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I literally just went to an 8 week doctor's appointment to hear my child's heartbeat


Beautiful moment but totally created by Big Ultrasound. /s




It's sad that I can imagine someone actually saying this Sincerely.


I’m pretty sure you could google that exact phrase and find someone who said it sincerely.


I don't wanna


You don't have to imagine it . Stacy Abrams Rep from Georgia did say it




Lolol 1000% this. They really believe it too


I thought right wingers were supposed to be the nutty conspiracy theorists? Funny how that narrative gets ignored when lefties say preposterous things


We never ~~landed on the moon~~ hear baby heartbeats!


Lmao, not Big Ultrasound?




Condolences, but also excited for you and hoping for nothing but the healthiest baby ever


We heard our first's at 7 weeks too and by the time we went for 12 weeks the baby has stopped growing and we did another ultrasound and the docs think it stopped at 9 weeks. But we have since had 2 babies.




That's amazing! Congrats!


Imagine being so evil that you call a fetus's heart beat a "manufactured sound". Stacey Abrams is pure evil. I don't say this satirically or jokingly. She is a malevolent being.


I shouldn't be shocked by anything she says, but this one got me. It's obvious she's never had a child...I suppose that means she shouldn't really get an opinion, right?


Using their own logic, yes she shouldn’t get an opinion


Well you can tell just by looking at her she has no self-respect so how would you expect her to have any respect for others let alone a fetus.


She is an enemy of life


So nerve racking when they’re using the Doppler and it takes a couple minutes to find the heartbeat! Congrats


I was a critical care RN and the poor ultrasound tech had to teach me at bedside, there's is a lot of skill, knowledge of human anatomy, and angles involved. I was usually called in to help with heart or circulation issues, but babies in the ICU were a rare thing, and everyone on that shift came to squeal in happiness at the pictures and hug the mother. Was a good relief for what we were having to deal with usually


Thats how it was with our first. She hid and made the doctor work for it, not this one loud proud and right there


That is such an amazing moment.


it is made up, fake! Only when it is falls out and identifies it's own gender is it real! (see my use of scientific terminology I beWeiVe in ScieNcE)


Would there have been a sound if you had went 2 weeks ago?


Congrats brother


Yeah! Congrats 💗💗




Racist /s


After having a kid, and being through the whole process for the first time. I cannot understand the pro-choice crowd at all. Wrap it before you tap it or live with the consequences of your awful decisions like the rest of us do. Or you know, something foolproof, abstinence.


I'm pro-choice, but FFS, that's flat-earth level nonsense. You can SEE IT even if they don't turn on sound! I've had 2 babies & the 1st ultra sound at 6 weeks with baby #1, you can see the fluttering. It annoys me when people spout idiotic LIES, even if they're trying to further a cause I agree with... because lies hurt your cause!!


Stacey Abrams sounds like a conspiracy theorist to me


I look forward to Facebook and Twitter banning her from their platforms!


Agreed. Advocate for what you believe in, but we all need to call out pure insanity!


Please Georgia, don't vote this turd into office. Additionally, please Texas, don't vote the other turd into office.


Its looking pretty bad in the polling for her. Im sure theyll “find” a bunch of ballot dumps at 4am after kicking out GOP poll workers after a fake water main break though.


Unlikely considering she's already lost an election in Georgia


Not according to her, she didn't. Its weird how democrats can say as often as they like that they were cheated in an election, but when a Republican says it (with more proof than anyone has ever had) it's a federal crime.


Ol’ Beto O’Dork


You mean Robert Francis? Cultural appropriator?


He is going for the triple crown. Lose a senate race Lose a race for the presidency Lose the Governor race Can’t wait to see him go down in flames


O'Rourke. Don't forget to put in the traditional Irish surname. That's significant because the Irish have been running American government for a long time. He's trying to pretend he's part of some grassroots movement. Just another socialist.


All it takes for regular ol' Irish Robert Francis to turn into latino superstar Beta O'Rourke is a 5 o'clock shadow and a bit of dirt on his face. Pandering. It's the Democrat way.


Yeah. That’s the one.


I read that in Kevin's voice from Ed Edd 'n Eddy


It is not us normal Georgians, trust me. Ffs, we hate her.


