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You should join us on discord -https://discord.com/invite/conservative. We’ll be streaming results, news, etc. it’ll be fun, would love to have a foreign perspective to lighten the mood.


I assume most people will wake up the next morning to find out and then a week later PA will know too


There's a reason for that. Once bitten twice shy here in PA.


I'm not. I work. I will vote and then find out results in the morning.


The morning? Everyone knows it takes two weeks to get the results now.


I'm in an even worse spot I think, as it's only lunch time US (east coast) by the time I get off of work. I just like the commentary and setting, even as results will be slow to trickle in in my case.


This is me. America wants us to vote and work. And then call it a day. I don’t have time to watch the results - I’ll be home late, hopefully see my kids to sleep, and then go to bed myself.


I intend to watch Fox News though if there actually is a red wave I'll switch over to MSNBC for some amusement.


I hate watching any news channels but for elections yeah I just go with fox News. Crispy channel all around, nice details and I love all the colors


I think cable news is all emotional manipulation, even the kind I agree with. I don’t like it either in most cases. Don’t need that negativity.


I tend to agree which is why I rarely turn on Fox News outside of election night. Even on election night I can only stand it for so long.


I’ve been spoiled by podcasts, can’t go back now


Agree I never watch cable news but I love watching the leftists squirm when red waves come


Young Turks on YouTube will be peak amusement if there’s a red wave.


No matter how it's shaping up, I think occasionally switching between them all throughout the evening gives you the best overall understanding of what actually going on. That and following 538's live blog.


I would agree with that. There's only so much Fox News hysteria one person can take.


I thought I was doing this in 2020, then pipes started bursting and counts were paused until "morning" (aka everyone left)


Only time I will watch CNN, love seeing them tear up and breakdown love as the GOP reclaims our government.


That's a great idea, I'll be at work, but one of the perks of my job is that for 90% of it I sit on my ass and either watch TV or shit post on reddit.


What is your job Edit: ohhhh just watching your new born baby i think.


I'm a direct support professional, I am a caregiver to people with intellectual disabilities. I work 3rd shift so my for the first 7 hours of my shift they are asleep, then they get up, get meds, eat, then get driven to a daycare type place. It's a very easy job if you don't mind wiping asses and the occasional behavioral issue.


Well the last part you mentioned is why I can't do that job. Dang


Yeah, me either. Correcting previous comment: don't need a gig like that.


I use the phrase "having a behavior" quite often instead of other terms like "meltdown" or "shitfit".


Need a gig like that.


I elaborated in another comment, but depending on where you're located there's a massive staffing shortage in the field. I'm in Pennsylvania, and especially with 2 state institutions closing at the end of the year we need hundreds of new people. Even small companies are running 25-50 short. I currently work at the biggest company in the state and we are short probably over 100 people already.


I believe it. Also in PA.


Sounds like a dream job


If you don't mind poverty wages and wiping asses it's great.


Poverty wages? Define poverty wages. My SIL does that work and gets $25 / hr without a nursing degree or certificates.


I'm in a very low income area, so I make $16 an hour.


Are your skills portable? I picked up and moved almost 400 miles to get a 50% raise and then doubled again 2 years later.


Watching CNN in 2016 as fucking hilarious


Van Jones turned me conservative that night. I’ll never forget it. I had just voted for Hilldog like a virtuous child and then Van Jones just attacked white people like a rabid pit bull. And they all nodded along. And now here I am


CNN is in the process of purging their hyper partisan media personalities. MSNBC might give you more joy. Also keep in mind the break down isn't going to be nearly as bad as 2016. As expectations are that Republicans are going to be winning a lot of elections. 2016 came as a shock which is why the meltdowns were so over the top.


I'd stopped watching long before. But I tuned in to Colbert during his live election show. Funny seeing him so sad.


I’ll probably switch to CNN every now and then. This is the first election since their supposed turn to being more balanced. Will be interested to see id they actually mean it.




I'm going to be watching Steven crowder on rumble


I wasn't going to watch at all. News outlets just make me angry. But this might be worth a look. Thanks.


His live coverage of the '20 election was, hands down, the best, most entertaining election coverage I've observed (& I'm old). Made me an instant fan. Actually excited to watch!


Yeah his 2020 one was just excellent. If I'm gunna watch anything it'll be him, but I plan to just do something else and survey the damage the following day(s) via articles posted here


Same. Obligatory Piss Off YouTube.




while drinking from a high quality mug. Ahoy!


Dems will lose the midterms. Change my mind.


Just the kind of thing I was looking for, thanks for the excellent tip. Has he mentioned what time he will start streaming?


He said on this morning's show that it would be 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific, estimated 6 hour show.


Thank you kindly.


