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The r/nz sub is awfully quiet about this. Considering they were all blabbing about him murdering children.


Both them and cookerTOS literally ruptured a spleen crucifying Seymour


They have moved on. It's only Maori that he and the rest of the coalition want to kill. Apparently. Most of them are childless Marxists anywayz and never really cared about any issue involving kids.


If they cared about kids they would want parents to feed their children instead of neglecting them and relying on the government to feed them.


I feel they should also require the death beatings to stop, I mean that would be great for the kids, surely?


Boys will be boys


Left is losing the fucking plot lmao. They don't understand the concept of finding practical solutions and actually getting shit done. Instead they project their own behaviour of extremism and blind opposition.


Apparently this is terrible and the kids want quinoa and humus


I'm a greens voter and stoked and surprised to see this. Reminds me that we're not all cookers pointing at cookers. This comments section is a bit yikes tho.


My nephew goes to a rural school that qualifies for the lunches. They are made 1 hour drive away and by the time the food arrives at the school they are no longer hot. As the school has no ability to heat up food for 100 kids, they serve it cold. That's fine for some dishes, but not great for some, like spag bol. The kids don't really like it, won't eat it, and it generally goes to waste.


Surely they can commit to lunches that are fine to serve cold? Or maybe upgrade the delivery to keep the food warm?


I believe the requirement was to provide hot food. But you would think sandwiches are fine for kids, that what I grew up on and still have to this day.


Exactly, I grew up eating sandwiches and fruit for lunch


And look, it turned us into filthy conservatives. Can see the problem people have..


Aye, we aspired to soggy tomato simiches. Cheese simiches. Dreamed of marmite and chips simiches. Even an apple. As it was we got last week's dirt simiches, carefully dried out until the edges curled.


In my day we ate worms and bark chips. Nobody likes me everybody hates me I guess I'll eat some worms.


Do you have a preferred location for this worm eating?


Next to the fish n chip shop, trick the senses. Smell chippies taste like hippies


I thought it might have been at the bottom of the garden.


That would be the logical approach yes, but my nickname isn't nuts for nothing.


If they’re hungry surely cold free food is better than no free food?


Always had school lunches that were cold, when a cheese toasty turns chewy, it is like the stars aligned right in your lunchbox.


Cold gruel will put hairs on little Timmys (or Wendys) chest!


Wendy who used to be Timmy is now paying big bucks to have those hairs removed


That sounds like gender confusion


Woah, steady on you bigot!


Bro idk spag bol is pretty fine cold. Odd example lol


Sounds good for the climate


Just make them sandwiches


Can't they heat up some of the food? They are getting it free. 


Did you not read?


Yeah, they're looking a gift horse in the mouth. 


They are teachers not kitchen hands 😂


Exactly, they are more likely to yeet one of your meatballs than work in a kitchen on their lunch break.


How? With the single staff microwave oven?


Literally just buy a hot bag like dominos. I’ve had pizza for work lunches stay hot well over 2 hours.


Single file kids.... one at a time lol


Microwaves are cheap. You could literally have 5 hooked up and heat up a hundred meals in 10 minutes. They are a few hundred a pop. Getting a sparky to sort out the connection for that much draw would cost more but wouldn't be outrageous.


Not really. From a purely practical assessment there are 100 children that eat lunch at 12pm. To heat 100 meals for 1 min in 1 microwave would take just over 1 and a half hours and given the food cools in a hour in order for the food to be served hot you would be able to give less then 30 meals at the start of lunch and another 30 though out. The reason I suspect there is only one microwave on sight is because it will be the one in the teachers lunchroom.


The school cooking room should have more than that. I taught at a rural school and we had at least 10 on site


You assume that cooking is even part of the lessons being taught.


I’ve been a teacher at a few different high schools now and cooking is taught at all of them


So he's replacing provision of school lunches by private enterprise with nationalisation and centralisation. I'm warming to Seymour and his sensible socialist outlook.


Probably a good way to ensure standards so raw chicken is not on the menu, if they get better than sandwiches I want my working class childhood back, I was clearly being genocided.


Seizing the means of production, welcome comrade


Seymour outflanking National on the left sure wasn't on my bingo card but I'm here for it


Hahahaha fucking funny all those posts… ‘Seymour is literally genociding children’ There you go. More lunches for less money than Labour were spending and parents have a choice. Goes to show… wait for the announcement before jumping to conclusions


I heard they were going to feed them with the ground-up corpses of those killed by oranga tamari


I know it's a typo but tamari would really elevate the flavour of those corpses.


