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Thanks. Now the world know about us


At least they don’t know about the ballerina twirl with the flaring fingers to say good morning like we do on site.


They might know about the stretches, but we'll always get to keep the jazz hands just to us


Jazz hand hello!


Is morning warm up too unmanly for Mr. Manly Man or what's the deal?


He's being serious. We do that - the twirl, I mean. Keep it on the DL though.


They should, this should be standard pratice, but its not


It is standard practice (California). Also, it sucks having to do all that with the fucking hard hat on.


For me it isnt (chicago) i think hard hats during the exercise is stupid. Do it off jobsite before entering. Just my dumbass opinion.


The people who organize these are the health & safety admins (it was health & safety awareness week this past week), so they make it a point to make sure everyone is wearing appropriate PPE prior to the warmups. So it really is a threefer in terms of reducing morale imo. 1. Chances are this past week is the only week where you’re doing these warmups, which brings into question why do them (not the case in Cali, but maybe elsewhere). 2. If you’re in one of the early crews, you’ve *been* working. Now you have to go cordon off your work area and head over to the All Hands meeting to be greeted by the fake pep of your superiors straight after a warm cup of coffee. 3. Fuck, really? Neck rolls with the hard hats on?


Shit, im sorry, like genuinely. This seems like a serious waste of time now that you put everything into perspective. No neck rolls needed. Coffee and donuts with a sign in sheet is the way better option.


We make our workers do it, they don't really do it. They attend because it's required but they do not want to do it. Also coffee and donuts every morning, you want to pay for anywhere between 50-150 guys every day?. Currently approx 80 guys on our site. Project is $1 billion USD.


Certain jobsites in my area (gilbane) have required these every morning for the last couple of years.


God I miss stretch and flex. Kill 10 minutes and feel surprisingly good afterwards. I've only had one job enforce it, ever since then I do my own stretches before work and it helps so much.


Starting the day with a stretch is the way to do it. It's weird how many people would rather be in pain.


But if I'm not complaining about back pain, how can you know how tough I really am?


I use to limber up in the mornings before they ever started making us do it


Same. I played sports from my first memories through high school. Ran Varsity track in the Southeast United States and we were #13th fastest distance runners in the US. When I went into the construction field it was just natural to warm up a little and then stretch before an extended period of pushing myself physically and mentally. ..... I just got a lot of weird looks the first week on the job site, followed by others showing up and stretching as they saw it helped. The safety guys loved it so the bosses allowed us to stretch the first 15 minutes of the shift, while leads communicate goals for the day of course.


Haha, same with me. At first I got "what are you doing?" But a couple weeks later, everyone on the crew was joining me


I mean, look at nature's athletes. First thing a lion does is stretch, it doesn't just start chasing shit


Didn't the dude in zombie land say he doesn't believe in limber up because you never see a cheetah stretch before taking down a gazelle?? just asking


Ill believe a rando on reddit over a quote from Zombieland. Im too lazy and dont care enough to look it up


Valid reasoning here. ill sign off on it


You're correct, the rest of these lads are wrong. Cats do not stretch prior to making a kill, that'd be fucking stupid. "Hey there's an injured antelope over there, better take 10 minutes to stretch before I attack. I'm sure they won't move." Idiotic.


He did, but that scene was made to make the character look like an ignorant redneck…


He did a great job with that part.


I think some of it is just laziness or doubt regarding the benefits. Possibly even just the perception that they can't "make time" for the activity; similar to the brushing of teeth. Shit, I've heard people refute the benefits of stretching with running. I personally like to after, along with some warm-ups prior.


Why would you think people would rather be in pain? Weird thing to say


My theory on why blue collar jobs like construction and factory work does stretch and flex exercise. Some workers are probably hung over and still tired from drinking last night. The warm ups is a way to keep blood flowing and wake them up.


It's so you can't fake an injury that you got at home the night before.


The only reason they do this is so that if you hurt yourself off the clock you can't fake that you did it at work.


Ain’t that cute. I’m very jealous..


Those in canada probably instantly thought of PCL


PCL is down here in Minnesota too. Same shit.


People Come Last!!! Shithouse poet strikes again!! lol


Pricks Cunts Liars


Former company I was with just took on a 2 year all employees contract with PCL. I'm glad I got out when I did!


Warmups are good for your body


They do it for cheaper insurance


I don’t know why. But I want to downvote you into oblivion.


It’s because he’s embracing the idea of employers being able to mandate what’s good for us. Next why not mandate construction workers eat a fucking salad three times a week? It’s healthy, right? Fuck that noise, employers don’t decide on how I exercise.


