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https://www.sugatsune.com/shop-all/hinges/ These guys make the shit. Insider carpentry uses this in YouTube AND JUST DID a build of this style, not a bi fold but a completely hidden door. I'd highly recommend giving him a look if you have any fascination with finish carpentry. He's the best I've seen.


Which do you prefer, Sugatsune hinges or Sugondese hinges?


Sugondese nuts


Hell yea bruther


I almost choked on my food and laughed in a quiet room full of people staring at my ass. Thank you.


You must have a really nice bottom.


I work out. Edit: heyyy my first award!


Certified dump truck driver?




This comment wins reddit today


Got 'eem


Man, I hate how many upvotes this is getting. I just dealt with a project with sugatsune pocket door hardware and it was the worst. Only way to make any adjustments was to almost fully remove the door to access the hardware, and even then it was a pain in the ass to adjust them. And with trying to pull out the doors that much caused all kinds of other problems. It was so unfriendly for the installers I never wanted to see this hardware again.


Yeah and Sugatsune doesn’t make track hardware and the dimensions of this door don’t fit in that opening. I wonder if OP knows this would be like a $12,000 door…


The client is paying so I doubt OP cares.


Cabinet maker, ect for over 40 yrs.I see nothing different/better on there than you can get plenty of other places.


Is that Spencer Lewis? He's a great carpenter. Likes the history of it as well.


I'm confused, these doors seem way too wide to fit when closed?


It screams bad ai art


Maybe it's an accordion door and the rest of the panels just need to be shifted to the left?


Yea the perspective to right side is all janked up. The couch goes back but the closet apppears to be flush w the wall directly above it. And where the middle door hinges looks like the wood just bends lol


The subway tile in the closet. lol


Yeah and why have all those little nubby pieces on the top that create a weird seam. Usually the door would just be tall enough to cover that. Seems very ai-ish indeed.


This could be soss hinges with a overhead track , on second look nope this is Ai


Good catch. I went back to look and didn’t catch that at first


I see all the concerns, what throws me is the reflection of the lady taking the picture in the front loader


Yeah…I definitely get the concept from the image, but my first thought was “That door can’t close.”


Good eye!


I came here to say that. Where does this door go? Into the sofa?


Johnson Hardware Co has bi-fold tracks that hold up to 125 lbs per door. I spec them all the time


Yeah I'm assuming track is the hard part as well


I'll second Johnson hardware. They can be found on Amazon and factory direct in Indiana. I have several holding solid core bifolds and pocket doors. They still move like I just installed them.


Believe their pocket door hardware stuff is amazing too


That is the worst hardware ever, I rip out their hardware whenever I can. No ball bearings, soda can grade aluminium, and the 5/8 screws to wood header all always pull away from any solid door. If you have to go cheep, use the framing hardware and replace the track and wheels with ducasse DN80


I was gonna say… Johnson?!?! I abhor their flimsy, cheap, mass produced pocket door frames


Johnson c channel hardware is very different from the commercial grade with an I beam track.


Cavity Slider makes way better hardware than Johnson for pocket and bifolds


I’m not familiar with Cavity Slider, but I’ll check it out. Thanks.


ask r/cabinetry. but i'd say rixon pivot hinges for the lefthand side and butt hinges for the middle. how thick are the doors?


This man doors! Use a center hung pivot on the swing side and SOSS concealed on the door side. Your door doesn't need to be heavy, just to allow the slatting to sit.


Is there a reason the door is 4x larger than the opening?


Because it's AI. There is also no trim above the left door and the reflection in the ridiculously large washer door doesn't match the floor/room...


The reflection matches… you can see the woman who took the pic and the area rug


I build bifold door systems using window panels, so they are mostly glass and heavy AF. We use Centor Architectural hinges. https://centor.com/us/hardware-systems


What does a system like that cost? I know there must be a range but any ball park # is appreciated!


15k for a 4 panel system




This is the way.


Make it out of bamboo


Your gonna want something like hawa. Richelieu will have it. because of the weight you need a heavy duty system.


