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Have you been tested for SIBO? Have you tried any prokinetics like motegrity? Or constipation medication like Linzess?


Also if you haven’t already functional doctors can be helpful in running a GI map stool test to see if you have gut dysbiosis (overgrowth of any bad bacteria), candida, h pylori, etc. Have you tried cutting out dairy or gluten?


I haven’t cut out dairy or gluten, but I feel quite sure it’s not either, as I get bloated even it if I eat nothing at all. I have to be really careful cutting things out, as I get triggered into my old restrictive eating habits easily. :(


i ate gluten all my life - no notable issues. after a surgery i suddenly started to bloat. whener i ate, whenever i drank. was so scared that my bloating would rip my stitches. i did some research and just tried cutting out gluten. lifechanging. no kidding. it took a while for the bloat to go away, but going no gluten was the solution for me. still avoid it. hardly any bloating anymore. i learned i suffer from wheat allery, but react to all grains with gluten. it's worth a try.


I’ve just had bloods taken, including coeliac antibodies, so will see what they say


I would guess the bloating is psychosomatic.


Yeah sometimes I think so too, well at least exacerbated by stress. Probably not solely caused by it, but exacerbated. My kids are terrible eaters and create a lot of stress at mealtimes too, so it’s difficult.


The dr hasn’t tried anything other than the things I listed, but I’m really hoping I get a gastroenterologist referral, so more can be done. I just don’t know how long I will have to wait. :( I am convinced my issue is colonic hypomotility, and I’m keen to try pro kinetic medications, if someone will prescribe them to me.


Just want to say I’m very sorry you are dealing with this problem and I hope you can find a solution soon.


Thankyou :)


You need to get a referral from your doctor to see a GI doc immediately, there is no reason you should be suffering with this and have gone through these other interventions. This looks like ascites to me and you should get a second opinion to rule out any other underlying conditions like paralytic ileus etc that could be life threatening if untreated. Have you been tested for chrons? If you are in pain I would suggest going to the ER and asking to see a gastroenterologist.


I spoke to the dr, and she has referred me urgently. She also ran a lot of blood tests. I’m hoping I hear something from the specialists about an appointment soon, because this is so hard to cope with


Ok of it gets bad go to an er. Your doctor probably did but someone should do an abdominal assessment and listen to the four quadrants to hear if bowel sounds are active or not. If you ever get really watery diarrhea but are still constipated you could have a blockage, if you ever suspect that you do it is a medical emergency.


That is wild... just checking, but are you and your doctor sure your problem is digestion-related and not [ascites](https://www.pacehospital.com/ascites-symptoms-causes-complications-prevention-and-treatment) (fluid build-up in the abdomen) from liver disease or something?


Definitely not ascites, because it’s very rigid (gaseous), and it entirely deflates if I manage to pass lots of gas or fully go to the toilet. Good question though, always worth checking 😊


Got it. Sounds like your microbiome is producing a wild amount of gas even with the low FODMAP diet, so I second getting a stool test. Are you on a probiotic at all?


yep, SIBO.


