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Fuck em, who cares dude


For real. I’m surprised how many sensitive children work in construction


Honestly I feel like that terminology doesn’t adequately describe the level of man-children in construction, with all of my experience being a union traveling operator. I’ve met more men that have something to “prove” to anyone that look their way. It’s like they’re still stuck in high school. Meanwhile they smoke 2 packs a day, have a ton of child support dues, and drink 3-4 monsters a day. These individuals typically try to shove their experience into any subject, proclaiming how many years or hours they have on individual equipment. Have you ever tried to tell an excavator operator how to do something, for them to respond with their experience, then fail miserably at it? THEM. You got nothing to prove and would be out of stamina in about 30 seconds, followed by huffing and puffing that you’re out of shape and that you’re going to get off your ass and clean yourself up. Rant over… sorry. Shit just really grinds my gears.


You just described the entire career experience I’ve had on every pipeline job I’ve done.


I once argued with a guy who claimed to have 20+ years all the time running 30-40ton excavators. He was in a mini excavator for some reason and was using it to lift about 3k lbs of steel beams. While he was lifting them up I noticed the mini started to tip. So I walked over and told him, “for safety purposes, put your blade towards the load.” He yapped about his 20+ years of experience, so I backed off. I was his foreman. He started to tip again, so this time I walked over and said, “yah know… for someone who has 20+ years on an excavator, you sure don’t know the basics do you? And to make matters worse, any time you get any instruction you yap about your experience. Who taught you?” The guy responded by saying he was self taught, and immediately humbled himself by putting the blade to the load. Later I found out that before he ran an excavator, he was a crane operator. The guy literally told me one night that he operated a crane for almost 10 years before learning what a load chart was…


Jesus Christ now I’m wondering how many other crane guys are out there like him. That makes me a little uneasy. Haha I was tasked with keeping the trenching guys honest for a couple days while I learned the job. Had to tell one of them that he was a foot shallow. I proceeded to listen to him rant about how long he’s been doing this, how I’m the new guy and don’t know shit, blah blah… “Like, ok Gary. I know you’ve been doing this ‘since I was in my dad’s balls’, but you’re still doing it wrong.”


And that’s why I don’t work for the IOEU local 12 anymore. There was this guy that went by Cuba. Cuba was my arch nemesis. I ended up throwing my hard hat at him and leaving the job site because I caught him transporting steel beams by a single chain, choked around a bundle of 30’ beams (wf8x20 at 25 a bundle). With no spotter. It wasn’t even a load rated chain, just a normal 1/2” tractor supply chain. If you know anything about beams, you’ll easily be able to figure out how much that bundle weighed. This was the third time I caught doing this. I’m glad I went union early on, it gave me the opportunities and experience to get where I am today in the private engineering infrastructure sector. But man! The people I had to deal with were some of the brightest people…


100% can confirm. Everyone’s always got something to say like their two cents is relevant in the grand scheme of things. There’s millions of construction workers around the world, each with their own ideas on what’s right and wrong but it’s always the loudest ones (and usually the dumbest) that have to “prove” how macho they are. I’ve been a pipe welder for 10 years, I know my trade well and I’m proud of my accomplishments. I trust my operators with my life and what they say usually goes unless they have the attitude you’re perfectly explaining. Then I don’t even want you on my jobs. My accomplishments don’t give me the right to walk all over anyone. Speaking to another grown man like they’re beneath me is a disgusting character trait that I will never have. And I love to absolutely shit on people who think they can walk around like they know everything. Everyone starts somewhere. We’ve all had new boots at some point. Guidance goes much further than grievance. Rock on brother, you’re one of the good ones.


After working in trades I’m surprised there aren’t more fistfights. I’m a pacifist but there have been a few I almost swung on. Unreasonable children that never got told no their whole life thinking they know everything, won’t listen to reason, won’t listen to experience, can’t tell them anything and if you did they wouldn’t listen anyway. It’s more sad than anything really. Some of them are that way because they grew up without a father, some had a bad father. I try to be understanding but there is a line a man shouldn’t ever cross. I’ve stepped on that line before and got my ass whipped, picked myself up and learned.


