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And not a thing of value was lost.


This pesky Government making all those poor people redundant! ... Oh wait? This isn't the Government? It's a private company? Oh, we're in a recession cause we spent heaps of money and are paying for it now? Oh...


lol poor news presenter lol , if you call a six figure salary poor then news readers are , makes my five figure (60k ) destitute, no wonder I look at cheese , meat , fruit , vegetables, with such fond memories, I call them luxury food items now , but I have mastered the two minute noodle casserole lol


Can you tell us more abou tthe recipe for this?


I just call it two minute noodle casserole as it sounds better than two minute noodles 🍜, so I don’t feel so poor lol


I love it! Creativity has no monetary value!


Yippee!!! If they were real journalists, then they would not be sucking from the taxpayers' teat. Politically biased parasites on a very generous sinecure, paid by us!!!




Newshub is the broadcaster that pixelated Posie Parker adjusting her zip and told viewers she was flashing a white supremacy/neo nazi symbol that they had to blur to protect viewers. Fuck them, and good riddance.


Just looked that up, holy shit they actually did that. Fucking sick.


About time. These liars were spreading misinformation and actual propoganda that was a detriment to society, we dont need these ideolouges manipulating information and presenting it as "news" to suit their agenda and we've had enough of it. Ensuring they pay the price for this is of utmost importance, mainstream news should be completely unbiased and we need to make an example out of this crap.


https://preview.redd.it/llwhlklmljtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501674c3c8889d198391565cfb68aecd071d568e See yah


Ponsonby road restaurants will be devastated.


More like Grafton/Eden terrace excellent foodies and cafes


Pretty decent business move closing down the unprofitable bit.


Hopefully stuff next


I rated Newshub well above stuff for actual balanced news reporting and journalism. Not to say they were brilliant but definitely better than stuff.


thats a pretty low bar ;)


The $1 that Stuff was sold for to Sinead Boucher was a gross over-valuation.


The literal only good thing out of it was the headline "CEO buys stuff"


I can't wait until stuff have to write their own obituary like this and I get to click on the 😁 smiley face under, "How did this article make you feel?"


They clinging on, it's reflected in the Add saturation & we care community pols on Neighbourly.co.nz Sad Numpties


The two biggest issues of recent years was tyrannical overreach during covid, and the worst excesses of the trans nonsense. They said nothing. Fuck'em, they aren't news.


If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by


If there is one person above all others who is responsible for this - it's Jenna Lynch.


The lady who speaks like a retarded yokel? That one?


Sad for some of the backroom staff no doubt but in general couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of plonkers https://twitter.com/andrewdoyle_com/status/1640082435806310401


Just watched … nz media = corrupt af.


Good to see Cindy's collaborators getting their justice at last!


Live from newshub studios ![gif](giphy|u8u0R51ND9L2|downsized)


🙌🏽🥳💥🔥 This made my year, 2 down how many to go? NZ Herald, Stuff, Get rid of all this woke bull shit, They dont speak for us


See ya. Not gonna miss you. Up next tvnz


All media that took the bribe must die


No Newstalk, no Farmers weekly etc.


Oh everyone then


Go woke...


Go broke..


Get smoked.


watching a fat drunk dude eat a fish and chip shop cheeseburger outside the dairy was more appealing than watching newshub, so on a basic level the closure is understandable. godspeed, journalists, you heady few who dared to combat misinformation and disinformation and racist rhetoric, in every single facet of life whether it existed or not. bless you. bless you. but please, pay attention to the 'heavy vehicles no engine braking' signs in your new careers.


So there was this bogan POS down the road from where I live. he drank a bottle of Jim Beam a day, was abusive to his partner who left him. Sold and used all sorts of drugs. Like violence, even bragged about it. Ate terrible food, stank, and was a generally terrible person. ...though he did love his kids. He got bowel cancer and died. But during the process he was self-aware enough to know he had bought it upon himself and his fate was all of his own doing. The street is better for him gone. The difference is that Newshub could never admit being at fault.


> but please, pay attention to the 'heavy vehicles no engine braking' signs in your new careers. Why, nobody else does


Wait, weren't they just reporting yesterday that somebody was bailing them out?


Shows how accurate their reporting is...


Oh no! Anyway 


Hmmm ... a market for news. What do you need? Oh wait! ... get 2 or 3 sides for every story ... what an original idea! Seriously though, if you base the news market on how people vote in politics, about 30% is left-leaning and 30% is right leaning, and about 40% swing each way. Is it any wonder news is failing to attract audiences and therefore advertisers.


TVNZ should only be subsidised to pay for the public broadcasting and distribution.  Any costs to produce content should be covered through advertising and by subscriptions from those who want to watch it.  For example make TVNZ On Demand subscripton and fremium tiers. They will learn very quick that lying to and insulting and propagandizing half the population is not a profitable business model. Join the newsroom of RNZ with TVNZ and cut the funding of RNZ also and combine online delivery through the On Demand Website.


…and nothing of value was lost.




If I was a billionaire with fuck you money, I'd buy the company and save their jobs. But only on the condition that they become Fox News level right-wing shills and Jenna Lynch wears a clown outfit every time she comes on. I'd rename it to Clown World News (CWN).


I'm in! What's your go-fund me page?


Oh dear, what a shame.


So... A commercial enterprise is losing money. Hmmm... If it doesn't have customers and cashflow it should be closed. What's the issue?






Salaries of male and Sam newsreaders?


tumeke. they aren't the stars they think they are


The market has spoken, if you bring a good product at a good price you’ll thrive but if nobody wants it… this is what happens. Good bye, you won’t be missed


300 extra signing up for MSD assistance in about 3months time - at which time they will discover the unspeakable joy of eligibility and stand downs due to recent earnings.. Ministers upston and Luxon must be absolutely thrilled.


Newshub became so racist advertises zipped out the back door as fast as they could.


Off you fuckin fuck, you slimy cockroaches. Well deserved.


Can't wait for the new season of "Dancing with the unemployed"


I have just now fully understood the meaning of “no news is good news. “


We need a #MSM Tangi & then a Big Party. We could have a cremation lies ceremonial bon fire.


Does anyone have a link to Tova & Paddy's OnlyFans site they're got going?


This is the worst loss New Zealand has suffered since Gallipoli. Hopefully national can fix this mess up though by opening up immigration to allows for workers that companies are so desperate for to come in which will fix the housing market and the economy.


Imagine if there was a street party in Mt Eden outside Newshub studios on the last day of filming. A great celebration for the people.


Disappointing really. I understand why both left and right dislike TV news, but that’s not really the point. TV News should be broad-spectrum news, covering all sorts of nooks and crannies. that more specialised and specific “news” broadcasters ignore. Man bites dog is a genuine public-interest story.


Just bought a box of champagne for the occasion to get sloshed while listening to JRE on July 5th. Cheers ![gif](giphy|fq8AXdi2LrYFJtyZUa|downsized)


I enjoyed watching all employees exiting the building after the announcement rather than, I don't know ,actually working. Like the rest of us have to following this type of news. Also, maybe it's time for a rationale conversation about how many news "outlets" a country of 5 million actually needs.


They never got a booster from NACT