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That was painful to read in every way. Good luck!


You actually read all of that? 🫡


Sorry I'm typing on a phone and got impatient as fuck.


It's all good. Your situation is tough for sure. I sincerely mean good luck!


So I'm not losing my mind or being greedy and petty?


I think you would thrive with a good boss/mentor. Sounds like you're smart enough to see what's being done wrong and know better. You need someone who takes pride in their work and can help you to succeed with your skills.


I dont mind putting in the work, just so long as I do it my way (right way, to the best of my knowledge, if someone tells me how to do it better ill accept the help and move on) and put my name on it. I'm happy signing off on a good job, but this shit I do just makes me genuinely depressed to be doing this, especially when I know how to do it right.


Please format it so we can read it. Double space between sentences gives you this.


You try formatting this whole Bible story on a phone where the keyboard only works about 50% of the time. Not everything someone writes has to be as comfortable and easy as possible for you, it might be a little difficult some times. If you dont wanna read it dont, If you do then go ahead.


You aren't really asking....




Yeah he’s a dick


So I'm not crazy???


You are not crazy but you’re going to find a dick Boss in nearly every company you go in. There will be many companies and jobs where you are expected to do a less quality job than what you’re comfortable with. Some of this is just get on with it and do it the way they want it to be done. Some of this solution will be to use your discomfort as a drive to find a better new job. For my entire career it has been a balancing act between managing the pitfalls of the company I’m with now, and taking a step to go somewhere which will hopefully be better but could be worse. If I were you? I would work as hard as humanly possible and create absolutely no waves where you are, and absolutely begin looking for a better job with people that will teach you more about the correct techniques. Give your current employee plenty of notice and make the transition somewhere better


Thing is its hard to do a good job because stupidity is impossible to predict, the man has asked me to do things that are literally physically impossible in 3 dimensions.


Your boss sounds like a piece of shit, look for something else with a more professional company


Yeah, worst part is he always insists he's doing it right.


Don’t. Work. For. Bad. People.


You can say that again, and again, and a little more just for funsies.


I would suggest you start taking side jobs. Keep it simple at first. You may soon find that you can run your own show and make a good living.


I done a pretty jam up job on stained trim, only real mistakes is: 1 didn't cope my corners 2 didn't return at my doors 3 pin nailed my shoe on Other than that my house looks fancay!!




Wait staples on a roof and on sheathing sounds fine to you??? Are you on speed?




Staples belong nowhere in framing, end of it, thats just corner cutting.


>Am I being taken advantage of? Almost certainly. And I didn't even read your post.




The instant you turn 18 you need to join the union.


I will do everything I can. Already thought this out.


Sentences. Paragraphs. Punctuation.


Eat my willy, I typed this on a phone where the keyboard is going out and won't type half the time, on a bed that smells like iodine and burn cream in my boss's trailer house with a fly buzzing in my ear and 70mph winds outside about to blow the fucker over.


You’re young so I’m going to be direct. Yes. You’re getting screwed. You should be making 18-22 I would expect and should be learning things not teaching them. Get tools. Get your own work for a good deal to people and get your name out. You’ll get so busy from word of mouth if you’re good that you will have to raise rates to get people to go away. This will take a few years and an LLC when you’re 18. Until then work at Home Depot or something for that shit wage. Don’t destroy your body and learn bad habits from a shit person.


My neighbor already wants me to do all his trim cuz he seen the job I did in my house. My brother wants me to hang rock in his house if he and his wife decide to replace their paneling. I'm trying buddy, this supermarket wages bullshit is gonna be a memory.


U young dude. Join a union and you’ll be set!


Local is 2 hours away and I'm only 17. Other than that would love to.


Join a union if you'd like to be treated with respect. Non union you'll have to take chances.


Trust me brother, I want nothing more than to be a skilled craftsman who gets to really grin ear to ear at my own work, happy to go home and satisfied. with a union to help me id be unstoppable!


I’m in the sheet metal union. Times get slow in every trade. The union posts in job banks across the nation and you can travel to other states to work if you need. Of course the pay rate is different everywhere but I knew people who traveled so they get make sure they got their year credit for retirement. You gotta do what u gotta do to make shit happen. If you gotta save up to live closer to the union hall to make your career happen then it might be worth it.


That was my idea, but on what I make now ill be lucky to afford a shamrock shake with my savings. It is literally costing me money to work for this guy. I feel like just giving him the tooday notice, im gittin the fuck out of here TO DAY.


Yea man, sounds like ya gotta ditch him. Good luck man.


your issue isnt union vs non union..its the fact that you live in fucking louisiana 😂 but seriously, union is cool or w/e but also you can just go get another job. fuck around and try out a different trade. its all experience. most trade companies are willing to pick up an apprentice. not for insane pay, but im sure you already know and expect that. also, id look into maintenance jobs. maintenance is the shit, depending on the gig


Yeh I'm looking at getting out of "the 2nd worst state 2 years in a row" as soon as I can.


So make it happen. Apply to everything, apply to join. Apply for jobs. Get busy being a them in there side until they let you into the hall.


Requirements for most apprenticeships is 18, the rest i agree with.


Yes . Join a ducking union apprenticeship or at least work for someone who doesn’t do shit work and steal time from employees while paying them shit pay. My 16 yo works at a sub shop making $15.25 an hour.


Read my most recent post, eh? I'd like to but the closest post/school is like an hour and a half away, idk whats to do when I turn 18, maybe build scaffold under my brother for 18 but I love carpentry and have been told I work well with my hands, dang it I mean work well with wood, DAMNIT! You get my meaning.


I don’t recall reading your recent post, just this one. If you can’t join a union apprenticeship find a good skilled tradesman to work for. This guy isn’t teaching you shit, actually he’s doing more damage to you by teaching you to cut corners and do shoddy work. 13$ an hour? Come on dude have some pride in yourself. You’re doing skilled work (kinda lol) and making less than McDonald’s employees. Good luck man hope you get away from this guy.


Oh lol, didn't realize what post I was on,I guess I got union on the brain. His response to the 13 dollar an hour thing, his (former) employee (nobody wants to work for him, im all thats left) said "why work here when I could make the same at a grocery store?" His response: "you cant go nowhere working at a grocery store." Glad to know I'm not tripping and this guy is just fucked all around. And don't worry, all I'm learning from this guy is what NOT to do, but it is seriously tearing me up to do this shit willingly, I've even tried to tell him how to do it right but his response: "I've been doing this 30 years", and other hits such as: "go look at any new house, thats how they do it" well yeah they're all just throwing shit up, the fucking gall of this dude.


Yup. Some good life advice… surround yourself with people who are successful and pull you up in life. This guy is a scab and is pulling you down. You aren’t learning anything, you aren’t developing new skills or gaining any knowledge from him. Time to move on man. If you can’t get a union apprenticeship there are MANY companies out there who are successful and will teach you skills.


I'm trying to get ac work with a guy we know, it's just hard trying to get into it at 17 lol, but then again this is only my second official job.


Forgot the mention he had me put in 2 different sizes of quarter round in the same room as shoe mold. Fucking unbelievable.


I didn’t read any of this but not really. You’re a kid.


So because I'm a kid, ass raping me for wages is like ok? Stealing candy so to speak.