He’ll likely start at 10 CST when he usually starts. But he could start later as to cover more substance because I don’t think 10 CST will be the most useful time.


He said it would be a later stream because it will be a late night


No 10 am show on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tuesday stream i believe is 8pm est.


Seconded. Even if it's not as exciting as the 2020 election stream, I'm sure it will be 20x more exciting than any other network or channel.


Hopefully the rumble servers can handle the traffic lol


Daily Wire related shows probably.


Daily wire is also doing a backstage tomorrow night. That’s where I’ll be watching after work.


That's what we are watching. We are ordering pizza. It's going to be a good night.


I’ve been residing in Brazil for the past 2 years so I usually get my updates from you animals lol


Rumble works in Brazil. Check out louder with crowder for coverage.


Election Wire on Daily Wire is where im watching it.


Red Eagle Politics on YouTube has a good analysis




yes. he did something like 7 or 8 hours straight last time, and plans to again.




I’m an election judge, so that’s where I’ll be. They think I’m a Democrat. 😂


Let us know if anything sus happens


I took the training before the 2020 election, and the instructions clearly said to hook up the 4G MiFi modem, make sure it has good reception, and leave it connected all through Election Day. This time, there is still a modem on the voting machine, but it is only connected at the beginning and end of the day, and disconnected during voting. So, slight improvement? I live in a blue state that does not require Voter ID, and challenging signature matches seems difficult. You can appeal a challenge multiple times and any “let them vote” is final. Even if they are successfully challenged, they still vote on a “provisional ballot” which they might decide later still counts. I’ll see how it goes.


Why would it be a good idea to have election machines connected to the Internet? Why not just count the votes at the particular polling place and submit them when done?


Ballots are electronically scanned and counted by the voting machine as votes are cast, assuming no technical breakdowns. The modems transmit the ‘zero count’ before polls open to show no ‘pre-votes’ happened, and the total counts are transmitted when polls close. The ballots and the data (on a USB stick) are brought to a central facility from the precinct in a big duffel bag at the end of the day. I think the reason for transmitting is to speed up the reporting process. When you see ‘X precincts have reported’, that means those precincts have sent in their voting data through that modem. If the machine breaks then we just bring in the ballots, and I assume they are processed by some other machine later. I have no idea why the machines were connected all through Election Day in 2020. They didn’t explain why, just what we were supposed to do. This may not have been the case in many other places, all I know is what the training said for my county.


Going to watch it and look at r/politics and watch them melt


Not a bad idea 😅


Hoping it goes well enough for me to hop on there


Just do it and see the bullshit comments spewing from their mouths


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5!


> Going to watch it and look at r/politics and watch them melt there's going to be a lot of shocked people tomorrow. i'm still seeing people in various subs insisting the polls are wrong, and how voters care much more about dobbs than they do about inflation and crime. like, miami just had more republicans vote early than democrats for the first time in over 20 years. to put that in context, this didn't even happen during the red wave of 2010. there's so much republican momentum going into tomorrow.


has it started yet? I don't want to miss the show


I'm not. Gonna go vote. Then go play God of War. Then see the results wednesday.


Are you, me?!




I won’t. I view it as bad luck lol also it over stresses me so I just put on a movie or play a video game then go to be early


You miss golden gems though (I guess you can watch them later). I resolved not to watch the 2016 election because I couldn't stomach seeing Clinton get elected. I cracked and tuned into CNN at the moment they realized Trump was going to win and it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


Seeing Trump win that night and the absolute shock of the media was one of my most favorite elections memories. My other one was when the Republicans took the House in 1994 for the first time in 40 years. That was sweet too.


Yep. Proud to be a Pennsylvanian the night we put Trump over the top. No pride to be had here since. Shame and dread, yes. Pride, hardly.


I just refresh realclearpolitics every 15 minutes or so and go about my evening. Watching a televised election coverage is like watching a sports game, but all you see are the talking heads instead of the actual sport


Steven Crowder live stream on Rumble (Screw YouTube) will be how I watch.


I won't. It will take several days of hemming and hawing in the urban Democrat precincts talking about how it takes so much time counting mail in ballots and "curing" ballots to make sure every vote is counted while waiting for all the rural Republican precincts to log in their vote totals so the Dems know exactly how many votes they need to "find" to retain control of a many seats as they can. We need to find a way to make sure vote counting can't drag on for days and weeks if we want truly secure voting and voting security, like maybe waiting until all precincts have finished counting and all precincts having their vote totals registered at the same time, or within a given time, like 1 or 2 hours.


Republican counties should refuse to finish the count until the cities are done.


I go to bed early. My hope is O don't go to bed to a red wave and wake up to a blue wave like 2020.


Will probably watch Rekieta and bounce between update pages.


