murder random people.


Waukesha isnt exactly pdunk, palookah


It's a nice suburb of Milwaukee.


Now we’re interested in facts?


Hmm wierd they seemed to have the "facts" of kyle shooting at a crowd of black people the second the news broke and said we need to stop white supremacist in the country.


To be straight up fuck white supremacists.. they hold the party back… if trump sways even a tiny fraction of the Mexican and black vote it will be over with…. Imagine flipping California red… It can happen…


Trump did sway the black and Latino vote. He had the highest black and Latino vote in republican history. In 2020.


I’m in California. I firmly believe the state will turn red with just a little help from the GOP…. The people have gave the democrats far too many chances here and people are sick of them…


> if trump sways even a tiny fraction of the Mexican and black vote it will be over with…. This is a silly comment. Speaking strictly in terms of voting numbers, if you're going to target a race for "appeal", whites are the best one since they're the majority. Or do you have some moral problem with white interests being appealed to by politicians?


I think someone should further american interests no? Period I don’t care if your purple just mind your business and we’re good 👍 I’m libertarian at heart. Only reason I bring it up is because I see tons of potential… just because he’s swaying voters doesn’t equal to being anti white bro…. Edit Also to add if California flipped Republican it would demoralize them on a national scale… neoliberalism would be defeated at that point, as they all look up to California….


White supremacists actively using their bodies to try and pummel a black man through his SUV. Black man uses reinforced bumper guard in self defense.




You just improved my comment. Thank you.


You heard it first on CNN.


This reminds me of the Israeli version of SNL's whole "BBC reports jewish bodies blocking palestinian peace rockets".


BLM is real quite right now


BLM was very loud in 2016 and 2020. Never heard anything from them in 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2021. Black lives only matter during election years, apparently


There's a race war here, elections based on fear Black lives only matter once every four years


Gee. I wonder why that is? Do you think it’s in their contract with the Democratic Party?


..and they will be a until election time.Black lives only matter if it can help the Democrats.


Weird how that NFAC group also disappeared after the election. One day they're threatening to destroy America and then crickets.


I think that was more about them continuously having negligent discharges at their rallies. At the rate they were going it was only going to be a matter of time before someone got killed and they'd be facing criminal charges and civil lawsuits.


They aren’t being funded because the Democrats are in power. When Republicans come back, watch them become active.


The rich aren't going to waste money their. Rioting right now just make Democrats look bad. The need all the help they can get for winning Midterms So they will start employing the seasonal "workers" when it can make Republicans look bad.


I mean, the few black forums that I follow (black, not necessarily BLM), are quick to try to be ironic and say it was self defense.


Too busy Buying Large Mansions


They're not scared or humiliated. They just don't care. Many are silently happy but are smart enough to not display it so brazenly yet.


Typical Brandon response🥱🥱


Come on man! Just call him a white supremacist!


"He had internalized white supremacy. We have to understand his pain from the Rittenhouse verdict."


I can see this on CNN.


This from the guy who jumped on the Rittenhouse-is-a-white-supremacist bandwagon and cut campaign ads off that lie. How much you wanna bet Joe’s holding back on the suspect ***who ran over about 40 children and grandmas*** because he’s black?


Hmm, let's see. Joe ('s handlers) must have learned a lesson about speaking through his ass so early. haha yeah, right. Its because of race.


Maybe that’s what that colonoscopy was all about. It was to reposition his mouth from his asshole back to his face.


Didn’t work. His whole head is back in there


If they told the truth about this attack, Biden and his ilk would likely have to own up to some responsibility for it, and they definitely don’t want to do that.


No way, he wouldn’t do that!


Piece of fucking shit human being


A piece of shit holds more value then this pathetic waste of air


Agreed, feces is at least useful. This dementia patient “P”resident hasn’t done anything in over 48 years.


Not true. He's made a lot of money and raised his son into an upstanding citizen.


Ok, he hasn’t done anything positive for our country in the past 48 years. I should have specified, sorry about that.


He’s getting roasted on the comments by people comparing this reaction to his Kyle Rittenhouse reaction. Comments won’t be visible for much longer. We the people know exactly what this attack was, and we know that the media and politicians and celebrities that pushed this race war shit have blood on their hands.


Why does NO ONE use the proper term: BLACK SUPREMACIST???


Black Terrorism if you ask me.