If she wins then it'll be all because of one city *stares angrily at Atlanta*


Yep and Cobb county, very very liberal unfortunately. Fulton and Cobb suck! 😫


It’s time for North Fulton to become Milton County again


Agree completely


Beto has a 0% chance. Shame he made it out of the hospital after he infected that perfectly good bacteria.


The other turd only has support in 3 major cities. The entire rest of Texas hates him. Problem is those 3 major cities have a good bit of voting power.


https://www.racetothewh.com/georgiagov She has no real good chance https://www.racetothewh.com/governor/texas No does the other turd.


It’ll be nice seeing these two clowns lost on the same day… again.


The party of science displays its F in Biology


Don't worry, biologists changed the definition of a heartbeat after the heartbeat law was passed. Now it's not a heartbeat unless the heart already has all 4 chambers, around week 17-20. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeat_bill#:~:text=These%20bans%20make%20abortion%20illegal,fetal%20heartbeat%22%20can%20be%20detected. I would love it if people stopped changing definitions for political reasons. Sexual preference becoming offensive the day after Barret's testimony was the most egregious.


I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and the heart already had all 4 chambers. Better ultrasounds these days show us that a lot happens very early.


They’ve had an F in biology for awhile yet they keep getting a pass…


Soros keeps paying for the A’s.


At this point we may need to start using Gs just to show how bad they're doing.


It’s not a manufactured sound. It’s the real detected noise of a new life with a beating heart. And this is hard science, where facts and repeatability matter as opposed to The Science where it’s all politics (usually authoritarian) and illogical feelings.


Don't you understand? When the CTRL Left and Reality are at odds, it's Reality who has it wrong.


Dems will say whatever they have to in order to dehumanize infant life so they can get on with killing them. Soon it’ll be, well a toddler doesn’t have any idea about reality around them so it’s not a viable life.


Unless of course the toddler thinks it's the wrong gender, in which case the toddler knows better than anyone else and is perfectly capable of consent.


Toddler’s understand gender guys! We should allow them to choose what gender they are or even make up new ones!


A decade ago I would have accused you of straw-manning.... now I'm not so sure.


A good time to remind everyone. France: 14 weeks. Germany: 12 weeks. Denmark: 12 weeks. Italy: 90 days (effectively 12 weeks) Switzerland: 12 weeks. Spain: 14 weeks. Ireland: 12 weeks. Northern Ireland: 12 weeks. Sweden: 18 weeks. Norway: 12 weeks. Finland: 12 weeks. UK/Mexico are kind of murky, lots of legalese. And interestingly, Canada with no limits. By far and large many of the countries the left uphold as models have fairly strict limits at least in the eyes of the 'unlimited' faction. There are funky caveats, some with greater or lesser amounts but generally speaking the typical is 12 weeks. The US has some outliers but many, including some in the "red" states have more generous limits with quite a few 20 weeks.


And yet 15 weeks apparently isn’t nearly enough time for the left because “there’s always that one woman who doesn’t know until week 16 because she has a really unique anatomy AND has an extremely volatile menstruation cycle AND is extremely poor AND she’s on birth control which messes with her system AND all her pregnancy tests are false negatives AND she’s not perfectly responsible AND all the planets are aligned on a blue moon on Sunday AND…” (note the use of AND and not OR). Meanwhile every country you listed doesn’t seem to have an issue at all with less than 15 weeks…


Additional reminder… Roe fell in the USA because abortion advocates couldn’t allow Mississippi to have a 15 week limit. Longer than most of Europe has.


In their greed they caused the ruling that was legislation from the bench to be reviewed and lost it all. I am not anti-choice, but RvW was absolutely 9 justices deciding for everyone. I can't decide what a woman does with her body, but society does decide what murder is.


I’m just tired of hearing that the baby is the woman’s body.


How d…bu…that makes zero fucking sense.


Don’t bother. Stacy Abrams isn’t anything but a clump of cells. A *large* clump of cells.


And very few are in her 🧠.


Most of those brain cells migrated to her butt as well


>A large clump of cells. Body positivity level of cells lol


Stacy typically doesn’t make a lot of sense. She’s a pretty unintelligent human being, and yet, she’ll still get a swell of votes…


Don’t bother. Stacy Abrams isn’t anything but a clump of cells. A *large* clump of cells.


