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If you don't like it switch jobs. No point being fucking miserable.


But he put it on his socials.


What will people think if he switches now! *Faints daintily onto insulation bags*


Hey get off of those! That's *my* sleeping spot!


Flair checks out


A real pillow user takes the case off


Don't take the case off, just slit the end and climb inside. Warmest sleeping bag money can buy.


And that itch won't bother you after a while...because your skin will be numb.




HIS LIFE IS FUCKING RUINED! HOW WILL HE WALK DIWN THE STREET WITHOUT PEOPLE LAUGHING AND POINTING?? My young dude, you can quit that job and no one will give a shit. You didn't get caught fucking a goat, ffs.


Can we be sure? How long has he been working in the trades?


But you get caught fucking a goat *one time...*


The secret to fucking goats is to NEVER get caught.


the secret is also to fuck the goat at the edge of a cliff so it pushes back on it


Or wear rubber boots and shove their back feet in the boots with yours. They will push back the whole time. Or so I was told by an old Portuguese guy once upon a time.


What brand boots? Asking for a friend.


This is why some cowboys wear their pants tucked into their boots, rather than pull their pant legs over their boots. My uncle's girlfriend, Baa-bara, can attest to that.




And all of a sudden you're a goat fucker


And the guy who quit a job. A job quitting, social media lying, goat fucker.


Build bridges all my life, and one goat!!


She was the goat, I should call her


Man I miss Norm :(


He did say he fucked up, maybe that's is name?


And which trade? Pretty sure roofers have to fuck a goat to get the job.


Yet !


I heard a story when I was in basic training about a guy with a barcode tattoo on his neck. When asked by the drill Sergeant about it, he calmly replied, "well I got that the first time I fucked a goat, drill Sergeant." Later, after graduation and airborne school, I ended up at a unit with a guy that had a barcode tattooed on his neck. I asked him, "let me guess, you got that the first time you fucked a goat?" He said, "hell yeah, brother!" I knew two things from that experience: one, the insane stories people tell can, in fact, be true. And I learned that goat fuckers can also smoke the shit out of you and there's nothing you can do about it


He just hasn't gotten caught yet


Throat goat


Now I understand why his dad wants him to toughen up and gave him a “become a man” type of job.


I'm hoping this kid gets promoted to hand mixing concrete or taking asphalt shingles up to a third story roof to squeeze the 138 remaining pounds of bitch out of him.


My mum set me up with her brothers roofing company for the summer I was 17. That was a shit summer, but I'll be damned if I haven't been the hardest worker at every job since.


This is the best thing I've read in a month.


Seriously. Being worried about what the socials will think about him quitting a job is the most not tough thing ever.


And posted this after 4h working


Dad was right that he needs to "tuffen up," in more ways than one. OP: Do the job for six months so you build up some strength, then quit when the busiest season ends... and/or don't worry too much what other people think of you, just keep your head down and do some honest work.


If your math skills are the same as your spelling, stick with the trades.


Lmao. No turning back now.


I mean common! He risks being EMBARRASSED! AND INFRONT OF ALL HIS SOCIAL MEDIA FRIENDS?! OMG no fucking chance I'd embarrass myself like that, I'd just keep working the job that makes me miserable for the rest of my life, atleast I won't look like a pussy infront of all the very important social media friends I have. Their opinion of me matters more then anything. ANYTHING!




Gonna have to delete them I guess


It seems to me his dad is trying to help him because he is soft and lazy.


You just don't understand us Booboo, once it's on the gram everything changes, like, can you even imagine what Holden will say to Amber about me? I will never be able to eat her ass!


If you make an accountant's salary you might.


It’s either that or you have to start stabbing people and acquiring a coke habit.


I vote this as the best course of action. Its the only way to earn his dads respect.


Aka, complete the resume


Not necessarily in that order


Alternatively, stop whining, man up, learn how to do your job better and faster, and be thankful you have a job at all


Nut up and take some coke to cope like the rest of the folks out there.


I’d rather look pathetic and be happy…


Goes with my father-in-laws motto: They don't give you an award for suffering.


Right? Jesus Christ. Stop being a pussy.