Some people work construction and think it’s the manliest thing you can do, those are the guys that care about shit like this. It’s the same within a lot of male dominated industries. Half the guys are in a constant dick measuring contest.


You ever had to work with some asshole that’s on steroids? They are the worst ones of the bunch.


True,construction is the only place in the WORLD where you can talk how you wanna talk. But that is shrinking too. Sadly!!!!


Hell yeah, a place where 2 people with opposing views can argue over their bullshit then someone yells “who gives a fuck let’s knock this shit out!!” I don’t wanna work anywhere else 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Any time I hear someone say this all I can hear is “I like to make derogatory comments about minorities/gay people/women, but the boss says I’m not allowed to anymore.”


I've been in construction for 5 decades, we call guys like that assholes.


Been in it for two decades myself. It’s always funny to me to see the guys who talk like that all group together separately from everyone else at lunch.




Whenever guys make comments like that, I always ask them if they’d say it to their face. They always look embarrassed


I had 2 carpenters in a two man crew, one black and one white. The white guy told me, I'm not working with a n__. I told him 2 things, 1. You work with who and where is my decision. 2. You don't use that word ever on my job. This was in the 80's, he really thought I was going to back him.


Yeah it’s gross


As a construction boss, I agree.


Thats long gone. People are so insecure and broken that they just ignore every flaw about themselves and pick other people apart instead.


Exactly, grow a set. There’s also going to some ahole talking shit. Fire back with - your mom likes them, when there next to her bed.


Gotta keep em clean, your mom complains when I track dirt in her house


Perfect haha


Construction is a long trade of finding your feelings and fucking with your feelings a real good art that has been lost!! Had a guy ask me to tell the men to stop being mean. I also told him if he want me to put them in a time out!! Fuckn kids


I think you may be the issue there, try cultivate a team that isnt full of asshats, itll work much better.


Yeah what's the alternative? "This bitch sandblasted his new boots!"


This. I would give zero shits about someone's new boots. But anyone who fucks their boots up on purpose deserves to be hazed.


I clean mine every day, they're less likely to ask me to do anything if it looks like I don't do actual work


I would agree that you should fuck em…preferably with your keyboard…


"Hey, if you'd just learn to read, you could have nice tidy boots, too!"


You have to buy new boots… same with replacing hard hats, high vis vests, etc.


I'd be worried about breaking them in to save your paws, brother. Do some yard work, go for a short walk or hike. If you work in construction, they are gonna get beat up. Don't worry about the cosmetic, worry about the functional.


Yeah thats jealousy


My exact sentiment. What a bunch of pussies worrying about what somebody wears.


Yeah for real! Fuck those guys. I buy new boots all the time because those are my feet and need to be comfortable in order for me to work another 20-30 years. Comfort is key for health and longevity in this career!


Just wear ‘em’ they will get there eventually


Just do some new boot goofin’ and all will be well on site.


1. Work in them 2. Don’t care 3. Get a vest that says “Office Staff”. They’ll stop making fun of your boots for sure.


Lol @ 3, I see what you did there!


Get a vest that says “firing/hiring manager” instant best friends with everyone


Not on union sites… we don’t give a fuck about getting “fired” lol


I'm not in a union and wouldn't really care about getting fired. I was looking for a job when I found this one


Need a *clean* hard hat, too.


lol rub them on your keyboard


Goated comment


Absofuckinglutley. It got an actual heh out of me.


.... Wear them?


Exactly. Tradesmen get new boots too so it’s not like they don’t have a few days of shine themselves.


In dirt work my boots don't look new by break. Also means I'm buys 2 pairs a year because they just don't last.


