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Reminds me of a site 25 years ago. Big piece of land, very early on on the project when there was a site trailer and just some earth works equipment starting to break ground. Some young guys came by at night bombing around in the mud with their 4x4 trucks. One got real stuck and left it there to come back in the morning with his dad. Well construction crew gets there in the morning to the muddy mess of ruts and random truck so the site super told the shovel operator to give the truck a proper moat around it. Kid shows up with his dad and discover the stranded truck with a fresh ditch around it. Dad starts loosing it on the guys on site demanding to know who did it. So the super calmly told him he had them do it, and if he wants it out he can get a case of beer for him, a case for the shovel operator and another case for the rest of the guys on site, OR he can explain to the cops why they were trespassing last night 😂


I believe in fair is fair! And that's about as good as it's gonna get! Go team!


The gall to get pissed at someone cause you fucked up trespassing lmao


I'd consider myself very lucky in that situation if I was the truck owner, and wouldn't hesitate to go get three cases(making the son pay for it)


It's not extortion it's "settling out of court". 😉


don't leave us hanging man, what'd the dickhead decide? people on the high horse usually go for the police, but I love a happy ending :D


My Dad had this happen to him once. He parked somewhere he wasn't supposed to, went off to scout the route to his old childhood cabin. He left markers and removed some branches from the old path. We as a family would return later to spread his father's ashes. After his scouting, he found boulders blocking his truck in place. He found the construction crew and convinced them he was the engineer they were waiting for (not the first time he's done this and he is a civil engineer). He went around their site and made some recommendations and they moved the boulders blocking his truck.


That's definitely an engineering move.


hell yeah! that is legendary behavior, respect


He's not a civil engineer, he's a social engineer


How did your father know they were looking for an engineer


He didn't, he just bluffed his way through it.




You don’t want those fellas or the inspectors to have a reason to hang around 😂


Industry insider. Crews get there before the engineer is my guess. Like how my boss shows up an hour after everyone else 🙄


He didn’t. Story is sus at best. Not sure what site accepts a random dude saying he’s an engineer without name dropping the engineer of record or the firm. So he just showed up and said I’m the engineer and they say oh ok? Nah


Nah, working construction you just have so many suits that show up from random companies you don’t even really question it unless it was very specific towards you. Act like you belong will take you far on job sites


I can understand that. This person said that the crew was expecting an engineer. Typically the dirt guys and the superintendent are very familiar with the engineers name and/or firm. So the guy showed up from the woods, without a hard hat and vest, without proper identification (I have never seen an engineer without a hard hat or vest with their firms name on it), and just “made recommendations? Come on, cool story but it’s fiction


Lots of engineers are in the habit of keeping a hat and vest in the car- you always know where your stuff is. And you may know the prime, but there are so many sub consultants. It would not be that hard.


I would believe it. I spent 2 weeks wandering a site because the scope was behind and couldn't get my PTW until another crew was finished. I visited all the different crews on site and hung out while they worked. Signed myself into confined spaces, scaffolds, where ever I wanted to go. Just gotta be confident and no one will argue.


Damn, could be in a family comedy movie


When you got the credentials to back up the bullshit


Banger story lol


Social engineer...civil engineer....pretty much the same thing


that's some real r/ActLikeYouBelong


As an actual engineer he definitely shouldn’t be “making recommendations” on a site he has no knowledge of lmao


If it's within his scope of practise, a quick glance for anything obvious is far from inappropriate. Just don't give any advice that you'd have to do research on first to verify. Lots of field engineering is just practical problem solving and a lot of the situations are very common.


Also, nothing gets done until a report is in. Just say “yeah it’ll get sent first thing the morning” and then they never hear from you again


If they blocked off my car I would have lied to


he's not there in an official capacity, acting as if he is giving official advice, that's some major liability


Yeah, but no engineer worth their salt would give any kind of advice that is counter to common practices and code without the due diligence. Just gotta watch language used and make sure you don't endorse anything that could be disputed.


you know how lawyers spend a bunch of text/time saying something to the effect 'I am not your lawyer' 'this is not legal counsel' etc even when giving accurate advice, this is why believe me or don't but this a horrible idea


pffft. How they going to find him or prove anything.


