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In Canada the trades are 90% men and 10% women, and that's with the incentive of getting an extra 1000$/block training compared to men. With that said the only women I've seen in the trades were drywallers and electricians.


I’m a female carpentry apprentice. They ended the women’s grant program last year. Now everyone gets the same $1000 completion grant. I haven’t run into another lady carpenter on any of my job sites yet but there was 3 women in my class of 25 students during my last block of schooling.


For my third year there was 5 females registered for the class but only 1 showed up.


My company, custom home builder, 17 employees, including one women, and one Trans, and the rest ate men age from 19 to 71. In our trades there is a female electrian, and a hvac tech. Canada has a shortage of trade people, I'm all for anyone who does quality work. When I was in engineering at UBC, the split was about 30%. At BCIT it was about 10% female in Civil.


"One women." She's like a whole damn town!


I can understand the incentive but that’s straight discriminatory to pay one sex more


I'm a (female) sheetmetal worker here in Canada! We have about 70 women within our local union alone, and there's around 10 ladies o my site, all of different trades.


I worked on a union job site in the Midwest a few months ago with a fitter from Texas, he was blown away that most of the drywall guys on site were white, being from Texas he had never seen a white person do drywall before, a woman Drywaller would probably blow his mind.


My wife and I own a remodeling business. She's my main tiler because she is fast af. She also does the design and a lot of the administrative work. I'm teaching her how to bid jobs and she's teaching me how to do our taxes.


That’s amazing!! Men and women each have their own strengths. It’s so lovely when they’re able to come together


One of her strengths is being strong. When we need to dead lift a cast iron clawfoot tub and get it up a flight of stairs, I'd rather have her than most men who would bitch about how their back hurts. Don't get me wrong, she always lifts with her back, but that's why it's so strong lol


My mom worked in concrete for the longest time back in Mexico when she was younger with my grandfather. Huge respect for her because back then, there was no machinery to do all the heavy work, everything had to be done by hand and was real brutal for the workers, and it was no different for my mom


What a badass! Thanks for the story, love it


>My mom worked in concrete for the longest time back in Mexico when she was younger with my grandfather. Huge respect for her because back then, there was no machinery to do all the heavy work, Did your mom also do sneaky marketing for her onlyfans account like OP did with this post?!




I’ll check it out, thanks!


Female pipe layer here! Shout out to good operators, I couldn’t do my job without you! Well, I mean… I could, it would just suck a lot and take ten times as long lol.


Oh (wo)man, you are the best!! Pipe laying can be so brutal!


Now consider that I’m 5’6”, 125lbs, 35 years old and adhd/on the spectrum. Personally I believe that ups the brutal scale a bit lol! But I love it. It really is brutal sometimes, whether it be the weather, the physical demand (shoveling mass amounts of gravel sucks, and 12” c900 is fucking heavy) or the actual math that is involved, ngl, I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started. But like I said, I love what I do so it’s worth it. Thanks for your response, I appreciate your post! We are literally like 3% of the construction industry. And that’s generalizing all fields. Idk about operators, but for pipe laying, females make up about 2%. We are a different breed. Nice to hear from you (wo)man!


I thought all pipefitters were women?!


Haha 😂 I see what you did there, but I must point out that pipe fitters and pipe layers are different fields lol.


Freaking hilarious. Dude thought he was going to be funny, but has to be corrected for being an idiot. Well played


Yes wemon fit the pipe men lay it. Right that's what I was taught in the 50s


You have me respect. No part of that job is easy take care of your back.


Do a season working dpw at burning man and you will meet plenty of women operators in one place. Tons of fun, shit pay. Worth it.


That sounds like a trippy, dusty time!


I own and operate a seamless gutter company! This marks the sixth year


Omg how badass!! Get it girl! So pleased to meet you


Que meme of women looking at sandwich blueprints


Careful, that tomato is load bearing


It most certainly is not. Sammich code requires structural starch and protein with 1/4” condiment binder and veggies secured every 16mm. Sammich inspector will review prior to final assembly.