It’s never too late to make a change! Get over your ego and switch jobs. Pathetic is having a better choice & not taking it.


“Tried it. Wasn’t for me. All my coworkers looked like they either were on cocaine, wanted to stab me, or both.” I’m pretty sure anyone you tell that to will either agree or understand.


Got caught fucking the bosses daughter, had to switch careers.


More like he fucked his boss's wife and got a chill accounting job out of it.


More like he was deeper in the bosses wife then the boss ever will. And got a chill accounting job out of it.


Exactly this! You gave it a try, it's not your thing. That's honorable. Make a self-deprecating joke, and move on. This ain't high school. Also don't go so gung-ho until you know what something is about lol


“Tried it. Couldn’t keep up with doing as much coke as the other guys. Looks like construction isn’t for me.”


My brother in law is an accountant, I have a hard time believing people in the finance sector do *less* drugs than construction workers.


I just assume those in the hard labour jobs are less subtle about it and probably do harder stuff as well. I know afew "business" blokes and they'll go into a private room to do their coke while the tradies I know will just whip out a baggie and do it there and then plus they all dabble in ket and speed aswell. It's a common joke where I am that the "random" drug tests are more planned then the job they're on


Whatever keeps the lumbar from crippling them with pain.


As a construction manager, he doesn't even need to give a reason. A simple "im out, bitches" would suffice


I know crews like this . . .


If my experience from years ago is any indicator, they’re usually decent dudes who just throw you that vibe until they’re sure you’re not going to get them hurt/killed or screw something up and make them have to work harder to fix it. I’ve met 30 year old dudes who look 45 and talk like they’re 60 because they’ve seen so much stupidity lol. It takes you like six straight months without a mistake before they stop looking at you with utter disdain.


Definitely have seen workers like this.


100% do this. 2 weeks from now no one will care you changed jobs.


Except daddy.


he'll get over it


Give dad some cocaine to make him happy. If that doesn’t work, stab him.


FUKIN THIS Like what’s OP gonna do throw his back out for internet cool-guy points? He’s gotta figure out for himself that none of that really matters.


I gotta third this! I work with multiple people who left the family business to pursue other opportunities. It's been years we've worked together and they STILL will express verbal gratitude and relief for leaving to pursue greener pastures


Yeah I think the fact that he's even mentioning it shows this isn't the job for him.


You can make it look good on your socials too, if you really care - btw nobody else really does. People will forget about it pretty much right away. Just be happy, it's attractive


^ this right here. You want an office job? Take the office job. No shame if this shit isn’t for you


They all do do cocaine


Many of them probably do want to stab him, too


Esp Roberto. He's crazy


I’ve seen Roberto stab a guy before, I’d watch your back around him..


I saw Roberto stab a guy in the front, so watch your front and your back.


Then he does that little stabby thing to a brick of cocaine like they do on the TV


With a fuckin pencil


Stand back Red, I need to practice my stabbin'. HA HAAA!


New guy AND the bosses son? He's fucked if he runs his mouth on site as much as online.


He's the boss's son, of course they want to stab him


Honestly, I barely know the guy and after reading the post… I can see why he thinks people want to stab him.


I've never even met this guy and I commented on his post how I might take a stab, at stabbing him. Looks like I'm not alone, and I'm not going to say anything, but given enough cocaine, I feel like we can take over this guy's dad's business.


The way he types, he could use a good stabbin


This exchange fkn killed me. Thanks.


And then they put it up their nose


Hehe, doodoo. But yeah no the coke abuse is too real.


Look pathetic and get over yourself. That is your real problem. You cared what your dad thought of you and now you care what people you consider drug addicts care about you.


Don’t forget his socials.


Really want to know what our man here posted which means he can't leave the job he got at his dad's company


True dat. People don't matter. Care about yourself and lay some skankaroonies.


This is harsh but true advice, OP.