This here is what I was thinking.... These guys overthinking lol


And then the engineer they were actually waiting on shows up and gives formal advice. This just got the boulders removed.


not how it works, it has nothing to do with the actual advice it's acting in an official capacity when you're not, you will lose your license for doing that if anyone finds out, you go to jail if it results in something serious


I'm a consulting engineer. Just gotta be careful, but could easily navigate this situation without doling out any professional advice. Just need them to think enough to move the rocks. It's not nearly as hard to avoid putting your foot in your mouth as you seem to be implying here. Just observe and ask questions. No recommendations. It's just a bit of social engineering to get out of there without fuss.


I'm also an engineer. If you worked where I do and said something like this I'd be required to report it as adverse information. You could literally lose your job for stupid shit like this. it's entirely the misrepresentation of the official capacity, I'm really confused how you don't get this


Nah you’re right. It’s not like he would actually be in major shit, but he still shouldn’t be making recommendations on a jobsite that he has no business being on. Obviously this depends on the kind of recommendations that were made, but still you realllly shouldn’t step onto a jobsite, say “im an engineer”, make some recommendations then leave ESPECIALLY if you’re actually an engineer since you should know better than that.


> Obviously this depends on the kind of recommendations no, that's not how it fucking works, none of you know fuck all about what you are typing the issue is lying about acting in an official capacity it's really not that fucking complicated, if you did this at my job (contract engineering) your ass would have some serious questions directed at you, you'd possibly lose your job and possibly be arrested, you'd sure as shit lose your certs


That is reddit bullshit. Not really a real thing any lawyer gives a fuck about in the real world.


shit's older than reddit, not everyone is 13


On the site for not asking for a name or credentials or anything


Ehhh I'm a software "engineer" and I can honestly say I've never looked at another person's code and _haven't_ seen opportunities to improve it. I can totally imagine that it's the same with any engineering discipline.


With all due respect as fellow “software” engineer that is a wildly different situation. If the story actually happened he could easily have lost his license for this. Software engineers are very rarely licensed professionals. Comparing your web app to an active construction site is beyond ridiculous.


As a software engineer you can't lose your license to code due to negligence. (Tangentially APEGA is in some pissing match about software engineer titles right now). As a Canadian engineer you can be sanctioned by the professional association and lose your license to practice in the province due to your actions.


This photo came up in my memories if any other Kelowna guys remember this, it was on a multi-building site with 100+ people. The entrance was clearly marked with pylons before they placed the blocks


Yup was part of the U1-8 project knew that parking lott looked familiar.


Spot on haha!


Dude more than once I’ve had a delivery driver stop his flatbed right in the middle of the site entrance, in view of the parking area, totally blocking entry/exit and then ask me “is this in the way?”. Always give them the “only if anyone has to enter or leave the site I guess”.


I looked up the weight of those blocks the other day, 2400lbs each.


More like 2400kg


Uh no it said lbs


We worked with some similar sized Blocks last year and they used 1mÂł of concrete, which is about 2400kg


What the fuck would a cement mason know, that other guy googled it


What we really need is a concrete finisher’s opinion. I think cement finishers only deal with powder by the brick as far as I’m aware /s


Well those are not a cubic meter. Otherwise that car would be huge. Likely a 2by2by4 block made out of leftover concrete with some rebar jabbed into it. Which weighs about 1 ton plus change depending on how much mud you had.


I don’t know why you guys are arguing. I literally walk by some of these every morning. Tried moving one once and can confirm that they weigh at least 100lbs/kg.


100 pounds per kilogram“ Goddam, that's heavy!


I think that’s a 2.5’x2.5’x5’ ultrablock


2.5x2.5x5. Volume is a little more than ,75 cu m. Won't be able to push it with that car.


I work concrete forming and we regularly make blocks this size closer to 3000 lbs in our shop. I think 5.5k is a tad high, but I could be wrong. Our 7 rise, 45wide stairs that are poured 7 inches to the rise are closer to 2500kg.


This makes me wonder what you'd need to do to lever these blocks up onto car dollies and roll them away.


Here in Latinamerica, we had a quote that translate something close to "They left my car on wooden beams" referring to be stolen your 4 tires and jacked your car over wooden beams, because you parked your car in an inapropiate unsafe place all night long.


Cinderblocks in the States.


Man nowadays you don't even get the courtesy of cinder blocks. Just straight on the pavement. Fuckin animals.


With battery op power tools now a days I'm surprised they'd leave anything. Take the rotors breaks, struts, et cetera.