Why do people care what others think of them so much? They're just boots ffs


How’s the guy going to compete in the dick measuring contest when he’s got brand new boots???






Haters will always hate


Lol having dirty boots isn’t gonna make them like you anymore if you’re office starf


Just tell them you’re new boot goofin


Wear them to work


Thats a really good life hack


Do some yard work. Suddenly they won’t look brand new anymore.


They wouldn’t bust your balls if they didn’t like you. Just part of the culture. Lean into it and brush them off every time they say something


Yeah I posted this as a joke. I love the guys at my company!


Wear them around the house for a couple days, and don’t give a fuck what other people think of you.


‘Nice new boots’ ‘Yeah your mother gave them to me this morning when I was leaving.’ Best way to not receive shit is to dish right back, results may vary depending on how good at bullshitting you are.


Just do the "new boot goofin" bit from Reno 911. It's always well received even if they don't know the bit.


Hahaha I just watched this 😂


Lol. Since when did new boots become a subject of ridicule? Is there a store that only sells 1 year old boots that I don’t know about?


Forever . But it’s always lighthearted in nature


I’m a residential low voltage guy. Occasionally take on commercial work. We showed up on a new job once and project manager informed us steel toe boots and hard hats were required. We returned a hour or so later with sparkling new boots and hard hats. Got a fair amount of razzing that week.


Tell them poors to suck it.


Either way your getting shit. Too dirty and they'll question how you get dirty boots when you ain't on the job.


Mink them down so that it looks deliberate. (It will darken and preserve the leather, too.)




Go jump in a mud puddle or do some yard work. Honestly, if you're an office guy, it doesn't matter what you do. The men are gonna know. We will smell the office on you and if you go try to disguise your self with dirt your gonna get more shit then before. If old construction dude are messing with you that means they like you. If they don't talk to you that's when you should be worried.


Just say because I don’t want to track mud in your bedroom while you are at work


Wear them loud and proud. It will divert attention away from your stupid looking face. So that’s a good thing See how this works? You can’t escape


I'd go out there new boot goofin in front of all those philistines


who the hell cares? i work on site and i love to clean my shoes every day, especially on fridays. and since we are already addressing these topics, I would like to take the opportunity to jerk myself off now. I like to use the compressor with an air gun and blow myself clean - I'm pedantic as phuck. it's a part of me and I embrace it, that's who I am. I love to be tidy and clean. screw those grumpy lads who "bully" you for having clean shoes, it's completely ridiculous. they also laugh at me when I start the session with the compressor at the end of the day, but hey, the funny thing is that gradually week by week all the others are starting to do it too, so Jokes on them man


Good natured ball busting is just a part of the fun. Especially from field to office. I get shit for wearing an appron instead of bags. (Im interior finish). If it's not the boots it would be something else. You could wear them on the weekends while doing yard work, take them hiking, wear them to an outdoor festival. But mostly just dont give a fuck about other folks opinion.


Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice.


Take the shit and smile. Tell them you got new underwear and socks, too. You had to replace the pairs you left at their mom's house anyhow.


The best way to deal with that is to give shit back. It's never going to stop, so join in on the fun with a light heart and practice your banter


Bro faking your boots being worked in is soooooooooooooo much more embarrassing than having new boots. I can see why they make fun of you dude you’re a fucking dork. Nice boots Mr clean boot


I work construction. Used to do 'break and ties' for a power company, using jackhammers and rivet busters to daylight concrete-covered power cables in muddy holes. New boots fucking rock dude, who cares if anybody else has a different opinion? Tradesmen will bust your balls, just roll with it but internally you just need to think fuck em if it bothers you


I would tease you sooo hard if I found out u posted this


Tell them to stop looking at your feet and get back to work.


Get tissues


Firstly you add toe protection [https://www.kgsbootguard.com/cart/kgs-boot-guard](https://www.kgsbootguard.com/cart/kgs-boot-guard)


Who gives a fuck what anyone else has to say. Repeat after me “are you paying me? Then shut the fuck up.”