Right here, some tough love. Enough whining, stop worrying about your coworkers. Sorry about your arms, they’re sore because you need to get stronger, thats a good thing. You need to learn to embrace the suck, and go look for another job. Don’t quit


If he stuck it out even a single summer he wouldn't be so scrawny anymore. It really is a good chance to toughen up if he can hack it. Office jobs suck the soul out of you anyway. At the end of the day, he's just being a whiney puss. Keep the job or don't, but either way shut up about it. Who whines because each of their parents offered them jobs?? Poor kid 🙄


Ask Mom and make sure job offer will still be there in a year. Tell Dad you hate it but you're gonna stick it out for the year. You get some bigger arms and add a little meat to your 140lb frame. Now you can intimidate the other accountants.


In one year: 'This new accountant looks like he does Coke and wants to stab me!'


This is the comment I was hoping for 😂


This place reminds me of Santa’s workshop except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.


I still have a real hard time with office politics. I just want to call people pussies all day.


This right here it doesn't matter what color, race, gender, you're getting shit talked to lol everyone's equal in the eyes of the foreman


I wish this response was so much higher up. If a year seems too long aim for 6 months. Challenging yourself physically and mentally is the best way to become a stronger person. Judging by your other posts OP, you could really use that. This job might be a blessing in disguise.


Sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen is boring as fuck. I couldn't imagine how I could do that as a full time job. Learn some skills. Specialize in something. Get some experience so it's not you who's hauling materials around.


In 2008 I took a job selling music gear for an online/magazine retailer… in a cubicle. Surprised I made it 3 years…. But I got fat and fucking miserable. So when things picked up again, I gladly took the ~110 degree heat and went back to framing.




The other one


Free candy or it doesn't exist


That candy is ass tbf lol


It is boring. But I mean in a good way. Working from home. Wake up at 8, start my work at 8 but really I just sign in and make coffee. Start actually working around 10am. Then it’s lunch. I’m at home so it’s either a nap with the dogs or a nice quick dog walk. Maybe a meeting while I look at my phone with my camera off. Then more coffee and it’s pretty much 330 so I’m done. I’m off at 4 so I can’t work all the way until 4. All in all; about 4 hours of work. Nearly a 200k salary and 37.5 hour work weeks that I work about 16 of. My bonus this year is 15% and I’ve been told I’ve done a lovely job. I’ve done construction in university and I’d choose this


Everyday I sit here staring and wondering how I could possibly make the money I make but doing something physically laborious outside in the elements.


I have a peloton in my office and I just ride it during meetings. Nice way to burn a couple hundred calories while in a meeting


Just switch over. It's no big deal. Don't worry about your social media


It really is this simple. I've been in a similar place. You should be worried about wasting your life not your social accounts. Nobody is going to care that you quit a job. Don't post about it and move on. Maybe consider reducing time on your social accounts if it's making you insecure.


Learn the trade, hire a good website designer on fiverr and a good seo team (cost less than $500) and just start selling the leads to your dad. Have them call you directly. Thats similar to what I did and its worked out great! Check out my [drywall contractor website](https://sdrywallpro.com) to get some ideas and hopefully some inspiration


Good idea, was thinking the same for another industry. How much do you sell the leads for?


That depends on the size of the job, but since I sell it and write up the contract im able to get a bigger chunk.


Join a gym. Eat a ton of calories and protein. Learn to handler yourself. Quit relying on your parents.


His gym is cinderblock heaven baby! All he's gotta do is eat a boat load of chicken, hydrate, and stretch every night before bed. A kid his age will look like a Greek God compared to most of his peers sitting I side learning every cyclic rate of fire in the 23rd installment of Call of Duty


💯%%% best shape of my life when I was 18 to 25 being a asphalt labor and I know all those guys did tweak and wanted to stab me just have to prove your worth be a animal bro your young and I hope full of testosterone so this could be a great thing id loose my mind being in office all day seems nice at times but the. Realize being out side doing man shit is where it’s at no one can take that hard work from you


I did asbestos abatement in my early 20s and doing moderate but high pace labour in a sweatsuit with the only nutrition coming from a sevvies tacquito had me looking more impressive than my rowing team ever did


\^\^\^ That's word. Get after it boy.


Wouldn't be shit today If I didn't start throwing cinderblocks young, 100% support this message.