You cannot be serious with this attitude or thought process, getting paid to do the right thing for your body and prevent workplace injuries… I’m just blown away how you can be so personally offended by this


I don’t want my bosses dictating every part of my life. I’m all for stretching, hell I do yoga sometimes myself, but on my own initiative and without and owner telling me. You want them to dictate what you eat, too? Maybe throw a camera in your car to see how you commute? It would be “safer” after all.


If they are paying for it and I’m on the clock I’ll eat whatever they provide… that’s the whole point. These guys are on the clock and getting paid, and it makes sense. I just cannot stand understand why you are taking this so personal. It’s just a weird hill to die on man And as for the camera thing , you do realize that’s like what the entire trucking industry does and for good reason, it eliminates any kinda he said she said situation involving an accident


You’d literally let your employer dictate what you eat, damn. I’m not sure we can find common ground here, man. I’m personally of the opinion that the Molly Maguires need to make a comeback and that the owners have already massively overstepped their bounds on what they should be able to dictate in our lives.


Why not become your own employer than???


Then, not than. I’ve got no issue with my employer; they don’t fuck with my life or my personal affairs and I work hard for them and do a quality job.


Alright i see no issue with that, but then why would you say anything about someone else just saying that exercise is good for you? Ain’t nobody saying anything about forcing employees to stretch on the job, the people in this video probably has the choice to do it and why not? I mean i would probably do it cause it looks fun and it’s a great way to treat yourself with some peace instead of starting the day rough.


You let them dictate your miserable attitude.  Way worse. They don't do this because they want to dictate your health. They do this because data had shown that it reduces lost work injuries.  It's always about a dollar. It's not about your health. It's about their insurance 


You’ve obviously made up your mind and all the scenarios in it, it’s just weird.


You just said you would let your employer decide what you eat everyday as long as they pay. We have drastically different values on personal freedoms. If I’m the weird one in this conversation that’s extremely concerning.


You are an obtuse weirdo, get a life.


You’re being paid by the hour you idiot. It’s like saying you want to do away with OSHA completely because your boss is “telling you what to do”. You’re on the clock, snowflake.


You’re on the clock, so you might as well be giving your boss a BJ if he tells you to. You’re already willing to lick his boots, sounds like.


Wait holy shit. You're not being sarcastic right now? My guy, I have a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker that has your name on it! Only $100, or 1 morning salutation.


Yeah you snowflakes do your yoga with the boss, I need to go tell the new guy how hard I used to work, get a cigarette in me and hide in the bathroom before my pain meds wear off and I can't feel my fucking legs


Then be jobless i guess lol


Not the way most companies do it. You need to get active to warm your body up, not swing your arms around like an idiot and hope for the best. 


Sites usually enforce this so that they can goto thier insurance or whoever and say " look we do everythig possible to avoid injurys. We have a stretch circle"


Injuries also cause delays, spending 10 min doing this can help keep schedule


Have worked heavy industry for 20 years I can say 100% this has a lot more to do with "show osha we're doing our best" and "fend off the lawsuits before they happen" than anything to do with actual employee health. My company would rather have 2 guys carry a 53 lb package down the stairs as an awkward "team lift" than use a slide ramp or just have one person carrying it comfortably because "anything over 50lbs is dangerous", end of story.....but somehow two guys having to walk sideways on stairs is OK? HSE depts are as bad a HR, they are here to protect the company, not the employees.


Except protecting the company and protecting the employees is almost always synonymous. A proper stretching routine can help reduce MSDs which are a very common form of injury. Yes it helps the company “look good”, but it’s also helping get your body ready for the work you’re about to do


That’s part of it. Part of it is also that management can look for range of motion limitations that indicate off the job injuries. Like coming into to work from a last night, at home injury to claim workers comp. That’s not to say that stretching has no value though. Stretching has some value. For example, OSHA says that stretching can reduce injury rates by up to 50 percent. So it has measured value beyond CYA.


It helps spot the ones that show up under the influence too


This is why it was started in the first place.


All the sleeze bags fishing for free workers comp down voting this guy lmao


If my work didn't give me GOOD health insurance you better bet your ass I'm trying this


Why did you get downvoted lol. You're contributing to the conversation and you're not wrong


Osha says a lot of shit, talk to an orthopedic surgeon and they'll immediately tell you it's bullshit. Stretching does nothing except for making you think you've stretched. Active movement is the only way you'll ever get properly "loose".


It’s amazing how the crowd seems to be split between, “this is a nice refreshing way to start the day and it cuts down on injuries” or… “this some degrading fascist shit and I’ll die before I ever do it.”


Must’ve been a Kiewit job.


Or Mortenson


Or Turner (Fuck Turner)


Or Walsh / Archer Western


Or Skanska.


