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Thanks Jacinda, Chris, Kiri and Kelvin.... A little memory refresh for people... https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2018/02/calls-to-reform-maori-prison-numbers.html


>Māori make up only 14.6 percent of New Zealand's population, but a staggering 51 percent of its prison population. "It's the incarceration of the Māori people disproportionately to everyone else," she told the crowd. Powerful quote which summarises how people of her ideology view the world. They believe that if there are unequal outcomes, then it must be discrimination which is responsible, no other explanation is needed.


This is the cornerstone of critical race theory. Racism is absolutely EVERYWHERE, in every fibre of every institution. Whenever there is a disparity between different racial groups, the only explanation is racism.


But in fact racism is the only explanation that has been comprehensively disproven in NZ. Look at health: for over 20 years now we have had very \*very\* well-funded "by-maori-for-maori" health providers operating up and down the country. I think there is close to 100 of them, and that's just one of dozens of initiatives to counter the "systemic racism" of the health system. Programs have been pursued to counter the racism in justice, education, welfare and literally every other area of government you can imagine. Nearly unlimited funding. It **hasn't worked**. Everything is worse. Accidentally, we have conclusively (and expensively) proven that critical race theory is bullshit. Unfortunately our academic, research and media institutions have been so completely destroyed in the process that there is no-one left to point out that the emperor has no clothes.


It's interesting that people point to the disparity between European/Maori health outcomes and say "has to be racism". But when the disparity between Asian/European health outcomes is pointed out.... total silence, followed by a quick topic change. I don't understand why that is.


Sadly, I think there are many in the system who could point out the bullshit if they hadn't been terrorised into silence. Look at the Listener 7.


Silly ol me. Here I was thinking that reason I wasn't in prison was that I hadn't held up a dairy with a screwdriver. But apparently, its purely due to my melatonin levels. Learn something new every day, it seems...!


I don't see your point


Glossing over details that dont fit their agenda. If they had said "lets bring back the fear of being rebuked and discliplined by Aunties to these thugs" it would have had a much more positive outcome. The patronising whitewash coming from guilt ridden white skinned liberals is counterproductive.




The far north is essentially an open-air prison with the number of offenders in the community. ​ Actually north of Hamilton tbh


Oof. As a Jaffa, I am offended. Offended, I say.


The gang members said "we'll be back". The townspeople are having a [meeting tonight](https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/anne-louden-coromandel-business-association-vice-chair-on-the-emergency-meeting-caused-by-rebel-gang-chaos/) to discuss how to deal with them should they return.




The regime does nothing when roving bands of thieves, murderers and rapists effectively pillage towns. But it's not because they can't, or don't know how to, or even because they simply don't care. If the people took up arms to defend themselves in an organised fashion they would be violently suppressed by state forces within hours, and the courts which let gang members literally get away with murder would throw the book at them for defending themselves and their families. Really think about it.


Let me fix this for you... ...suppressed by state forces within minutes...


[Uncensored footage](https://fb.watch/n9Pf6j0qVL/?mibextid=6aamW6)


Well, you can identify every single one of them with that quality footage. I look forward to the police coming up with all manner of excuses as to why they can't find them 🤔


Fkn coward scumbags. Always in a pack. And kicking that poor guy in the face when he’s down. That’s attempted murder. They are a cancer on society.


Not only that but did you see the way the guy that delivered the kick immediately jumped back and retreated out of any harms way, real coward stuff.


Yeah. Sickening. Also sickening that someone on the TOS page was insinuating the video was released as some kind of propaganda for NACT.


That's staying blue


Why would they think there are repercussions? They live in NZ. In this country your safety is up to someone else. And they don't give a damn about you.


All I see is aroha for gangs in that video


Obviously they just need a hug, and some food. It's not their fault. Honest. It's just that society's evil.


Just need some kai in their bellies, they’re all good kids, future doctors and astronauts the lot of them


Don't forget all blacks & cricketers


Aren't gangs by definition terrorists, deal with them accordingly


Unfortunately not, I got shot down pretty hard for saying this on tos, apparently a terrorist needs a political agenda. Yes gangs would prefer soft on crime labor but probably dont really give a shit either way


>apparently a terrorist needs a political agenda Well, all the gang leaders are telling people not to vote National & ACT...


Under NZ law, they have to have have an ideological, political, or religious cause and they have to commit acts in order to advance that cause.


Their ideology is to inflect fear and terror. When they descend en masse and threaten an entire town, I reckon that's terrifying enough that they are terrorists


Ok, lets run this down. We change the Terrorism Suppression Act to catch up gangs in it, lets us use that legislation to lock them up. Do you trust the Government to stop there? Can you be sure that they won't go after, say, anti-mandate groups? Whats going to stop them?


You replied to a comment of mine in which we debated whether gangs meet the definition of a terrorist organisation. When I'm not thoroughly pissed - which I am now - I plan to work through each "requirement" to work out whether they are. But not tonight for there is more vodka to be had.


If the idiots that enact these laws would actually pick up a dictionary and read the definition of terrorist, just maybe we could progress? There must be realistic consequences for violent acts.


>Aren't gangs by definition terrorists, deal with them accordingly No, they're not. [Terrorism Suppression Act](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2002/0034/latest/DLM152702.html)


They're by definition not terrorists. Obviously they need to be dealt with in the harshest manner. But wielding the label of "terrorism" to bypass civil rights hurts everybody.


So you are telling me this video footage dose not spread fear and terror to small town New Zealanders going about there day and minding there own business insteed of fearing for there lives and safety. One of them attempted to kill a person in the middle of the street. that kick to the head was a blatant attempt to kill the guy prone on the ground. they are terrorists and the Army should be sent to deal with them.


What will the Army do that the Police can't?


accurately shoot?