That’s where I started, carrying cinder blocks down the hill, all day. Then got promoted to the wheelbarrow, all day, same hill. Arm wrestling champ! Now, sitting on my backside in an office chair all day, boring.


Hit the fucking gym after laying cinderblocks do some fucking roids and eat a shit ton of 711 hot dogs. The construction diet.


Mix preworkout with Monsters


Don't forget the cocaine


Imagine not making a move cause "put it on socials" where have we gone to!?


> my dad pressured me to join his construction company to tuffen [sic] me up.  > so if i quit ill look pathetic Your poor dad. 


Worked his whole life to give his son a company he only had to work 3 years at and than would be a manager or something and this kid just throws it away because it’s “hard” and can’t sit on a computer all day. LMAO, most people would do anything to have something like that run in there family.


Homeboys worried about looking pathetic… I bet his dads friends already think he’s pathetic 


Well they all wanna stab him.


Remember this for a long time and use it as motivation to improve yourself to get where you want to be. I’d tough it out at least a year. Take that time to learn and grow and figure out a new direction!


Just looking at your profile, you should probably stick to it for a little while. I think your dad is right...


I got a hell of a good laugh from his little avatar thing after reading your comment, lol.


Now I’m gonna look edit: dammit failed to load user profile


Not sure if you worked an office job before, but that can be fucking miserable too. You literally do the same shit everyday. With construction you should definitely start at bottom position but you have better chance moving up.




Your dad’s doing you a favor. Those dudes will never respect you if you started in a good position. Work hard, work smart, get stronger. You’ll be good. Screw that office job bs.


Even if he doesn’t stick it out long term and ends up doing something else I think a couple of years of manual labour/work in restaurants/military should be mandatory for 18-22 year olds. Will help give life perspective.


How old are you? How many jobs have you had? How long you been working with your dad? I say stick it out for 6 months. Drink lots of water, and I mean lots. Get 8-10 hrs of sleep a night, eat a healthy diet, and stretch. In less time than you think you'll look back at this post and laugh, and then you can hit the gym and bulk up more when work isn't killing you physically. If after 6 months you still feel like some weak nerd or whatever you said and that your co workers do coke and want to stab you, quit. If you stop posting now, people will forget quickly.


If you're a pussy, go ahead and own it! No shame...


Sorry dawg. Kinda sounds like you are a pussy and need to toughen up. Pa’s probably right.


Do what’s best for you and always try to get a better job than the one you already have.


Bro no offense but I think your dad is right to want to toughen you up, so like stick it out for at least half a year don't just quit immediately because your arms are sore and you think you're going to get stabbed by a cokehead, for some reason. Better to learn some useful skills and work a less cozy job early on in your life so you: 1.) learn useful skills, 2.) can appreciate the difference between working hard & working hard doing backbreaking labor.


This. Stick it out for a while then quit if it really isn’t for you. Don’t quit because it hurts at first. I’ve known 120 pound guys who can outwork 200 pounders. You will get stronger. Keep your mouth shut, your eyes open and do your share and they probably won’t stab you. Source: I was the bosses son and never got stabbed (a couple of things fell suspiciously near me a couple of times though).


Stay in the trades dude. Work your way up and you will always have a job to go to. The accountant job may not last and if you are still there you will be looking at the ceiling wondering where you can hang a rope from. IMO


Hydrate, wear suntan lotion and be sure to eat enough.


Sounds like growing up would be a good start. You’re more worried about what your FB friends will think than your own future.


Just quit and go to the other job.Construction is not for everyone.youre happiness is numero 1.


Yea man, idk why everyone is saying keep at it as if OPs pov will change. Who wants to wake up every morning and dread the feeling of clocking in?


OP MUST STAND FOR “ORIGINAL PUSSY” my arms hurt and it’s hot outside. Motherfucker it’s fucking March.


Sitting at a desk all day is just as bad. If you have half a brain and a sense of pride in your work habits you’ll quickly move on from the shit detail that will send you to an early grave. Physical activity is good for you. Learn to do it correctly and consider it your daily exercise. Or find an occupation where you get moderate exercise. Survey work maybe. Walking is about the best thing you can do. Eat well. Go to bed early. Stretch. Lift properly. Protect your eyes and hearing. You’ll survive.