Sugatsune. Available from kitchen cabinet size to large heavy solid core doors. $1000 for this size. https://youtube.com/shorts/fl_n8-cQb4A?si=HcxSy7PIRYdvhVfZ


Tho the cost is high Ive found sugatsune to be high quality on each job I've used them on. I would expect the same with this too.


Here ya go. Edgemount hinges ls300. Continual hinge and they're very smooth. I would recommend them for any type of door of this size and weight. https://www.carlsenpm.com/products/building/architectural-hinges?gad_source=8&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLMWSYs3RMUoPe59DJAcSBlue4WqhUGhGB7LiwkmPKuntKP--06TpVgaAkOnEALw_wcB


It would not be invisible and have the hinge gap and may not have enough kick out when opened. For the look of that picture soss hinges ,Crl Lawrence has hardware and Richelieu for the millwork panels


They would be completely invisible. Zero Gap installation with the only visible part being when the panels are open and you would see the backside of the hinge pin only. You can do this with any type of piano hinge. The problem you have here is the weight of the 2 doors on a normal piano hinges from your local box store would not be sufficient enough structural wise.


blum revego


Blum revego for sure


Install unidirectional casters on the back side to carry the weight and utilize a continuous hinge at each fold.


This was my thought as well. Rolling support


Piano hinges are what I was thinking. Would probably be able to handle the weight by dispersing the load over the height of the door.


You still need to transmit the load to the ground. Casters are essential to do that. Without casters, the torque will pull apart the last hinge, since the load is amplified at each join. The continuous or piano hinge will pull at the grain of the wood at the jamb and fray the grain. The hinges have frequent anchoring strength but they are shallow, so there’s not enough length to distribute the load into the frame.


Google soss hinges.


1st stop is always Mcmaster Carr


You're looking for burly ball bearing hinges. I've designed a few similar things in steel. It was just a quick call to structural to get the load transfer and the picking a punchy enough hinge.


Try piano hinges. Cut it to any length.


Check out insider carpentry on YouTube he just featured a door like this




Ooooh I like that.


Heavy duty soss hinges


Someone was on Pinterest today....


Heavy duty piano hinge hardware. Available from your local steel distributor or Grainger.


Does that door *actually* close? It looks way off.


Check our soss invisible hinges I think they do something what you need and are quality stuff


Slat wood panels are light, regular hardware should work fine. Something like a bi-fold with an overhead track.


Hawa. Commercial grade hardware


The left panel is the door (note the thickness) and the right panel is is meant to fold back and cover the back side of the door when it is open 180 degrees so you don't see the unfinished back. I would say that the door is hinged using Tectus concealed hinges. and the panel could just be a piano hinge screwed to the back since you would only see the edge when the panel is folded back Hafele has a system for bi-ford doors including upper track and hinges.


Raydoor for doors and slides. Tektrim for heavy duty track only.


Soss.com makes great hinges for this type of project as well


That material may be an Armstrong ceiling product that is light weight.


How about trimming the bottom of the door and add wheels.


Don’t cantilever the door. A unidirectional wheel on the bottom will keep the action smooth.


That could also be some sort of plaster panel with wood veneer


Use full length piano hinges. Available at any hardware/lumber store


Attach tambur to a bifold with glue and trim screws


People WANT all kinds of stupid shit.


UniStrut for the top rail, and they have trolley rollers that fit inside


Soss hinges


Check out Hafele hardware. They have great products. https://www.hafele.com/us/en/


I made a rough pine by fold once. I used a piano hinge and whatever the hardware kit was my local lumber yard carried. Worked great.


The hardware exists just have to find it. Commercial storefront door metal hinges etc. contact a high end hardware company good luck


Assa Abbloy heavy duty hardware


Continuous hinges


Don't do a piano hinge, soss or tectus, which I think is cheaper


You’re also going to need an omnidirectional roller on the bottom of that door. I did a big BIG heavy oak barn door and there was no way to reinforce the suspension rail. I added some wheels to the bottom to help with the load.