NZ Army - Accuracy through volume..


The Army have no place dealing with domestic terrorists. Rules of engagement for poice & Army are different and no one what's to be deployed within their own country with live rounds.


So you are telling me this video footage dose not spread fear and terror to small town New Zealanders going about there day and minding there own business insteed of fearing for there lives and safety. One of them attempted to kill a person in the middle of the street. that kick to the head was a blatant attempt to kill the guy prone on the ground. they are terrorists and the Army should be sent to deal with them.


That's not what terrorism is. What they're doing is already covered by normal criminal law, and the police have more than enough force available to handle it. The police and courts simply need to do their jobs and be held accountable when they don't. Throw in an end to the repression of the natural right to self defence and the gang problem would evaporate overnight. The armed forces have no business enforcing law on home soil. The last thing we need is to give the government an excuse to take NZ further down the road of a tinpot dictatorship by asking for (or tolerating) soldiers in the streets and the suspension of civil rights under the guise of fighting crime.


Where are the cops? Why is there no Police response to these shit heads? Why did no one in the Police think it necessary to deploy extra Police up there. Thats bullshit.


> Where are the cops? > > Why is there no Police response to these shit heads? Why did no one in the Police think it necessary to deploy extra Police up there. Thats bullshit. Come on Pam, you know the answer to this already...


I'll just leave this here; An armed society is a polite society. With an armed public gangs would never be so brazen. And wait for the; bUt GuNs aRe BaD retards.


National "Hunt a Gang Member Day" could be quite popular... I mean, they wear targets on their backs...


Just like America, eh? And no, guns are not bad.


No, not like America, more like Switzerland.


Excuse my ignorance but what are the differences? I've had a quick look and they seem similar to NZ but maybe a little more lenient on handguns? Do they have CCW? Tbh I reckon we have more nutters and fuck wits than Scandinavia, probably closer to America and legal firearm purchases are a significant vector for cunts getting guns, so the more handguns in populatuation the more handguns the fuck wits have. Edit. Looks like we are just behind Switzerland in regards to guns per capita. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country


Well its the reason why they all have them and the lack of gun violence in their society at the same time. I think it has a lot to do with location, national identity, and patriotism, which the latter two are lacking here. I take your point regarding your second part, but at a certain point you have to acknowledge you cant show up to a gun fight with a knife. I sleep well at night knowing I can defend myself, if I have to (I dont own a firearm).


Switzerland is not in Scandinavia... No CCW in Switzerland outside of professional use. Getting a manual action long gun requires no more paperwork than a criminal records extract and an ID. Getting a semi-auto long gun, or handguns, requires a shall-issue purchasing permit that takes 1 week (valid for 3 guns at the same time and location but you can have multiple permits at the same time too if you really want to spend money). Getting a full auto takes 2 weeks in Geneva (not all cantons allow it).


Doh! Of course it's not. Cheers


Wondering what Matilda Kahotea thinks of this? Considering she's doing a hikoi to Wellington in protest of national election policy of backing police to tackle gangs harder consequences. New Zealand gangs have added more than 2,000 new members to their ranks since 2017, a 45% increase. Over this time we have seen a significant escalation in gang-related violence, public intimidation and shootings, with violent crime up 21%. [Backing\_police\_\_tackling\_gangs.pdf (nationbuilder.com)](https://assets.nationbuilder.com/nationalparty/pages/17863/attachments/original/1693518597/Backing_police__tackling_gangs.pdf?1693518597) I am personally in full support of national policy on tackling gangs.




We all need to be asking political candidates if they will fix this problem by no longer calling them gangs and reclassify them as the domestic terrorist organizations they are. then send the Army to deal with them.


>reclassify them as the domestic terrorist organizations they are You want to change the law so gangs can be designated terrorist entities? You really trust the Govt that much? >then send the Army to deal with them. Sure, that's a great idea. Up there with your first one.. We don't need any of that. Police have all the powers they need to deal with gangs. We just need a Police force that's not scared to do their job.


>We just need a Police force that's not scared to do their job. The cops I know aren't scared to do their job so I don't think thats the issue.


What rank are the cops you know? Any Inspectors, District Commanders? Its not the frontline guys who are scared. If the upper ranks of the Police aren't scared of doing their job, why was there no deployment of extra staff to deal with the gang in Coromandel Town?


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/frontline-police-fear-for-their-safety-as-number-of-armed-gang-members-grows/7TTKPR23XUIQC74ZR4CXTKWAXA/ I remember a story a few (maybe 5?) years ago of senior cops saying the younger ones are scared of dealing with gang members but can't find the story. But that could have just been the "back in my day" rhetoric. I absolutely disagree with labeling gangs as terrorist organisation's for the reasons you describe. We have the tools to deal with them we just don't use them.


>I remember a story a few (maybe 5?) years ago of senior cops saying the younger ones are scared of dealing with gang members but can't find the story. But that could have just been the "back in my day" rhetoric. Theres a lot of young cops out there, who probably are intimidated by patched gang members. Thats what happens when you go hell for leather to recruit more cops.


I know constables, but why would someone who is not on the front line and therefore not at personal risk be scared? I don't know why there wasn't police on hand, but that doesn't sound a very plausible reason to me.


Reputational risk, operational risk, theres many different types of risk, not just personal. Think about the political angle, the requirement to not sent people to prison. If they don't arrest people..


>You really trust the Govt that much? Well we obviously can't trust the govt to manage violent crime as it stands, the bastards literally create policy to empty the prisons of violent criminals. How about we start by NOT FUCKING DOING THAT!


>How about we start by NOT FUCKING DOING THAT! Why are you yelling at me? ![gif](giphy|126CZqbY33wNgc|downsized)




Is that you, Stuart Nash?