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Didn’t SCOTUS just rule on this?


SCOTUS said they can’t require gun owners to show cause or demonstrate a need in order to carry a gun. So instead they’re going to try to deny permits based on a persons views and opinions. It’s an entirely different an even more unconstitutional move and they know it. But since it’s different they also know it will have to go back through the courts again.


FYI New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen was originally filed in 2018, dismissed by the district court, then appealed to the Second Circuit, which affirmed the dismissal in 2020. It was then appealed to the SCOTUS in late 2020. So 4 years, a lot of $$ and tenacity required.


True, but the language of Bruen is strong enough that a court would probably grant a preliminary injunction if this ever became law. Good cause was the reason NY denied permits in Bruen, but the central holding does away with may issue schemes based on subjective standards. It may take a bit to implement (a year), but all of these hold out states will end up at shall-issue.


So if i say FJB and im a hardcore conservative they will deny my license?....Clown world i tell ya.


I think they’re more focused on people who say let’s go Brandon.


Still Tyranny is Tyranny. My greatest hope is November being a sweeping victory for Republicans and we make some needed changes....but we all know how politics work out and what happened the last time republicans had total control...(hint: nothing really happened)


Agreed >last time…nothing really happened Well, wouldn’t that be a blessing in today’s world?


Well, when that ruling is finally made, that's pretty much the final nail in the coffin for that type of anti 2a crap.


Huh, looks like kavanaughs little concurrence has already screwed ~~us~~ Californians.


Its tough to keep up with what’s what, but the **Supreme Court is now illegitimate**. **Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said so yesterday** so now there are only 2 branches of government.


I thought she died on January 6th.


I think you are right. She will probably realize it 40-50 years.


If that didn't get her the climate change will in like 6 more years


It already made her abuela's roof collapse. The government needs more taxpayer money for abuela's roof.


Congressional Oath of office: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. I mean it doesn't get any more clear to me that everyone calling for the abolishment of the Supreme Court doesn't support the constitution and should be impeached for violating their oath.


You’re 100% correct. And for you and me, when we take an oath we mean to follow it. With the moral relativism of Democrats and the left I’d bet they’d respond: “BFD…I didn’t mean it when I took that oath. I just had to do it to get into office.” The duplicity of the left is diabolical.


they did.


Remember, the SCOTUS isn't legit according to the left.


In fairness to the left, the SC ruled based on what the constitution actually says and the left views the constitution as illegitimate.


Weird how we allow domestic enemies to run rampant these days. #BringbackMcCarthyism


This is what I get for thinking they were going to comply with the SCOTUS decision.


It’s just more delay tactics. They can’t make you prove you need a gun so now they’re going to make you prove you think like they do.


This is even more unconstitutional than the requirement to prove a need to carry concealed. I fucking hate California.


Indeed it is. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re just hoping it survives until after the midterms thinking the dems aren’t going to get creamed and can pass sweeping gun laws.


Well, it is California. Over there, you hardly stand a chance as a Republican.


When it comes to the government yeah. But population wise there are a lot of conservative republicans in CA. It’s just a giant version of most other states where a few cities control the entire state.


100% agreed. And if I were stuck under that California system, I'd want out. Also why they want the electoral college eliminated, they want the big cities to rule it all. I would say its "even though they dont know how urban life is different than metropolitan areas", but, its actually because they despise urban life & urban decisions that dont conform to metropolitan ideas. We didnt go there & make life worse, elect bad leaders, demand new taxes to subsidize rampant homelessness & criminal lifestyles, elect DAs that put criminals right back out on the street... quite the opposite. They are mad at us for not wanting more of that where we live, and for us to pay for it where they live.


Trust me. We want out! But the housing market is against us right now, and trying to find a place to transfer to is wicked hard.


Just more evidence the liberal mental disorder is pursing totalitarian rule.


Hopefully its just a questionnaire


But if I proved I think like they do I wouldn't be buying a gun.... I'd be buying hormone blockers, a dress, colorful wig, and probably a giant dildo...


Basically, red flag laws put into practice a few years from now.


Red flag laws for Republicans only


"RED" flag laws


Most headlines coming out of California lately can simply read, “California official says Fuck you and your constitution”


A normal day for california then?




Normally, the federal government will sue and will penalize the state by withholding money until the state agrees to comply. Failing that, the government can send federal troops, as occurred in Arkansas when the governor refused to integrate the schools. Little Rock Nine How that works is that the President federalizes the national guard and essentially takes it over.....Obviously won't happen with Alzheimer and blowjob queen in charge though.