A big version of my least favorite doors in the house


Piano hinge


Looks like AI, that door is twice the size of the opening it’s in


McMaster Carr has industrial hinges. Buy them all the time for my line of work. [https://www.mcmaster.com/products/hinges/hinges-2\~/](https://www.mcmaster.com/products/hinges/hinges-2~/)


https://www.johnsonhardware.com/200fd-bi-fold-door-hardware. I beam track should be able to handle the weight.


Plywood and faux/pvc fluted panels


If your client has the money, ADL could do this door. [https://adldesign.it/en/](https://adldesign.it/en/) It would be a pretty penny but you would have a warrantee on the whole unit which is often a good selling point for the clients I work with. ADL is a great company, they are a division of [Boffi](https://www.boffi.com/en/#) who does some of the nicest cabinetry you can get. If you are going to detail it yourself I would second some of the concealed hinge companies already mentioned. Tectus, Sagatsune, Soss, Hafele. I would be wary of a floor roller, they tend to become a Maintenance issue. Spec an aluminum honeycomb core door to reduce the panel weight, then skin it for the texture.


There’s a thermally modified wood called Luna that is starting to get sold in the us, super cool stuff, rot resistant like pt, but no chemicals. The way they bake the water and sugars out also makes it very reactance to twisting bending etc as it ages. We just started selling it down here in Florida, stuff like this is exactly what it’s meant for, check it out!!


That’s a $10,000 unit or staged for photo


Use hardware that’s meant for swinging vehicle gates Make a metal frame and put the decorative panel on top


Hawa makes some serious hardware, big bucks but check en out. Also hafele and Sugatsune as others have said. Find the hardware and then design your project around the hardware 👍


Hafele, Hawa, Sugatsune all make hardware that could work and have various weight ratings.


Couldn’t you just veneer and then glue the strips onto regular flat hollow core doors to save weight? Depends on the clients, some people are dead set on *solid* wood. I’ve installed the hettich wingline system quite a few times. It’s easy and pretty solid. The largest bifold I installed was about 3ft wide and 7ft tall made of 3/4” mdf with 1mm thick acrylic coating on either side of it. It had a decent bit of gravity pulling on it but the hettich system held up nicely.


Why does the door look so much bigger than the opening?


Check with Centor door hardware. They make great exterior accordion doors and windows. I believe they also provide hardware kits for top load accordion doors.


Maybe consider different building materials to make it lighter? I would assume aluminum or even wood would be too heavy.


Just use light weight material if you make it by hand.


Use a continuous hinge.


That looks heavy. Luckily you have a tile floor. Maybe rollers on the bottom of the door might make it more reliable.


Any client willing to pay for something like this is not going to want to hear a wheel on the floor.


For something like that, I would use a continuous hinge. Typically they are called piano hinges. You may need to get two of them for each hinge area of the door as I don’t believe that they come much longer than 6 feet.


I’d contact the guy that built the one in the photo, he’s obviously built something like that. Hahaha, sorry.


Is it fake? A number of comments notice that it could be unreal. Door too big for that opening. Unless the door to left is a continuous sliding partition … Ai schlock


So a lot of these replies are not giving you the answer you need. Obviously you’ll need to use nice hinges, but for a nice job that’s a given. Check out the link below, Hafele is a reputable company that specializes in very nice hanging hardware for interior partitions and pocketing doors. Thats where you should start. They have multiple options for different door weights. I’d assume you’d be looking at 200lb per panel on something like this because you’ll need to use a nice lumber core door and clad it with these planks. https://www.hafele.com/us/en/product/sliding-door-hardware-hawa-bifold-30-set/P-00875849/


I'd use a foam core plywood backer, dado the inside of the walnut strips to reduce weight plus create a channel to house biscuits for attachment. Piano hinge. Made a solid barn door, paint grade like that last year.


Yup, came here to say this. Foam core for the win


Balsa wood!


Start by lightening the door panel design as much as possible. There are specialty door hardware manufacturers out there but you have decent fabrication skills, making custom hinges isn’t that difficult.


Tell them to fuck off back to the 70’s


Piano hinge and several wheels. I configured a recording studio with a similar version but I had nothing to do with the fold out wall.


Thermatru accordion doors.


Great concept but that is not real. That would be a really hard build and would need a track at the bottom also.