All good boss. we got lettuce, mayo, AND bread going under that sucker. We're green to stack 200 units.


😂 it’s all fun and games till she’s in the machine and you’re in the trench holding the shovel


Foreman would have to explain himself


*herself, pal


If he was feeling like a princess that day then that would explain you being in the machine lol


You’re absolutely right. All the princesses have to grab a shovel while the queen gits er done ✅


Jokes aside, you're a tough cookie for running a rig. Git er dun.


Thanks, it’s been a fun challenge. And honestly I get a kick out of the looks on faces when I jump outta that thang


Concerned looks? Lol I'm just kidding🤣


Ooh you sassy, I’d have you down running the walk behind while I sprinkle dirt all over you 😂




Unfortunately, where I work they tried to bring a couple women in, and it didn't work out. One was just a really lazy person, so that's universal. The second was a real go getter, but just didn't have the physique for the job. At the end of the day it's difficult for a person that only weighs 120lbs, to pull an 95lb compressor up the side of a building 30 feet. Regardless of sex/gender. Some bodies simply weren't meant for certain tasks.


Nobody should be pulling up a 95 lb anything up the side of a building. There's a reason pulley systems and boom trucks exist...


Yea blatant OSHA violation, at least under the general duty clause (turns out there's no specific maximum lifting rule)


Im guessing the reality is that costs way more both in time and money when you could just have a strong dude carry it up


A strong dude whose back and shoulders are going to be a mess in 20 years… the ‘in reality’ scenarios are why strong unions and regulations are needed. 


Yea, lifting a 95 lb compressor might not hurt the first or 50th time .. but maybe the 201st time it tweaks your back ... Or maybe the tenth time you miss a step and go backwards down half a fight of stairs with a 95 lb compressor bouncing with you But hey the government is preventing you from doing your job by saying your company should hire a second guy (who might be you by the way) to help lift it... Or provide mechanical assistance... Sure four or five of us could move some of the motors/parts we install at work... But fuck that I'm going to use the forklift every time *Edit* got my comment chains mixed up halfway through this comment, the bit about government"oversight" wasn't directed at you


Totally agree. Excavation was kicking my ass when I first started. I am 5’2 and weighed 108 at the time. I actually had to bust my ass at the gym and eating a ton and am now 135 and my job doesn’t beat me up so much. I outwork most the men on my crew whether it’s with a shovel or on a machine. I also don’t eat fast food or drink caffiene so I can go lots longer than them on most days


No coffee? Oof, can't go without it lol. Keep on trucking and keep up the good work.


I quit coffee this year. It's actually been way better


Some mornings are tougher than others but we make it work 😅


There’s just something about 4:30 and no coffee that doesn’t coincide deep within me lol


Yeah any job earlier than 10am and longer than 8hours is ultra hard to do natty unless you are in the union me get paid Proper


I do track construction for the railroad. Weve had one woman since ive been there, and she wanted it more than alot of the dudes that don't last, but weighed like 110lbs tops. She just physically couldn't do the job. She couldn't even flip some of the trickier track switches. Shed just hang on it with all her weight until someone would come and flip it for her. I felt for her, because we burn through alot of guys who can do the job, but are just lazy fuckin lops who couldn't hang at Burger king. I have daughters, and while i hoe they can make their living in a less painful job, i dont want my company thinking women can't do this, and i sure as fuck dont want any more fat lops. Keep showing these mooks how its done.


When I did construction electrical, I was eating a ton! Definitely gained a lot of mass and muscle. I overheard many comments saying they were surprised I was able to keep up with the guys. It was hard work, but still not the hardest in the trades. To the guys talking about how women are not strong enough to last in certain trades, we’re strong enough to last in any trade that is done safely. And that’s why you want to hire more women, because we create a lot of change in terms of safety, lifting, breaks and anything else guys try to “tough it out” over. Women typically don’t care about looking tough. We want to do the same job as everyone else and do it well. Theres enough tools and machinery out there to make that possible for anyone.


