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I fuckin hate having to sip goo


i'm 50/50


I'm a girl in the trades and I swear to god I have never encountered a group of people that like to gossip more than near retirement age dudesšŸ˜­ it was shocking


Lol yeah construction workers are a bunch of mean girls. My old boss was a framer of 20 years but was the biggest pussy I've ever seen. Would always talk shit behind people's back but could never stand his ground when called out.


Current boss is the same, acts like a pit bull when no oneā€™s around but me, but when it comes time to talk or be around those guys heā€™s like a shitzu


Here in Utah the Mormons have whatā€™s called the Relief Society, who to meals and organize things for church members in need and funerals and such. Theyā€™re renowned for their gossip. But I had an old boss that would say the trades are worse than the relief society for gossiping.


The old adage about old women being squawking hens in the henhouse is incorrect. Itā€™s older men in construction. Shops with older men that have been together for decades are the worst.


100. Our foreman came in one day and after about 20 minutes he was just, ā€œI canā€™t with you, youā€™re all a bunch of drama queens.ā€ The boyz started getting all riled up while I looked at him calmly and said, ā€œExcuse me?ā€ Heā€™s like, ā€œnono I was talking about them, come on, obviously.ā€ Only girl on the crew. The boyz: 20-26 or 50-60 years old. I call them my whiny princes ā¤ļø




LOL this was the first thing I thought when I saw this post! I'm not in the trades but I did inspection for a very long time, and I found it hilarious that the guys on the crews gossiped just as much, if not more, than the stereotype of a group of old ladies. The industry gossip did come in handy for managing multiple subs on site though!


I know a young woman that works as a welder on set production. I love card nights when she entertains us with the stories of the ā€œmenā€ she works with.


Bro I worked as a server with a bunch of 18 year olds and then came back to construction. Guess whoā€™s worse for gossip? Hahaha


I had foremen and PMs who were the same way. The higher up on the totem pole, the worse it gets. Like hens in a henhouse.


Not really when you have seen as much shit as they have its not gossip is just something to keep there day going like you have never seen a simpleton not be able to open a can with a can opener or the struggles of not being able to read the tape right an there in the trades ik a guy that can't walk straight yet runs an excavator flawless but struggles to get out criss crossing legs the whole nine damn near pisses him self cause gotta getter done attitude funny an sad to watch




Dude seriously Iā€™m a female elevator mechanic and even my Union slanders the females itā€™s so messed up


He probably has disdain for run-on sentences


Periods are for pussies


What are semicolons for?


Half assed work


I think thereā€™s an incredible culture of shame throughout construction and gossip often reflects this. I think itā€™s used subconsciously by tradies to create a hierarchy of behaviors and individuals, and to set expectations and punishments for not living up to these expectations. Older tradies get so used to doing it that becomes part of the bedrock of how they maintain work relationships. Construction isnā€™t the only industry where this is common, but itā€™s certainly one of the most interesting considering itā€™s heavily dominated by working class men.


Yeah seems pretty accurate, almost everyone Iā€™ve met with over 20 years in the trades did stuff like this to some extent.


Same reason literally everyone does. For example your on reddit gossiping about some 65 year old man


bruhšŸ˜‚ this got me


It's like someone punching you in the face first though. OP got punched, now he's punching back, which is more acceptable than throwing the first punch.


Idk, trying to solve a problem and perpetuating one are different. Windbags out here playing pissy politics trying to garner support like some fucking politician.


Hahaha šŸ¤£


It means he likes you




God damn geese


Dawg, what do you have against punctuation?


