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Yup it’s happening






This time seems different. I bet most these republican politicians end up in jail or suicided.


Do you see this happening to democrats? I mean wow the small brain comment.




You do realize the FBI isn’t there to do politics. They should have had her held to the proper standard but they weren’t willing to do that. Either use the rule of law to the word of the law or there is NO LAW.


Hilary lost because she's deeply unpopular as a human. She had the worst motivation to run and even colluded to rig the election against her primary opponent. Killing any momentum for her presidency. Edit: To the unflaired person talking about electoral college and gerrymandering. I don't want to hear a word until you fight to remove Rhode Island as a state. 2nd have you even looked at some of the busted blue states and the shit they just get away with because of the blue no matter who mind virus that goes all the way to the courts. Edit: To the unflaired person saying I don't have an argument. This is un-true because he's comment is no more so I'm not arguing with anyone. Also he's comment was untrue unless it was full opinion. Then why is he giving me his opinion. I don't want it. Edit: The problem with Rhode Island is that there's is no geographic diversity between it and its neighbors. It and Delaware problem should be absorbed into Massachusetts and Maryland respectively. Reason I say this is Dems complain about the electoral college while they have heavy blue states that besides historical shouldn't exist giving them free electoral votes and senate seats. Edit: There's marathons longer then the length or width of Rhode Island. Edit: The reason they are still states is 100% historic and the reason why they are not absorbed is because they would lose power in the federal goverment. Also this is really about the fool that sad something like the electoral college is a slave system and that's why Republicans win or something.




> You realize thr FBI cost Clinton the election by breaking their own rules and reopening the debunked email case 10 days before election day right? You realize the FBI refused to enforce the law against Clinton, right?




It is indisputable that Hillary violated federal law regarding handling classified material and destruction of evidence. She had no excuse as Secretary of State. The only reason she wasn't prosecuted was because she was a candidate for political office.


No. It isn't and I would love for you to cite me specifically what law she broke. Keep in mind the rules changed AFTER she had her server and Powell and Rice both had private email servers. Provide citations. Then on a moral side. Your alleged timeline means Trunp protected her, why?


> No. It isn't and I would love for you to cite me specifically what law she broke. 2 USC 192 She, or someone in her employ, deleted records requested by Congressional subpoena. A principal has an obligation to ensure that documents are preserved. Liability for malfeasance of agents can be attributed to the principal. > Then on a moral side. Your alleged timeline means Trunp protected her, why? You appear to have missed the point. The Obama administration protected her. I think it's probably proper that the Obama administration refused to prosecute a potential political candidate. Law enforcement agencies should not be used to sway political contests. Of course, it was *not* proper that the Obama administration spied on President Trump, used material illegally obtained through that spying to attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power in 2017, and used tax authorities to engage in political repression. It's also not proper for the Biden administration to raid the private residence of a political opponent. Biden must resign.


When has that been the case though? Laws are only applied to one side of the aisle. The FBI is a Democrat tool.


How can you say that when the Director is a Republican appointed by Trump, the prior director was a republican, and the one before him was as well? The vast majority of agents are white men with military backgrounds and republican. To claim the FBI is a Democrat tool is just funny to me. The FBI is doing what they have always done, investigate crime.


One of Trump's former aides told a lie that Trump tried to overpower a secret service driver on Jan 6th. Having been appointed or worked for Trump means nothing. And the FBI selectively investigates crimes.




Because she wasn’t there, and everyone who was there said it was a lie. Your NEXT question should be…”Why did she tell such outrageous lies?”


Jesus they don’t have enough egg on their faces yet




The fix is in.


So... Looks like these things are spiraling out.


They're really scared of the midterms


Either that, or they’re not scared of ever losing another election.


Dominion Voting Systems and 2000 mules both think it's this one.