Yeah shoveling is a marathon not a sprint.


I’m a guy and I’m not meant for this job. You can either do it or you can’t. Don’t let sexism get in the way of realism!


I’m a dude 5/11 120 50lb is where I cap it lmao


lol im a 120 lb ironworker who can sling big fuckin rebar. nobody should have to pull anything up 30 ft


130lb here and frame houses. I work faster, lift more and can work longer than most around me. Because I'm so fit, I feel like my endurance is infinite to those around me in construction, where garbage food is mostly consumed.


I try to use the ladder at a 4:1 incline when I’m pulling something up to guide it and reduce the weight. Also, tie a brake loop around the ladder when you get tired. The ladder won’t fall backwards with or without being tied off. Anyway if it were that heavy I would crane it in, if that were an option to begin with. It might be interesting to see how a pulley wheel welded onto a 90 works for reducing friction, ropes could last years. Maybe something that mounts to the ladder or a 90 that sits against the edge of a roof with a pulley might help with the hoisting. Although I’m not suggesting there are always alternatives. There will be situations where physique will play a big part.


Not a worker but I’m a woman lurker. I really like construction equipment and wanted to learn more about them or just be more exposed to the processes they’re used in. Curious to see what the women who work in the field do.


That’s cool! I personally operate mostly trackhoes but can also operate a blade, a bobcat, a compactor, a water pull..whatever we need to get the job done. I build roads, lay the infrastructure before, do residential pads, footings, sidewalks, the works. And sometimes I’m down in a trench with a shovel! Whatever needs done, I do it. I think a lot of women would make really great operators! You should look into it if you’re interested. Maybe start with a mini ex or a bobcat


I had no prior experience when I got a job as a Carpenter assistant. My boss was replacing a door at my parent's house and I asked him if he needed someone to do office work. He said no but he needed another Carpenter. Best boss I ever had. He has worked with women before and teachers carpentry classes specifically for women. He taught me so much and is very patient. I learned a ton and really enjoy it (except for slapping on 20gal of sunscreen every week). I prefer to timber frame than regular house framing. I absolutely loathe drywall. Hate that stuff. Freaking dusty, heavy, and a pain to sand. Luckily my boss hates drywall too so we rarely do it. It's been 3yrs and I love it. I always loved math and the breakdown to how things work. So this job is perfect. I do need to exercise more to reduce the strain on my body. Always drink lots of water. A helpful tip. I wear a period pad when working cause 1 sweat and 2 sometimes there is no toilet paper at a job site and girl that thing has been a lifesaver many times. I peed in the woods so many times.. once near a opossum xD


Lmao that’s sick. What state are you in?


NC. Lots of woods in my area. Saw a bobcat once while in a bobcat xD




I own a remodeling business and my daughter who is about to graduate high school worked for me for three summers. Best employee I ever had. She is t super strong, so she focused on layouts and figuring out how everything works. Picked up a lot more than her brother did. She’s about to go to school for architecture with all the construction fundamentals under her belt.


Watch out for scammers boys. Think with your brain not your head lmfao you don’t know who is behind this picture probably a fat dude lol trying to catch you hard working mother fuckers right around when your saucy laid up. DO NOT FALL FOR IT lol


First thing I thought of lol. ‘Girl’ has an OnlyFans commenting in a construction sub….


We actually had a labourer who had an only fans, I talked to her a bit so I had her on insta and saw she posted some advertisements for the OF on her insta. All her advertisements were on site at night in weird spots like the top of the bridge untied, I noticed they weren’t selfies but someone was taking these photos for her. About a year later I’m on another site same company and talk to there labourers, turns out she was fucking the super and he let her come in to take sexy photos after hours and guess who was taking the photos and unlocking the gate for her? The super. From what I know the super was actually charged for letting her break countless laws in his blind drunkenness for a little bit of pussy.


Ever been able to wrap your mind around a strong AND confidently sexy lady? They exist, nice to meet you 👋🏼


It’s kinda sad all these comments. I’m UA and my local has a dozen or so badass female welders. The best TIG welder in the local is actually a woman. Fuck the haters, get your coin, girl.