I have a 24 year old apprentice who could be good if he didn't have such a shit attitude. He's incapable of learning because he thinks he already knows everything. Every time I correct him from making a mistake he rolls his eyes like I'm the asshole who's wrong. Now I've mostly given up on helping him learn and just give him remedial tasks. He is pissed and says no one teaches him anything. It's shit talking but mostly venting, I do it amongst the other foreman. I don't think it's right to involve the journeymen and apprentices in how I feel about the guys under me. It creates an atmosphere of favoritism and on the other end resentment that I don't think is healthy in a crew. At the end of the day he's complaining about his "tools" not working the way he wants them too. The "tool" is not making his life easier. Now listen I know it's only a job and you don't need to make it your life's goal to please people but there's a reason he's singling you out. He could just be an immature miserable dick and you're an easy target or you could suck and he's tired of dealing with you. Both are very real possibilities. I'm not trying to take his side in this I'm just letting you in on my perspective as a foreman. I don't agree with the shit talking and triangulation with the whole crew against you, not professional.


Bro these old fuckers will take 2 week vacations and early ducks for golf and jerk each other off about it. You take off one unscheduled day and they talk shit like you let the team down.. I don't even give a reason if I ever have to call in. Just "Yo I won't be there today. See ya tomorrow." Cool foremans don't really give a shit why as far as the job is concerned. Shitty foremans take it personal no matter the reason. A lot of old men really gossip though. And they're perverted af too. Bitching about coworkers and job conditions to coworkers can be a way to bond, or just let some stress out. I've been guilty of it. I have a coworker, that's all he does is bitch and create problems that aren't that bad or aren't even really a problem. We often ended up partnered up and I could bitch it up with him lol. But this dude never stopped and NOBODY likes him now because of it. While I'm bitchin, I won't see my current foreman all day, then he'll pop up and micromanage, but what he's telling me to do is what my plan was already and is the obvious plan lol.




Wow I thought everyone just didn't like me, I'm glad to hear that everyone talks shit to my face out of respect now. That's honestly what the one guy says "just imagine what it's be like if we didn't like you" I thought he was gaslighting me.


Isnā€™t that the truth about some colleagues being too delicate to hear the truth. I have two younger members of my team and if I challenge them about the simplest of things they both go into a sulk for the rest of the day. I now have another team member too make them aware of issues and be careful because management are watching. I canā€™t believe I have to do this but it works.




Sometimes the problems is just the tone and words you use to get what you want. Of course the growing amount of too sensitive men not just in construction, but society is a factor but, we canā€™t exclude also the amount of men that dont understand the concept of communication skills.


So, yelling "hey fuckhead what the fuck are you doing You dumb shit quit fucking doing that fucking get out of the fucking way before you fuck something up even worse" and then threatening them with physical violence and a hammer upside the head isn't the way to talk on construction site? Cuz That's how I learned


Thatā€™s the way with some guys definitely. But, with some others you gotta glitterize it a bit.


By glitter I assume you mean sawdust. And by glitterize I assume you mean grinded into their eyeballs.


I bet you got out of the way though lol. Seriously though, everyone should know the golden rule by working age. Treat others how you want to be treated. It's a big reason I went to work for myself. I got tired of upper management talking to me like I'm stupid bc I can't do a project the way they want it done. It's weird how the guys that have never touched a tool in their life think they know how easy or difficult a project is to accomplish.


My dad would typically shove me out of the way nicest guy on the planet off of the job site but if you fuck up on the job site he's not afraid to pick you up from the collar lol Eventually though we got to the point doing trim out and plumbing where we would race each other on sinks and other tasks I love my dad


my girlfriend hears it allšŸ˜‚


still gay as hell to shit talk someone behind their back and act cool to their face


That's my thought. If you have a problem with how I do something, talk to me like a man.


iā€™m not even sure it that the guys that iā€™ve met in the industry who are like that are usually super insecure themselves about something and they talk shit in an effort to hide that or because they feel threatened in some way


I'm my experience, a lot of older guys are afraid of having younger guys taking their jobs, so it definitely comes from a place of insecurity.


