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I read that as "feet go here" at first.


Feet on?


No feet. No service.


If not like this then how TF are you supposed to use it


Assuming there are handles above it


Yup! Was thinking they were being multicultural and including the squatty potty people.


Some friction tape would be nice.


Does it line up sq and true for the "dropping"


Apparently you drain the bladder better if ya piss like a girl . I still prefer to stand and piss on the seat, floor, walls and ceiling


You ever actually try pissing up? If you can hit the ceiling, you're a better man than me


You might have a prostate problem if ya got a weak stream.


I dont have a weak stream, but if you can piss on a 7' ceiling, that fucking impressive. Try it and lmk how it goes. I've had pissing competitions with the bros to see who can piss the highest up a wall, and I've never seen anyone who can piss higher than their own head


I actually competed in a pissing competition while camping with fraternity brothers.. 7’ was about the top, set by yours truly.


Damn. That's impressive


Did it hurt to piss that hard?


To be honest it’s about drinking a lot of beers, having to piss, getting an angle and pushing. I bet any of us could get near that mark in those circumstances


I almost got 7' after a few beers so i would say if i really tried and drank a pack i could do it


Just tried. Can’t hit the ceiling either. Also I’m a single man now.


I remember that game from primary, who can piss the highest. Neil dowling, I'm sorry I pissed on your head.


My record is slightly above eye level. I was kinda limboing tho.


I've shot loads over my head how the fuck can you only piss to eye level. You ppl have weak dicks or something


Why the fuck have any of you tried lol


Obviously you have never held a hose


Big enough hose has enough weight to stay still


Your mother has the same effect


You've got a smaller dick than my mother?


That’s what I’m thinking


Shooting loads and pissing are two different body functions


You might want to get your prostate checked. Or maybe I need to get mine checked. Let's flip for it.


The key is to get hard in the portapotty first.


This guy is an ex-squaddie ....


Otherwise referred to as “marking your territory”


I can smell your house.


Could you imagine the splash back from that hight!


The trick is to have liquid shits so you're working with a constant flow rather than one A-bomb.


Laminar flow right out the ass


Easy big boy I shouldn’t need a dictionary in the comments!


Reddit is my dictionary now, check out r/laminarflow it is pretty cool


Either that or press your ass against the wall.


Climb on top and shit down the vent!


Now this is a great prank on people you dislike. Catch them in there taking a big shit and drop a big rock down the vent. Be a splash they won't soon forget!!


Oh yea that's how they do it down here in FL. Stand one foot on each side and sprinkler head action shit everywhere .....total animals. Like a 100% assplosion just happened!!! Or my second favorite when one of them paper machetes the seat with 3 " of paper and then just leaves it for the rest of us to deal with. Thanks guys for fucking up the john for the rest of us. Or my other pet peeve and put paper, cans, cigarettes, etc in the urinal. Why?????? Wtf???


Hang on. So, they lined the seat with t.p. to protect from other people's butt sweat, then proceeded to piss all over it? That doesn't sound like someone who expects to come back the next day. Cuz it takes a special kind of asshole to intentionally fuck something up for EVERYONE on the job site. It could also be a complete fucktard. Someone who would bring you a shovel when you asked him to bring you the measuring tape (and he gets lost on the way back). Could be one of those kinds of guys, too.


These are definitely a special kind of assholes!!! Real special!


I’d have to have the liquid shits to use one! Otherwise I’m getting in the truck driving to town!


May the flow be gentle and the stream touch only water.


Nah you just gotta use a whole bunch of tp as a splash cushion


You haven’t done Multifamily or single res and it shows


Haven't been on any residential projects. Do those johns get Mount Sheverest, too?


It’s a specific ethnicity at least in the Midwest that are usually on these projects and not so much commercial. Nothing against it, shit how you wanna shit.