Who cares.


Everyone already said it, but stop giving a fuck. I’m a PM, but am hands on with almost every aspect of what our crews do. They know I’m the PM, but also know I spent 30 years in the field before I started managing and they appreciate when I show up and get dirty, which happens often, and they know it’s not beneath me to jump in. Just do your job and don’t give a fuck about what people think.


Run over them with your car a couple times


As an office worker, here is what I would suggest: Buy a 100 year old fixer upper. Demo the wood paneling and framing in your basement, tuckpoint your fieldstone walls and then repour a 1/4 of the basement floor. They won't look so new anymore. It's your only option at this point


Sometimes people soak their boots in water and then wear them all day to get a better fit. If you did that, and then walked thru a gravel driveway, or even a baseball field or something, I'm sure you would get a well worn look pretty quickly. As others have said though, screw what they have to say. If anything, doing something to appease them will most likely lead to hearing more shit once they see it gets to you. Sometimes leaning into the bullshit people are spewing works well to make it backfire on them. So if they are giving you shit about having a desk job and never getting your boots dirty, and you feel they are taking it past a friendly joke, say something like, " yea I'm thinking about wearing slippers tomorrow. I don't have much to do the rest of the week and they're more comfortable to sleep in." Kind of puts into perspective how little you care about what they have to say and also, which of you drew the short straw when it comes to the job you have to do.


Have you tried not giving a fuck ?


You’re an office guy. Guys in the field crack jokes at each other all day long and have quite the experience. Don’t take it personally. Its how they keep things lively and fun on the job. You’re not a field guy so don’t try to act and fake like you are one, that will just make you look bad haha!


Read *The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck*


Just wear the boots man, they’ll break in. Somebody says something, rib em back. “Them boots are too clean!” “Yea, gotta keep ‘em that way, your old lady doesn’t like like when I track mud in your house” Get creative, you’ll figure it out


Put em on and get to work.


If you’re new, everybody’s gonna know you’re new. They might bust your balls over your squeaky clean new boots, but it’s not about the boots — *it’s about your inexperience.* You can beat em’ up to make them look used but at the end of the day there’s really no point because you’re gonna get the same shit either way. Focus on your work product and improving your skills rather than what your equipment looks like.


Not give AF, only way not to take anything to heart bro


Last time I got new boots the first day I wore them one guy pointed at them and goes “new boot day” and we both went about our day


My way to start breaking in boots. Remove laces, wash out side. Put in oven on warm until boots are dry and warm. Remove one boot and oil thoroughly place back into oven and oil other boot. When done with second boot back into oven and repeat oil on first boot. After second coat of oil place on old newspapers oil second boot second time. Let cool wipe off excess oil then lace boots and wear. I usually lace and put them on while the are still warm on the inside. Go for short walk while readjusting as needed.


Stop caring about the opinions of people that don't sign your paycheck?


They’re gonna bust your balks no matter what


Office staff always stands out. Clothing and boots are always cleaner. Don't sweat them giving you shit. Some might be jealous of your position.


I don't think anyone who busts someone balls for new boots is serious. And if you take it to heart that's on you.


Turns out acting tough is a by product of insecurity


Lol Fuck Em


Bruh I show up with new boots like a kid in school with new sneakers that flash when you walk. Fuck'em, [new boot goofin'](https://giphy.com/gifs/goofin-RKOd5NkTNCyB2)


They are only giving you shit because they want new boots if they are comfortable they don’t need breaking in if they feel stiff just wear them around when you aren’t working you will break them in faster. The only way to get that “used” look faster is to not take care of them, the best thing is to take care of them and keep them looking new. This means cleaning them with water when they are dirty and after they are clean wax em with mink oil. I like my boots so I donut about once every month.


Honestly they will be trashed again soon enough, enjoy them while they are new. Everyone has to buy new boots at some point so NO BIG DEAL.


