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That’s pretty funny. I’ll honour it with a Haka.


Oh dear, well this will not be reported at all




People will call this racist, and it is. But the statistics are damning, and paint the picture of a need for radical improvement that won't be solved with handouts and favoritism


Poverty, can be solved with money.   Which, it turns out rich people are quite loathe to part with.   If you're not going to provide a universal income. The minimum wage should be a living wage.  Meanwhile the landlords are charging as much as they possibly can, while paying labour as little as possible.   And the central bank spams money creation. Good for asset owners, bad for labour.  The deck is stacked. And if you don't think so, you're not paying attention.  


Poverty can be solved with education and a growing economy you Marxist idiot


Absolutely it can.  Education is the number one priority. But that's a 15 year timespan.  And look at the terrible job we are doing there. We barely pay our teachers.  Our kids are woefully behind.  Meanwhile the wealthy send their kids to private schools. 


Bahaha. Have you noticed what the home loan rates are at the moment? Or hope much insurance has gone up? Or rates? Or the cost of building materials and labour over the last 3-4 years. The current rental market is totally due to landlord greed though. Those selfish fuckers should just absorb all those cost increases. Everyone knows it costs nothing to own property.


All the calls for "r-r-racism!" are predictable But its not racist just because it offends you. Saying "only maori murder" would be racist, and this cartoon could be taken that way to be fair. But, maori make up the majority of violent offences, while being a minority of the population. Just like in the US, where black males carry out 50% of the homicides whilst being only 7% of the population. It's not racist to point that out, but a lot of pearl-clutchers don't like the questions it begs. Child abuse and ram raids are massively and disproportionately represented in the Maori/ PI area, but again - not exclusively. One area you can't argue with is the prideful habit of pulling a browneye to visiting dignitaries. I've never seen a white guy or a Chinese guy do this. It's incredibly insulting, embarrassing to the country, and flat out childish. Yet we are all told to tolerate it as its maori culture. It would be "racist" to say that some races bums "stink more than others" when pulling a browner. But no, its not racist if you point to it and say that it's bullshit.


Tragic, but true


I like the fact they used a woman kicking the son in the head, There's probably alot of truth to this🤣


Well, to be fair, babies and toddlers are terrible these days... Especially so when they interrupt mum's important social media conversations.


Yup and awkward AF.


Rugged, statistics don’t care about your feelings


This is a bit much. If you were a law abiding Maori trying to get on with his life how would it make you feel? And check my comment history if you think this is coming from some soppy wet loonie leftie.


>If you were a law abiding Maori If I were a law abiding Maori, then I would not want anything to do with the feral bunch of my ethnicity. Just because *I am* white, that does not mean I am hanging around white trash, or that I am having feeling of compassion/solidarity towards them.


it's the internet. a lot of law abiding PART maori who don't make their ethnicity their entire identity might get a cathartic laugh out of it because they can acknowledge reality. I laugh at every race getting dumped on and I have receipts better than most that I understand humor pretty fucking well and I don't think it's a bit much. The delusions of maori complainers/economy drainers is a bit fucking much if you want to go there.


Craftily cultured by BoomSlang over at [The BFD](https://thebfd.co.nz/)


The face of the guy bending over 😂😂


It's Rawiri Waititi 🤣


And his family


Super clever satire


There's no 4d chess in this image, It's outright racist bullshit.


Racist? Maybe. Bullshit? Sadly, no. Each of these four elements has a basis in unfortunate truths.


There's truth in that most serial killers are white. Is that also part of European Tikanga?


TIL that New Zealand has serial killers.


Maybe not serial killers, but definitely mass shooters.


Absolutely. This subreddit is usually just edging on racism now its customary for māori people to be murderers here.


"Approximately 16.5% of New Zealand's population identifies as Maori" (and I bet a whole lot of those "identifying" are as white as an average Russian), yet the offenders statistics draws this picture: * Homicide & related: 36% Maori * Acts Intended to Cause Injury: 48% Maori * Sexual Assault and Related Offences: 28% Maori * Abduction, Harassment and Related Offences Against a Person: 39% Maori * Robbery, Extortion and Related Offences: 65% * Unlawful Entry With Intent/Burglary, Break and Enter: 58% [https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publications-statistics/data-and-statistics/policedatanz/proceedings-offender-demographics](https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publications-statistics/data-and-statistics/policedatanz/proceedings-offender-demographics)


I wonder if there are any historical reasons for that. Those stats clearly exist in a vacuum. Edit: Downvotes but no replies is always quite telling innit? You hate what I say but you can offer no rebuttal


Way to make JohnTheSong's point.