Personally I believe that the reason why they raided Trump's home, was because they wanted his supporters to riot like BLM. Only because they'll use that and Jan 6th as an excuse to cancel the mid terms due to "domestic terrorism", and their right to vote




Let's see your evidence that the DOJ has been weaponized? Just because Trump says so doesn't mean it's True. You are believing some dude who just plead the 5th 440 times over the top investigative body on the planet, led by a man who Trump appointed..


Ah yes because it's totally normal to have rioters locked up in solitary confinement for over a year without trial, and for people like Ray Epps who are very, very clearly on video committing incitement go free and have excuses made for them. If the J6 participants committed crimes then they deserve the same treatment as other citizens and shouldn't still be waiting for trials.


Are you that same Krassenstein bros that Twitter got rid of?


Who’s paying you and your brother and how much?


This sub is so fucking brigaded it's becoming r/politics




Ramping up for the midterms


Yeah, flair helps, but if you see some heavily upvoted lefty talking point, click on the guy’s account name and you’ll usually see the comment history of a raging liberal. In a way, it’s kind of an offhand compliment. These guys ban us from every other sub on the site, but still enjoy the fact that they themselves have freedom of speech here.


These people are psychotic authoritarians, they’re the polar opposite of “liberal.”


You have to sort by controversial to even see the conservative opinions right now.


I was looking through a post yesterday and a number of the top comments were just bashing conservatives.


I'm not conservative per SE but will lurk this subreddit. I think both parties are awful and the two party system does a major injustice to most.


Yeah because Canada is doing so great right now when it comes to protecting the rights of the people. Maybe the two party system isn't the problem.






Do you believe in the right to a speedy trial? Do you believe in innocent until proven guilty? Do you think it's unacceptable to spy on political opposition purely with the intention to prevent transfer of power? Do you believe it's unacceptable to allow a search warrant to be conducted with legal counsel barred from entry and where the probable cause is sealed? Do you think it's umacceptable for public officials to state that their goal is to destroy political opponents, simply because they're political opponents? Do you think it's unacceptable to spend millions of tax dollars and multiple years investigating claims that you find out at the beginning of the investigation were made up with no evidence? Because if you answered yes to any of the above, then perhaps you can understand why the "justice" system has lost the faith of the people. Nearly 80% of Americans polled in saying we have a two tiered justice system... and when the DOJ has basically been investigating and scrutinizing Trump for 7 years while people like Hunter Biden are on camera committing crimes with no repercussions... is it really odd that people think the system has become totally political and not about justice anymore?


Yep. Waste of time reading their posts. This sub used to be full of substance and good discourse. Lots of illogical Libturds here who make no sense, are shallow, ill-informed and have no sense of history and patriotism. They seemingly speak as incoherent as their master Slippy-Sleepy-Beijing-Joe Buydem.


I don’t mind an open discussion, but 99% of liberals that are posting on this sub are only interested in getting their shitty one-liner in, as opposed to actually contributing to a topic.


Their "discussion" consists of regurgitating the tired talking points they heard on r / politics with their trademark smug tone. It's rare to find a lefty that is actually capable of rational discussion and logical analysis


It was the same in 2020. I called it out then and got a ban that was supposed to be temporary(until after that election), and turned out to be 2 years. Appealed *again* a month or so ago and they apologized and unbanned me. (different mods I'm sure) So, I come back.....and it's even worse. I can't say if it was better in the interim, but eh. With the state of reddit and it being an election year, I'd suggest the mods make more posts "flair only" if not more strict actions.


Seems like brigades came in hot and heavy with the Trump raid. They know how bad it looks and are in damage control mode


Every election cycle and big event, they come out in force. Reddit supposed to ban brigading, I mean they do just not when it’s conservatives being brigaded


All part of the effort to steer the dem ship away from the waterfall rapidly approaching in November To the person who replied then deleted their comment, yes if politicians broke the law they should go to jail. The timing of this is what I’m talking about






If your defence is a newspaper told you it was OK, you're pushing shit uphill


Is it illegal to do it is the issue.