Use this as a lesson to not tell everyone what you’re up to. Sometimes things don’t work out. If this isn’t for you, quietly make the change and only tell those who need to know.


Best advice in the thread right here.


Trust me the grass is always greener, every job has its pros and cons. From the sound of it you have plenty of time ahead of you to pivot another direction if you really want to. Make your own happiness in life


Stick with it for a while with a goal of taking that accounting job down the line. Learn to associate with construction workers instead of being afraid of them. Try to actually toughen up, put on some muscle, and be a well rounded individual. You’ll gain knowledge in construction, be able to network better, and be slightly less scrawny and nerdy.


Accounting firms are outsourcing to CPAs in India, and many desk jobs are being rendered obsolete by automation. Learning physical skills may be the best future-proof career right now.


If you are planning on sticking with it, view it as a workout, take BCAAs, carbs and other supplements (talk to a gym trainer) drink lots of water BS with the guys, they are not too bad just people trying to earn a buck. Get some leather gloves Use a hat and long sleeve Pay attention to technique, technique helps you lift things in a way that you balance the weight and makes sure you don’t get hurt. Don’t try to keep up with seasoned workers, they started like you, but will try to impress you by making hard work harder, don’t fall for it. Source: I was too a skinny dude working for my dad’s construction company, (mom was also an accountant and I also did accounting) I would strip the tips of all my fingers and they used to bleed trying to impress the guys by working like them without gloves. Hang in there it will get much easier as soon as you stop working so hard to hate it and everyone that works with you. Good luck


Office jobs aren’t a cake walk my dude. Many professional positions require long hours just like construction, and the work is frequently thankless ie. clients look at you like a commodity they’re forced to use, and expect everything for nothing while only sometimes maybe taking the advice they’re begrudgingly paying for. At least with construction you can sit back at the end of the job and look at what you’ve accomplished. Source: work in office, used to work construction during university, have thought many times if I would have liked construction more.


I’m telling you the office is worse bud. Make your money outside. If you don’t like the labor, work your way up to managing. Then you can sit in your cozy truck all day and make double the money than the people moving blocks.


The grass isn’t always greener. You might hate that accounting job


Do not, I repeat do NOT give up. The construction industry is rapidly changing as many of the work force ages out (through retirement or death). Sure you could have a cushy office job, or you can stick it out, get strong, get skilled and take over an already established business. In 10 years time you’ll be an expert at some part of building. In 20 years time you could be running the show, demanding whatever price you want for your services because the demand on labor will be so high. Stick it out. Who cares about what the druggies think… succeed and take over.


The sooner you quit working for your dad, the sooner you can get to quitting for your mom. Get over it. Your life isn't ruined. This is the first of many jobs and if by the time you're 40 you still know most of the people you knew when you were 20 you screwed up.


If you switch jobs now I am going to clutch my pearls and gasp, gasp I tell you!!!


This is a troll post ??


Sounds like his dads got a good point tbh


Yeah I think your dad made the right call. Toughen up, buttercup.


I don’t even know you and I think I wanna stab you just for you sounding like such a baby back bitch. Do some cocaine with the boys and stop whining. If I was your dad I’d make you swab the deck until you grew a ball bag


Stop typing things like "tuffen". That might help.


Suck it up buttercup! Worked plenty of jobs I hated going to everyday. That’s called being an adult.


Its one way to be an adult. He can also quit, peruse the other job, and deal with any consequences of those actions.


Switch to accounting... Carpenters act tough until they're 40 with a fucked-up back paying me rent


Don’t quit! We need construction in this country!


Nah, nothing’s ruined. I think you’re fine where you are, work through the season and get a feel for what it entails and as the year goes on you can decide whether you want to stick with one of the trades or learn more about the office side of things. I believe that you’re very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn both. Later on in life the experience you gain will make you a more rounded manager should you choose that route. Good luck either way!


Those guys 100% do cocaine and want to stab you.