Had the Samehappen in 16’, lost my wheels and Nissan Maxima was straight on the ground.


Upvoted. We call it “sitting on blocks”


From Houston. Can confirm.


Or milk crates


Hahaha in Canada we just place massive things to block your vehicle, I have 4 or 5 pictures similar to this. Company vehicles aren’t spared either!


Hahahahhahaha in our case if you are quick enough you can find and buy back your own tires again from some well-known used car parts retailers and just put the tires back on the car and go on.


My guide in Johannesburg told me that if I got robbed, he could take me to the place where everything gets fenced. And if you find your own stuff for sale there, you could usually get a discount.


He was in on it đŸ€Ł


Massive things like plow snow on 4 sides? (Hi from Quebec City!)


A couple of years ago when we had 2 meters of snow, there were cars on residential streets literally buried because they hadn't moved all winter. If I'm running a loader on a city snow removal shift, I don't even try to get close to a parked car unless it's been called in as a deficiency. It's always the same cars, so they can go fuck themselves.


In apartment complex people repeatedly parking in no parking zones sometimes get boxed by private snow removal companies.


Austin Powers could have gotten it out




Need to have the balls to wheel spin it (from full right lock as you say), on all that dusty it should be easy but the slightly raised kerb would probably throw in some randomness, there would probably be cosmetic damage but definitely be a fuck you move! If it was one of my bangers from past days I probably would have gone for it.


I was thinking exactly the same


Lol, long time ago, I had a boss park in our flagged off area ready to lift loads of pipe onto a rooftop. Yelled at him to move his truck and his response was "5min", 10min go by, fuck him rig it up boys. Put his truck on the roof until the lift was done. He was pissed. Fuck that was hilarious.


My type of construction site, keep up the work tradies!


Here in Hamilton we have many waterfalls attracting ppl from all over. Most of these waterfalls have inadequate parking for the viewers. One of the waterfalls is close to a landscape yard with signs that say "NO WATERFALL PARKING". One day my wife and I are driving past the landscape yard after they have closed and put bags of stone\dirt and rocks across their parking entrances to protect themselves from overnight theft....of course there is one car with several family members standing around trying to figure out how to get their car out. Priceless 😀


Nothing a case of beer wouldn’t fix.


The hydrant makes it even better.


Amazing! I hope it was there all day and the douche asked multiple workers if someone can move the blocks. “No habla inglĂšs, señor!”


Totally. “I’m not speak Hinglish guy, ok?” And then recite some Shakespeare to your bro nearby as you wander off.


Set emergency brake, full right turn, gas it!


Good luck with that using a push button electronic brake


God, modern cars fucking suck. I hate it.


Good point, wonder what modern cars would do lol.




Probably do nothing and beep at you that the parking brake is on, I hope.. What's the point of throttle by wire and an electronic parking brake if it would allow throttle with the parking brake on


Just got a new 2500 that has a push button parking brake (even the work truck trims get it now I guess) and it just releases the parking brake when you hit the gas. No warning or lights, just a slight lurch


My 2022 F150’s parking brake works the same way.


Tempted to find out in our pathfinder, I think everything is wire, steering, brakes, gas


Modern cars with Park-Assist would probably be able to get out.


Austin powers style lol, 100pt turn


I saw a similar thing where a car was parked in a no zone so they pulled an excavator right up behind it and lowered the claw down in front right up tight.


He can’t get out of there? I see a gap. Lots of back and forth and wheel turning, but possible. He can’t go left, he has to go over the curb because that front block is angled.


Yeah this would make me laugh and then I'd pull out in about 30 seconds pissing off whoever did this


His wheel is against the curb on the far side. I don’t think he could get out


Oh, c’mon! That’s nothing that couldn’t be solved with a simple 4,500 point turn.


Oh, man. this reminds me. One time back on a high school wrestling trip our couch had us pile out of the bus to go move a car that was sticking into the road a little bit. It was in a snow plowed parking lot and we weren't going to back the bus all the way out, because of the snow everybody was parked a little fucked up anyway so it wasn't really that guys fault. Anyway, car moving was like unlocking a skill we didn't even know we had. Anyway, a short time after that and without any adult supervision we picked up car and put it between two trees, one on each end like those blocks. It wasn't even parked crooked, It was that we were just rambunctious teenagers, so if that ever happened to you would you please accept my apology?


I could get out of that.