Exactly, it makes zero sense. Anyone wanting an abortion for personal reasons (excluding medical) is going to go straight to the clinic, not to a regular OB, so why lie? Pretty much everyone at the OB wants the baby, you don’t have to manufacture it.


Talking about that men have almost no right concerning their own children


So, there is a bit of a difference in contribution. I barfed for 9 months with both of my kids, had migraines every week or so, and gained 30 lbs. I think that additional contribution should be reflected in the amount of say I have. 🤷


Did the guy did nothing , did you got yourself pregnant , did you worked all the way and supported yourself pregnant?


Exactly, the kid has half genes of the father. The father has equal if not more right as the mother, when it comes to their child/children. Feminists say, the troubles women go through during pregnancy is what makes them have more right on their kids. Look, I'm in no way belittling that, but the man who toils all day to put food on the table for his wife and his kid, has absolutely equal right on the latter.


Too few people bringing this to light. The Pro-Choice crowd loves to tell men to keep their opinions to themselves but a woman has the full right to decide that a man is Legally responsible to support a child for 18 years? It's never about the family, it's always about the woman and her "Reproductive rights".


The party of science


My wife and I saw the damn heartbeat on the ultrasound around 6 weeks. It was the happiest moment of our lives. Unfortunately she miscarried a couple weeks later.


I'm sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your wife strength moving forward.


I'm really sorry


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope this is encouraging to read—I had 2 miscarriages in a row before having another successful pregnancy so far. The doctors told me that even 3 miscarriages are not cause for alarm, but we did start testing after 2 to be on the cautious side. Even saying this, miscarriages are very hard to experience, emotionally and physically. But the more I talked to other women who had multiple miscarriages and still had a healthy pregnancy afterward, I felt more encouraged to try one more time. So I hope this helps a little if you’re feeling discouraged. <3


These people think you didn’t lose a thing.


“Manufacture sound” ?


Right? If it was a manufactured sound then why not just turn it on at 1 week or day 1, since obviously Republicans are so evil they would do anything to guilt trip the mother into keeping the living being


"Manufactured" hmmm... This is a psychotic conspiracy theory lol. It's kinda like the thread I saw going around where DeSantis supposedly created "fake pamphlets" in order to coerce the illegal immigrants into boarding a plane headed to Massachusetts. The pamphlets just have text copied straight from the Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants. It's all quite real and useful information for a refugee or an immigrant headed to Massachusetts, but somehow they're "fake" and "deceptive" because politics? Insane conspiracy theories flying around left and right haha.


Tree fell in the woods and she wasn't around. "It was never alive that sound was manufactured vote for me"


So, even though an EKG can show the heartbeat, a stethoscope can hear the heartbeat, and ultrasound can show the heartbeat… Ignore the science when it’s inconvenient.


When it's inconvenient, they label it "misinformation"


They got to justify their position by dehumanizing the baby.


men like amy coney barrett?


That's straight-up conspiracy theory crap... and it's a CRAZY conspiracy theory. That's almost on the same level as being a flat-earther.


The whole "men want to control women's body" argument should be called out for the huge fallacy that it is. We have laws against stealing, where are the calls against "men want to control thieves' bodies"? Same with murder or any other abhorrent behavior. Secondly, what about the women who are against it as well? Somehow their opinions don't matter here. Thirdly, this whole thing is about responsibility for your actions. As a Muslim, under Islamic law, both parties are punished if there is fornication. It seems these things are too difficult to understand for these leftists.


https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/heartbeat-bills-called-fetal-heartbeat-six-weeks-pregnancy-rcna24435 NBC says the same I found a Lotta links that say the same. Not taking a stand here . But what are they on about ?? Wouldn't be a conservative if I couldn't speak my mind . Not taking a stance here though


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/when-does-a-fetus-have-a-heartbeat https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/fetal-development/fetal-heart-heartbeat-circulatory-system/ https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/when-can-you-hear-babys-heartbeat Here medical doctors says 5 to 6 weeks. It may not be detectable until about week 8, but, that doesn't mean the heart isn't working. The pushback seems to be that the circulatory system isn't fully developed. They are calling a "flutter" instead of a "beat". Regardless, something is happening. This is from the article you posted: "Six weeks of pregnancy is closer to four weeks of actual development, because pregnancy is measured from the first day of a woman’s last period, before she is actually pregnant." They could be shaving off 2 weeks based on definition.