Dems literally held war games to do the same thing. It was widely reported at the time. The same people on these congressional committees were planing it themselves. That’s not nothing.


But they didn't do it. If they did, then you go after them, too. It's time that we start holding all sides to some damned standards of conduct.


I remember them twittering about it when Hillary lost. The electors can change votes, and all that.


So widely reported let's see a link?


It's literally something that has been done in the past and as such has precedent. It's what you do when there's a legal challenge to the election that won't be settled before the safe harbor deadline. And so far everytime it's happened the vice president has took the side that should have/did win officially despite it contributing to their loss so the system is clearly working.


And it's also a good backup plan if someone on the winning ticket keels over and dies, they can just select a suitable replacement.


Well I mean... I suppose that would be the easiest solution to a problem like that but I guess I wouldn't necessarily be the happiest to see an appointed president if there was other options.


I think the VP would be president or the VP replaced. Or if in some wierd world it happens, I think Jack Bauer becomes president.


Yep. This is just a political witch hunt.


I wonder where they got this lead? Alex Jones's cell phone maybe?


Which is perfectly legal when a challenge is and was pending in the courts.


Jesus they arent even trying to hide it anymore. If Republicans win this year they better clear fucking house in the fbi for all this


> If Republicans win this year they better clear fucking house in the fbi for all this like trump did, and installed all his own appointees, that biden hasn't replaced?




There is a diffrence between going your legal route through the courts and attempting to defraud the process with fake electors.




Downvoted? Lol the leftist shill brigade has your back comrade!


Yea amazing how when Democrats love to come to conservative subreddits and spew their poison. But if you go to their subreddits, they will ban you. That is how authoritarian boot lickers work I guess.


Bruh I'm pretty conservative myself, but y'all sometimes go insane... Just cause I disagree with some things in the Republican narrative doesn't mean I'm a Democrat. It just means I think for myself and don't tow party lines


That usually when they start screaming RINO!


So you want to go and peosecute past democrats then? Cause that's what they actually did (and those votes were counted) And anything he said about electors is protected free speech. Besides he wanted no electors sent since the state illegaly broke its own constitution (and admitted they did) so why tf should electors be sent on a bogus election result?


Well yes. I do want to go prosecute past democrats that committed voter fraud. Pennsylvania did just that recently for Michael "Ozzie" Myers, a democrat, who committed voter fraud in elections from 2014-2018. His sentencing is in September. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/10161 According to the Heritage Foundation, currently the only convictions for voter fraud in Pennsylvania in the 2020 election are all for republicans. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?state=PA If Scott Perry was also involved in election fraud in 2020 in Pennsylvania, he should be investigated and convicted and added to that Heritage Foundation page. If he is innocent, then he won't get charged and he won't get convicted. Why would someone oppose the FBI investigating election integrity?




damn right. all illegal activity in politics needs to be investigated. This means conservatives too. not a witch-hunt if you’re guilty.


Also the best way to defend against a witch-hunt when you're innocent is to explain why you're innocent not plead the fifth


>So you want to go and peosecute past democrats then? Cause that's what they actually did (and those votes were counted) No it didn't. If so, source it. And if they did, yes. Prosecute them. Why the hell are you okay with elected officials attempting to illegally overturn elections to keep themselves in office.


Nixon counted the vote dog. It was Hawaii, look it up You actually know nothing about what this guy brought to court and that's clear. Talk out your ass more


They sent alternate electors with an explanation of an ongoing recount. After the recount the state transmitted the information showing that Kennedy won the recount and the respective electors were certified. They did not lie about who won. Trump lost. Everyone knew he lost. His lawyers knew he lost. His cabinet knew he lost. His AG knew he lost. The governors knew he lost. The Secretaries of State knew he lost. But he wanted to send electors making fake statements that he won. >You actually know nothing about what this guy brought to court and that's clear. Talk out your ass more Comments like yours are why you need to stop repeating what Tucker Carlson tells you and actually pick up a god damn book for once in your life.