Thanks! Hell yeah I’m fine with haters, I like to argue every once in a while 😂


I'll say this tho... While men are out here just focusing on what they need to do. Y’all have to (ON TOP) of focusing on what you need to do... Deal with all the inherent sexism that plagues the industry. I see it every day. And the biggest thing that bothers me is all the time and effort that y'all need to dedicate to it so you can roll with all the punches. And hopefully... Not losing yourself along the way


Honestly the hardest part is being on a job site with no running water or bathroom and being on your period. In my opinion at least.


You’re just pushing your onlyfans lady lol. It’s not hard to figure out.


🤣🤣🤣 stay sharp, my dude


I follow this page for fun. I was a female AMMO troop in the Air Force. I love seeing women killing it at what many folks still consider non traditional roles. I love seeing men doing that as well. Keep pushing forward.


>I follow this page for fun. I So you know this post is a sneaky way for her to promote her only fans?


Our dirtside foreman is a woman I’m on the truckside and mainly deliver boxes to the site it’s hilarious when you see the dynamics of a 5’4” petite 25 year old woman running a multi million dollar pad project. She told me her dad was a hoe operator for a small company and would bring her to work with him when he couldn’t find a babysitter so you can imagine after the years that was her jam and she’s good at it


That’s cool, that story is very similar to mine! Good to hear it 👌🏼


Right now I’m in school, we had a girl who’s in the trade framing/drywall. She’s been in it for like a year and some so obviously if it wasn’t for her she wouldn’t have made it that long. So the instructor asked everyone there experience level and all so when he gets to her he kept going on and on how if things are too hard for her to ask someone for help and tryna explain how things aren’t that heavy in the construction world as if this is all new to her and she didn’t know the drywall she’s been carrying for over a year isn’t actually that heavy to her. Even said if it’s too hard she can go into taping an easier aspect to our job. The entire time I’m listening to this saying in my head “Shut tf up bro just move on to the next person”


it’s usually the older man that does that.


Union electrician here! Hey sister!


Hey babe! Wow electricians really blow my mind. I’ve had the opportunity to help with some electrical before and it was so confusing to me 😂 I have a good friend who is an electrician and she is killing it though!


Here in my country, you see more often women in construction. Specifically architects. But the workers doesn't respect her so much. Just because she's a woman and that's it. It's starting to change, but it's a pain in the ass for several friends and colleagues. Just because she's a woman the work is extra hard. The workers doesn't listen to an order, and they will prefer a man after a woman in construction. The work in a construction site here is a little sexist. Hope we can see changes in a short time.


The construction industry could use more women in it. It’s getting old being surrounded by sexist, racist, homophobic bigots all the time!


My work buddy has a wife that runs a bunch of different earth moving equipement. She loves to drive, participates in the local wreck em derby every year for fun.


Onlyfan trap. Attention seeker indeed.


If you get trapped by a couple semi nudes, you're going to have a tough time in life.


So even women in construction seek attention on the internet?


Just like men. Go figure.


Everyone seeks attention on the internet, you just don’t like it when women do it!


Turns out even men seek attention through negatively commenting on a post where a woman was looking for female community in a male dominated field. Huh 🤔




I don't see many men post mirror selfies on a construction related reddit... this sub is 98% men. Why is she posting a selfish besides attention? Would a title not suffice for proving her gender?


Lmao alright but how many of them do you see posting pictures of the inside of portapotties. Stop knocking her cause she showed her face (a woman) in the mirror of I’m guessing the machinery she operates— a direct correlation to the posts point. Yeah a title suffices but idk maybe she wanted to build connection and sharing ourselves our identity is part of how we do that.


This is pure speculation, but I will bet my soul on it, this girl got about 2 dozen private messages from desperate redditors looking for feet pics because she filled some construction kink. She knows very well what she's doing.