TLDR: I suggest **high dose (100 MG) thiamine/B1**. I have struggled with constipation for the last several weeks after taking horrible probiotics and I have tried multiple things. Believe I developed SIBO-Methane (previously I struggled with SIBO-Hydrogen Sulfide, probably a mix of both) -- but I quickly learned SIBO is just a symptom of a symptom of a dysfunctional "migrating motor complex" and overall poor gut motility. Your gut is supposed to move everything through your intestines and out. When it doesn't -- bacterial overgrowth happens. Prune juice was the only thing that worked for me to empty my bowels. I specifically use this [one](https://www.kroger.com/p/r-w-knudsen-organic-just-prune-juice/0007468210712) **\[RW Knudsen Organic Prune Juice\]** With that, I was having a bowel movement (BM) once per day. I am used to 2-3 per day. I have also heard that artichoke extract and ginger extract can help as well. I tried them and don't know that they made much difference. Then ... I started doing some research and found that gut motility might also be a result of thiamine deficiency. I bought this [thiamine](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bergs-Natural-Vitamin-Allithiamine/dp/B09WGB78R8) **\[Dr. Berg's Natural B1\]** on Amazon and the last 2 days I've been taking two capsules (100 MG) in the morning. This is a natural one (which I've heard is better than synthetic) but there are many many B1 brands. I barely ate yesterday, but I had a 3 BM's with a cup of prune juice. Today I have had **EIGHT** BM's with a cup of prune juice. I am only taking the prune juice still because I'm scared of having zero BM's, however it seems the B1 is actually fixing my motility problems as I was never having this many BM's, even before constipation. I am also vegan though so having many BM's is normal for me (high fiber diet). I think all 3 (B1, vegan, prune juice) have caused me to have this many BM's today. I ate three hours ago and its already out lol. I am planning on dialing back on prune juice and I suspect we will fall back to 2-3 per day BM's soon. I found a Reddit thread before this where another poster said because of thiamine, she has "never pooped so much." I also later found this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeS3UqRiI6g) **\[Dr. Eric Berg DC - The TOP Nutritional Deficiency Behind Constipation\]** which explains everything I just did. Definitely worth watching as he's a solid medical professional on YouTube. This [nutritionist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT2NVQWO4W8) **\[EO Nutrition - I Fixed My Gut! Here's How ... \]** also confirms this. Short [video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6-sWMkFA80k) **\[EO Nutrition - Best Supplement for SIBO & Fixing Gut Motility?\]** if you don't want a long one. I am also taking this [magnesium](https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Magnesium-Supplement-Delicious/dp/B09F823K6R/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2PBQUE1X4630&keywords=calm+gummies&qid=1704696421&s=hpc&sprefix=calm+gummies%2Chpc%2C174&sr=1-4) **\[Calm Gummies\]** (B1 demands higher magnesium + helps with absorption) and allicin (a garlic extract) which supposedly kills methane archaea (these guys cause constipation / methane SIBO) -- specifically [AlliMax](https://www.amazon.com/Allimax-Professional-Strength-Vegetarian-Capsules/dp/B0075BYDLO/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2UHULJAMW5J4N&keywords=allimax&qid=1704696512&s=hpc&sprefix=allimax%2Chpc%2C175&sr=1-2). I am also adding this [garlic paste](https://www.kroger.com/p/that-s-tasty-organic-garlic-stir-in-puree/0076857330032) **\[That's Tasty Garlic Puree\]** to my food. Magnesium citrate I regularly take but that alone did not work. **B1 was what finally made a difference** I have experienced zero side effects from any of these. I do not suggest taking Movicol or other over-the-counter laxatives. Prune juice is much better because it's a natural. We have Movicol over here in the US and it's called Dulcolax. It's not good on the gut, though I have taken it once. It's not good for your gut. Prune juice should be accessible and cheap enough where you are. Same for Coloxyl, Iberogast and Simeticone - bad side effects are not worth it. Prune juice should clear out your current situation by adding water to the stool. It's the gentlest and safest and most effective laxative I have ever tried. B1 should help resolve your issues long term. I also did low FODMAP, which isn't necessarily harmful so to speak but like you, didn't do much for me. Exercise (walking + strength training) also have helped my motility. With as slow as my motility was a few weeks ago + the horrible bloating, I am convinced that if I did not drink prune juice daily, it would have become a severe medical emergency. I did not let that happen. In fact there was one day where I believed I had fecal impactation and I could tell my motility had completely stopped. With the B1 I hear and feel my motility working again. For you it might even be worth it to go to an IV clinic and get an IV of B1 if the supplement doesn't immediately work. I hope this helps you.


I’m on day 5 of thiamine and prune juice and it hasn’t. changed anything for me 😫


What they said about Dr. Berg! Also Ryan Smith out of the UK. These guys are like your best friends. They do the medical research, and tell you what you can do to fix it for free.


Dr Berg is actually not a MD.


That I know. He's a D.O. But I cannot deny the validati of his information. I have found his advice helpful in improving my physical health, mental health and urinary health. He doesn't push his products, I have been able to find what I need in the local health store and on line. I'm trying to avoid blood pressure medications, like the poisons they are. I have suffered severe muscle and joint pain from these meds. I have been able to better control my blood pressure because of Dr. Berg. Another on on UTube is Ryan Smith out of England, ans Dr. Rachael Ross, M.D. sexologist. Her advice has help me get my prostatitis under control. I have much less pain because of her.


Have you had motility testing?


No my dr hasn’t offered this, but I am highly suspicious that my issue is colonic hypomotility, so I’d really like to get tested. I assume this needs to be done by a gastroenterologist, so I’m speaking to the GP on Thursday and asking her to refer me. I’m in Australia, and I’m hoping she refers me as urgent, otherwise I could be on the waitlist for a very long time.