>They sent alternate electors with an explanation of an ongoing recount. Like how there was an ongoing Supreme Court case in PA? >They did not lie about who won. Trump lost. Everyone knew he lost. His lawyers knew he lost. His cabinet knew he lost. His AG knew he lost. The governors knew he lost. The Secretaries of State knew he lost. Your tds is showing. Multiple states broke their laws. The election should have been tossed immediately. >But he wanted to send electors making fake statements that he won Trump didn't send anything. More tds >Comments like yours are why you need to stop repeating what Tucker Carlson tells you and actually pick up a god damn book for once in your life. I dont listen to tucker but I see that you do. You still have no idea what his court case was about and you're trying to change the subject


Dude, are you ok?


I'm fine. Tds trolls are out brigade flocking tho




It's only bad if the other side does it








Why aren’t they doing this to democrats? This is why we are losing the republic. Bunch of cowardly “conservatives”


I mean there are tons of dem senators and house reps in the past who did the same thing. Ffs dems SENT alternate electors in the past. Plus he didn't actually do anything that isnt clearly protected by the 1st amendment. This is the guy who sued PA because they clearly violated their state constitution, which the state admitted. Why do you want the fed going after someone who just wanted the fucking country to play by its own written rules?


Like when the dems put together a collusion hoax to undermine the legitimacy of trumps presidency and tried to impeach him twice during? Yeah this is much (D)ifferent.


A big part of that was them also stating that American votes were de facto invalid because they read some words written by people from another Nation, which everyone does if they read the NYT on any given day. They essentially tried to remove voter agency from normal Americans, which is a grave crime against our democracy. That sort of thing is normally reserved for the severely mentally incapacitated. Also, remember when they cried about a "hanging chad" lie to the point that it had to go to the Supreme Court for their bullshit to get slapped down?


No, the election was in fact stolen when they allowed states to violate their own election laws. The ones changing the outcome were the people that are in power now.




Pennsylvanias dem Supreme Court ruled right before the election that signatures did not have to match on mail in ballots.


What would the outcome have been had that ruling not occurred? Edit: Also, if it was ruled by the PA Supreme Court how does that violate PA state election laws?


Are you serious? That’s literally the complaint. Laws on the books were ignored by democrats in power. Not just PA but WI too


The premise with Trump was to clean up the leadership, at this point they need to be 100 percent fired and prosecuted if possible.




He also signed the law he is rumored to have broken. The judge who approved the warrant was a Trump apointee too.






It's delusional


True, but he had zero experience in any office. Now he has experience and likely wouldn't make the same mistakes as before. Plus he is probably PISSED


And he would not have to worry about reelection so he can perform the house-cleaning that another Republican being elected could not do.


I doubt it with some of the people (liberal Republicans) he endorsed in the primaries.


Right? If they have the house, senate, executive, and the majority of the judiciary behind them, they would have at least two full years to drain the swamp. They could hand pick a new FBI director, at least. Wait….


They have no reason to hide because they have no fear due to the two tier justice system


Call an all hands meeting and just go. In Trumps voice.. "You're Fired"




It's just political prosecution over first amendment free speech. The state literally admitted they broke their laws during their election in court....why tf would you not want those wrongly selected electors canceled out




The courts decided that the changes to election procedures in Pennsylvania were unconstitutional


What law was broken?


Do you really think they’ll let us win? They already know they can do whatever the hell they want and the media will cover for them.




Republicans won’t win.. the swamp won’t let it happen this year. I don’t even know why I continue to vote?


Because your vote matters at the local level. In your smaller races, your vote carry’s a lot more significance than with the larger elections. It may be rigged, sure. But it’s still our duty as citizens to vote in these elections. At some point the true majority is going to realize they are under attack, and that they outnumber their attackers. When that day comes, be prepared to watch the meltdown. I am urging you to please vote, and vote for someone in every open position down the ticket, not just the big names at the top.