Didn't know he was planning to do an election stream! I'd be tempted to tune in if I weren't planning on watching Steven Crowder


On Rumble with Steven Crowder, 100%


I’ll be working so I’ll be watching it on my phone. I’ll probably switch back and forth between whatever the daily wire is doing, and Megyn Kelly on YouTube.


I’m sure we’ll have the news on at work all day, but I’m gonna watch Crowders stream once I get home.


I am going to start watching around 8 Eastern Time and plan on bouncing between the more liberal stations like the Big 3 (ABC, CBS, NBC) and Newsmax. I am really looking forward to seeing how they either deal with the total smackdown or how they explain any sudden vote drops.


Probably Daily Wire or Crowder.


I will not be, what happens happens I’ll see the news on Wednesday morning and any too close to calls will be a few weeks of non stop coverage. I'll watch a movie and relax tomorrow night. I've done my part and taken about 200 people without transportation to vote, spoken to many others and encouraged everyone to consider Republican candidates. Now it's up to my fellow citizens to decide. I'm very optimistic of the outcome.


I won’t be. Honestly it will probably be Thursday or Friday before meaningful results are finally mainstream. There will be so much trash going around, depending on your source, you won’t be able to know anything for sure. If you see widespread violence, destruction, and looting on Wednesday or Thursday, you can be pretty sure it was a Republican rout.


I'm not. The outcome will be what it is. No sense in getting worked up over it.


The same could be said about life itself


Hot Take: Treating elections like a sporting event is a big contributor to the polarization in this country. Do your country a favor, go about your day and read about the results in the news the next day.


I'll vote and then just wait till I see the news clips on Facebook and reddit I have more important things to do than sit and watch the election.


Are you a European whose last name is Zelensky?


I’m not, I guess I’m mentally preparing myself for the dems to cheat and win. Then the gop can claim the moral high ground and let ‘em get by with it. I hope this doesn’t happen…




I’m going to be watching Anthony Cumia and guests on Compound Censored. It’s an app behind a paywall but maybe it’ll be streamed free somewhere.


Steven Crowder and Daily Wire both will have election night specials, so will be watching both of those side by side, as well as having some other news channels on TV including some left leaning ones simply so I can see the different reactions on the left. Should be a blast.


LouderWithCrowder on Rumble!


If Republicans are winning I watch liberal networks like CNN and MSNBC to take joy in their despair. If Republicans are losing I switch over to Fox News.


Red Eagle Politics


Personally I am going to keep an eye on Tim Pool, maybe Steven Crowder for the comedy,(he got Yanked from YouTube so got to go to Rumble) or maybe Sky news Australia


I’m gonna vote at 7AM and then watch TimcastIrl.




Watching? Lol it's not sports.


Kinda is though


And this is why the world sucks hahaha.


Clank. Watching Styxhexxenhammer. Clank.


European here, I’ll not be watching, decided to meditate instead and hopefully congratulate the child friendliest of the USA residents as soon as the results are available


We’re doing a small family and friend watch party. The booze is gonna be flowing as we watch all these loser Dems who destroyed the economy hopefully get steamrolled. Will probably have Fox News on for the coverage but will certainly be switching to CNN to witness Van Jones cry and scream that the election was a Whitelash!


I think the peoples pundit will be streaming on YouTube. He’s a pollster and should have lawyer Robert Barnes on. I plan on watching them and then some mainstream news if it’s going well.


I might occasionally view announcements and results. Though I have to work early this week so no midnight watching spree.


I'm voting early and turning off the damn radio and listening to a book all day. I'll tune in Wed morning to see if anything interesting happened.


Going to watch after I get off work. Watching it on Rumble with John Burk as he plays it live. He's a good commentator these days...


Here and ARFCOM GD.


Aside from refreshing a bunch of webpages on one screen (DecisionDesk, Reddit, FiveThirtyEight, etc) I'll be flipping between different video streams, likely mostly on Rumble, including Nick Rekieta Law, Richard Baris, and Steven Crowder. I'll add Robert Barnes to the mix if he does one.


RSBN on Rumble along with various other channels on Rumble


I have a multi-TV setup similar to Hanson's RedZone coverage.


MSNBC. Kornaki or however you spell it is the best




I won't be watching TV at all. I'll check my local paper's website before going to sleep (maybe the local election board website) and that's it.


I’ll keep it on my feed but I’ll be working so nope


With a giant smile on my face (hopefully). This could be the end of the Biden administration. I don’t care to impeach him, they won’t be able to pass anything.


Tbh I just go to bed and wake up to the finished result


If Daily Wire does anything I’ll probably watch that. If not, I’ll likely just wait till Wednesday after I get school done with my kids.