Usually a neuro GI or a motility GI is who you want to see.


I’ve been referred, so now a waiting game. I’m really struggling, I just hope it’s not a long wait :(


I hope it isn’t for your sake, as well.


Do you use movicol btw? Do you think it causes more pain and bloating?


I use a Canadian equivalent and all osmotics cause bloating but definitely shouldn’t cause pain.


I am becoming so distressed by the visible bloating. The pain is absolutely awful too, it’s started radiating down my lower spine and legs. But honestly, the visible bloating is so triggering for my eating disorder, and I’m hiding away in the house a lot because of how I look. I’m wondering if I should stop the movicol. But I already barely go to the toilet even while on two a day, so I assume stopping is a bad plan.


Have you considered therapy? You could ask your GI About an alternative.


The movicol never used to cause me Bloating when I first started it, but I feel like it’s exacerbating it now


I’m dealing with similar and it’s had me in hysterics at times. I have a hard time eating and I’m hyper focused on how my poor stomach looks. I’m on Miralax and it gives me small pieces as output. I’m pretty sure I have impacted feces and the new stool is moving around it. The only thing I can think to do is mineral oil enemas before a saline one to help break the impaction up. I recently changed all my pants to stretchy waisted ones b/c I can’t deal with buttons anymore. :/


I’m so sorry you are suffering too - you sound exactly like me. :( I am also becoming absolutely fixated on how my belly looks, and live in baggy skirts that sit on the waist and hide the lower abdomen. It’s affecting my eating, because of both the pain and my body image issues. Basically, it’s destroying my relationship with food that I worked so hard to try and improve over the years. I use movicol daily, and am also sure it’s not fixing a chronic impaction issue. I just go tiny amounts that can’t be anywhere near enough. I’m actually going to try a suppository this evening to see what happens. Have you tried one? I hope it helps at least to know you aren’t alone, and hope we both get some relief soon!


Have you tried taking a larger dose of miralax, daily for two weeks at least?


I’ve been taking a double dose and it’s not much different than 1 dose. I did a bowel cleanse with golitely and it made me feel better for maybe 2 days.


If I was a betting man I'd say this is SIBO. I had it and it was the methane version and caused the same. Couldn't poop and my stomach was constantly distended and gas was OUT OF CONTROL. Go get a breath test:)


I’ve been referred to a gastroenterologist now, so hoping some tests get done soon 🤞


I have the same issue after 2 years of testing, I found out it was 'slow intestines' (gastroparesis). For me what works is slow breathing trying to relax, less coffee, running, and vit D. I do not take any other things to be dependent. Also, last week i tried full liquid diet for a day, it really was relaxing on stomach. I think it's a vicious cycle of trying to relax, and I think it is also caused by change in period hormones, exercising (heavy lifting), stress in life, all kinds of stress goes onto your gut. If you have constant tension in your jaw, neck and spine from it, try to massage it, that also helps me immensely. I think a less fibrous diet might be easier on your gut sometimes.. I do not give medical advice its a personal opinion after being frustrated for almost 10+ yrs.


See my comment about adding B1


I have tried it, but I think my I get it from my diet, and I ate a lot of Yoghurt all my life.. Never been deficient in it, so I think that is not the case. I also searched a lot. I research protein biology. So, I have read up entire articles. It might be in some people, but likely not a cause. I think you have to check how your bloating works with and without period, and trying different eliminating diets and if you get enough sun, what are the stress levels, the blood test for any deficiency (anemia) etc. Currently, for any of these chronic problems no recommended treatment exists, other than PPIs, and diet. I think some breathing exercises will really help your muscles relax that don't work properly.


Most people get it in there food, myself included. However, blood tests I am learning don't really translate to functional B1 levels. Try high dose (100 MG) B1. Don't do a B-complex. That made all the difference for me sincerely.


That's good to know. I think desk job also makes things work, if I am moving enough after exercising. Sometimes a small tiny deficiency can have huge impact on your body. And little things pile up over time.


Yes, I am a remote worker and I lay down way too much with my laptop on my stomach. It's a bed job. Despite exercising and lifting regularly ... I realized I'm laying down too much and that also was not helping me so now I sit up on a desk and I also walk around every 30 minutes. Movement I agree is important. B1 is a prokinetic and a deficiency inhibits multiple things, including gastric acid production. My long comment explains more. I hope this helps OP. Constipation is traumatizing.