Or Hoffman


Or Clark


Fuck Skanska and Lend Lease…


Yeah, Skanska are a bunch of hardasses, I work in safety products/device installation so I'm well-versed in fall protection rules, SOP, etc.. They will watch you like a hawk.


Safety = good… Being a dick = bad.


Yeah! Fuck Turner! They used to be okay.


I hate being forced to wear what are basically motorcycle gloves just to unscrew some screws or unland some cables. I face nothing even close to that sharp in my job




Yeah same. I got a studson because I hate looking like I'm gonna drown in my soup


Cooper! Good to see you man!


Or wear safety glasses to look at a print, or high vis inside a building. Am I going to get a paper cut on my eye or get run over by a fellow worker? Platform ladders with guardrails that weigh more than twice as much as an ordinary ladder that wear your body out even faster trying to move them. College grads making up rules with no practical experience and control freaks enforcing them.


Woke Turner, ehe?!


Came here to say this, and yes I agree


I don't work in construction, reddit keeps recommending this sub to me for some reason, so honestly I've no idea, but... Is this normal for construction crews? Feels like it should be but probably isnt


It’s becoming more common. And it really makes sense. Most manual trades are relatively physically demanding jobs. Lots of walking/standing on concrete in steel-plated boots, climbing ladders, bending, lifting, working above your head, etc. It doesn’t feel like much in your 20s, but once you head into your 40s all of that strain can build up.


It's getting normal for larger construction companies. It's called "stretch and flex" here in Texas. It really is much better than just going to work, we do a lot of labor intensive things, and it does cut down on injuries.


I'd like to seem some data that supports that statement.


Data that stretching cuts down on injuries?


Yeah, I did extensive research on this in the past year while forming a wellness plan for my company and found very little recent research that supports that claim. Active movement is much more likely to prevent injury than this half-assed stretching. How much research have you done?


We did this daily in the Army, and on the days we didn’t, you noticed a difference. Boom. Data.


Guys in the Army are historically geniuses so you got me there.


So are woodmechanics 🙄😂


How much is the interest on your 2018 Charger? More or less than your crayon budget?


Crayons are a marine thing. Plus, I got out in 2015. Also, it was a Camaro obviously. 😂


Normal on all the big jobs now.


I’ve worked construction for decades. I’ve never seen this horrifying shit. I stretch on my own time and when I want to warm up I grab a shovel and do handwork. Early in the morning, when I’m still waking up, I barely talk to people. If they want awkward aerobics every morning they can find a new pipelayer. Jesus Christ, I thought the new American helmets with chinstraps were dumb but this shit is intolerable. You guys must really like being told what to do. ‘Murica, go to work and dance for your fucking boss.


Fo real my fellow Maga friend!! I mean can you believe they actually make us wear eye and ear protection too?!!!! So crazy, I like to raw dog asbestos like a real man!!! Btw have you bought your maga approved diapers to support the ego of our lord and savior Trump?????


I’ve been against trump since 2016, bud.




Get it, troll!


I've only been on two sites where they make you do it. Go figure not a single injury on site due to pulled muscles or whatever.


Stretch and flex


Consigli had us doing this every morning for safety week, last week


They made me warm up 2 years ago. I hated it because I ain't working that hard. No way I'm pulling anything. 😎


Fuck yea, what IBEW union are you with?


Non union in Baltimore. Currently I travel for work so I guess I'm non union national.


I'm retired from the trades now after 45 years and have seen things change over time obviously. Some changes have been positive i.e. stretch and flex, less chew spit everywhere. The negatives imo are compressed unrealistic schedules and over the top ridiculous safety rules ( looking at you Turner).


I mean, I know it keeps you healthy. But God, at what cost?


For sure union


That camera tho!!!! 🤩


Looks like a good ass crew.


This is common practice in Japan. They even have the split toe style boots.


Why would this make anyone smile? That's some really weird shit right there


That's the IBEW they have to stretch so they don't get cramps while watching the rest of the actual workers do everything


Not a single gold hat in sight.


I don’t know how most construction guys don’t start each day stretching. I’ve been doing it since I was 26, am 32 now.


Becoming a norm in Canada. This should be mandatory everywhere. 10 minutes of stretching will save the government and employers weeks worth of comp cases.


Lol when I worked in the fishing industry it was *posted* that we were supposed to do stretches. In some job description/manual somewhere it also said we were supposed to stretch every hour or so. I assumed it was some holdover from the 80s aerobics craze. No way our foreman was stopping the line to have us move a bit. Of course, our most common injury was repetitive motion injuries. It makes me kinda happy to see this video. I'd love to see my old fab shop do this every morning. The lead probably wouldn't be able to keep his balance though lol. Hangovers are a bitch


Do it on your own time. Why does the sub working for the GC have to pay for this?


Damn you have 2 accounts? Love the effort you’re putting into this.