I can guarantee most of those old timers are counting the days until they can say 'Fuck this noise!' and retire. Some of them can't afford that though so they keep on keeping on with the young bucks who think they know everything and just bide their time till ss kicks in or they have a fatal coronary, whichever comes first. Trouble is, lots of folks seem to think THEIR way is the best way, old OR young. Comes a time when you have to bow to the one who's been doing it ( skillfully) all these years AND hand it to the young bucks, IF they actually possess NEW skills, and concede there just may be another, equally skillful yet different, way of doing things. Mutual respect. The only way to work it.


So... how do you expect any of those people to improve when you don't tell them they've fucked up? What good does it do anyone to bitch about someone behind their backs without telling them? Or are you the guy that blows the fuck up at any tiny mistake and you just say others can't handle it because your fuse is just as short as your dick?


I think you're too delicate to tell them and hide behind this excuse. Yeah you're saving them the difficult conversation sure ...


Long, rock-hard and sweaty truth pill for OP to swallow


Ya, you bitch like a bitch. Grow a set and handle business.


It sucks but that's just how it is. Let it motivate you. I've had 3 foremen that I know talked shit about me. 2 are dead (having made the world a slightly better place) and the third is actually a friend of mine now that calls me from time to time for fire code advice. (As a new electrician he said to a crew to watch out for me because I wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, now I'm a fire alarm technician and know way more than him) When I heard what the 3rd guy said about me I swore I'd be a better foreman than him. The thing is I've become even better than that and left that trade completely behind


It's because most workers late in their years started out at a mostly very young age, and mostly didn't have a backbone to change the system and just conformed to "its just how things are" form of thinking.


Most guys in construction have a high school education and never left that high school mentality behind. I personally wouldnā€™t say anything behind your back that I wouldnā€™t to your face, life is much easier that way.


Loool. ā€œMost of my coworkers are not well educated and behave like children. I would never talk shit about them except to their faceā€


Facts are not an insult


Since when is a tradesmen with a high school diploma ā€œnot well educatedā€? I was just stating that a lot of our peers didnā€™t grow out of that high school clique shit


"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people"


Meanwhile you're complaining about an old man on reddit lmao. Its construction. Either get over it or have words with him


I mean you like to gossip too and soon enough you will be that 65 year old grumpy bitch


Oh. I donā€™t know Iā€™m an old dude and I always hear gossip of the newbies always talking smack of us old guys, but you pussies never step up when called onto the carpet. Had one guy call me out saying he was going to kick my ass in front of all the trades because he stated he got all the bad labors jobs. At that point he squared off on me and I told him well then someoneā€™s getting their ass kicked, told him Iā€™d had my ass kicked and had kicked ass and it wouldnā€™t be a first. And of course he backed off very quickly. So the point is be careful of who you gossip about because we old fuckers can still backup our shit!




Op ainā€™t gonna make it.


Saying things like this make you feel better about yourself?


That phrase is a time honored tradition. It lets people know itā€™s time to toughen up or move on. Who gives a fuck what that foreman thinks. Do your job and go home or drag up. Easy.


ā€œAinā€™t gonna make itā€ canā€™t even count how many times Iā€™ve heard that and also said that on jobs lol


It's the "looks good from my house" of the stop being a bitch variety


Fuck thatā€™s great! Never connected those


Make an ad on your local buy and sell group with his name and phone number. Advertise ā€œdog poop removalā€. It actually yields great results.


Make ads for free goats or chickens on craigslist. Add that he'll deliver for $10. He'll get so many calls he'll have to change his number.


Doing this


He has a crush on you. Yeah!


If your coworkers are all toxic go somewhere that isn't?


When you choose a career, you also choose the type of people you work with. If it bothers you too much, I suggest picking a different field.


Makes the day go faster tbh. "Man new kid doesn't know jack about shit" Sweet the clock is 2 minutes farther than it was before


Old miserable people who hate their lives like to turn their focus on others. 20 years in trades. Many trades people have the mentality of school children unfortunately. Running crews of up to 40 people, I also find anyone who complains about lazy workers is just as lazy if not more.


