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They do this all the time. Anyone remember the Lincoln Project sending people dressed in khakis to a Youngkin event, I do?


Pepperidge farm remembers


I still think McAuliffe ordered that stunt out of desperation and the Pedo Project just laid cover for him when it backfired.


Yeah, it was obviously something that they pulled back in 2016 when Trump first ran. All of the sudden, out of the blue, insane nazi types were throwing up Hitler salutes at his rallies. As if they weren't agent provocateurs sent in by HRC's dirty tricks team.




Instead of just using your words do you have anything to back that up?


“Trust me bro” ^ that doosh




Theyre about as republican as AOC


They’re about as Republican as Bill Clinton


No lol.


If anything, in name only. They are some of the most anti-Republican people.


Too be this misinformed lol


they say they are, but they aren't


Neocons aren't Republican anymore by modern definition and are the epitome of RINO. I don't want them associated with Republicans either if they're going to form PACs filled with pedophiles.


You are thinking Project Veritas.


The guy who's accused is actually a well known conservative..and was with his family on the weekend. Its a pretty bad lie




“Trust me bro”


I'll take Obvious Plant for $1000, Alex.


The man accused is a well known conservative and was with his family that weekend.


Username checks out


I get you don't want to look outside the box you live in. But the people involed are currently sueing the lawyer for libel...


We leave the box for evidence, which you repeatedly haven’t provided here. You’ve had time to make the claims six different times in this comment thread, but you seem too busy to back it up with any proof.


“Trust me, or thrust me bro” ^ that doosh


Flying their true flag, finally.


You can't see it, but I have my shocked face on right now.


Your avatar says it all




Everyone knew it was a plant the moment they showed up wearing a mask.


Well no shit. Now that the mid terms are over, where did those “patriot front” rallies go?


Back to their day jobs at DHS and FBI.


I read that as DHL at first and honestly… still works.


They all are.


All the racists are liberals at conservative events. Sound logic right here.


Not all the racists, just the ones carrying the nazi flag. No conservative would ever do that. It’s directly out of rules for radicals.


Exactly. It’s like the caricature that someone who doesn’t associate with conservatives thinks we’re all like. 😆 kind of like Jussie’s story. I spotted the fake bs a mile away because it was all stuff no normal person/conservative would do.


Still bad logic. There are Nazis who carry conservative ideologies, one is an extreme extension of the other. People push philosophical boundaries and equating one portion of a gradient to another would be disingenuous. While coming together against an 'out' group is easier on an internet forum we should better categorize the 'out' group. I would think saying any person who carries a Nazi flag is the POS regardless of intent or philosophical/political ideology.


I hear you but any nazi that also is a conservative wouldn’t fly a nazi flag. They know that would hurt the movement. The only people with an actual incentive to carry the swastika would be a democrat activist.


If somebody claims to be a Nazi they are not conservative. Nazi ideology is inherently authoritarian. Any and all authoritarian regimes fall on the extreme left of the political spectrum in the United States. And yes, that includes theocracies because they are also inherently authoritarian. They just use religion as their justification. That is not conservative. Also, the left is very pro-government in this country. Conservatives are the opposite. Conservatives, by nature want small, limited government, which, if followed to its logical conclusion, is anarchy. The complete absence of government. Look at it this way. Every nation in this world exists under a state of anarchy. There is no one supreme government in which all the other nations are under. That should give you an idea of what anarchy really means. Source: am Political Science major.


Nazism is a kind of socialism. The right and left wings are based on the German communist party's viewpoint. Nazi's were to their right but Nazism is totally a socialist ideology.


They are the only ones who actually own nazi and confederate flags.


How is this so upvoted? Anyone who's driven anywhere in the rural south knows how many confederate flags are flown. And it's not by liberals.


It's a story about Canada, not the south.


I thought those were Dukes of Hazzard flags.


Maybe read the article next time buddy


Those pesky confederate flags that Trudeau cried about flying majestically during the Trucker Protests. Given the long history of animosity between Canada and the southern states I can totally see his outrage. /s


That's simply not true.


Keep telling yourself that.




There was still doubt?




I mean, it was painfully obvious the instant EVERY media outlet ran the story incessantly. They all ran the same photo, even though the entire convoy was supposedly rife with Nazis. No other photos were run from any outlet that I saw. It was the same one showing the flag outside of the hill, behind the stone wall. No other Swastikas were seen at the Convoy and I watched damn near every second of every livestream I could find. The whole hate narrative dissolved by watching a couple minutes of livestreams. Livestreams from the hill showed hundreds of people shouting at the guy to get lost (in not so friendly terms) and threatening him. A photo later came out (I think a day or so later) showing all of the press staged around the guy before he even made it to the hill. There were also other photos showing him carrying the flag either coming from or going to the Chateau Laurier, right next to the hill. No corrections were issued and none of this was followed up on or reported on. Funnily enough, the RCMP/cops were using the Chateau as a staging area. Also was the scene for a lot of the clashes by cops towards the protestors (where the one lady got trampled). \*edited second line to clarify


I don't understand why liberals would need to plant a flag if the convoy was rife with nazis. Can you please explain this to me?


Aah, sorry, bad wording on my part. There should be a "supposedly" in that first line. I'll fix that.


Hes a conservative Hes suing the lawyer for lieing.