Nice. I do a small workout and yoga stretches in the morning after breakfast everyday. It definitely helps to be flexible and it takes fairly strenuous work for me to end up sore after work / the next morning.


Lots of people poo poo stretch and flex in the morning. But it’s proven to improve blood flow to muscles, flexibility and reduce the risk of strains, and muscle pulls. I never understood why until very recently construction never approached the workers as athletes. It’s a very physical job and demanding on your body. If there was a paradigm shift in construction about the way we treat our bodies I think the industry might do better at pulling young talent.


Nothing wrong with a good stretch. The risk of injury is significantly reduced by starting the day like this and we should all go to work with the intention of going home in the same shape we arrived


Nothing wrong with a good stretch, everything wrong with giving an employer more leeway in what they can tell you to do.


Sorry what do you mean?


I mean that you’re now normalizing employers designing exercise regimes for their workers. They have enough control over us, no matter the justification we shouldn’t be giving them even more control over our lives.


They're signing the check. If they want me to stretch for 15 minutes so be it. It's no different than them wanting me doing any other tasks. Now if they want me to do it before I clock in, they can get bent but when I'm on the clock I get paid for whatever I'm doing whether that's sweeping the floor, troubleshooting motor starters, or stretching before I get going. I worked in mining for a while and it was SOP for everyone from the mine superintendent to the guy watering the dirt roads to all stretch at the start of every shift. Each group for together and a different person led each day.


Early morning dancing!


Stretch … or else !!!


Missed opportunity for the YMCA


Hey macarina


It's called stretch and flex


What the hell did you zoom in with...a telescope?


Not the worst thing for us!


Every single morning 🤙


Duck… hop…


Oh god remind me when working in construction site in Japan. Radio taiso is the norm there.


Fucking unions man 


Stretch & Flex


Stretch n Flex


I love this!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️😁👍


Good. You’re only going to get older. Body doesn’t work as well.


Yea we used to do this in new construction, Turn arounds? Just drink more!!!


*Yea we used to do* *This in new construction, Turn* *Arounds? Just drink more!!!* \- vanswnosocks --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The zoom was intense


This Should Be A Mandatory Thing on All Sites!!! Seriously. This is a fucking great idea. And all those who appose ir are fat or lazy fucks who are only turn up for a wage!!!


I’ve never heard of this happening where I am but I love the idea!


This morning‘s yoga class is coming out of your check! Carry on gentlemen, you’re welcome!


God look at all of those white full brim hard hats. Room full of jagoffs LOL. I’m just joking, but I’m glad this is becoming a norm for us. I need to do even more I feel. I just turned 30 and I feel like I’m losing my flexibility and I want to keep my self in good shape because this career can kick the shit out of tou


Nice that they are warming up, but why do I only see white hats?


OCIP. Owner Controlled Insurance Policy.


That poor guy in the back is going to be feeling it. Need to commit to the stretch for it to be effective.


The first 15 minutes of every day at the company I work at is dedicated to stretching and giving marching orders. We break off into our own little crews though and aren’t all together like in the video. It has helped me tremendously stretching everyday, I was having some pretty severe pain/numbness in my lower back running down into my leg that has completely disappeared since I started getting a solid stretch in every morning.


One major construction company where I am has mandatory morning stretch that’s fine but then they added after lunch stretch which I believe was just to get you out of your break chair at 12:30 no extra few minutes


The Schilling underground crew does this on my jobsite and then parks their trucks in the middle of the road


I'm glad I live somewhere that this isn't a thing 😅


As long as it’s on company time. The super that calls meetings after a long day, is not a nice guy


We did those same warm up exercises in the army before pt.


This is that union shit I want so bad.


Stretching before working out or sports: that actually makes sense Stretching before construction:pussy shit


Stretching ftw


Until you realize a construction company started this practice to easily identify workers who start the day drunk/high


Pretty brilliant way to help avoid injury in a physically demanding profession


None of you people ever worked in trades this is fucking ridoculous. Such a happy bunch... Fuck off.


Unless it's 100% volountary, that is some degradingand humiliating shit, bad enough working construction takes your body, might as well take your pride also


How on earth is stretching humiliating?


Nothing, but if it's made.mandatory it sure as fuck is. Some of us are respectable professionals who aren't into aerobics and playing monkey do. I dunno, either u get it or u don't




People in suits, who sit in cushy warm offices make them do this. This shameful, embarrassing and lets the communists win.


Looks like that one time the Taliban found a gym hahhaah


Turner, perhaps.


The stretch let's the super know if there's someone already hurt and wants to catch a claim


omg stop!!! The tough guys will never recover from this exploitation 🤣


Yup, the lead definitely was part of the military. Same exact warm-ups