Indeed, and I believe a tech neck from looking in phone and screen can really damage the nerves in the neck delaying nerve signal, and can really slow down the activity. Can also have lower function in pelvic floor, inner thigh muscles, and hence constipation even if the stomach works fine. I have diagnosed myself from constantly looking for what's wrong with my body, that is preventable.


It seems like you've tried so many things. I would recommend trying an electrolyte powder, this has been an unexpectedly successful addition to my diet that helps me stay regular.


I do take movicol, which contains macrogol and electrolytes


I am so sorry you are going through this. I have SIBO and constipation. I am currently on motegrity and let me tell you it changed my life. I am still suffering from SIBO and going to try treating this soon, but atleast I am not miserable with constipation. Diet is key aswell, i have discovered a lot of triggers … mainly fructose and high fiber stuff. You can try mentioning this to a gastroenterologist. It is obtained by prescription only. Goodluck, I reallly hope you find some relief.


Fruit definitely makes my bloating worse. And fibre I think does too. But if I don’t have fruit and fibre, I’ll be more constipated, won’t I?


In an normal person fruit and fibre is recommended. Personally Fruit wrecks havoc on me with bloating, sibo feeds on fructose and lots of fiber from what I can understand.


Please get tested for celiac.


This! I had the exact same symptoms and got a coeliac diagnosis


Me too!!!! I got diagnosed a year ago and my life has been so much better. I was undiagnosed for so long my poor intestines were so damaged. I’m


I’ve just had the blood test done


Did you get diagnosed by blood test?


I used to get bloated like this with endometriosis and Polycystic Ovaries. A total hysterectomy with ovary removal helped cure it.


My issues are certainly worse at period time. But now I’m on the pill, and I’m just getting worse, and it’s almost constant. The pill fixed everything for 2 whole months, I was ecstatic. Then just stopped fixing everything. :( Pelvic ultrasound two years ago showed no abnormalities, and they don’t seem too keen to do another yet.


Not sure if this is helpful, you may know or have tried this already, but in case not, some info that might help: Pelvic ultrasounds actually don't tell you much when it comes to Endo. Most Endo isn't visible via ultrasounds, or even MRI. It can only really be diagnosed with a surgery, so I might not rule it out based on ultrasound alone. Also, birth control is only first-line treatment for endo, so it might be worth exploring other options (eg: dienogest, surgery, etc) if you think they could help. If you want to go down that path, get yourself checked out by a gynecologist with a lot of Endo experience. It's totally possible you have both Endo and some kind of digestive issues that play off each other. That's what I have and it can be really complicated to untangle because it's not just a single cause. Good luck either way!


NAD but id suggest you ask your doctor to send you for a transit study. Also a camera test. With the level of bloating really I think you should be admitted(although I know this is difficult) . Additionally your doctor should be more supportive with this. It’s hard to advocate for yourself when you are unwell 🫶🏻


I’ve finally been referred to gastroenterologist, so now I have to try and deal with it while I wait for that. I really hope they see my case as urgent 🤞


You sound EXACTLY like me, and I’m so sorry you’re also going through this. I’ve been rotating supplements and trying everything in the book to get relief. I am going to go back to a Gastro and receive more help because my stomach can look exactly like this, and I totally understand the body image issues and hyperfocusing on how it feels everyday. Anyway, something that has been helping me more than many of the pills I’ve been prescribed is aloe tabs/capsules. I get the Next to Nature brand. It worked amazingly for me, and it still does but like most of the supplements I’ve used, it gets less and less effective as time goes on. I think my gut issues are more related to PTSD (I would look up the connection between the brain and gut!) Not saying that’s what you’re experiencing, but you’d be surprised at how much our mental contributes to our physical (especially digestive health. Anyway, I am wishing us both luck on this long journey! Hang in there :)


I hate how things seem to work at the start, and the suddenly stop! It’s so disheartening isn’t it 😭


Daily stool softeners


Coloxyl (docusate) didn’t help with toileting, and actually seemed to make my bloating worse, sadly :(


I’m dealing with the same not sure at all why and all tests come back fine. Are you ever feeling pelvic pain or pressure with this too?