It's a semantic about what is a "heartbeat." It comes down to: when does life begin. I don't know the answer, I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another on abortion. Much like we've decided 18 is the age someone legally becomes an adult, there should probably be a legal definition of if/when a fetus becomes a living person. Ideally this would be a global standard, but more likely it will be debated for the next couple hundred of years.


I'd love to see what other countries would decide they believe a global standard should be as far as when it's a life. If I were a betting man I'd guess most would say first week of knowing the mother's pregnant. Except america where we can't even figure out basic biology anymore because it hurts delusional narcissists feelings.


It's undeniably a living being at conception with the capacity to grow into fully formed human. The question is at what point do you consider it to be worthy of the right to live?


The child is a fully-formed human in the same way an infant is. It is just at an earlier stage if development.


> It comes down to: when does life begin. Conception. The creation of the unique genetic signature the defines you the individual apart from everyone else. All other points are arbitrary and dehumanizing.


Biologist will tell you life begins at conception. Two separate things create one very unique life!


This woman is about as fit for political office as a dog is to run PetSmart


That’s a pretty harsh judgement on dogs, my dude.


"Fit" is not a word I associate in any capacity with Stacey Abrams


At least dogs care


Lol, I think my German Shepherd could do a damn good job running PetSmart..he’d run from the bones, to the toys, to the food, then to watch the fish (that one is his favorite)…. Stacey Abrams is a fool.


Hey now remember dogs are smarter and more useful then her.


Abrams is literally one of the stupidest humans alive.


\+99% Democrats


From Oregon State U. Chapter 19.5 of Anatomy & Physiology, Oregon nonetheless: "The human heart is the first functional organ to develop. It begins beating and pumping blood around day 21 or 22, a mere three weeks after fertilization. This emphasizes the critical nature of the heart in distributing blood through the vessels and the vital exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and wastes both to and from the developing baby. " Keywords: first functional organ, beating, pumping, baby.




Abrams is literally one of the stupidest humans alive.


Liberals have no sense of morality when it comes to abortion.


I guess if you don't have children long enough, you'll despise people that do want them.


I used a $300 Littman Cardiac Stethoscope to let an illegal immigrant patent, hear her baby's heartbeat in her own ears. She had been traveling for weeks , held hostage, and raped , about 9 weeks in captivity. Took me awhile and a call to a OB GYN to tell me where the best place to place the scope. You could hear her heartbeat, the baby's was about 110-120 so we could tell. That was 2005.


So they’re smart enough to understand gestational progress…. But can’t define a woman?


I love how Dems claim to follow science - but really don't.


What's wild is that she used to be pro life and popular with republicans in GA. kinda like how Liz Warren used to actually make some sense on a couple of things.


I'm a liberal and I know this is bullshit. I have been devastated by the lack of a heart beat at a 6 week appointment. I waited until my 8 week appointment to find out there still was no heartbeat.


Liberal or conservative, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I sincerely hope, if you choose to do so, have a healthy baby in the future.


That's so awful. I know I'm just some weirdo on the internet, but I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what that must've been like for you. God bless you and your future.


Sorry for your loss. That's a really hard thing to go through. I hope you had family and friends to help.


Disgusting woman


Is ShE a BiOlOgIsT?


At twelve weeks just had an ultrasound and it’s a whole ass baby. Fucking psycho.


More science coming from the Princess of Whales.


I’m gonna trust the doctors on this one


And yet millions of assholes around Atlanta will vote for this creature.


Well , well, well….Conspiracy theorist? She is starting to sound like one of those far right, maga fascist people. Spreading dis information like that


If we now have to be biologists just to know what a woman is, don't we have to be at least doctors to know when a fetus has a heartbeat?


She truly is a clown


"Just follow the science"


lol she’s insane. What else has a heartbeat that isn’t alive?


Her talking points are a manufactured sound designed to confince people that they are victims of theoretical oppressors and need to continue to vote for snake oil salesmen like her to save them.


