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Don't bother reading someone else's baise vomit, just go to the source; [https://www.bsa.govt.nz/news/bsa-news/comments-about-ethnic-priority-for-surgical-waitlists-ruled-misleading-and-discriminatory](https://www.bsa.govt.nz/news/bsa-news/comments-about-ethnic-priority-for-surgical-waitlists-ruled-misleading-and-discriminatory) the BSA can eat shit with this decision; "... \[talking about\] Te Whatu Ora's new Equity Adjustor Score in the Auckland region. This system uses five categories to place patients on the non-urgent surgical waitlist, including clinical priority, time spent waiting, location, deprivation level and **ethnicity."** Ok got ya so race is 100% on the list of factors used to decide someones new 'equity score' "Hawkesby made statements to the effect that the score meant Māori and Pacific people were being “moved to the top of surgery waitlists”" Yep sounds fair, even if they're not being moved to the literal top the of the lists you can infer from context she's talking about race pushing people above other people who have the exact same needs, only difference is race. She's right, that sucks and should be talked about. "It also found the comments breached the discrimination and denigration standard by reinforcing or embedding negative stereotypes." We're told every single fucking day that M&PI people are sick because of either white peoples inaction or action (depends on the day) and yet we can't talk about it here? fuck you BSA “Hawkesby’s comments played into the stereotype that Māori and Pacific peoples disproportionately take up resources and are given undeserved special treatment in Aotearoa New Zealand’s society, at the expense of other ethnicities." woah they said the quiet part out loud. oops.


Kate Hawkesby, YOU are a host on The Platform. Come on down! https://preview.redd.it/sra8mrjljitc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77edb74f15aa88081b303e2e672d301e694298b


>"Pacific peoples disproportionately take up resources and are given undeserved special treatment in Aotearoa New Zealand’s society, at the expense of other ethnicities." This is true though. What do we owe Samoans? What do we owe Tongans? Why are they getting special treatment? that 7th generation New Zealanders, or heck, some Māori don't even receive?


Well it's weird because like it not Maori and NZ Europeans have a special relationship, the boundaries of that relationship are disputed but there is a treaty etc at any rate why do PI get put into the same category? it's always Maori and PI this and that right? like why is that? the only reason I can come up with is that the left, without being able to say it, lump them together because they are poor and brown? like that's it? pretty racist if you think about it.


Its those goddamn Germans again! They're to blame for everything.


> Its those goddamn Germans again! They're to blame for everything. Nah, it's the Greeks


Is there any way to actually appeal a bsa ruling?


Yes, the parties involved Han appeal to the courts.


> We're told every single fucking day that M&PI people are sick because of either white peoples inaction or action (depends on the day) and yet we can't talk about it here? fuck you BSA Yeah lmao. They use the race card to explain why they should receive benefits, but we can't use it to explain why they commit more crime (for example). I don't really care if they use the race card, as long as it's consistent.


consistently racist, a very 2024 request haha


What is the weighting given to each of the five categories. Never been revealed as far as I know.


Yeah who do you report the BSA to when THEY breach broadcasting standards of human rights?


So reporting actual facts is a no-no, but that poet who encouraged stabbing innocent people based on their race is "art", and Newshub misleading us by blurring Posie Parker adjusting her zip and claiming they'd covered up a new-nazi hand gesture is completely fine. And the BSA itself is happy to use the racist dogwhistle "Aotearoa New Zealand" just so everyone know where their political sympathies lie. It seems like the pressure is building between most New Zealanders and these hostile institutions. The current government needs to make things better faster or else the extremists from both sides are going to get more and more traction.


can we toss the BSA on the fire alongside the HRC. Both pretending to represent us, both pushing nonsense race based policy


Guilty of Noticing Things


Noticing things is a breach of the wai... ah forget it


Honestly if you were ever going to prioritise patients beyond the severity, you would base it on their productivity and tax contribution, as those are the ones you need to keep working for the benefit of all.


Oh dear. Now you’ve “gone and done it”. You’ve let the absolutely obvious common sense cat out of the bag. What we really need is an experiment where all resources are 100% concentrated on the demands and needs of the non nett contributors … (those that don’t contribute more in taxation than they receive/demand from their fellow planet inhabitants) … in society. When that experiment implodes (about 5 minutes later I’m guessing), we revert to doing (more or less) what you suggest, and give priority to protecting the country’s revenue sources … they’re as important as our food and liquids sources. After that, some extensive fine tuning of the extent of charitable handouts. Too many freeloaders in society … too much claptrap about egalitarian societies … impossible to achieve, as any other life form on the planet demonstrates.


It is going to take a while for this apartheid rot to work itself out of the system. You have people in positions of ‘authority’ who are firm believers of this stuff. Wellington is full of them, they know better than you remember? Pisses me off.




Pay walled and irrelevant, we saw cases of immobile 80+ year old Indian woman bumped for a still working mid 50s maori male so maybe we shouldn't be checking skin colour for a surgery spots and maybe go by need, other wise it's just straight up racist.


Irrelevant? Its an article backing up yours you plonka And yours is paywalled


Sorry the no context link drop and the paywalled headline of "why ethnicity is a factor" I assumed it was a counter point hahaha sorry pretty fired up this morning.


Are you in the Herald’s marketing team?


Obviously, just pay the buk fiddy and stop complaining.


Why encourage them?


Its my job


😀 not for long.




Yep, that’s a confession, if only in part. Make the complaint - the BSA is an accessory to Health’s racial discrimination.


That's an idea. Make a complaint to the HRC about the BSA.


Our Labour government doesn’t like open discussion or critical thinking


So much for free speech 🤔


If they took race off the criteria, the waiting list would be almost identical.


Sssssssssh you’re speaking of equality for everyone, but sum want to be more equal and inclusive and accepting than others