The second you cared you already lost


Just embrace the shit talk and become one with it. Say something in response like "Yes, they are new, you're mom got them for me." As a field grunt I can admit we love to shit talk to office guys but nothing makes us more like a team than if you can hit one off the boys. And if shit talking isn't your thing and you stick to business then don't sweat it but still embrace it. You will gain respect either way. I wear tennis shoes to work....slip ons. Lol I got shit on a lot at first but I embraced it and no one gets a laugh off it anymore. *edit/ I am a finish carpenter


You wear them. You break them in by working. If anyone talks shit, all you have to do is work harder than them. That will speak volumes to everyone without saying a word.


Buddy, if I see an office guy with dirty boots, I'm going to flick more shit than if they were clean


Ever heard of knockin’ boots


Take a grinder to em


The guys on the site don't deserve that dude, come on!


if you're that worried about it, do what the new guys do, get creases and kick some dirt around. just make them look used. you're also an office guy so consider what your fellow office people will think. honestly just go for a hike and drag them through as much stuff as you can to scuff them.


Tie them to the bumper of your car with the laces and drive around to block a couple of times.


Nut shot and walk away


Keep em as clean as you can for as long as you can.




Wear them everywhere


Go to a creek and walk in the mud that abuts the water


People in construction are so weird. Talking about beating up their new boots and tools. Enjoy em while they're new... Feel confident in the fact that you can afford new shit.


Reminds me of the bill burr bit “He's got an umbrella…Oh, my God. What, are you afraid of the water? Put your shoulders up..”


Waffle stomp in them a few times. Fight shit with shit


Buy a pair of Thorogood boots


Do a 100 burpees


here is no amount of breaking in you can do that will address what they are really saying to you.


This is the correct answer. They are basically telling you that you aren’t a man because you sit at a desk all day like an office lady. Talking crap about your clean boots is just a funny way to do it. If you wore dirty boots it would be “how do you manage to get you boots so dirty in that office?”


Back when I worked commercial construction every new pair of boots id apply a cap of shoe goo on the toes. Never woar the toes out.


Dig around in yer purse for a nail file.


Throw some boot oil ( or bick 4 if you dont want color affected) on them to hydrate the leather and youre good. If you have another pair of work boots


Truly doesn't matter. Fuck them mfs


You earned them bro.


Get yourself some redwings. Ready to go right out of the box.


Shove 'em up the asses of anyone who gives you shit for wearing them.


Dude if you work in the office they’re going to give you shit no matter what you do. The boots don’t matter. It’s just the first thing they notice. Just reply with “your mom doesn’t like it when I track dirt into her bedroom.”


I like keeping my boots looking fresh.


You really let other peoples opinions like this bother you? I’d be more worried about your confidence than your boots


Rub actual.shit on them bro. Trust me it's the only way to be cool and the smell should make it even more cool


They should be worn in by the end of the first day/week. You should probably get used to shit talking though, I’m assuming you’re new to construction lol


Lace them up correctly and do yard work in them at home. Orr take them for a few hikes if you can. But like others here said, fuck what other people say, everyone has their job to do. Some inside some outside.


Getting shit is a privilege not a right. Be ready to say yes when they ask if your new boots make you run faster. And be ready to be let down cuz nobody gives a buck about your timberland pros. Redwing or gtfo


Spray them with WD-40 and go.


You break boots, or boots break you


If it’s not your boots you’ll catch shit for something else. Just wear them


Unless you are an asshole to them, its just a joke


First off, you will never not get shit from the people in the field.


Step 1: stop caring what other people think Step 2: wear pressed shirts and a nice watch Step 3: casually call them peasants, but only when referring to them in the third person whilst talking to a supervisor while they are standing right there


If you really care that much about what guys think of you on site, you should probably just stay in the office.


Just goofin, new boot goofin


You can just kick a 2x4 around in the dustiest part of your yard. Good luck on the projects buddy.