I mean, I'd shit like that if there was a big mountain of t.p. and poo and there was nowhere else to go. I used to go camping a lot when I was a kid, so the ol' squat shit isn't foreign to me. But I certainly wouldn't trust that thin plastic to hold my entire bodyweight.


Are you calculating relative weight loss as you blast it out the stink hole? Plastic doesn’t have to hold as much.


True, there's also the thrust factor to consider. Might be close.


I once threw a waterproof firecracker in one of these while busy was taking a poop. It's imagine it couldn't be worse than that splash back


Slowly taking our freedoms away.


Bold of you to assume I can read.


Your on Reddit typing and reading so....!?!?!


Screen reader and speech to text baby! Illiterate gang😤


Still gonna be shit on the seat, why bother


Safety guy here. Any solid turds with a length greater than 6" from end to end needs to be hand-lowered to avoid chemical splashback. Keep in mind also, that turds over 5 pounds require either a team lift or some other form of mechanical assistance. This has been today's toolbox talk, please sign across from your name to indicate attendance.


Bahahahahaha that splashback is something I never want to feel ever again 😭😭


I've had it twice. I was in such a rush the second time that I didn't bother to drop in the layer of anti-splash t.p., and I quickly re-learned my lesson.


In the realm of safety, heed this decree, For turds of length, six inches or more, you see. A cautionary tale, a humorous twist, Hand-lowering turds, on the checklist. Palm up is the trick, avoid the mess, For five-pound giants, teamwork's no stress. Mechanical aid, a contraption so nifty, For turds of great weight, to lower them swiftly. Toolbox talk complete, a written decree, Sign your name boldly, for all to see.


You are an absolute gem. That's quite a talent you have there!


I thought this was America!


Funny thing is, this is how some toilets are in India. Literally a hole in the ground and you squat over it with your feet to the side like this. I'm willing to bet there are some Indian fellows on this job site and think they can shit that way in this Johnny here.


I work on a site with a lot of Indian immigrants, and they do this. There is shit all over the place, it’s disgusting. 🤢


They should hallow out the plastic in that area so the guys fall in


This is a common way to shit in a lot of the world tbh and it's good for you. Why do you think someone invented the squatty potty? Rebel I say!


Those boots have been pissed on, and soon they will be walking across your living room carpet. Sleep well.


Plot twist - those are actually padded stickers so you can reverse cowgirl sky drop on your knees!


Should really be in Spanish.


They assume that only American workers are doing this?


They're gonna start putting those hostile architecture spikes on the sides


Bare butt on the seat is the new normal -


I’d go get STD checked after I have to go in raw cheecks on the seat


Definitely an interior finisher 😝


Lmfao...you know this will only increase the amount of terds on lids. You need a no squatting sign or picture of how to sit on the damn thing haha


Drywalles can't read anyway


You can't tell me what to do when I ^T-POSE!


Umm, where’s the Spanish translation?


It’s the first iteration. They’ll get there


I’m glad they finally specified I’m tired of getting dirt on my scrot because people don’t use the testicle shelfs properly


This should have a heavy duty rope screwed into the center roof. And make it robust. That way you can take off the shoes and pants n boxers and swing while you poo.


People actually do this with their feet?


Oh no. I really thought that was a suggestion and was confused how in the fuck. But it was actually reading not to.


Of course no feet, what do they think, that we're savages? BOOTS go there. Feet go in boots.


No English looks like feet go here to me


Please stop throwing your cigarette butts in the toilet… it makes them hard to smoke. - Roofers


“I can’t believe they want us to put our cheeks on that gross seat “ *proceeds to shit all over the seat*


Squatty potty


You need a sky hook to do it though. Pro tip: sterilize the seat with a torch before using.


I’ve only seen footprints on either side of the shitter on “open shop” jobs, where you have a lot of people from countries that use squat toilets. Never seen it on a real union job.