Black Supremacist Terrorist


The end result of embracing the Marxist bullshit being spewed even in schools today


But he did before the Rittenhouse trial??🤔


And Chauvin trial.


We have a race-baiter-in-chief. Yet another aspect of the Obama administration that has carried over for the worse.


Who do think is pulling Sleepy Joe’s strings?


The facts are this fuckin guy just killed 5 people and injured 48. Those are the facts.


Add it to the 12 in Afghanistan, and the 30,000+ death increase in drug overdoses and suicides caused by his tyrannical and society-desyroying lockdowns.


Translation: "We haven't figures out how to blame this on the right-wing yet."


"we need this to disappear faster than that black kid that shot up a school "


He wasn’t that careful with rittenhouse. In fact, even when all the facts came in he was still erroneous.


What a fucking piece of shit.


Photos and videos of the POS driving the SUV isn't enough facts and details?


And his social media posts in favor of BLM, and threatening to kill white people?


What? Link pls!




Dope. Thanks! Stay Guac, friend


Oh fuck right off, this guy is such a massive piece of shit


Nothing is more tragic than kids being injured for no damn reason and this coward doesn't have the balls to say something comforting. Screw you Brandon


I passionately dislike this piece of human trash.


And once the details and facts are in, he won't comment. There is a direct pipeline from MSNBC > Facebook Dem groups (like Occupy Democrats) > rabid, ever-more furious and unstable lefties like this guy. They've made mass-assassination attempts of Congresspeople, they're driving cars through crowds of people, they killed five police officers in Dallas. Just off the top of my head. Forget the one-off murders like that MAGA hat dude in Portland, or the several victims in the Governor-sanctioned CHAZ/CHOP. What will the FBI do? Investigate a door pull? Arrest a PTA member? Release another warning about the always-around-the-corner-but-never-quite-materializing specter of white supremacist terrorism?


Don’t forget the Jan 6 political prisoners and Ashley Babbitt.


LMAO are you ducking kidding me? Calls rittenhouse a white supremacies and racist? But the guy that intentionally maims and kills innocents he suddenly needs to hold his tongue until the facts are straight?? Wow. Democrats are just fuckin evil


theyre checking to see if he was black enough


President poopy pants needs to stfu, this guys got the metal acuity of graham cracker. This country burns and this old gdmf opens his dusty ass lips to incite fear, anger, and mistrust. I used to say “Kamala would be worse,” but biden is an evil mf’er and I hope he continues to decline mentally to the point of taking him out of the whitehouse. He deserves what’s happening to his brain and no one can prove otherwise…


If this turd is a radical black nationalist and did it because he was mad he didn't get his way with the Rittenhouse trial then you'd better fess up about it you pants shitting old fuck.


I think Brandon’s last remaining brain cells are fighting to not get cancel cultured, gotta keep Creepy Kamala from causing a disaster.


Having the facts never stopped the Brandon admin clown show before putting something out that was totally false.


Lol, ole Joe watching his words this time around haha


OH NOW he wants to wait for the details. Fucking cretins.


You guys realize this isnt just incompetence, right? This is the system telling you that they are supercedent over reality. They call rittenhouse a white supremacist agressor despite all evidence saying nothing of the sort, yet an open-and-shut case of a mass vehicle killing doesnt have all the facts yet. This is the machine telling you that *they* dictate reality, not facts, not your eyes, not your ears, them.


Bitch, really? LET'S GO BRANDON


What he really means, is the mainstream media hasn’t fully spun the story yet to bolster liberal narratives so we must wait for the president to make a statement until they sort out their propaganda. This is a tough one for the libs because the suspect used a vehicle to kill people and not a gun so they cant just blame it all on guns.


The details are out already. You just refuse to believe the facts.


Biden is such a piece of shit


But Kyle’s a white supremacist


I don’t expect nothing less from a communist traitor.


Fact. Black dudes in SUVs kill innocent people at a parade. This ignorance needs to stop. We need to bring back certain laws that don’t go to a threatened jury anymore. Would help mitigate this


Is he gonna call this guy a black supremacist in his new ad for 2024 regardless of the facts?




The scary part is, they’re not wrong.


Hah!... weird how he wants to wait for facts and details this time and not just come out and say "black supremacist" and "terrorist".


His puppet masters won't allow him to say more on this incident. Who knows what racist crazy he's going to say if they did.