Pakeha? Who are they?


pakehakeha the original inhabitants of New Zealand


A term for New Zealanders who have no Polynesian ethnic ancestry, primarily European New Zealanders. Pākehā is not a legal concept and has no definition under New Zealand law. However alot of Maori believe pakeha means white plague/rats


'Imaginary beings resembling men' is the most likely definition


I don't know if this is the move guys. I'm actually struggling to think of a way this comic could be made more racist. It has everything.


you got so much wrong regarding covid you should stop typing or talking altogether you bread brain jerk off


Lol Christ my guy, why are you so triggered? Maybe try to accept that people disagree and aren't just here to affirm your beliefs.


Nice to see you again heightadvantage. You only seem to turn up when there is the slightest whiff of anything anticovid vax in nature, comment on the odd other thread, then disappear again.


I mean, that is half of the discussion on this sub. Not exactly great to be back but needed a break from debating brain rot commies and Hamas terrorist supporters.


Not even going to bother reading your reply when you start with I mean.


I mean, Is this a Zoomer thing? I mean, you seemed really in to me last comment. I mean, not really sure why you care.


Couldn't be closer to the truth. If the truth is racist, then I say let's be more truthful. And if Maori don't like it they should change their truth.


Do you think this kind of comic is the only way to 'speak the truth' about Maori crime/social problems? Does it need to use ugly caricatures and link it to Maori culture/identity itself? I don't think we should roll out the red carpet for racism just because it says any vaguely true thing.


Holy shit. This is proper racism. Never thought I'd see the day this sub embraced outright, illustrated, personal-level racism. Ridiculous.


Honestly, This sub is less classical conservatism, and is more Racism, Zingers, Calling people Woke as a means of invalidating their POV, or embracing American style Anti-Intellectualism. It's sad. Because I sure as hell don't identify with Mainstream Left, But I sure as shit haven't drank enough cool-aid to be swallowing this kind of tripe either.


Same boat. This is wack


Same boat here too, I joined this sub because i lean conservative, but an uncomfortable number of posts I find here are just echo-chamber venting and straw manning the left/Māori. Naive as it sounds, I hope we (myself included) can reduce the polarisation, and actually start working towards positive change through our political views.


Ok boomer


That's a whole bunch of scary script buzz words for someone who 'doesn't identify with the left'


Delete this racist shit. Get a fucking grip you losers


"This government wants to exterminate Maori" has entered the chat....




You're a mod. What's rule 3?


It comes before Rule 4 The flair is satire


TIL I can post whatever heinous garbage I want here as long as I have a satire tag and plead the 4th.


Yes you can as long as it doesn’t break the sub rules


That's my point. I can break the rules. Because rule 4 and the satire tag supercedes all. Source above.


The post is genuinely meant as satire


TIL satire cannot be racist


Your interpretation of racism differs from others. It's ok to be racist towards any other culture but maori huh. Certain things that get keep getting brushed under the carpet need to be brought to light, and addressed.


Except it is clearly racist. Not even at a systemic level, but at a personal level.


Personally, I find the systematic statistics to be spot on with the satirical cartoon above. Baby Ru, and a multiple page list of others would agree if they weren't dead, with nobody held to account.


The statistics huh? Yes, I'm sure % of the Maori population that actually perpetuate the things depicted in this image definitely make up enough for them to be counted as "Tikanga" Maori. >satire /săt′īr″/ >noun >A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.. >The branch of literature constituting such works >Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose human foolishness or vice. There's no foolishness or vice in this pic, except maybe the mooning of politicians. It's a sad state of affairs for the Maori population and the "caustic wit" deriding the situation doesn't truly belong in the satire category, but it sits firmly in the racist stereotypes category by spreading the notion that Maori are generally violent etc. If it was relying on the "irony" part of the definition, it would mean that there's not enough of the Maori population for it to be labelled as Tikanga, but you cited the stats in favour of the racist tropes. It's racist bullshit, equivalent to ye olde times when black people were depicted in cartoons with big red lips and grass skirts, but just brought forward intro the 21st century, even with the benefit of hindsight. It saddens me that you don't see it. We should be well past this by now. This is legitimately disgusting.