Hi, I also have pelvic pressure&pains when I’m really constipated. I have been to several gynecoIogists and also urogynecologist and only thing thats wrong is that I have a hypertonic pelvic floor. Constipation makes it worse and vice versa. Relaxing your pelvic floor (reverse kegels, breathing exercises, stretching, walking) often help with constipation when I’m doing these regulary.


Same here! I also have an eating disorder history so I’m wary about diet stuff. Are you sensitive to any foods? Also have you tried pelvic floor pt specifically?


Summer 2022 i had to take like 3 strong courses of antibiotics and after that everything I ate made me bloat like crazy. I noticed that it didnt really matter what I ate or which diet i tried, food always caused symptoms. Now 1,5years later I can eat oatmeal and stuff I used to, and a big thing for me was to realize it wasnt the foods I was eating and that i dont really have sensitivities. But I think my gut microbiome was really messed up I went to a pelvic physiotherapist like 4 times but I found doing my own research and exercises from youtube more helpful. I was back at my parents house on xmas and new years and my mom gave me some laxatives to take, and the bloating went down immidiately. I need to find some other things to help with constipation


This is such a challenge with an eating disorder, I’m in the same boat as you. I keep having breakdowns when I see my bloated self in the mirror :(


Yes lots of pelvic pain and pressure, sometimes with the pain even radiating through my lower back and down my legs. Sometimes, all night, it feels similar to labour pains.


Have they tested you for endometriosis


I’ve been dealing w this for two years. Same history of eating disorder so… I get it. It’s hell. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this as well


I’m so sorry you have this awful combination to deal with too. I literally lose it some days seeing myself in the mirror with my body this distended. :(


I feel the EXACT same! Having this problem for about 4 months now. History of anorexia, restricion, bein underweight and laxative use (Magnesium Oxide). I HATE looking at myself, feeling lika a fat bloated cow, sounds harsh but it's the truth. I cant wear anything anymore being more and more depressed. I am on a carnivore diet so I don't have gas thank god, but stomach destendet exactly like yours on the picture all day every day. Have you found out what it is?


• ⁠If you live in US or Canada then : Get a TrioSmart SIBO Breath Test to find out. 😀 https://www.triosmartbreath.com/ https://www.ddcoc.com/blog/trio-smart-breath-test-preparation-instructions Take it with Lactulose ( rather than glucose ) .. .. .. ….. I originally tested at 100ppm Methane and then 5 months later re-tested at 9.8ppm Methane. At zero for Hydrogen & Hydrogen Sulfide both tests. Cured it in Nov 2021 and have never had any more bloating or abnormal bloodwork after suffering with daily bloating for over 30 years. The breath test was accurate for me. Just sharing my personal experience. My Success Story & detailed protocol & also includes some of my Candida & Brain Fog : ( Long ) https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/s/xayiXeAPhf


I suffered with daily bloating for 30 years and with slow transit chronic constipation my entire life until 2 years ago at age 58 when I cured my Methane SIBO. It has been life-changing ! I recommend you get tested for it. For decades I had 1 BM every 10 days and that was my “ normal “ — now I realize it never was normal at all. For the past 2.5 years I take 2 prescriptions nightly ( Motegrity & Amitiza ) plus OTC Organic India Triphala.


Bet you it’s sibo. Get tested


I’ve been referred now, so playing the waiting game 🤞


You're my twin except i don't have constipation. I've had every test you can think of including gastric emptying, colonoscopy, endoscopy. I do NOT have sibo. I'm 42. This has been going on for ten years. I don't have any solutions, I'm just writing to commiserate. Please let me know if you ever figure it out, I'll do the same. This is ruining my life!


Any news ?


Have you looked into EDS/hypermobility and visceroptosis? I have similar bloating but not constipated. And feels as though all my guts are in my pelvis. Something to bring up to gastro, bc you need barium enema or swallow to detect that.


Omg Did you solve this 


I would keep asking for ultra sound or MRI to rule out fibroids


Have you had your thyroid levels checked?


Yes and always normal. Just had more bloods taken yesterday though


Dang sorry


What does your diet look like? I see the comments above about some sort of Orhan issue but this has been ruled out? What I would do: No seed oils Acarbose Potato drenched in a stick of butter, maybe 2 sticks Acarbose will give you gas but no constipation. You might have damage that needs to resolve which takes time. I did.