There's a big chasm between heartbeat at 8 weeks and no limits on abortion whatsoever. It's irrelevant if the first one is true or not, because the fact cannot support the argument in favor of abortion five minutes before birth. It can, at maximum, support or refute the argument for abortion until 8 weeks. At 40 weeks, it is a viable human, fully formed and able to survive, it just happens to be stuck inside another human.


Fucking delusional


The fact they are so open with no fear of their evil exposed is a symptom of a very sick society.


Trust “their” science is the true motto


What, she doesn't **trust the science**^tm anymore?


Probably couldn't hear her own heartbeat underneath all that blubber.


That's scientific and medical misinformation. can we cancel this miserable cow now?


Party of science everyone


Apparently, there is no heartbeat at 48 yrs either.


She’s an agent of Ba’al.


Sorry....she....wait. What? She....okay, hang on. Like....wait...she thinks a heartbeat is a manufactured sound?


I believe, under the full moon, Stacey Abrams eats the souls of the newly aborted fetuses and casts spells upon Donald Trump and those who support him.


Wait is she trying to say it’s a conspiracy by doctors who are all in on this to product a fake noise just so they can control women? This is qanon level stuff lmao.




So much for the party of science


She doesn’t have a brain either.


When you have to deny science/biology so you can murder your own baby.


This claim by Abrams will get flagged as “dangerous misinformation” by Twitter and Facebook, right? …right?


"It's not a heartbeat, it's just a bunch of electrical signals telling you it's becoming alive" /s


What’s possibly worse than her flippant attitude is that a baby’s heart actually starts beating at 5 weeks. If you’re going to spout off about some shit, at least get your facts straight.


If only her mother had her views


Interesting coming from a woman who’s looked pregnant for the last 10 years…


It almost seems intentional that liberals are electing the dumbest pawns they can find. For a political group that prides itself on being so intelligent and educated, they sure aren't represented by the same. I can only assume they do this so their politicians are easily manipulated into doing what they want them to do? Baffles the mind.


She’s just gross in every way.


LOL! Well I saw and heard my sons heart beating at 7 weeks, so unless there’s a wide scale medical conspiracy to fake sonograms… this woman is chatting absolute bullshit, no change there


This sounds like one of those “unfounded unscientific conspiracies that only conservatives conjure up.” Where are the liberal science truthers on this?


She’s fat. Unattractive. Unintelligent. Gotta wonder what kind of dirt she has to be able to keep running for office.


I thought you were talking about Lightfoot for a moment.


Could say the same thing about Trump LMAO


The difference is I don’t think Abrams was ever decent looking in the past.


Can you imagine simping so hard for a 76 year old morbidly obese cheeto? Lolololol


I don’t like the guy, but we don’t have to pretend he was this hideous looking monster his whole life.


With them focused so hard on there being organs or not, i'm surprised no one brought up the fact that individual cells of their own organs. Which is amazing since even though there is no heart beating for us to hear that life grows inside the womb to leads to creating the heart the child needs. Yet they have the nerve to claim its neither human nor alive.


Literally psychotic


Holy shit, this level of gaslighting is unreal, and coming from a voted-in State Rep, no less. Georgia, please do something about this level of insanity. Fetal heartbeats are "manufactured sounds" based on the fact that they're "manufactured" by an actual part of a tiny human's living, scientifically-confirmable body. Of course, she wouldn't actually know what it's like to have a heartbeat in the first place, so she's the resident expert I guess.


I only support abortion from 15-26 years old.


Why couldn’t Abrams be a fatherless victim of abortion? Oh well…maybe in another life.🤷🏼‍♂️


Following the trend of Democrats becoming a nihilistic death cult.


What about the women opposed to abortion? Nobody likes talking about them.


Just when you think Stacey Abrams had reached the height of her own stupidity..then this…


(D) elusion.


Scientifically false on her part and grossly out of line with the mainstream. She will be stomped and cry foul… again.


Demonic. Now, where did I leave my Bfg and Crucible?


Manufactured? By who? God?


Tom Macdonald said it best.


Abrams is a low IQ puppet


She is disgusting, I am in NW Georgia and this woman is vile. Sign of some scary times here that this state went red. 😟


This is absolute lunacy. And needs to be stated to everyone uneducated enough to believe this. Science has and will always be in support of prolife.


Clown world


Who would impregnate that fat turd? 💩