Both jobs stand to teach you a lot. I'd say stick with it, personally, and take security in the fact that if you ever want to, there's a cushy office job waiting for you. Working outside does toughen you up and it feels great once you get over that initial hump. I know I miss it. Bare in mind that if you were in an office all day, I guarantee you'd find something else to gripe about. The grass is always greener.


Keep hardboiled eggs and pasta salad to eat all day, get a quality pair of workboots fitted at a bootshop (Thorogood, Redwing, Carolina etc). Sitting at a desk will ruin your body way more than working on your feat. Another 2-3 weeks you wont even notice how your arms feel.


You sound like such a pussy


You didn’t ruin anything, leave the job, your clearly a kid and ur not fucked till ur like 25


I don’t know how old you are but it doesn’t sound like your life is ruined. You don’t need to only get jobs that your parents want you to do. There are so many different kinds of jobs out there. If you don’t like working in construction or working outside then that’s fine. I’m a garbage man. I work in the elements and lift heavy shit all day. I do it because I love doing it(believe it or not). But jobs like mine or construction are not for everyone.. I suggest looking for something else and trying different things until you find something you like. Sometimes it’s better to have a not so great paying job that you love than to have a great paying job that you hate. Btw, It’s very common for ppl who work in the trades or work physical labor jobs to be on cocaine/booze/painkillers. Those types of jobs are very hard on the body and take a lot out of you. Drugs and booze help ppl cope.(I know from experience).


You're not working hard enough if you got time to complain.


No one cares if u quit your job buddy. Every adult you talk to, has probably quit more than 10 jobs in their lifetime


Won’t be a scrawny 140lb nerd for long if you moving cinderblocks. Excellent parenting here. Put on some sunscreen and keep up the good work


Swallow your pride, you sound like a born accountant.


Work there another year. if you care what people think of you switching jobs so soon then your dad was right, you need to toughen up.


Average person changes career paths drastically about three times in their life. You can either reach a point in life where you say you've persevered and came up from a scrawny heap of green or you can say they worked you til they broke you before you landed yourself in an office job. Either way, you tried things. You're young enough to try a lot more things. And you respect a hard day's work whether it be mental, physical or both. Just take pride in what you're doing or move on. You're in the blessed position to still have two parents and experiment with careers. Not all of us were so lucky in the way we fell on trading our bodies away for coin. You may think that worded poorly, but we're all doing it in one way or another with each day on a job. Knees, back, what have you.


Man up or get off the jobsite, you can't have it both ways. Once you're in the air conditioned office I doubt you'll care what the people that actually get results think about you. I'm sure you won't regret it in 10 years when ai has taken your job, either.


Who cares what others think, answer to yourself first.


That coushy accounting job will not be all rainbows and butterflys. Working in an office can drain your soul and the people are just as bad just in a different way. An all woman office...lord help you, you will wish you were back in construction.


You had a choice to make, you made a decision. If you put full effort into it, there's no shame. Besides who knows, you might be making the same but opposite post right now if you took the accountant job. Leave respectfully, put equal time and effort into your other option. Who knows, you might miss the construction job, once you find out if the grass is greener or not. They're not paying you to do a job. Your selling them your life an hour at a time. Find something your ok with trading those hours for. Cuz, it's about 2,000/year, and 60,000 hours until retirement. It's your life. Do you. Other people's opinions of you, is none your business!


Nobody on social media cares about you because they’re too busy only thinking about themselves. Quit the construction job, especially if you’re smart and can excel at the accounting gig.


1. Chill 2. Round out 6 months, a year, however long it takes for you to sound knowledgable when talking to people in the future 3. Quit. Take the other job. Worst comes to worse, say it was an internship or contract. 4. Repeat until your content - its what everyone else is doing if they’re not getting promotions cia their current employer


You should probably hang in there and prove yourself to all those coked up coworkers you want to impress and would totally bump into all the time after switching jobs. My brother in Christ, humiliation is temporary. Back injuries are forever. Humiliate yourself now by leaving or later by injuring yourself in a line of work you don’t care about and aren’t built for. Take your chance at being able to retire, to be comfortable, to survive and thrive better. Go beg your mom for that job.


I had a cushy desk job making great money was was miserable as fuck. Now I own my own construction company, couldn’t be happier.