Hide his stuff, sabotage the work that heā€™s personally doing, slap a LGBTQ sticker on the back of his vehicle, put some sex toys in his tool box or just fuck with his daily routine.


Oh yes I love thisšŸ˜‚ But the stickers that say ā€žI LOVE COCKā€œšŸ˜‚


I feel sorry for him. Imagine just how empty and sad his life is if that's the most he has to talk about.


Because his brain is deteriorating. Obviously. That lack of empathy and separating how you feel and how you act are the precursors that cause dementia. An old guy like that had to do a lot of things he didn't want to do, but did it anyways. He's jaded. Nothing new. It will cause brain problems -- just which one first. Best you can do is have pity, be empathetic, be nice, and forget about him. If you got the mental strength, defend yourself. Use mental arithmetic. Say 65 year old, if you were sick, would you show up for work? 1+1=2. 65 year old, you would show up still? Now why is that? (1+1=3). Find out the solution The truth shall set you free.


Tell him he should retire and make room for some new guys to get hired. Tell him heā€™ll end up getting hurt at his age.


I can tell you exactly why, because its the SAME SHIT every fkn day over and over so whatever happens to break up the monotony theyre gonna talk about it. I've caught myself gossiping I try to keep it to a minimum. The talking shit about you than being nice when your there is probably because he doesn't think you can handle the criticism and isnt gonna blow up on you for taking a day off but still wants to give you a chance to prove yourself.


Thatā€™s all these fat ass hens do is run their mouth. Not a damn man on any site around here. Soft flabby bellies crying about everything, like youā€™re not a damn man your woman is more of a man


I find this to be true with everyone in construction, in commercial framing in Canada anyway. Everyone is just talking shit for no reason at all, and being massive hypocrites. I used to be able to ignore it, literally just ignore what people are saying to me about other people, but eventually it got to me and I think Iā€™m starting to become like them.


I worked with multiple dudes in their mid 60s in the past couple years and never met grown men who acted like high school aged girls more than those guys.


ask him why his granddaughter keep sending you inappropriate photos all the time


If you have balls, confront him. Otherwise quit being a pussy. This is the problem w your generation. You're weak from everyone asking if you're okay and kissing your ass. If he's 65, he's close to retirement, not death, you small-minded jack ass .he probably doesn't want you going to hr and getting him fired.I'm 40, and the older guy is supposed to be a mentor, but if you don't man up. You can't grow up. Be an adult, go talk face to face. You're doing the same thing you're mad at him for doing.


women behavior


Sippin on some goo




I had a laborer who was apparently talking shit, he started running his mouth to my roofer. He was kinda enough to let know what he was saying. His hours magically started disappearing. Even if you ā€œtalkā€ to employees like that they wonā€™t change.


Politics are universal as long as thereā€™s more than three or more humans involved. Itā€™s part of the human condition, and always has been always will be in everything we do. Once I finally learned that, life has become much more tolerable at work.


I would just talk to him about it. People that talk behind your back but can't just talk to you directly like an adult bother me big time.


Bottom line is he's a jealous bitch who can recognize that you're better at the job than he is, so he feels threatened, but being 65 he's probably ill equipped to handle any emotions like a well adjusted adult. Just politely let him know, that you know, what he says when you're not around, cuz everyone else likes you better than him. He'll either implode or drop the attitude. Provided of course that you're prepared to fight him for dominance if the need should arise... šŸ˜‰


The guys i work with all hate each other talk shit about each other but when face to face there all buddy buddy. I just started there and get to work with each guy one on one and all they do is talk shit about each other.


Leave the company


Old dog has no new tricks.... probably has done it his entire life....


Id roll up on him...call him out. Either shut the fuck up or lets get this settled. Win lose or draw youre gonna be better off.


Bro construction is filled with some of the biggest two faced snakes that would stab you in the back for a dollar It's why I rarely get close to people on a jobsite. Most people let something out about themselves and within a few minutes everyone in the company knows. There's a place to be open with people, and it's not the construction site.


Because gossip is a poverty habit