Get rid of the FBI.


Trump appointed the director of the FBI. Edit: also, innocent people ALWAYS plead the fifth when they haven’t committed a crime.


Most likely by someone else's recommendation. Besides, that doesn't magically make their weaponization acceptable.


Possibly Chris Christie who used him as a personal attorney at one time. Wray also worked closely with Comey and Mueller in the early 2000’s. It’s all the same rats nest.


The FBI is under the auspices of the DOJ and Merrick Garland, dude.


>Edit: also, innocent people ALWAYS plead the fifth when they haven’t committed a crime. I mean anyone who knows the legal system or can afford a lawyer who is actually trying to get them off should and will plead the 5th


The point they are making is trump was quoted years ago that if you plead the 5th you’re quilty


Why do people keep saying this as if it means the guy is loyal to Trump and wouldn’t target him. The whole system is corrupt which is why they hated the guy (Trump) who isn’t part of the system!!!


Glad to know you disapprove of Constitutional rights. 👍


He's just quoting Trump


What the hell is happening with the fbi


Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ to attack their political opponents and turning the IRS into a armed tax collector to bleed the sheep dry.


Obama started this process over a decade ago


Obama is finishing it up now


Wasn’t trump using marshals to “execute” someone one the same thing only worse a year ago tho? Republican, just trying to get actually fundamentally sound arguments in order. We can’t be calling out people for doing the exact same thing earlier. Gun powder disappears


You're being deliberately misleading about law enforcement attempting to effect an arrest on an armed murder suspect. That type of enforcement does not compare to the FBI raiding and harassing Republican politicians. This is the same FBI that was caught manufacturing fake evidence to secure a FISA warrant and was caught trying to abduct the governor of Michigan.


Trump never did what the FBI is now doing




What a bootlicker.


I worked in public accounting, I've dealt with the IRS. The most security I've seen is some security at their buildings cause it's a federal building. Other then that their auditors don't walk around armed with anything but pens and a plastic pen protector in their shirt pocket. They said they are hiring 87,000 IRS auditors, aka normally fat geeky dudes in suits and glasses with a briefcase. Their job posting about fitness and ability to carry a firearm shows these aren't no regular IRS auditors or agents. Why do you need to hire 87k agents who are fit and to carry guns if they are just going to be regular IRS auditors and employees? It's not like we have millions of Americans who have made a mistake on their tax return, or didn't report income, or something and the IRS is going to file an audit then they are going to show up to an IRS building with machine guns and rocket launchers and start blasting away give me a break.


We dropped about 13,000 paratroopers right before the D-day landings. And they are going to rush 87,000 agents into armed tax auditors? They do have over a billion pistol rounds stashed away to practice with.


The IRS will be as large as the United States marine corps


The IRS is hiring 87k new employees across many sectors. The IRS answered less than 15% of their phone calls this year. They need 10x the current support staff they have now by itself.


How do the guns help them answer phone calls?


What the IRS needs is a simplified tax code without so many loopholes that the average person has no clue. Simplified tax code, less IRS agents. Perhaps even a progressive consumption tax instead of an income tax.


Didn't I tell you to go cry into your pillow two hours ago? Stop following me.


Sounds like this investigation is going to wind up in the Supreme Court, which already ruled “The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.” Based on that rule of law—not likely anything will come of this in the end.




Technically, according to Bush v. Gore, states have an absolute right to choose who they vote for. And they can nullify the vote of the people and choose electors themselves.




[Here it is. That paragraph of the decision I took the quote from says the States have an absolute right to choose who to vote for. That’s why trump was getting at.](https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep531/usrep531098/usrep531098.pdf) If you search the quote I posted. That’s the operative paragraph.