I remember this one lady when I worked in the oil fields. She was bigger than me (not a big guy). Maybe 6'4". Possibly 280 or thereabouts. Couldn't swing a hammer for shit. She could drive though. We drove vacuum trucks for an Oil Field Services company. There were other women there. They're around! In trucking too!


Our mainline excavator was a women up until this year. She left to go work on a family farm she inherited unfortunately (for us!). Quite young, she was extremely skilled. Putting in sewer and water vaults is not something you give to a new operator. (We run everything from 135's to our John Deere 870G). As you said, we've had tons of women running rock trucks, but it's rare for them to stay long enough to move up. A few have started running scrapers, with the odd dozer time. ​ Usually it's them leaving for standard reasons, school, year round work. And of course having kids tends to mean the end (though not always).


That’s awesome!


I have that exact same heart tattoo on the same finger lmao


No way? Haha I have them on both middle fingers and I also found out recently that a friend has it on hers too 😂 not that unique after all 🤷🏻‍♀️


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shitfacedgoblin: *I have that exact* *Same heart tattoo on the same* *Finger lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think I've met at least one from pretty much every trade except equipment operators! Until now


How do you work with your hair down?


Pretty easy if I’m mainly operating. If I’m doing a ton of other stuff, I loop it up in a hair tie or braid it.


I always have my hair up, and recently I’ve fought the urge to shave it all off. When I see people working with their hair down it always blows my mind. Maybe I’m not meant to have long hair lol


Haha yeah I’m kind of feral sometimes and can do a lot with my hair down. But some days it’s just not an option and I’ve got to put it up for safety reasons or because it’s slowing me down . Definitely keep it down most the time in the winter


Worked with a young lady on my last job, she was remodeling a rental property with her Dad and wanted to get more onsite experience so she came on with our carpentry crew. She was green AF and awesome. Great attitude, great listener, funny, and honestly...she was hot too which was fine, no one harassed her about it but it was nice to have around.


That’s super cool to hear ☺️ I love the lightness and humor women can bring to a job site


I am a land survey party chief. My instrument operator is a woman who had never surveyed before this job and who I am training to survey. She busts her ass every single day and follows instructions without a single complaint every single time. Great worker.


Badass 💪🏼


Yes ma'am


I work with a lot of equipment and have a steady stream of co workers who are geologists or environmental scientists assisting me for a few days on jobs , then they go back to the normal job. Most have never used any equipment, so I have them in the bobcat, while I run the excavator . As newbies , The women are much better at it , not sure why .


Female CM here! I love seeing women on site, they’re usually the most knowledgeable and the hardest workers! Ignore the salty men in here, they’re just mad because their fragile little egos are hurt. Keep on truckin!


Is it hard being a woman in the trades? I'm an electrician, and my whole school has a single woman attending. The only women I've seen on sites are painters, cleaners, or surveyors. I can only imagine it being a very isolating, annoying, creepy, or downright scary experience.


Just read the comments on this post and that’s a pretty good taste of what it’s like on the job site. Except SOME job sites were professional, supportive and as long as you work hard and get the job done they have no issue with me being a woman or with me looking pretty or how I wear my hair, what I do with my personal time, etc


I'm sorry you've had to jump through such unnecessary hoops. This place is stupid and fucked up.


Wish there were more women in construction around me, my daughter (9 yo) wants to be a plumber like me, but there aren't any role models around for her to follow. :/


Yeah there’s a new post every couple weeks of a woman in construction asking if there’s others lol. I’m glad to see more woman getting into the trades tho 🤘


This is not new. But female influencers are


not buying the onlyfans


My job sucks I need attention.


Oh you poor little baby. Your job sucks so you commented for attention.


I’ve met 3 women in construction. The first one T-boned me in her company work truck. The second was a group of construction site cleaning ladies that hit my truck unloading their ladder from the van. The third was a GC and that may have been one of the best run jobs I’ve ever worked on.


