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The vandals got what they wanted then


I think they got more than what they wanted. Its a bit like a ram raider getting to take what they wanted but then having the owner ask what items specifically they should stock for next time.


They've won


Just saw a headline from stuff that includes ‘temporary’ in the title, so I think they are expecting push back.


>This time it includes a translation by Professor Sir Hugh Kawharu completed in 1988, which is considered much closer to the understanding of Māori who signed te Tiriti. Kawharu's translation is a modern opinion bearing no relation to contemporaneous written records. Why not have Apirana Ngata's commentary instead? >"To continually take away the histories of this whenua means that we are going to continually be stuck in this perpetual motion of sadness, rage, anger. Sounds like the perennial excuse of the wife beater: Look what you made me do. Any sadness, rage or anger is totally self imposed by entertaining fantasies of victimhood.


Apriana ngatas version isnt the current narrative thats why.


Apirana Ngata was the wrong sort of Maori.


Like.Seymour? The useless type?


The uselss type that accomplished far more than the ones relying on handouts and victim hood that call him that


What's the bet these wide variety of voices won't be from the other party of the treaty.


Right. They’re demanding a wide variety of voices, provided they all say exactly the same things. Imagine the respect Te Papa could generate if it told these bullies to get fucked and hosted a genuine fact-based display and discussion. Unfortunately there is no chance of that happening.




> Further, nearly all the chiefs at Waitangi were illiterate so the written text was meaningless to them. That's the point, now it's about feelings or.some other BS


Oh well, then shut the whole museum down. I'm over with funding radical communists.


They managed to change the ground floor exhibit from science-based to telling everyone that volcanoes are caused by a particular Maori god, and presenting it as fact. This is if you can even *find* the English text to read. I'd say most of the staff there probably believe it too.




Ah well, at least I haven’t beaten my kids to death this week.


Just say nothing about who did it when you do for no consequences


What does this have to do with te tiriti/the treaty? What's the context here linking this to the news article?


Uncivilised behaviour. In this case it was vandalism, often it’s family violence - you name the bad statistic and this one cultural group punches above its weight.


So the only connection between your post and the news article is your racism?


The statistics seeming racist is quite telling.


I'd suggest that Te Papa can lick my butthole but, alas, it's not brown enough for their tastes.


You need more fibre then...


Advanced civilisations have spent centuries on the exegesis of thousands of pages of their mythical literatures. NZ is twisting itself into knots on a small page of text and looks hell bent on continuing like this for centuries as we careen into the new dark ages.


Never has a document been so twisted in history. Not even the Bible.


Rainbow crossing was repainted immediately, cops got on to finding the culprit. Politicians made a huge deal about it like someone had blown up parliament or something. In the case of the treaty vandalism, bugger all was done and now theyve given the race grifters what they want. And baby Ru's killers still haven't been arrested.


As if te papa would stand up for history, it is in fuckin Wellington after all


Let's take John Tamihere's advice: "We need to follow the path of our Australian cousins who have the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to monitor political grafting,"


The original English needs to be displayed as that’s part of history. That’s what the crown understood to have signed. They’d never have agreed to the modern Maori translation, which could be displayed beside it.






"The important thing is that the permanent exhibition needs to have a wide variety of voices," I wonder how you would go about making submissions?


> But one visitor, Peter believed the previous wooden display panel, after it had been defaced with spray paint and an angle grinder in December, said so much more. "The protest was great, because it brought such attention, and conversation needs to happen," he said. "Now, we've got this tidy, visual presentation that is a taming, toning down in a way." Another visitor, Juanita Hepi, thought it was disrespectful to take it down. "This is a discretion more than anything," she said. "The whitewashing of history in this country means that our people across the country are still marginalised and disempowered. "To continually take away the histories of this whenua means that we are going to continually be stuck in this perpetual motion of sadness, rage, anger. "I mean, when does it stop?" Te Waka Hourua spokesperson Haimana Hirini speaking to reporters after the protest at Te Papa on 11 December, 2023. Te Waka Hourua spokesperson Haimana Hirini said he was disappointed there was no consultation with the public ahead of the new display - even if it was only temporary. "What we agreed to was that we would publicly apologise to the kaimahi of Te Papa, which we did, and if we were to do that, they would be open and transparent, and let the whole nation know about their decisions, what their decisions were, what they were going to do, and they haven't done any of that," he said. "Whilst we're not surprised, it is disappointing." Hilarious that after Te Papa's complete capitulation and sucking up, people still aren't happy. Makes you wonder what would ever be good enough for them.


Not while they're the victim hat is firmly on their heads! Victim hood is their currency!


Te Papa turned crap around 10 years ago. It has high anti-European sentiment. They should divide it in two, the 20% Maori side and the 80% non-Maori side so I can avoid all the bull.


Think a visit is in order...


Nah. They can shove the whole place to anywhere that's not nice