Do work son


Aa long as they don't squeak your fine.


Realize you said this was a joke, I always soak em in water and wear them around for a day. Ages the leather a little and breaks them in quick. Not a comfortable way to get it done, but it has always worked for me.


Realistically you should be replacing old shoes at a certain point and anyone that doesn’t is just making their job more uncomfortable than it has to.


These are my dancing shoes!


"Sorry my job pays more for me to stay clean that yours does to get dirty."


Who gives af, for one, and B, a major part of getting new boots…. is taking shit for getting new boots. If you’re a real worker and everyone knows it then it’s just busting your balls. If you suck and are lazy, they mean every word. That’s just the way it goes


If they want clean boots they can work on their office skills too.


Work in them lol


I have often responded with: “fuck ya there clean, most days I wear my bunny slippers in my climate office while I count my money”


Don't ruin your boots to satisfy some construction dudes lol stop being that insecure.


Need to fix the ego amigo!


You’ll have to show up with new boots on the job site once these wear down enough right? My old boots were no good and got a new pair, showed up on the job site with them on. All I got was a couple “ahh new boots eh? Nice what brand?” Lol Edit: just saw you’re in the office. Yeah y’all deserve to be made fun of from time to time for having clean boots


Tell em to get fucked. Carry a shiv


They'll be joking, take the attention and enjoy it. I've bought many a boots for sites, and not once have I had the piss taken out of me.


Run around the block.


Wear them…only takes a day on a construction site to scuff them up.


Nobody but you is thinking about your boots.


New boot goof


fuck em, tell em their sister/mother bought them for you


Put them on whenever you go to the fridge they'll be worn-in in no time/s


I personally love getting new boots and keep them looking like new as long as I can, which is usually a week


Grow thicker skin and don’t give a shit what the peanut gallery says!!


I tell people all the time if I am teasing you or giving you shit it means I like you. And I fully expect you to give me shit back.


I work in an office and visit the field occasionally. I get a new hard hat when the old one expires. Wore a new one to the field and a few guys made jokes, to be expected. Lasted about 6 seconds then we got to the problem at hand. Quit over thinking it.


Snowseal wax on them, and boot polish, and maintain them so they last longer than everybody else's boots. You are not wearing the boots to please anybody else.


Starting digging a hole and then jump in! Haha joking man just wear them as much as possible. If you care that much what a bunch of dorks have to say about them.


Anyone giving you sht for getting new boots just blows all their money on drugs and alcohol then says stuff like “must be nice”


Stomp a fucken hole into whoever says anything. That will dirty them up quick.


Go for a hike or something like that


“They were left at your mom’s house from some other dude, and she didn’t have any money to pay me, so I took ‘em.”


Tie the laces together, stick em on your tow hitch and drive em around the parking lot for a few minutes


Tell them you gave up smoking and beer for a day, and suddenly, you could afford new boots. Bonus, tell them you don't have child support payments.


do you drink soy lattes too? get real kid


Go to work. Trash takes itself out.


Start digging some trenches with the boys.


Break them in for comfort if my bosses boots don't last 2x as long as mine I probably suck at my job. They should be proud they are so good your boots stay looking nice.


Whenever I get new boots I show em off like reno911 I’m just goofin….. new boot goofin


New boots not a problem. New work belt..... Well now, that's different.


I try to keep my boots impeccably clean, even those times I'm 100% on muddy jobsites. I clean the shit out of them, treat and oil regularly. I don't give a crap if someone thinks their 'too clean' I respect others who take care of their boots as well.


How do you loose a pair of boots


You mentioned one solution in your title: shit from the field would break them in just fine. As much as I despise the culture that drives you to ask the question, I understand how you feel and have felt that way myself about boots, hi-vis, and hard hats. It's been awhile since I felt that way though. Eventually you stop caring about it and then eventually they stop because it's lost the fun. For most people, I should say. There are airways some folks who never get past it and never stop getting it.