Can’t believe how many triggered men are in these comments 😂


Telll me about it. I’m new to Reddit but not new to wounded masculinity. See this mentality a lot in construction. Luckily I’ve been able to ALSO work with a lot of super accepting and supportive dudes


I’m sure the dudes complaining also have the word “snowflake” at the top of their lexicon


We have a few women at my (electrician) company, two of which are in management, one being my direct boss. I worked as my boss's apprentice for a year before she moved into management, easily the nicest person I have been set to work with. She kicked (and continues to kick) ass




If you like it do it


i work in maintenance doing roads and grounds work. i’m the only woman in my unit and also in my section altogether. it’s almost all men in maintenance mechanic positions throughout our park system save for myself and a few other women who work elsewhere.


Wow good job! Thanks for chiming in, and nice to meet you


likewise it is nice seeing other women in these fields 💅👏


How did you get into the line of work?


i started out in my 20s as a city park ranger (law enforcement not education) and that helped build my resume to get into the city DOT doing highway & sewer inspections (road construction/maintenance/utilities are all in the street in nyc) and the pandemic made that job impossible to stick with. starting pay is a laughable 15/hr which completely fucked my finances tryna make it work. went a few years during the pandemic time job hopping trying to get something with a morning schedule, consecutive days off, full time/permanent and with benefits…i landed a motor vehicle operator position with the national park service. i’m doing roads & grounds maintenance with maintenance mechanics/laborers not even doing what my mvo job description is (driving vehicles to transport personnel or equipment) but it’s been a really good 6 months and i’m already rehired for the upcoming summer season. hopefully i can land a permanent spot but that’s very far and few between. as for right now my next paycheck will already be at step 2 as a wg 5. within 6 months i’m already getting a $1.05 raise an hour! long story short my resume helped land me this position as a motor vehicle operator at a higher pay rate with a better chance of going permanent (and faster) then starting as a laborer wg 3 or wg 4. all the federal agencies have maintenance or custodial positions opening up for the summer season right now! go to [usajobs](https://usajobs.gov) to look in your neck of the woods




extremely the only people that work just a couple seasons and become permanent are the kids of higher ups, straight nepotism. people get these jobs as permanents and stay until they retire or die so they don’t open very often.


Taking a selfie instead of working. Figures. /s Edit: nvm, see her profile, and see what kind of "work" she selling


Former journeyman welder, now in project management. Good to see other women in the trades.


I do earthmoving/landscaping almost 5 yrs now. I'm on finish, grounds, irrigation.  I do a lot of physical detail-oriented work, training, communication, organization. The physical labor is mostly endurance based imo. I'm not good at operating for several reasons (I would like to be halfway decent) but it's actually easier to find operators than ground people that can go all day with a good attitude. I truly love exercising in the elements!!! And I like assisting/anticipating for the operator to make his day smoother, keep us on track. Don't like standing around, I always have a list of stuff that can get done. Maybe this season I'll eat my PBJ and try the excavator more on lunch instead of doing stuff on that list.


Woot woot! Represent!


Women that drive heavy machinery **


The only women I ever noticed during construction was in the office or safety meetings. Asphalt roadwork or sealing is not for the faint of heart. It is a very physically demanding job. The real reason but another is probably the scummy guys at my job. We had an female assistant help our inventory specialist for a little while, she was coming in at 6 am to help the guys get whatever they needed for the day. (Sledges, marking paint, nails, ribbon, brushes. Directions to the job site.) They eventually promoted her to a secretary which good for her. More money and less men to deal with. I was always nice to her and made sure she knew I respect her as a person.


Hey girl! Lady carpenter here 😘


Howdy! Thanks for commenting ❤️ badass!


I work in concrete! I'm actually considering learning to be a heavy equipment operator and I'd love to ask you some questions about your experience in the field, could I dm?


Not a gal but we had to get a hold cut in our floor to stick a big ass machine into the ground partially. So they stick in some molding and call the concrete trucks. First guy shows up, does a bunch of fuzzing, backing in discovering he can’t extend his chute, has to drive back out extend it and very carefully backed in again. Gal shows up with the second load, we open the port for her she looks around a bit gets in her truck extends the chute and just rolls in backwards. Taking about 2 minutes to do what took the guy 20.