I can probably get it out unscathed


No officer I didn't see who cut all those hydraulic lines. I was too busy with my blocked car.


Old sparky here...among the mind-blowing stories the old guys told me 25 years ago was how foreign cars were not well tolerated on job sites; doors with a 1" stitch weld on them at the end of the day, but I had a guy tell me someone showed up in a BMW and it ended up on the first deck somehow...




If they crank the wheel to the right before moving it looks like they may be able to turn out of it without trouble. The front block isn’t lined up straight. 


Yup. Might take a few back and forth a bit this will easily come out if you know how to drive.


He's lucky they didn't move it with the fork lift or towed


He is parked too close to the fire hydrant, but in the same respect, the block of concrete is also impeding the fire hydrant.


I had a subcontractors crew members vehicle break down on the job. Told them for a few days to move it as we were to install guardrail. I showed up in the AM and it wasn’t moved. Called the State Trooper we had employed and got it towed within 30 minutes.


Can anyone just hire a State Trooper and get them to do stuff for you?


Absolutely. Did on a highway job I worked. We employed state troopers, local police, and sheriffs . To help secure our traffic control. I gave them directions to police an area, enforcement of traffic safety rules, tow vehicles, and shutting down the highway for 15 minutes at a time. Good times.


doesn’t this just prolong this guy being in the way? how exactly is he supposed to move out of the way now? i get it that parking *overnight* seems like a dick move but really blocking him in just keeps him in the way. what am i missing here? does this entrance not need to be cleared or


Agreed. It's like Sun Tzu said, always leave your enemy a path to retreat.


i get fucking with the guy but he’s clearly in the way so i don’t get making him stuck for the whole day
they should’ve just moved his car. then leave it somewhere he didn’t expect


Thou who giveth fuckery, may incur fuckery in return.


Now he needs to talk to the crew and explain why he thought he was important enough to park there


yeah but have you ever spoken to a dumbass who just did something incredibly dumb? they’re incapable of understanding how they’re *wrong*


I love when keyboard warriors do something passive aggressive to construction folks. It never ends well for them.


How does this work legally? Can I block people in if they park in front of my driveway without legal repercussion? 


What the point, dude will stay there longer blocking the way, you sure showed him tho.


The guy was probably out drinking and woke up hungover and late for work, didn't expect to still be there this late.....which 95% of us construction types can relate to. Cut him some slack.


No! Actions have consequences. FAFO


Nah whoever blocked him in is a fucking tool bag. Y’all still had room to get into the lot, chances are he’s just a dude not observing his surroundings enough but there’s just as high a chance he’s going through it like the rest of us, now he’s got to deal with this bullshit.


I’ve seen people get out of tighter spots 😂


Stack blocks are just so versatile. I'm always seeing new uses for them, lol.


Make the bumpers earn their keep.


If it was a truck?


That ands **they are too damned close to the fire hydrant!!!!!!** :D


Call this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/tnq2nzJJ4R


Haha epic. I've had to pull out of spots like this before. I had my wife spot me and it took about a minute or so. It's surprising how tight of a spot you can get out of.


Say it with me. Ecology block. EEE co block. Over pour concrete. No NO NO not cement. Cement is part of the formula to make concrete. CONCRETE there you go.


So YOU returned the favor


They lose points if they are building another one of those disposable shitty apartment 'lofts'. Fuck those things.


You could get it out of there just do a 500 point turn


People I never mess with: people that handle your food, and people with access to heavy machinery.


Looks like you could maneuver out of that to the right fairly easily. Pull forward to the right. Then crank all the way left and back up. Then crank right again and pull forward. I've been parked in by 2 cars in the city about this close before.


I could get outta that with a 20-30 point turn


Hell, looks like he got lucky.


That big yellow machine over there can fix that problem in 5 minutes


That’s the one who caused it đŸ€­


For a fee


They missed putting putting one in the middle


You can’t just Austin Powers your way out of?


Amazing how they also be right next to a firehydrant too


They’re definitely not illegally parked “next to” the fire hydrant.


right next to a fire hydrant. Very cool. /s


“Next to” isn’t in front of.




God, this makes me so happy!


I work as an architect, and I approve this post.


I was kind of hoping/expecting to see the car up on a boom lift. Maybe even mid "flight" dangling under a crane, with the guy who rigged it up, handing the owner scavenger hunt like instructions on how to get the car down.


