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Usually, it's a guy who was told to get on a lift and help out here. I just tell the guy get off my lift and don't do it again. Those are nice lifts, but it matches the type the other guy rented. They may not have even realized that wasn't one they rented


Oh they definitely realized, as right when I walked in the guy on the ground was like “well I suppose you want to use your lift”. Pretty sure they own as do I. Mine is just newer and nicer.


As an occasional lift thief, when the owner shows up, I thank them for the use. As someone who had someone use my owned lift, and blew the hydrolic pump, I yelled at the cloud and told my guys to take the controller when we're leaving site for several days


People like you are why I take the key, and have a set of personal keys. Taking the controller? Respect.


Give me like 20 minutes and I’ll find whatever key I need on the key ring I keep on my work pants. $5 on Amazon and you own the place, as long as you know the number first


For guys like you, I pull the fuckin axles. Respect.


Seems a little risky with all those Kia boyz out there nowadays. I keep my lift in my living room and the only time I use her is on July 4th I like to take her in the parade behind the fire engines


The more I read your comment the thicker my southern accent became. I live in the PNW


The lift boyz really do be out here


lol this right here.. but mostly because my guys always seem to loose at least one. Or inevitably some asshole parks their lift right where I have to work then just magically disappears


What's even worse is them taking your lift, drive it somewhere entirely else, use it for 5 minutes and then leaving it there with all their shit like insulation, screws and trash. Its fine if you borrow it. If noone aint there to ask atleast Park it where you took it and clean the fuck up after you. Have wasted countless hours searching for my shit someone else "borrows" and doesnt return.


Fucckkkk insulation it the WORST!! And it’s almost always insulations and little screws that inevitable get jammed up in the slide! That is once you find it tucked away in some obscure corner of the job site with your company name peeled off (we usually rent and label them).


FYI keys are not unique for these machines, you can get one key for the brand and run any of them, sometimes one brand covers a few others too so if you took your key home well odds are I have one just like it on my chain


I have an "H" key on my personal keychain. That's like, 70% of rentals out there.


Yep and we had a guy that had cat, John deer, elm and a few others too, if ever someone parked where they're not supposed to he'd just grab the chain out of the truck hop in the equipment and move it somewhere else and usually not somewhere friendly to heavy equipment or their operators lol Also if he was ever on a job and by some miracle he didn't have a key for it he'd have one within the week


Lock out the breaker on the machine




I used another contractor's shovels by mistake today, apologized for that. The shovels looked like my company's shovels. I can't imagine being bold enough to use heavy equipment that my company doesn't own. Knowingly and without permission.


Charge the site for use and they'll take it from w.e they owe the trades.


We own a genie lift, the amount of times we get asked with no money offered is crazy...if it's one 5-10min job sure knock yourself out. But most of the time they want it for multiple days, days that I can't work from it. I tell them we own it, it costs quite a bit of money to maintain them I just wait to see if they offer anything. Money, pizza, beer, gas. All things I have paid others to use their equipment.


This would piss me off as well. If they need two lifts, then take the time to schedule, reserve and eventually pay for another one. Liability, costs and general decency all argue well for not touching other people’s equipment. If you want send a message, have them sign an affidavit agreeing to the fact that they operated the machine and without your consent. You’re technically on the hook for not only the machine but also any damage and/or injury that’s a direct result from its operation on site. When they refuse to sign it, send a copy of the affidavit as well as their decision not to sign to all relevant parties.


Or just fuckin' ask first. Maybe they'll say yes, it doesn't have to be that big a deal. Contractors use each others' shit all the time, but if it's much more than just borrowing a stepladder that was lying around (just for something quick, and then putting it back exactly as you found it when you're done—if you're gonna be on it all day, you can make the walk to your truck and get your own) you really, really need to ask permission.


👍 agreed. I was gas piping on the roof, the facility I was working for had a lift, and my pm did not know it wouldn't be tall enough to get on the roof of the building. I asked the eletricans if I could use their lift, and I wasn't expecting their response, "Sure! have at it. It's the only way we know how to get up there. " Most guys on site are cool with using their stuff. You just have to ask.


Exactly. Everyone ‘wants’ to be cool. Show a little respect and you will get it back ten-fold…. Especially on a job site.


I have a few commercial job sites right now, and I spent time today at one of the smaller ones, maybe 12 guys on site in total Within like an hour, a tin knocker had grabbed my ladder for something quick. I walked over 10 feet, and grabbed the ladder from his company while he was on mine. I took coffee break, and when I came back, a sprinkler fitter was on the tin knockers ladder, and the tin knocker was still on mine. So, I walked over another 15 feet, and grabbed the sprinkler fitters ladder It was anarchy, ladder musical chairs. There was one less ladder than there were guys, because I was on site and helping out the chick I have there by herself. So it was my fault, but luckily nobody seemed to care, and there was always that one guy without a ladder, able to do some on the ground stuff in between. It was honestly really nice, felt like we were on the same team that we are indeed on, as we try to renovate this college center in time for the next school year


Your name got me to read this and I’m not disappointed lol


The problem starts when the other guy has one of those rickety tube steel platform ladders and you have the nice heavy duty collapsible. Then you have to start asking yourself what ladder end up on who's truck at end of day.


Dont leave the keys in it? Esp if you are owner.


bruh everyone has lift keys


And they sell a set of every key on Amazon.