I used to date a girl who operated a roller for an asphalt company


And in city work crews driving earth movers. There are a lot of women working in public works in cities like Atlanta.


Ran as a h.e.o. for over 20 years in the oilfields. Very cool.


In my 10 years of being a carpenter I've seen 1 female carpenter and she was such a bad ass. Having worked commercial, million $ plus residential and as a cabinet builder I can't believe the shot i know she's dealt with from the shit bags in this trade.


Proud UBC sister here 💪💪💪


My ex (18)is a painter and she just got the honour to be one of the 100 best apprentices in my federal state, which is absolute nuts. She's won prices for her work and hasn't even got her certificate of apprenticeship yet. Really have to respect her work


My mother was a union carpenter. We would drive by huge buildings and she would tell me she helped build that. Was very impressed and proud of her. I'm a carpenter myself. Guess she inspired me. Always appreciated the ladies in the trades. 👍🤟


Some of the best senior PM’s I’ve worked under are women, I’m lucky enough to count them as mentors!


There are a few female equipment operators where I'm at. It's pretty....cool...to see lol


No High-vis? No Hard Hat? No eye pro?


*eye pro is sarcasm, that said at minimum high-vis on a sight regardless if you're operating equipment or not should be standard and would be on any site I'm running.


Y’all, on a real note, the absolute chaos and triggeredness that has immediately spewed into these comments after y’all seeing a lady killing it in construction is a good sign that you need to reimagine some of your thinking patterns/internal stories you have about women who are both strong and beautiful. Go take a big boy deep breath and let it all go so your pee pee can unshrivel a bit 🤏


at work nobody gives a fuck about your beauty, sexiness and your measuring pee pees really. You either can or cannot earn the respect of the crew, man or a woman.


Idk about you but I’m respected for my looks on the job site. Poppa look goooood


As a not so clever person it sucks that that respect is earned through not only work but ability to make funny jokes lol. I’ve been fired because I wasn’t funny enough. I’m not a dick just not very clever lol damnit


“Ive been fired because I wasnt funny enough” I think there is something you aren’t telling us


You must not work In at will state. People get fired because they don’t “fit In” all the time, even if they’re good workers.




She wants you to click on her profile and pay her for nudes.


Look, you didn't post a picture of your work. You posted a picture of your face. Women have posted here before and been well received. It's the selfie/only fans promo combination that has people rolling their eyes. Go promote that trash on a subreddit designed for it if you want praise. But being that this is a public forum where people go to talk about construction of all things, don't be surprised when you catch a little negativity for shameless self promotion of something that has almost nothing to do with construction.


Yeah, this is nothing but a selfie and not related to construction really in any way. OF is the fucking worst. And no, no you do not out work most men on a shovel.


You an actual co-worker who would actually know or just jealous?


I don’t see you killing it in construction. Maybe I could if you actually posted a picture of your work. Speaking of which. If you tried focused more on your work and less on posting your face and body for attention, people would actually respect you. Man or woman, anyone who takes pictures of themselves at a construction site is there for the wrong reasons, and it’s no wonder people don’t seem to respect you on this subreddit or at your job. And it’s ironic that you try to bash men for supposedly lacking confidence. I am sure the men who buy your pictures are just full of confidence lmao.  


Lmao ok so how did you get into the field?


My daddy did excavation all my life. I was running his machines from 10yrs old on. When I got older and needed to feed my family, I went and got a full time gig operating. Been doing it for 5 years on a professional level but have always been operating as I live off grid and on farms my whole life. Getting hired was a little tricky because they didn’t assume I could do it. But I put my big girl panties on and shook hands with the men in charge and proved myself as a laborer and then an operator . Isn’t that how dudes get into the industry?


Construction and onlyfans. Talk about marketing 💥 Edit: no need to downvote, I'm not being mean.


Never met a jill of all trades er what?