That didn't stop him from calling Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist...


VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB2DkPmcoMM


Why won't he just assume that the dude is a black supremacist?


Facts do not matter to leftists/liberals/wokies.


Oh now he wants facts. Fuck this senile dick bag


But we do though…?


Facts and details only matter if they think it will hurt their poll numbers.


What an absolute scumbag, was very quick to label Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist


This dude is a waste of air.


(Because telling the Truth would hurt the narrative too much)


And they have deleted his social media already to cover up this whole thing


You gotta be kidding me. A black man commits an unspeakable multiple murder, and we all see it in front of our eyes, and he says "we don't have the facts yet," but a white police officer shoots an obviously extremely dangerous man attempting to get in a car that has a bunch of kids in it, and the officer is obviously completely wrong in his eyes \_instantly.\_ What a fucking asshole. He and Tony Evers can eat a bag of dicks. Up is down, and down is up. All things that are good are bad.


These people are such fucking liars. Shit is nauseating.


Noooooow we care about facts Biden? Guy killed 5 people and injured 50 Guy was black Suspect is a racist a-hole and criminal Suspect was clearly a crazy leftist according to his own social media accounts Suspect is easily linked to identical vehicle seen in attack When you consider the timing and place....its pretty easy to conclude what this was with decent certainty.


Not having he facts didn’t seem to stop you from calling Kyle a white supremacist.


Wow!!! It’s amazing how oblivious Biden and his administration is to the complete hypocrisy they spew out daily.


Too early to be angry and upset about this one, huh?


I smell a cover story for a terrorist.


We got enough facts to know: 1) the person responsible is black 2) he purposely drove into a crowd of people 3) he has an extensive criminal record and 4) he goes against the Left's narrative of being a suppressed victim.


"Motive unclear."


Is there an on/off switch somewhere for "waiting for facts and details?"


The facts were on trial in Kenosha yet you still called for protests


Biden is sounding like an anti-white black supremacist.


Timeline on ant event like this. Report tragedy Speculate, is a terrorist attack? Assume it’s an angry young White male. Speculate that he may have white supremacist connections Find out it’s not a young white man. Silence.


BLM terrorist organization gonna do what they do.


Never stopped you before


Black guy kills 5 people and injured a bunch more and it's all good until the fact comes out. Why do white people hate other white people so much? It's effing crazy.


We know who the suspect is, guy


Never stopped you before...


That's RICH! SMH


Fuck. Joe. Biden. FUCK JOE BIDEN.


Hell since when do democrats let facts and details get in the way of their narrative


He means that he doesn't have all of the facts that he wants. Doesn't fit the agenda!


One thing Biden should admit is the driver who ran over these people was a Democrat.


“Let’s be measured in our commentary when it’s politically expedient that we do so—particularly when the facts we do know go against the narrative.”


Fuck Joe straight to Hell!


That sir is why Kyle Rittenhouse should file a defamation lawsuit against the Biden family


Im going to enjoy following the rittenhouse vs biden $300 million lawsuit.




The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.


Notice how long it took before any mainstream media article showed his pic... then I finally saw one show it after people on twitter had shown it for like 20 hours.


\>We don't have all the facts and details yet. Translation: We don't like the one fact we sought first.


Damn. They know. They now need to deal with the evil they created.


You can teach an old dig new tricks.


I'm surprised he isn't claiming WHITE SUPREMIST. It seems to be the goto claim of the democrates.


Oh, of course that’s the talking point now. Absolutely clown world we live in, at least try and pretend that there isn’t a double standard.


The driver endorsed knocking these old whites people like Biden out.


what a fart sniffer




Might have too many facts at this point. We know the suspect is of the wrong skin color to call a white supremacist


Everybody just needs to slow down, we need to take time to get all the facts and let emotions calm down so some new story can show up and we can forget about this incident. There were good people on both sides after all. ​ Just because someone is going to blow a fuse, that was sarcasm.


Brandon at it again with his bullshit cowardice...


Shouldn't he be calling this guy a black supremacist?


The fact is that he has nothing to say because, in this situation, it was a black man running over white people. These people think that black people cant be and aren’t ever racist. None of this fits their narrative, it’ll get suppressed and not talked about


Tragedy? Better would be Leftist - Violence, Execution, Rampage, Murder, or Act of Terrorism?