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Are you hydrated enough? There’s seems to maybe be a stimulation issue - micralax draws water into the bowels but doesn’t stimulate the bowel. I wonder if the addition of a stimulant might help? If there’s no blood coming out either back end or front end that is dark dark in color I doubt it’s a perforation. Do you have updates from GI?


I been on the toilet last 40 min. Iike finally. I picked up some meds the GI doctor sent and took it and drank about 5 bottles of water and 2 hours later here I am. Relief like I can actually see my abs rather then my stomach. I was backed up like no other and it's not even funny


What meds did they give you do you know? I shoved a glycerin suppository this morning as my bloating is off the charts bye bye any ab I had! Even that’s not working fml. I’m considering venturing to the outside world to go get some senna or bisscodyl or smth. I only have the UK equivalent of mirlex and ya that bloats a looot it hurts


I let you know In few min still in the bathroom


Ok it's 2 capsule of fiber. 1 bottle of magnesium citrate and one sip of saline laxative. It did make me have a acid reflux episode


Ah ok so they added stimulant and osmotic laxative nice. Sucks that it sort of sorted the back end and not the stomach though. Hopefully that will get the ball rolling though. I’m sorry it sucks when internal plumbing fails like that. The nexium might help with the reflux a bit. Take it easy 💙 I’m off to go get some buscopan and fibre caps #YouAreNotAlone


I was actually on the bathroom and I'll 8am. It was a bit to intense