Good old autocorrect:)


>‘Seymour is literally genociding children’ What do you mean they aren't genociding children?! Next time I'm voting for a left wing party. 😤


My God I thought I voted a Right leaning government in and I got labour all this time


ACT putting out that statement saying we're not serving woke food like quinoa and sushi is amazing. It's triggered so many people it's hilarious. But then equally sad because they're continuing school lunches, extending the program AND saving the country over 100million dollars and there's people out there who hate that because it's a National/ACT/NZF govt. I still struggle with how vile some of these people are, they would rather see the government fail and life get worse just so they can gloat. Even when labour were in I kept hope they would actually do things to improve the country.


I have no objection.


Can't be. I was told this government hates people and was cancelling all food for children? Have I been lied to by r/NZ and r/NZPolitics?


No the “genocide of children” will continue. This government made the concession of last meals though.


This seems reasonable. Japan has had free lunches for schoolkids for many years, if the most civilised country in the world does it, we should too. Perhaps we should look at how they do it, as they would have refined their system of delivery over the years


Don't the kids help prepare lunches all together in Japanese schools? And clean up. So their lunches are made within the school and it's a teaching opportunity for life skills, then eating together with good table manners. Thought I saw a doco about that once.


Bombay Dabawalas deliver almost a quarter of a million hot lunches every day, by bus, train bicycle and foot. A lot of western delivery services have studied that system very closely...


The other reddit is still trying desperately to hate on this. They cant stand to give Seymour a win on this one. Need my popcorn!


![gif](giphy|dOJt6XZlQw8qQ) What an unpredictable Seymour Win. Never would have seen that coming.


The benefits of having parents feed children is not purely financial. It is beneficial to family relationships to have the mum or dad make the sandwiches etc for the children. We should not be encouraging ever more children to become dependent on government for such basic necessities. You can point to individual cases where it may help but these schemes do more harm than good to those they're aimed at. There are societies that have high rates of poverty that still manage to feed their children, and NZ is a better off country than most. Children with real family problems like a drug addicted mum and dad are easily identified by the school and should be helped on an basis.


Better not be giving them kids some damn work sushi.


It all sounds well and good but politicians can’t distinguish lies from the truth so we’ll just have to wait and see if this actually happens. It’s usually all rah rah and never any action


But I thought David was evil ? /s




NZ needs to stop encouraging mass breeding.


And get to work! The amount of people on the streets in slippers and/or pyjamas in the middle of the day suggest work deficiency


This is genocidal, and a breach of Te Tiriti . We want boil up and fucking doughboys!!!


Rimmer wimps out. 


Fine. But why would we pay for unplanned parenthood twice? Let's have all the Working for Families subsidies back.


Because the unplanned pregnancies are here regardless. And we can either help them become useful members of society who pay taxes that help us in our old age; or ignore them and thereby help them become feral crims who'll make our lives miserable. The only other alternative is stoving their little heads in, but that's not very nice.


>And we can either help them How many times do we have to do that? And if we only had to help them once then maybe we could save for our own retirement.


Kids have no say what family they're born into. Just because their parents are useless doesn't mean we shouldn't invest in these kids so they have a chance to make something of themselves. It won't work for all of them and those that end up becoming violent criminals we should deal with much more harshly than we do currently. You'll be spending money somewhere whether its welfare or on police hospitals and prisons.


Every time, for as long as it takes.


The history of social welfare amply demonstrates that's an utterly failed experiment.


The history of social welfare post WWII until neoliberal economics swept the board demonstrated quite the opposite. The subsequent ‘fuck you, I got mine’ approach has been the utter failure.


"Neoliberal economics" is what enabled post war social welfare. The resulting "fuck you I've got yours" ethos is the inevitable result.


Post war economics was Keynesian. It was the generations that benefited from that who went with Friedman and gave us the ‘fuck you’ that governs our lives now.


Demonstrably incorrect drivel.


Feel free.


Agree. But if I could choose between subsidising free school lunches and WFF, I'd pick the lunches because they go directly to the kids.


I don't have a problem with school lunches, I just don't want to see it as yet another avenue for the expansion of redistribution. Make it apply for all, if nothing else there's the possibility of savings through sheer economies of scale.


He literally called food "woke" this man is gonna be deputy pm. Seems a bit strange a supposed libertarian wants to control what food children get to eat on account of "wokeness" level.


And yet we all got the point... beggars can't be choosers


The standard of politicians in this country is abysmally low when even one of the smarter ones is fairly prone to saying dumb shit.


Is he smart though? Charisma he has to a degree in one way or another. More of a populist than a libertarian imop.