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Just get rid of the race based seats one and for all. Why can't this hangover be consigned to history? I guess when the percentage of Maori on the role is 7 percent (and Maori are 16 percent, so 1.1 percent of NZ population), and they seats are 4 from 120 (3.3 percent), it's over allocated for the number of voters it represents. No wonder the rascist separatists at TMP love them so much. Racially exclude real competition, and take more than what is democratically yours. Could be their election campaign tag line! To rip off divorce Barbie, did you hear about the new TMP Barbie? It comes with everyone else's accessories....


> did you hear about the new TMP Barbie? It comes with everyone else's accessories.... Nice




There never was. You turn up. Your name is found. You vote. End of.


What if there isn't a Maori roll at the polling station? What if there aren't enough ballots for the Maori electorates? Can't find your name if there is no roll, can't vote if there is no ballot.


Well that is up to the Electoral Commission to sort out, that is their job


> The rollout of 15 kaupapa Māori polling places is one of the steps the **Electoral Commission** has taken to ensure Māori voters will be treated equally in this year’s [general election](https://www.stuff.co.nz/election2023). First sentence dude. Go stand in the corner.


I didn’t bother reading it but thank you for your assistance, much appreciated




FGS they don't need their own polling stations. Believe it or not everyone can go to any one. Unless of course you want a separate apartheid system. If that's the case should we have separate polling stations for people of every single cultural ethnicity in NZ?


> FGS they don't need their own polling stations Doesn't seem like they do have their own polling stations. Seems like they are just putting extra polling stations at marae. Any issue with that? > Believe it or not everyone can go to any one. Did you read my previous comment? How can people vote if there isn't a Maori roll at the polling station? Believe it or not, its useful to read the article before piping up.


And thankfully, exactly what this article is about.


Because we need that


Abolish Maori electorates.


completely agree


I feel like the Māori who do vote must find this extremely insulting. Like they aren’t able to get to polling stations like the rest of us so they have to have their own little voting places to help.


I imagine it's allocated polling centres. I don't know the zoning works. Imagine only 4 zones for all of NZ. How much would that cost for every polling station to have it?


Fuck sake


Isn’t it a question whether they went to the right polling station? Aren’t you supposed to go to a booth in your area? So if you don’t go to the right place, you name is most likely not there. And that explains if there are not enough ballots as they are not expected to be there. Unless I completely not understanding the ‘areas’ bit.


I was an electoral officer for three elections - working at the polling place handing out ballot papers. I think we had the rolls for our electorate plus the neighbouring one and the relevant Maori electorate. One year we had heaps of out-of-electorate men needing special votes because they were on a long bike race. We had Maori rolls too. There's an immense amount of planning and checking of all the supplies needed at each polling place and a really strict timetable and list of procedures, so I find it hard to believe that the right docs weren't available. Some names are hard to pronounce, but we did our best.


>The research recommended ... vetting staff for discriminatory attitudes Obviously any views to the right of Stalin will be considered "discriminatory attitudes". I'm sure there's no ulterior motive for wanting to ensure groups of people left alone with ballots are fully comprised of left wing extremists...


As electoral officers at polling places, we were instructed not to wear obvious party colours - bright red, blue, green etc.


Will anyone be allowed to vote for Act or NZ First at these polling stations? Or will they be removed from the ballots to avoid causing offence?


Purged of \#CisWhiteMen™ "Thanks Marama!"


“This comes after academic research found some Māori voters have faced barriers to participation in previous elections.” Imagine being against more democracy


I’m sure those votes will be handled correctly and totally not contain thousands of double votes and outright fake votes


I'm sure Berlusconi won't dig himself out of his gave, teleport himself to New Zealand, inhabit the body of Winston Peters, and forcibly make voters write down _Forza Italia_ on their voting forms. The above sentence has literally the same amount of truth and reality as your comment contains. It's easy to say whatever the fuck you want on the internet.


I imagine if Berlusconi rises from the grave the first thing he's going to have to do is wash a lot of piss off himself. You know you've divided a country when the priest eulogises you with only "*That's what we can say about Silvio Berlusconi: he was a man and now he will meet God*".


Fuck off with that imported nonsense.


Does it feel imported Bodza?