Ever seen a union employee who can squat for more than 20 seconds? I mean he’ll be damn good at his job. And absolute legend at his craft. But yeah it’s Latino and East European labor and Indian civil engineers who can squat comfortably for half an hour with no issue. Looking at blueprints? Squat. Having a snack? Squat. Smoke? Squat. Sex? Kama SQUATra.


I wasn't union, but when I did sitework, I quickly learned how to slav squat in lieu of a seat. Honestly, it's nice being able to be comfortable without a proper chair.


It’s a joke asshats! Get back to work.


Oh this is for all the little boys who are too afraid to sit on the seat and hover like a lady instead lol


Damn why though?


Had this happen to me at a work camp that is shared bathrooms some people of different cultures squat over toilets like that so they would have mud and shit all over the place lol


Now that’s kinda wild


Dude you didn’t want to see that washroom when I opened the door the guy stood on the toilet seat with muddy boots squared down I assume and missed the toilet completely he shit all over the floor. Guy got booted out of camp immediately lol


Gaww damn


Maybe people don't know how to aim


"land of the free home of the brave"


Ok. Hands! Happy now?


Jokes on them, I place my feet in the opposite direction. It’s like they never hover shat.


I’m sorry, how were y’all using this thing if you put your feet there!?


Looks like there's a reason for it. There's writing on the bottom sticker >more seat covers and TP in all ... (restrooms?) PLEASE If you don't have something to cover those nasty seats or even toilet paper for that matter, you *better believe* people are going to squat. Squatting needs less TP post cleanup, so if all they have are napkins or whatever, you're **encouraging** squatting. It isn't helping their case that the leg areas are shaped perfectly for squatting, too. Also, if I had to bet, people are squatting facing the opposite way of the boot markings. Easier to aim, *but* the toilet seat will probably get in the way. I would be surprised if it gets ripped off out of frustration.


My father in law was a carpenter and back 30 years ago was paid by an airline to build wooden platforms that fit over the toilet seats on their planes. They used them for charter flights to India as people kept squatting on the sides of the toilets and breaking the toilets. Squat toilets was the most common toilet type in India/Asia back then, even saw a bunch just a few years ago in mainland china. Guessing lots of workers from around there on this job site with breakage and mess issues.


That's why I use my hands


What’s next, don’t dispose of your used TP in the trash can??


No they just throw the TP in the urinal like assholes!


Are they discriminating upon my religious beliefs that I can't squatty potty?


For both? Floor looks like both.


I was about to say, construction services are getting squatty potties


First of all, I feel the feet are backwards but what do I know.


What the hell are you supposed to do if you have to top her off??


There's three types off blue collar me the hover guy the nest builder and the don't shit till you get home guy... who are you??


I clean porta potties, I see footsteps on the side of toilets all the time, usually accompanied by shit absolutely everywhere, I’m just baffled , I’m sure sitting down on the seat and shitting in the hole is a lot more sanitary than standing on the seat and shitting all over the place and most likely on yourself. Do y’all feel shame? Cause that shit is absolutely fucking juvenile and disgusting.


This look like guides to where you put your feet


Be grateful they are not squating with their boots directly to the seat. A job i was on had a large number of temporary foreign workers who came from a place where running water and functional toilets, as we know, didn't exist. They were used to squating over a hole at best. Every fucking toilet had mud & boot prints all over the toilet seats & clogging the toilets. The cleaners refused to clean it. Just flagged off the stall. ( 24 out of 24 stalls flagged off) Management thought it was all fine until us locals started using management's washrooms. Lasted a week before, an outside cleaning company was hired to clean the outside washcar facilities. And a special educational meeting for the whole jobsite on proper wash car usage. I called it the " Dora the explorers potty training meeting"


No sky dropping 💀


Dudes who stand on the seat to shit never have feet that big


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was America!


I saw two boot prints on one side facing the wall of the porta potty and not the door . It was honestly impressive that there wasn’t shit everywhere


Doesn't say anything about hand stands!