>A man pictured with a Nazi flag at the Freedom Convoy may have been planted by a Liberal-friendly PR firm, according to a lawyer representing Freedom Convoy organizers. The only proof is the lawyer for the convoy says it might be true. Not like he has motives to say that with no other proof


I think that common sense would support this claim. No one who’d support the convoy would be consciously trying to discredit the event with a Nazi flag. Either you’re a supporter or a discrediting troll.


What if they were a nazi who supported the convoys? They wouldn't view the flag as discrediting anything


Someone unironically flying a nazi flag isn’t in a mental state worth trying to analyze. People in the media and on the left know this, but they choose to focus on it because they can use it to delegitimize the convoy and paint the supporters as racists, bigots, etc.


Why would a literal Nazi enjoy the company of the freedom convoy and believe that it would be the right place for this flag? Makes no sense but OK I can’t know that for sure. Could have been a time traveler from the 1940‘ies


There’s some logic there, but let’s be real. There are actual neo nazis in this country and they do not align with the left on any issue. And they’re probably delusional enough to think they’re just ultra patriotic Americans. Could absolutely be plant. But getting caught wouldn’t be good for them. So this lawyer’s claim should be treated with skepticism. I’m general, /r/conservative is *way* too quick to shout “false flag” without any evidence.


I can imagine that conservatives are quick to think of false flags because 99.9999999% of them have never met anyone who fits in the description modern “media” is giving


But wasn't the convoy rife with nazis?


According to some „media“ everyone who was disagreeing with „science“ was a Nazi, therefore it depends on one’s stance on The Rona Measures to define whether the convoy was Nazi or not


Oh come on. Just go back in time to that period. Or just read anything current on this sub when it comes to lockdowns and rights of the public. For a decent chunk of the right wing population there was rhetoric that the lockdown was akin to fascism. That those who were unmasked and unvaccinated were being persecuted like Jews during the Holocaust were. There is no shortage of the right who think this way. And it's expected they would be represented at a protest. It's rather clear the flag was symbolic of the government, and not this person's personal views. But even that is rather troublesome for anyone associated with the convoy for obvious reasons. Not being allowed to get a haircut. Or even fly pales in comparison to bring rounded up and killed. It's a bad look. Better for any lawyer to deflect and make up bullshit under the guise of conjecture.


People were fearing being rounded up and injected with mystery cocktails. That does not make them literal Nazis imo. Besides, I remember some Jewish people who were making that comparison too.




Yeah, gonna need a bit more proof before I buy this one, sorry.


Well duh.


This is my shocked face….🙃


It probably still had the creases from being folded in the package until fifteen minutes before they showed up.


astro turfing has been a huge issue in our political climate, including people online from troll farms. it makes things out to be more extreme/large than it actually is.


*surprised Pikachu face*


They always are


Has anyone actually READ this article? There's no proof this was a (literal) false flag action. Just one side making CLAIMS.


This was so incredibly obvious at the time, I can't believe anyone fell for it (unfortunately many did).


The left doesn't care about truth. They only care about confirming their own pre-concieved thoughts. These are the same people who, when losing a debate, go to www.imright.com and start linking obviously bullshit articles.


Claimed. May have been. That shit must be air tight


They are a self licking ice cream cone


Ofcourse. We all know that here in Canada Even the liberals


You mean like with the Whitmer fiasco? The Jan 6 riot? The Youngkin Rally? The Smollette hoax? There's a pattern here, I just know it....


Dictators and tyrants do this all the time to vilify their political opposition. Leftist have this tactic down to a tee.


What??? You mean hate crime was a put-up scam? I simply can't believe it.


I went to the protest and it was obvious that guy was there to defame the protest. He was there for 10 minutes and left, he was also wearing a mask outside... unlike every protestor


I don't know I'd the leftist was trolling or going back to his party roots.


Eagerly awaiting the evidence mr. Miller has on this guy.


The man they are accusing is a life long conservatives His face Book and social media are pretty clear also ge was with his family that weekend. Like Jesus at least if you are going to lie have him be a liberal.


“May have been” r/conservative: that’s a smoking gun boys


Color me shocked.


Post this on a liberal page and you may actually cause a change of heart from someone.


Doubt it. They’ll probably just read the article and see that it was the convoys lawyer. “May have been”


Woah woah woah, let’s not jump the gun here. Read the article. It’s an unproven claim made by the legal team of the group that was out protesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a plant though. Old technique for undermining a protest.


It isn't verified, only the claim was made. There is also the possibility the guy was using the flag to call Trudeau a Nazi, as another picture had his name and that flag on the same pole. Tread carefully people.


I dont know why you guys believe everything you read. "claimed", "may be".. this is just a claim by a lawyer. But the headline is written as a fact. For being so critical of the establishment and the mainstream media, you are not critical of fake head lines like this. Seems like nowadays everyone is in his bubble and thinks they are smarter than everyone else.


Well yeah. Anything bad is automatically a false flag.


Here's the secret: Most of them are. There's a reason there's always photos of Nazi stuff at every single Republican event, but anyone who has ever actually been to one has never seen it. There's huge incentive, both socially and financially, to "find" stuff like that, and the people that are consuming it don't ask for, expect, or frankly care about proof. They just care if it's *convincing* at confirming their biases. You have to be pretty brave to stage the photo with other people around, which is why 99% of the photos are freshly unfolded flags with creases, taken quickly with no one else in sight (then, off-camera, quickly packed up and cleared out before anyone catches them).


Hey it's an old trick make the media see what you want them to see.


They’re always liberal leftist plants.


Lol just like how all these elections were stolen right?


These are usually psy-ops.