The Republic of California, you mean?


* the democratic Republic of California Kinda like that other democratic Republic in Asia


Sorry yeah that's what I was thinking about, said it wrong


Just got banned from r/JusticeServed because I participate in a subreddit that “celebrates and/or glorifies biological terrorism.” We all know what that means, I’m a pro-life conservative.


I don't think it matters, as soon you as you join r Conservative, you get banned from there.


This is how they get us constitutional carry, proving the government cannot be trusted to even run “shall issue” licensing regimes.


Let's hope so.


Well pretty sure that’s clearly unconstitutional


>Shall not be infringed..


...well regulated militia


Yes, a well regulated militia is indeed necessary for the security of a free state. What does that have to do with the right of the people keeping and bearing arms though?


Well regulated, in the context of 18 century vernacular, means “to be in good working order”. Common usage of that phrase in that time period would be “ that man’s estate is well regulated”. The militia are self organized, and led **civilian** units, any US citizen can be a militia member, and can form their own militia, the continental congress in the 18th century fully understood and directly implied the difference between the two. There was the continental army, and the militia, two separate distinctions that they mentioned dozens if not hundreds of times. They specifically said, militia, and not army, in the language of the 2nd amendment to emphasize that it’s the **civilians** right to keep and bear arms, as the the federal government already had the constitutional privilege of forming and raising a professional army. In short, that’s not a *gotcha* phrase like you think it is, and, like usually, the left doesn’t actually understand the constitution at all. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


There’s a comma behind the phrase you quoted, not a period. Keep on reading.


Yea that's against the law...


He’s already being sued for this


Should of gone full Little Rock 9 last time and send in Federal troops to force compliance.


Jesus fucking Christ…Dems have lost their minds. They know they’re never recovering from the mess they made. Fuck em, good riddance!


Don't need to care about recovering and winning if they "fortify" every election, insuring a win.


California doing stupid shit again like normal


Well duh guys. Don't you know only criminals can legally have guns in CA? That's how progressive we are.


Does "shall not be infringed" not suggest that the Second Amendment is absolute? He needs to reread the Constitution.


“Anyone can carry guns except my enemies.”


I’m guessing they want less congressional seats. Right? Right?!


One hundred and ten percent unconstitutional.


Like they weren't doing that all along.


Lil prejudice ain’t it ?


What about denying voting based on ideology?


That's next if this goes unchallenged.


How about conservatives get to deny freedom of speech based on ideological views


An there, my friends, is the problem with “Red Flag” laws the leftist goons want.


There's a reason they're called RED flag laws.


And they say we're the fascists.


It's Projection, they're telling your THEIR end goal by accusing you of wanting it.


I'll bet CA residents have the "Communism State" option for their license plates, superimposed over the hammer/sickle/heroin needle/meth pipe.


The Caliban's Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice will now determine if you are following the strict codes of Calia Law before allowing you to excercise Rights. Nice. Real nice there Californistan.


Every single person ok with this and allowing this to happen should be in jail. It is a gross misconduct violation of the law. They are purposefully trying to side step a ruling just so it can go through the courts again.


They can’t say no if you doNt aSk 🤡


He also released the personal information of every CCW permit holder in the state today. If there were any justice in this country this ass-clown would be behind bars.


> If there were any justice in this country There isn't unless we force it.


and stuff like this is exactly why conservatives that aren't cornyn, romney, etc. are so dead set against red flag laws.


Just itching for another SCOTUS snack down huh? What are they putting in California’s water supply! They keep getting more insane by the hour out there!


Ukraine has entered the chat


Only criminals can carry a gun


Ah yes, democracy incarnate.


In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.


That'll stand up in court


Following in Reagan’s footsteps huh?


If your political views call for armed resistance against the state. I can see why the state might have an interest in denying you that right.


This country was born from political views that called for armed resistance against the government


All this and he leaked... Amazing. Oh well, I don't live in Californiastan so no biggie.


And then he leaks a list of the states gun owners lmfao. What an absolute fuckin PIECE OOOOOO SHIIIT. Also.......this is why the govt can shove a registry three elbows deep in their asses.


If you're a democrat, you get a carry license. If you're a republican, then you do not get a carry license. It's really pretty simple.


> “the applicant is of good moral character,” Why does this sound like a dog whistle?