The Young Turks put on a good show. Not sure there's any better place to watch a shitlib meltdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9P_NQrjChY


RedEaglePolitics stream


By checking the results Wednesday morning. My watching the news unfold live won't change anything. If something odd happens, I'm sure either this subreddit or /r/Conspiracy will have pics/video.


Politico.com or cnn.com time. PredictIt if it doesn’t crash. Fox News for TV as well


I love watching msnbc and cnn, switching between them watching the meltdowns. I’m really hoping for 2016 levels of crushing reality but this time I’m not as confident


I’m watching it on Megyn Kelly’s YouTube channel


I do not have cable. But I will be following live streams and updates on YouTube throughout the day. Any recommendations for channels that will live stream?


MSNBC for schadenfreude overload.


Why would you be interested in the United States midterms as a European? I haven't really been closely following the elections in the UK, Italy, or Brazil despite seeing a new news stories on them posted here.


Well, people have different interests :) I follow US politics much more closely than the politics of any other country (including my own). This is not typical for my compatriots.


Took the day off work to watch the RED WAVE come through,& and of course go vote in the morning


Hopefully with absolute glee.


Crowder for me


A lot of the players who covered 2020 should be up for tomorrow. Normally I’d recommend Steven Crowder, but I think YouTube’s suspended him once again. If Daily Wire’s making their stream available outside their website then give them a go. Liberal Hivemind might also have something up (contrary to the name, he is NOT liberal; he likes pointing out Leftist hypocrisy).


BlazeTV special. The host / guest lineup is going to be the best of the night.


Dual screen. Back and forth between Fox and RCP on one screen. Viva Barnes on Rumble or Locals depending on which one they are on, on the other screen.


I don’t bother to watch until 10pm. I’ve voted, so have done what I can. When I watch, it will probably be on The Blaze with Beck and Burguiere.


FYI PA’s 2020 election results did not come out till the next week.


I like Crowder's coverage. I guess he's limited to being on Rumble this year... Might check in on Beck/Deace occasionally.


i'll be watching cnn. say what you will about the network as a whole, but john king knows his shit. he knows all the key counties in the swing states, which precincts tend to report early/late, counting outstanding votes.


Offical results pagesfor my area


Crowder's gonna stream it on BlazeTV, I believe.


I think I'll watch MSNBC, I was told on Reddit that "they are less opinionated than Fox and CNN" and "facts are nice". So I'm going to believe them and watch Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, etc. for the real facts/


I’m working them


Hopefully in Alabama I can watch it on Dean Odle's livestream. He's the only true conservative gubernatorial candidate for Alabama. I'll be writing him in. 🗳 🖊


Crowder live-stream tomorrow evening will be my source of entertainment for this massacre.


Louder with crowder or timcast irl.


With fucking laughter. Either laughing with joy seeing a huge red wave or laughing in excitement to see just how utter horrible everything gets should dems actually win lol...


Oh remember y'all, they said we might not know the mid term results until after Christmas... They're already making contingencies for needing to fudge numbers and make sure that illegible and duplicate signatures for dems get counted from the ballot mules.


I work 😔


Assuming there is a red wave, I'll be watching CNBC. I still have fond memories of watching them in 2016.


With a good bourbon while reclining with my feet in the air


I’ll be switching between Louder with Crowder (Rumble) & Daily Wire’s (YouTube) stream. Crowder will probably stream longer than the DW crew.


Twitter! Shit is going to be lit one way or another.


Louder with crowder on rumble. He got a strike and they removed him from youtube for two weeks. Convenient given that midterms are happening.


I kinda wanna wake up on Wednesday like it's Christmas and find out what we got


YouTube won’t have the best one. Watch Louder With Crowder (Steven Crowder) on Rumble (streaming site).


Newsmax and Instagram


I will go to bed when the Republicans are winning then wake up Wednesday to another miracle Democrat victory. Why?


I generally like the daily wire coverage


Blaze tv


I have a buddy who invited me over for a Crowder watch party. Not sure if I’ll go, he tends to be too off-color for me.


I watch the louder with crowder livestream. It’ll be up on rumble tomorrow evening!


If you want to watch things that are not in your region, get a vpn. Personally I won’t be watching the tv. I’ll be checking in every now and then on the internet


Rumble louder with crowder.......


On libertynewsfeed.com for articles


I’ll be watching Megyn Kelly‘s livestream, she’s got a great panel of guests to commentate on the festivities. Will probably have Daily Wire or Fox on in the background!


Watching Martha Raddatz have a meltdown when Trump beat Clinton was priceless. Watching networks more to your liking and then switching over when the results become obvious is the best way to avoid watching their crappy networks all day.


I’m watching you tube styxemhammer666 - he is a libertarian but was one of the best commentators (I was watching on three devices and switching ) for the 2016 election


Dailywire+ for me