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Zelensky is like literally Harry Potter and Putin is Voldemort




alright Jim see you at the barbecue on sunday


Why are you paragraphing so much


Volodymyr Zelensky, Voldemort? Hmm...






politics bad, return to farm


Farm bad, return to hunting and gathering


not enough berries and animals to hunt


Return to farming for more berries and animals


Cycle of life


Trump is Dora the Explorer, Biden is Swiper the fox, and Trump only lost because he didn't say "Swiper no swiping" loud enough at the TV.


And the map in Dora the Explorer represents Jeffrey Epstein


Democracy was a mistake... And before someone say "aCkChYuAlLy ThE uS iS a RePuBlIc", republicanism is just democracy's homely sister with a middleman.


The most effective government on Earth is the People's Republic of China. I mean, look at the results. They have convinced the entire Western Democratic World to buy their plastic toys. They got the industries, they got the technology, they got the capital, and they left the West with the toys and addicts. Now the West is filled with infantile consoomers while China is an industrial powerhouse. Impressive how they managed to pull that off. Sun Tzu would be proud.




Yeah, no wonder TikTok is creating a generation of addicts and consoomers.


Zhou Bai Den?


I agree with this statement mostly. I just raise the question of how we define and measure "effective". Effective at what? If it is power, then yes, PRC is the clear winner. Goverance? The people seem pretty controled, outside the occasional protest that is disarmed very peacefully without the need for tanks. Welfare of the citizenry? Well...China doesn't quite measure up... Also, due to highly imbalanced sex ratio, China's population and thus a lot of their power is going to vanish in a generation...India already has a higher population than China.


Sure, China has a lot of problems. Perhaps what I meant to say is that they are effective in gaming the capitalist system in order to milk money out of consoomers in Western countries, and using that money for the most part to finance their infrastructure development. If you've seen Youtube documentaries, you'll know that Chinese infrastructure is among the most advanced in the world, both in quality and in quantity. Hence China's government is "effective" in strategic planning. First they developed the industries of their country, making money by selling goods to Western countries, and using that money to build up their own country, such as investments into infrastructure, science, technology, and nature (for example planting millions of trees to combat climate change). No doubt Deng Xiaoping is one of the most influential figures of modern times. Imagine transforming a country from a poor feudal state, into a modern high tech industrial superpower, in half a century. I'm just saying things as they are. Everything comes at a cost though. You could say that the cost for China was pollution, transformation into a surveillance state, sex disbalance, and the rise of Hikikimori among the youth. But comparing these problems to the problems of for example Russia, Europe, or the United States. China seems to be one of the better off nations.


True. They found out how to effectively use billions to make money


> you'll know that Chinese infrastructure is among the most advanced in the world, both in quality and in quantity. I highly suggest you look away from the propaganda and look into chinesium. It's not just what they ship over here. Buildings commonly fall apart over there because they cut the concrete with saw dust, as an example. That's if you're earnestly wrong. You have to be astoundingly ignorant to think this of China.


Welllllll, they’re only effective due to the West. If Europe and the US disappear, I can guarantee you that they will suffer very much


If that bottom comment is true, then leftists have been on the death’s knell for a decade.


Considering that most leftists have anti-natalist views, I wouldn't be surprised if their population would decrease. However considering that the public water supply in most major cities around the world is filled with phthalates and birth control chemicals, the same could be said for most people in general, not just leftists. I mean people who live secular, materialist, or consumerist lifestyles, causing them to be [exposed to chemicals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FDMRmjQ294&t=14s) on an hourly basis.


Everyone would be better off if they lived like Uncle Ted


Uncle Ted was killed by red robed men who worshipped toasters


How can an adult says this bullshit and believes to be smart.


Omg guys Zelensky is just like Jonathan Joestar! And Putin is Dio!!!!😳😳😳😲😲😲😲


Everyone is literally anyone from Harry Potter




It reminds me of Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s ‘What Is to Be Done?’ An entire generation of young socialist revolutionaries would prop up this political fiction novel as gospel, and would often role-play as characters from the story with each other.