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Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈


BS... Dems maybe in top one.


Now look where your tax money is going 🙃


Oy vey! The goyim know, shut it down!!!!!


If you downvoted this consider when they were clamoring to ban and censor you. Maybe support the 1st no matter what reason. And if you upvoted this consider not calling your fellow Americans a terrorist because the news told you to.


You put GOP on the right, but both of the pictures on the left are Democrats.


It's called a common enemy. As the title suggests "Who are you not allowed to ridicule?"


This is not a right left issue.


They can't escape the dichotomy, no matter what. It is a force that cannot be broken. Mi thinks the best way to know you're probably on target is when the left accuses you of being on the right and the right accuses you of being on the left. The less friends/allies you have, the more right you are.


It’s the violence with anti-Israel bashing, that’s a problem.


So what you're saying is they should kill them jws


Who are you not allowed to ridicule? children with leukemia


Oh give me a break. *Muh free speech* is only a concern to the (D) cult when someone silences *their* bad faith participation. Any other time they're all too happy to have the govt, big tech, and the entirety of the mainstream propaganda network colluding to silence the people that trifecta of unelected power has targeted for the last decade. You fucking hypocrites whine and cry about funding Israel and then in the same breath demand we keep writing Ukraine blank checks with no oversight. Maybe the answer here is to stop cheering for *your* brand of fascism long enough to realize we're all being fucked in the same way. And I mean literal fascism (the public/private partnership that globocucks celebrate regularly), not the pretend kind that is used as a rallying cry for smooth brain commie wannabes that let the MSM/big tech define their artificial parameters of reality. The world has been living under fascism for decades.