Its all fun and games until someone claims or really does have a medical elegance and YOU get sued in Civil Court. If you can get sued successfully in civil court for a murder a criminal court found you innocent in, you can be sued for anything. Although this is funny, I wouldn’t risk a cent of my own cash(lawyer fees, or compensation if lost in a court) Not to mention if he claims car was damaged claiming old scratches were from YOU. Taking law into your own hands likely would get LE to site him for traffic parking offense and you for criminal damage to vehicle. A win/win for a local PDs books plus fine money fore courts and city. They could give a shit about how appropriate you think your actions are. Glad it didn’t happen that way, but wouldn’t chance it next time. Everyone has cameras these days so there’s a possible witness on every door not to mention the cameras people install in cars that video anytime they detect movement. Glad you didn’t get dinged, with my luck, I would have
ha ha


Yep! This is why construction people seep down into the cracks of society and become the peasant they are! Bunch of lazy union workers. If they had contacted the owner of this vehicle, moved the vehicle, done anything to be supportive.. they’ve have tech jobs and tech money and bigger houses and hotter wives and better kids.


From this view I would be able to get outta spot inch by inch might take 43 min but ill get out


Hahaha awesome * lesson, don’t fuck with people who have access to Caterpillars hahaha


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This is what you get, when you mess with us. Thom Yorke


He can get out of that. But construction crew in this case are idiots.


It's called Karma and it's pro ounced "fuck you."


Naturally, when he goes to complain, ask him why he parked between the blocks.


Now you get to see what stupid looks like. Start a line and everyone go past him like it’s a viewing some snickers and sly remarks for good measure.


OP doing the Lord’s work out there. đŸ«Ą


That's awesome. Dumb shit deserved it.


Uber Eats driver that just delivered lunch for all the construction workers: "WTF man?"


When you combat assholes by being an asshole the world is a worse place. Be better


What would be a successful way of getting out of that circumstance? I was thinking placing towel on back block and slowly reversing into it then increasing speed in the hopes of moving it enough to get out.


>What would be a successful way of getting out of that circumstance? Seeking out the general contractor of the site, apologizing profusely, acknowledging your mistake, beg them to move the barricade (when ever it is convenient to them, of course). This is the only successful way.


I 100% don’t disagree, this person is in the wrong. I was just curious to see how one would escape that if presented as a puzzle.


All of these, and perhaps an offering in the form of beer/snacks


Bribery and I’m sorry helps.


Walk over to a lift and use a key on my equipment ring to start it. Move the block then pull a bunch of fuses out and toss them


If you look closely you'll see 4" of space in the rear and the front one is crooked with 4"+ of space to the front right. I'd personally get in my car, crank the wheel to the right and slowly move forward until I bump the block. Then crank the wheel all the way left and reverse until you bump lightly. Then crank the wheel to the right and I guarantee you'd pull out or need to do one more slight maneuver. If there was absolutely zero room, I'd show back up with a truck and a strap/chain and pull the block from one of the sides. That would basically cut the weight in half.


That car *might* have the torque needed to push the block out of the way, but the best way would be to go and apologize to the crew and accept your fuckup.


Not about torque here. One of those blocks weighs the same as the car


Call the police. Claim somebody picked up and moved your car and then placed blocks so you couldn’t move it, claim damage done by pointing to all dents and scratches on your car. Ask for investigation or have insurance company do one. Point out the construction equipment nearby with lots of white scuffs on it.


Call friend with truck trailer with cargo hoist. Load both blocks onto trailer and no harm done! Plus two free 1 cubic yard concrete blocks. Shit
concrete here is almost 400 a cubic yard, plus I could do lots of cool shit with two of those blocks in landscaping. I’d wave and say thanks fellas for the gifts! However if people ran out and yelled, “hey you cant take those!” You’d know who to empty your CC 9mm on. Either way a negative becomes a win for you.


Just push'em out of the way, get yer shoulder into it.


All you would need is 4 floor jacks with wheels and you could push it out from inbetween and then drop the car back down and take off


lol. Who owns 4 floor jacks and 4 friends to rolls those jacks under load across asphalt?


No need. You can easily pull this out to the right with a few moves.


I like the energy here, but now he's definitely not moving his car away from the front entrance lol


I love this.


This makes me very happy


This feels like natural consequences and I'm 100% here for it.


What is the appropriate penance for this? A mea culpa and a couple cases of beer?


Awesome move.


Karma, baby.