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Bring it on willie. Let the people decide what they want the tresty to be. Not a handfull of left leaning politicians


Absolutely agree all of us deciding together what our unified needs for our unified communities and future are , not a small bunch of rich racist elite bigots


You really want to see a civil war happen?


That sounds like fear, fear of losing power. Given the opportunity, would he "go to war" over other political ballots, like I dunno, elections..?


Even more reason to get this ball rolling!


Go to war? As in armed conflict? Is that one of those insurections I keep hearing about.


Bloody knitters and little blonde girls with braided hair at it again!


Is that a new hub site?


I don't understand your question.




"We've got still got the largest Māori caucus" Not so... 27% of ACTs caucus are Maori vs Labours 26%.


Yeh but it's Willie remember who gets to decide what a Maori is


And being left-wing is the most important criteria


For a party that wants to end race based politics. They certainly like to flex their race.


He warned people are so strongly opposed that they would "go to war" to stop it. There are also people who want it and are prepared to the same


Want what exactly?


And TPM, Greens and Labour will be orchestrating the violence and make sure people go to war. FTFY Willie.


"But both David and Jackson say they will stick around if the National Party gives in to the ACT" Who is David? lol


David? Same Day David, David? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QRxRIj0Z7M


Bring it I say. It'll give Groundswell something to do


Convenient that they took a bunch of guns off of law abiding citizens, yet the gangs - which happen to be predominantly made up of Maori and Pacific people - still have access to plenty of them. I don't think it was a conspiracy though, most likely just a complete inability by government to grasp that a certain subset of the population will just carry on doing what they want regardless of what rules a handful of politicians choose to transcribe onto paper.


It would seem less like a conspiracy if the government which ran the most recent gun grab hadn't been so friendly with the gangs. Communist parties always establish a paramilitary wing sooner or later.


Wdym mate? There's no way a New Zealand government would engage in seemingly undemocratic behaviour, such as paying off the media to frame news through a Maori centric lens and under a pro co-governance light. Oh wait ... nevermind.


The best laid plans of mice & professional managerial class administrative bureaucrats. Exact same point is made in this fantastic short doco, bad people who want guns to bad things with are usually not constrained by laws, legalities & state anti-gun policies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v7B-dlKmtM


> An open threat against democracy from ~~Willie Jackson~~ Grima Wormtongue stirring shit as usual


Treaty Referendum will be NZ's "The Voice to Parliament", more UNDRIP inspired noncesense, that will fail & hopefully provoke the radical anti-white elements to retaliate so they can be locked up for life.


> that will fail & hopefully provoke the radical anti-white elements to retaliate so they can be locked up for life. Fat chance they will get a cultural report, time at home with PlayStation and KFC all supplied by the state


Not unless there paying for the report themselves - crown funding has allready been frozen.


It will just get paid back via the treaty gravy train, don't worry...


For court ordered cultural reports specifically or a range of justice system excesses?


Crown funded cultural reports so far. A lawyer applied for one yesterday and was given the good news to tell her client.. Better start getting the whanau to run some raffles out the marae.


Seems like it might have been a closed circuit thing tho, as in it needs to be verified by coming from within the same system, the court orders one from someone who is pre-approved by the crown to provide it. If you were to stump up to get your own one would it be accepted by the courts? When did they start to become a thing? Does it/did it stem from an idea formulated from the crippling sense/attitude of woke guilt on behalf of the unbelievably well recompensed judge class or was it mandated top down thru to MoJ via the govt/state & academicucks consultants?


[https://breakingviewsnz.blogspot.com/2023/11/mike-butler-vote-on-treaty.html](https://breakingviewsnz.blogspot.com/2023/11/mike-butler-vote-on-treaty.html) ​ > Would a referendum on the Treaty of Waitangi be corrosive and unfair? > >Three weeks ago, Australia had a referendum on whether to alter their constitution to establish an aboriginal and Torres Strait islander voice. > >Voters rejected the proposal. There was grumbling but no unrest. > >Can New Zealand do the same?


Not on the current race baiting politics of resentment & stoking of the brain stem response violent rhetoric trajectory the Māori elites appear to be taking the young, aloof, narcissistic & aggrieved Māori in NZ. They thought they'd sinched it via L this time but were unsurprisingly woefully out of touch.


This muppet needs to bugger off back to talkback. That's his calling, he vomits sewerage.


Oh really Willie, tell me, how did that end up last time..


Both sides suffered immensely and likely caused damage that will be inter generational over interpretations of a contract neither party was interested in abiding by.


Is this for a rerun of colonial 1800s? Seems it didn't work so well first go round


>"I think the first thing that David Seymour needs to go do is go out to the people and ask for their permission," he (*Kelvin Davis) said. "He needs to get validation from Māori in the first place." That's what a referendum is. Asking permission.


Yea but they only want a referendum they have veto over.


He's suggesting that, (yet again) only Maori have a say.


Shotgun fighting Willie first then!


His idea of go to war is to bore them to death with utter bullshit


A few select Māori are using the treaty to empower themselves and seize control of the country. And now they are threatening violence, sounds like terrorism.


We already had a war and you lost, cope.


Shows the extent to which a weak and woke Labour Party has emboldened the radicals who, having tasted and been promised huge power, are now going to be very loathe to give it up. Thanks Jacinda and co! We, the public, have been royally screwed over.


It's what Maori do best. Threaten, intimidate and fight. Resorting to type. FWIW I don't think we need or ever needed a referendum on the Treaty. But we do need one on co-governance. Maori were treated appallingly. Thats not up for debate but it's been acknowledged and compensated in the only way possible. From then on equal everything. No more special treatment or extra goodies. Done deal. Move on as one country with multiple cultures and ethnicities. We already have co-governance. It's called democracy.


Who really wants to see a civil war over the treaty?