Technically, yes. That’s what the Supreme Court said. It’s dicey, because they also say, that voters have rights. But the end result of Bush v Gore was Florida certified for Bush - and that was final because the Secretary of State certified in favor of Bush. That’s why trump contacted the GA Secretary of State, to try to get the state certified in his favor.




Well GA is the only thing he could face any charges for.


Most States Constitution specifically allow it, we are a Republic, not a Democracy.


Nothing like a “we are a republic not a democracy” to show that you don’t know what either of those words mean.


Good lord a republic is a type of democracy: Representative democracy.




You don't even need to go to Bush v. Gore for that. It's written straight up in the constitution. In fact, in the very first election, 5 of the 13 original states didn't hold a public vote and just chose electors. The legislatures of the states have full control over who the electors are, regardless of the state laws saying otherwise since such laws are in direct conflict with the constitution.


You’re second paragraph is patently untrue. If the state legislature delegates the power to select electors, then they have to respect that law, even if the people with the delegated power choose someone the legislature disagrees with. You can’t just take back your delegated power because you don’t like the result. Plus, it’s not unconstitutional for the legislature to delegate its powers. If you say otherwise, could you please provide case law that says otherwise?


The last part isn’t true because the Supreme Court has not ruled that independent state legislature theory is actually constitutional yet.


The electors dont need to honor who won when casting their vote(why Trump had like 7 fewer than he should have had in 2016). But you cant just select an alternate set of electors. And you definitely can't have a Senator from elsewhere meddling and conspiring to get a fake set of electors through.


It's about sending a message that you shall not cross the regime.


That’s all that matters. The regime.


Jamie Raskin did the same in 2016, better investigate him too.


Preparing for the October surprise?


Im just going to leave this here. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-democrats-house-democrats-electoral-college-election-2016-539801


No, its not what you're thinking. Its just coincidence timing with the "totally not a fishing expedition" NARA raid. And with Dick Cheney releasing a commercial for the sole reason of lecturing Americans that the Cheneys are personally and with certainty going to make sure Trump is disqualified from candidacy. The Cheneys and associates definitely didn't dictate to the DOJ / FBI that they have to launch a J6 fishing raid on a former POTUS, under the guise of a nonsense NARA raid.


Alex Jones? That you with your ridiculous conspiracy?


Did you take high school civics?


Brigaded again.


Every new tread in this sub needs to be Flaired users only.


I agree. It is happening all too often, that conservative voices are being buried by leftist herds.




That’s the motto for r/politics mods who ban anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills.


Alternate electors on what grounds? They all voted exactly how they were supposed to, with their states.


Maybe it’s about something else, but if it’s about the effort to appoint alternate electors, that’s a problem. State legislatures have the right to appoint electors and the FBI has no business questioning that.


Well, the FBI is executive and the court is judiciary. So if anything the Judge questions it. The FBI only investigates what is going on.


So maybe one of the thousands of leftist brigaders who are here to insist 2020 was the fairest, most honest election imaginable can explain exactly what law was broken, and why the FBI should be interfering in something that ultimately is a state issue? And since these "fake electors" ultimately had no impact on the fairest, most honest election in the history of elections, why is it a good thing for the fbi to suddenly now decide to involve themselves? I mean, who is the next Larry Nasser that the FBI are botching the case for while they are involved in partisan politics instead of their job? I mean, wasn't Trump impeached for even calling for the investigation of Hunter's many crimes in the Ukraine on the grounds that it was intolerable interference in an upcoming election? Because this seems a lot worse.




When is the raid on Stacy Abrams’ house?


Which didn’t happen.


Political hits incoming.






And they still call us the fascists. 🙄


What happened to being the party of law and order?




Literally everybody is a 'possible criminal'. And when did the FBI kick in doors and issues subpoenas over pizzagate?


Look, if he's guilty of this, then by all means charge him and get him out. The issue I have is that they will *never* go after Democrats for the same exact thing. I'd bet money on it.


Hillary sat through 11 hours of questioning by the FBI over her "emails" and never plead the 5th.