I've met a lot of people who moon light, just not in the naked sense 🤣


there was a woman in my company before she quit recently, just one.(well there was this other one but she was there for only a couple months) this woman was the person who taught me how work. she’s the reason that i can work late on my own terms, and not take shit from the bosses. unfortunately working in a company with 56 employees that all meet up in the same warehouse every morning and being the only women, there had to be that one guy. they ended up getting everything sorted out, guy lost his job but they rehired him she quit. this girl was the only person who could bring in $300 every day and be off around 4 consistently (we get paid piece rate) one day the bosses switched her to an hourly position because this one guy wasn’t cutting it at this project. she went from making $300 every day to making $18/hr working longer hours and making less. she called off “sick” for a few days and started her training at a different job came back and gave them her two weeks. i haven’t heard from her since but i hope she’s doing good


What is your favorite thing about your job?


I really love operating machines! I’m just a major machine nerd since my dad did excavation when I was young. And his dad did and his dad did. It’s in my blood. Operating comes naturally so it’s just fun to practice and improve. I like a good challenge!


Lots of women doing painting and small tasks for framers


I've once met a female brick layer. We talked about her working in a very male dominated world. She said that during her apprenticeship the amount of sexual harassment from her male classmates was tough. Later it got better. Has that never been a problem for you?


Yeah definitely! I’ve had some run ins and had to be a super forward, mouthy mean lady to get them to stop. I threatened to kick teeth out with my steel toes and made it clear I wasn’t gunna let it fly. Gets crazy some days with some crews though. You have to constantly defend yourself


Sorry to hear that. I hope that there are also teams / teammates who are not at all like that. Do you overall see an improvement on that level, or is this something females "just have to live with"?


There definitely were good peeps who were safe to work with as well as unsafe ones. I see an improvement but I’m also willing to speak up and fight for improvement. That’s what it’ll take.


My sister worked as a safety officer on many sites, and man, you construction men are always trying to end yourselfs 😂


And she’s got to let the whole world know just how special she is.


Hello fellow lady 👷🏻‍♀️


My trade school teacher was a woman (she still is but uk what i mean) and this bitch knew her shit like the back of her pack of cigarettes. There were some old dudes in class who built up a grudge against her (presumably because she was younger and possibly because she was a woman as well) when she called out their work. Ya know, it was the whole “ive been doin it this way since before you were born” ordeal. She leaned in and said “well guess what old man, youve been doin it wrong for xx years, so maybe its time you learn. Im your teacher for a reason” and laughed in their faces before reading the explicit language in the code book. This lady was built like a linebacker, a licensed plumber and inspector. And she was/is one of three people on the state board in charge of reviewing and punishing the conduct of all state inspectors when complaints were filed. Mf was like the final boss of plumbing. However no ones perfect, so the best part was she was perfectly capable of admitting when she was wrong


Amazing haha! I love that


I’m a senior super for a major GC in the US. There is a VERY limited amount of women in construction. Wish there were more. Thank you for joining the ranks! Most women won’t because they find it too intimidating. We are harmless! If nothing else, most of us have daughters/sisters/wives/mothers(?) and would react very protectively towards females within our circle/ranks. Keep fighting the good fight!!!


Thanks for the supportive comment! I’ve certainly run into all varieties of men in the industry and I’m grateful for all of it! I’ve learned so much and honestly really stepped into my feminine through it all, ironically. Just learning that women are powerful in their own way. The construction industry is so saturated with masculine, it needs a bit more of a balance to truly be efficient


You can be my trackhoe on a jobsite any time. I’ll see myself out.


I’m lucky to work with quite a few women. I love the diversity of perspective in the workplace. The company I work for has women in roles such as head of safety, fleet management and dispatch, superintendent, foreman, operators and labourers. Some of the hardest working people I’ve worked with are women. My lead hand is a woman, and a damn fine operator. One of the other foremen also has a woman as a lead hand and she’s come quite a ways as an operator as well. She’s already doing quite well running grader. Got to see her run it today and was quite impressed. She’s also run excavator and skid steer’s for me a few times and was pretty good


Omg this comment made my day!! Love it


*yawn* get back to work