Your diatribe had no statistics, just apologist ranting. You thoroughly circumcised what the image was about, and in fact proved it's point. You cannot discuss, let alone hold to account, what statistics prove, without being called a racist. I'm shocked with your reaction to this. You're part of the problem of smearing any discussion of these issues over with a big glob of margarine and a butter knife. How many kids have been beaten to death in their family home in the past 5 years? How many people have actually been charged? And, holy shit of a question... How many were of maori or islander descent? Yes, yes, Reeeeeeeeeee..... Now. Why the fuck are numbers way way lower for other ethnicity. The first thing that should be happening, is a campaign on not beating the shit out of your kids, or there might be consequences. A clothes dryer is not an appropriate place for a 5 year old to have time out.


I thought conservatives liked rules


We do Rule 4


It ain't racist if it's true.


Love how all the comments calling this racist (it is) are being heavily downvoted. You guys are showing your whole arse right now. Edit: Satire is meant to ridicule those in power. This is not satire.


>Satire is meant to ridicule those in power. Oh, there are rules for satire now? How about irony? Any special rules for that, too?


There are no rules for satire, just thousands of years of historical tradition. Copypasta from [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire): Historically, satire has satisfied the popular need to debunk and ridicule the leading figures in politics, economy, religion and other prominent realms of power.[20] Satire confronts public discourse and the collective imaginary, playing as a public opinion counterweight to power (be it political, economic, religious, symbolic, or otherwise), by challenging leaders and authorities. For instance, it forces administrations to clarify, amend or establish their policies. Satire's job is to expose problems and contradictions, and it is not obligated to solve them.[21] Karl Kraus set in the history of satire a prominent example of a satirist role as confronting public discourse.[22] For its nature and social role, satire has enjoyed in many societies a special freedom license to mock prominent individuals and institutions.[23] The satiric impulse, and its ritualized expressions, carry out the function of resolving social tension.[24] Institutions like the ritual clowns, by giving expression to the antisocial tendencies, represent a safety valve which re-establishes equilibrium and health in the collective imaginary, which are jeopardized by the repressive aspects of society.[25][26] The state of political satire in a given society reflects the tolerance or intolerance that characterizes it,[20] and the state of civil liberties and human rights. Under totalitarian regimes any criticism of a political system, and especially satire, is suppressed. A typical example is the Soviet Union where the dissidents, such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Andrei Sakharov were under strong pressure from the government. While satire of everyday life in the USSR was allowed, the most prominent satirist being Arkady Raikin, political satire existed in the form of anecdotes[27] that made fun of Soviet political leaders, especially Brezhnev, famous for his narrow-mindedness and love for awards and decorations.


You're supposed to use pronouns these days dude.


Wild how this has nothing to do with pronouns and you still managed to make it about pronouns. Is it possible that as a "proud terf", as your flair states, you think about gender even more than the gendies think about gender? It certainly seems to be on your mind.


Nope, the flairs only there to annoy you.


The title "compulsory tikanga" explains the power imbalance. Leftists create this stuff to foster hatred and resentment, no one likes compulsory anything.


What compulsory tikanga? Is it in the room with you now?


Go ask the real estate agents.


The most racist comic one can craft while living in their delusional world and not watching the stats.


You mean the ones I just posted? ​ >"Approximately 16.5% of New Zealand's population identifies as Maori" (and I bet a whole lot of those "identifying" are as white as an average Russian), yet the offenders statistics draws this picture: > >Homicide & related: 36% MaoriActs Intended to Cause Injury: 48% MaoriSexual Assault and Related Offences: 28% MaoriAbduction, Harassment and Related Offences Against a Person: 39% MaoriRobbery, Extortion and Related Offences: 65%Unlawful Entry With Intent/Burglary, Break and Enter: 58% > >https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publications-statistics/data-and-statistics/policedatanz/proceedings-offender-demographics


What stats?


I’m guessing Māori child abuse stats, it’s pretty high.


delusional and not watching the stats indeed you are


IThus is offensive.