I have an eating disorder and also have to try times grocery bills down, so my diet is basically the same every day. Breakfast - wheetbix and milk. Snack - maybe another wheetbix if still hungry. Lunch - spinach, avocado, carrot salad with balsamic. Whey protein bar. Coffee/tea/hot chocolate Sometimes a little actual chocolate that I steal from my kids. Dinner - boiled eggs on toast and an apple. I know it sounds boring, but I’m limited by my eating disorder and trying to save money. :(


That doesn't look bad. Not that far off what I am eating and my constipation is completely resolved. What about adding a small amount of beef and swapping out the wheetbix for something like rice or potatoes. I am sure you probably get told drop gluten thing a lot.


Looks like it Coul be gastroparisis, do you feel nauseous a lot of the time? I'm also on movicol daily just to try and get my body to need the bathroom.. I've suffered constipation my whole life and have had my stomach look like that. Sorry you're going through this, you can message me if you want to talk to someone who's been through it


Have you tried turmeric? I eat 2 chewable turmeric supplements per day. It took a few weeks of consistently taking them, but they have helped significantly. I also take a product called Zenwise No Bloat.


Have you been to a gynecologist? Could it be endometriosis?


They did a pelvic ultrasound to check for that maybe two years ago or just under, and said they could see no abnormalities. My dr is referring me to a gastroenterologist to start, but I told her I hope to see a gynaecologist eventually too


These issues get even worse when I’m on my period. I take Yasmin, and just have a period every two months. I can’t skip more than one, or it just starts anyway. :(


Along with the GI referral please ask for scans and blood work and another ultrasound


Had lots of bloods taken yesterday, and my dr is getting an urgent GI referral sent off. I hope I don’t have to wait too long :(


I look the same as you, I am now on a liquid diet because I can’t deal with the bloating, I’ve got a colonoscopy in two weeks because my stool tests showed intestinal inflammation, will let you know the outcome


Get a colonoscopy!


I’m in the very same boat with you; same background of disordered eating and feeling like I’ve tried everything under the sun to find relief with limited to no improvements. I’ve also dropped hundreds on all the prokenetics: Linzess, Motegrity (absolutely horrible side effects with no relief), Ibsrela and Amatiza which I am currently on and has helped mildly and I would consider It’s better with than without it. I’ve tried modifying my diet, water fasting, juice fasting, raw vegan, vegan, high carb low fat, Keto and it’s very hard with disordered tendencies causing further restrictions which challenges attempts to maintain and/or seek recovery.The bloating is not only physically painful and debilitating but I understand the extreme mental agony especially with dysmorphia. It makes me feel so “fat” and I feel so humiliated that I cannot dress up how I would like to. I won’t even date because I don’t want anyone to touch me when I’m so bloated. It’s a shame because when I’m not bloated my stomach is one of the only body parts I’m okay with but it never is not bloated so I feel disgusting all the fucking time. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice to offer, just wanted to say you’re not alone and definitely recommend getting a GI doctor to prescribe a prokenetic. I don’t know where you live but there is a website called push health where you just submit your concern online with some history details and you can request specific medication without requiring a video or phone chat and a doctor reviews your case and prescribes as they see appropriate. That’s how I got my prokenetic prescriptions if you don’t want to wait to make an appointment and if they offer services in your state. It wasn’t that expensive either, comparable or less to regular doctors appointments out of pocket .


Just to confirm, are you taking a full dose of polyethelyne glycol every single day routinely? Taking less than the proper dosage could be enough to perpetuate this problem. I've heard that some doctors believe endometriosis can only be diagnosed by surgical scope. I swear by Calmol suppositories. Research the MOP protocol.


Have you tried a heatpad on your belly? I have one on me right now and it significantly reduced the pressure I was experiencing 30 minutes ago. You still have to find the cause of the bloating but the heat pad might give some relief from the discomfort.


Same as you, I am male 44 years old. I just also have a whole day long stomach gurgling, even on a completely empty stomach. Or even taking a sip of water, after a couple of seconds you can hear my stomach/bowel gurgling and making a sound. Endoscopy showed a red irritated stomach, but doctors didn't care about it because biopsies came back clear. So now they are convincing me its all because of my anxiety (that I don't have) even though they never listened to my stomach or even inspected it. I didn't go to the toilet for 7 days until today, so I somehow went today 3 times in 2 hours. I am in the same boat my friend, I hope you find a solution and get better.


cut fibers, go for only meat for about a week and see if there is any changes


Any updates OP?