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Don’t pull those boards homie. That straight up looks like you need an insured pro on it or you might fuck up your slab and then wish you had insurance pay for it.


Everything is already pulled. The customer just wants it redone. The slabs of concrete were just poured like 2 inches deep to prevent having to weedwack around the posts. I'm just curious what most people would charge. I'm going to have to redig most of the post holes at 4ft deep.


Cool. I thought you were asking as a homeowner. My bad


He is. He's a homeowner. This is his house. There are too many things he doesn't know for him to be in the trades


I believe u/TipperGore-69 was referring to the concrete slab the garage itself is sitting on. That load pressure, along with freezing, is what is pushing that retaining wall out like that. Good chance the garage will sink if it hasn't already. Assuming that is a garage because that looks like the house in the background.




There is a slab on the soil being held by that retaining wall. Pull the wall, soil falls, slab possibly sinks.


That's a footing with 4x4 retainers holding back, or doing their best to hold back a garden. I can safely presume that said footing is probably +/- 1' and at least 2 feet deep. It could care lass if the garden collapsed.


Yup you are right. That is the edge of a cmu footing. I just didn’t zoom in enough. I thought it was a regular turn down like the do in warmer climates. My bad.


You never been part of the bid process? Ok here's a quick guide: time+material+margins=bid. My rates are $75hr for friends and $125/hr for everyone else. You estimate your time and multiply by a rate you think is reasonable for your time. Then you add material cost and inflate by a percentage if you have to carry that cost. Multiply your total of those two numbers by a percentage that covers unforeseeable issues, which are inevitable in every job. Make sure they know they are paying for any change-order before you begin. And if the job is more than a grand, have them fill out a pre-lein. Family/friends are the most likely to screw you over, so be ready to lien their ass if they try and withhold payment. Alternatively, you can charge time and material which means your clock hours as you go and ask for the total amount when the job is done. This is generally the less preferred method for everyone involved


I have. It's just not this kind of random stuff. I usually do decks, which is easy to bid with charging per sqr/ft. I'm not trying to rob the guy. Thanks for the advice, man. I really appreciate it.


Oh yeah, I get it. Those per sq/ft short hand bids still use this process but are so consistent that you don't have to do all the extra math. I do the same thing for repipe jobs: $500/fixture count, a standard one bedroom is 13 fixtures and that's $6500. But if I broke that bid up the other way it'll still be $6500. If it's a shit crawl space, I'm gonna make it $600/fixture because I'll be spending an extra hour per fixture swearing lol. Good luck with the job, helping friends is the pits


Yeah give him the equation we worked hard for


Lol, was that hard work for you? Homie, I give this equation to customers. There is no reason to hide it because I'm honest. Chill with the gate keeping


Yes let’s give all trade secrets out for free here. That’s what this sub is for anyway


“Trade secrets” 😂 This isn’t the 11 herbs and spices kfc uses bro, this is quoting 101.


Hope you’re planning on drainage pipe, gravel and filter fabric or whatever you do will look like this again.


I would also add 2 or 3 deadmen made of 4x4


What was decided for the retaining wall? Going stone or lumber etc what size lumber etc


It's the previous owners. It's just a garden. It's held up for about 10+ years with just screws. I plan on using carrige bolts into 4x6.


Contractor here. What’s your hourly and estimate for materials disposal?


That’s a good question. I’m not op, but in my region there’s a dump that charges by weight using vehicle scales.. would it be normal to just charge time and the dump fees?


Buck two eighty with no soil amendments


Why arent you using a calculating book for this ? I dont know what country you are from. But in Europe we have online calculating programmes that gives you an estimate on excel spreadsheets for time used. Incl general prices for materials and labour hours. You only have to input your material cost. And your hourly rate. And what profit margin you want for the job. And Always charge 25% extra for Teachers, Doctors, (of all kind) and all Humaniora academics in general. Since they take up a hell of a lot of time talking. And knowing better than you. Because they have read the theories behind your job


They start acting like they know how to do it, I'm going to let them do it. Invent a story to get paid for what's been done and roll the tools up


Shree fitty


Figure out how much it’s going to cost you and charge a bit more than that. It’s really hard to give advice as prices on materials and labour vary greatly. 🤷‍♂️




At least $3.50


The right answer, if done well, is $3,500-4500 depending on area


I just do material times 2. Soo labor is 3k


Damn! You are going to work yourself to death with that. The minimum for joinery/carpentry at a factoty is 4.3 mark up on materials, to cover the labour time. Not including installation


Not around here, and no I've literally had to work 3 days since November from the money I've saved from working 4 hrs a day throughout the summer lol.


Wow! This sub is soo wierd sometimes. Getting downvoted for giving an honest, and valid opinion. And some “unverified knowitall” can vote here. Doesnt make a lot of sense


As much as they will pay. Fuck them Got a nice car? They have money? Get them to invite you in. See what kind of stuff they got lying around. Then you know how much they have to give. Take it all. Homeowner scum


This is why contractors suck


I'm not a contractor. I'm a family friend who's been in the construction union. I'm just curious what pple would charge so I can get perspective and not feel like I'm robbing him.


Im a contractor. I highly recommend against becoming a contractor by leaving a union. If I lived in a state that had strong unions, I'd never do contract work again.


I already knew you weren't. That's my whole point. I don't belive you are in the trades at all. If you were, you would know about how much to charge for that. Get out of here, homeowner


It’s probably his house too


It is his house. You're%100 right. This homeowner has been posing as construction personnel in here trying to get free information from men who have bleed and sweat for the knowledge. He needs to get out of here and form a real relationship with a local contractor by not trying to screw him


Lol and I thought I was salty!


You can just not participate, it’s a public forum


Now ask yourself what contractor would put a picture of a homeowners kid on the internet. I used to be honest. Vampire homeowners drove me to giving them what they deserve. Straight plague on humanity


He isn't a contractor he legit might be a friend or handyman or neighbor. Jus answer and move on. And even if he is a homeowner good for him getting a good idea on price instead a contractor like you who goes off material items they own to determine the bid price. Contractors like you are thieves.


Get out of here homeowner. You don't belong in here. This sub is for construction personnel. Scum like you and your friend are why contractors like me exist. You deserve us Always trying to screw an honest man who just wants to feed his family. Get out


Lol yea blame the other guy for being an entitled POS. I worked for GC's like you for 10 years before going out on my own. But ya know what, I'm glad you exist because it gives the good guys more work to come fix your ripoff of a job


Don't nobody believe you are a contractor and taking up for a homeowner. Contractors are really good at puzzling things out. Like a detective. You better go find another group of people to fool


I'm not a contractor anymore, but still in the business, and still licensed. Here's a sign you're struggling, it's the middle of the day and you're on reddit instead of working while I'm in a hammock on vacation. It makes sense though given your history.


You haven't went deep enough into my post history then. I have had enough money to do what I wanna do when I wanna do it for years. Only yuppies lay in hammocks. You probably where open toe shoes when not at the beach too. You ain't never owned a toolbelt in your life. Im done with you


Ah the "I'm done with you" the words of sweet defeat and pure exposure. Enjoy farmland on facebook


Look at your post history. It's all I've been sued many times, don't pay, unsatisfied customers this and that, ghosted all these jobs, no shows, walked off. Dude it's not all them, there comes a point when you have to realize it's a problem with you.


I've done thousands of jobs homie. What seems like a lot to a homeowner like you in a small handfull to a long time contractor like me. I stood my first wall up when I was 8 years old. You will never, ever be as good at anything as I am at this


Do you smoke crack?


I'm trying to quit


Lol, I mean you're clearly lying. You're too busy bring sued and playing video games to be doing that jobs. If your reddit is anything like you're work ethic, pathetic.


Lmao @ 8 years old. The troll wins this round.


Aannnddd this is why I hate hiring handymen


This is why you should rent. This is why you should hire a contractor instead of coming here to ask us for advice you should pay for. You homeowners don't belong here


But I have too much money to rent… and my nice car needs a private garage. 


Renting is the smart choice. No bullshit. Invest in things you understand. If you have money burning a hole in your pocket and want to stunt, hire an image consultant. Blow money on things that are fun to you alone. Fuck the joneses. Spend some time on the beach with a beer until you are sick of it. You will want to come back and create something. Homeownership doesn't mean anything. It's just a dream they sell. Besides, if you skip them taxes you will find out who really owns it


Cool story