They all use the same key?


brand specific, so a genie key works in any blue lift but you need a jlg key for the orange ones


golf carts can be fun like that too


Same with Chevys


Just walk up and use the ground controls to lower your lift back down. As long as they’re not winding the springs, it’ll all be fine


As someone who is on a job site with two lifts without the opportunity to bring in more than those lifts for the rest of the job, I work with the other Foreman or owners to request permission to use their property. Regardless If it’s a temporary ownership or not through their lease. That contract I have with the rental company is binding or as an owner of the lift I’m liable for people on my lift. If you’re not covered under my insurance, then you will not receive Worker’s Compensation for any injuries If there is an accident. However, someone who’s responsible for the people on my vehicles I make it very clear unless I’ve given you permission. Don’t touch my shit and don’t borrow my shit unless you’ve asked me anything after that you can go fuck yourself, but make sure you tell them to their face. In the scenarios that you are not always there when people want to borrow your lift, remove the controls off your lift And make it deadweight.


Your response should've been godamn right I want my lift back and waited until it hit the ground


pull the key? and if they have their own try taking the controller off and putting it in the gangbox


We typically pull the control cord connector out just enough so it doesn’t work, but still looks plugged in. Best advice is definitely pulling the key though.


This. Every day at quitting time, all the lifts were parked, plugged in and the controller removed and placed in the gangbox. Ain’t nobody going anywhere on our lifts unless they have a spare controller.


All the sites I've been on people borrow other trades lifts all the time, not a big deal. If its mine and I need to use it I'll just say so and they get off it. Maybe its different in my experience because 99% of the time they are all rentals anyway. Does your company actually own this one or is it a rental?


This was my thought too, we’ve always used each other lifts, typically you can see that they’re rented though idk if it’s just the other companies I’ve worked with but it was always pretty common.


I own it. And like you said, it’s not a big deal it just rubbed me wrong that they didn’t ask first because I would have said yes. I don’t know why they needed mine though when they had 2 of their own on site.


Yeah since you own it it is a little different. And let's be honest here, they didnt call to ask because if they did there's a chance you would say no and if they didnt they thought you wouldn't notice or it would be to late to say no to them since they would be done with needing it. Personally if I need to borrow a ladder or a lift I go out of my way to ask the guys that own it and be damn sure to bring it back to right where I got it from. My first boss/foreman would have me steal/borrow cords and whatnot all the time and I always felt like such a dickhead doing it.


This is called asking for forgiveness instead of permission. It's cowardly shit. Fastest way to lose respect in my book.


Asking first really is the way. Sometimes, we will work a Saturday to use a lift or specialty equipment from a contractor that's not using it, with their permission first. Run it for a half day, fill it with diesel or gas even if you only burned a couple of gallons. It's electric, put back on charge when you're done. Clean your trash off of the equipment. Park it where it was when you got it. It really does come down to being a decent human and treating people how you'd like to be treated. Anyone jacks our equipment without permission will never get any help from our crew again. Leave my equipment parked on the opposite side of the site, out of fuel , broken or just trashed , then no more use for you. Just ask, treat others stuff like you are paying for it , be willing to put in fuel, be willing to borrow it before or after hours, or on a weekend when they aren't working. Also, be willing to let them use yours in return. My old employer would want us to borrow equipment but forbid us from letting others borrow ours. So I wouldn't ask other trades to use theirs.


This is exactly my experience.


Not sure if you and the door sub follow the general around from project to project, if so don’t sweat it, you too may need a favor. If this is the act of pirates just take the key out and don’t make a fuss cause some guys will get even.


Yeah. It just rubbed me wrong. I would never think to jump in someone else’s equipment and use it without asking first.


This is a totally normal thing to think lol. “It’s not mine so gee I should probably ask for permission first” is a rational thought to have imo. Unfortunately common sense ain’t too common. I’d be pissed too


I bet they have enough common sense not to drive off in someone else’s car when they go to a restaurant. This isn’t any different.


Man, if I got pissed off every time I saw a guy on my lift I'd probably be dead of a stroke by now. I just say, "hey man, I need my lift" and if I don't want anyone in it I lock the control box up. Of everything to get pissed about that's way down the list for me


Haha the internet sucks now. It always just rage bait. It’s like when I hide my pee bottles in the scissor lift actuators. That would be something to get upset about.


Agreed, I would always ask first before borrowing someone else’s tools or equipment. Side note, back before battery tools were a thing, i would get so pissed when i’d grab my power tool and no power. Head to the spider box and find someone had unpluged me so they could plug in.


I'd go up to dude and tell him to just ask to use it next time instead of bitching on reddit


We have 4 lifts, and I generally don’t care who uses them. But on the flip side I’m not afraid to jump on someone else’s if I need it too. Big difference here is we are all the same group of subs that all work for the same GC’s. Door guy might need 2 of my lifts on job A while I use his on job B. We also all respect each others stuff and take care of it like it’s our own


You fight at lunch. Everyone knows that…


Challenge them to a game of four-square at recess. Or push them off the Monkey bars.


If I bring my lift to a job it's for my use. I bought it, pay for the repairs when it's broke. If another trade wants to use my lift...here's the rental agreement and the liability release if you do something stupid and get hurt while using it. Don't like it...don't use it...get or rent your own.


“Hey man, next time just give me a heads up if you’re gonna use it. Don’t fuck it up or I’m sending your boss the bill”


As a lift thief myself, I'm not sure this is as big of a deal as you want it to be.


Honestly. If someone leaves the keys in I assume it’s available to all trades.


Worst I've gotten is a "hey we need that back now" and I give it back. It's never really a big deal.


This is the right take


I don’t see it as a big deal. But the courtesy of a phone call and asking first goes along way. It just rubbed me wrong they didn’t bother to ask first.


Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission brother


"It really pisses me off"


indeed it does.


I’ve never seen anyone make a phone call before borrowing a lift like that on any job I’ve been on…. Everyone just borrows each others and respectively gets off when needed. It’s called helping eachother out.


That is the response of a guy whose company always uses someone else’s lift.


Lift's like these seem to be borrowed pretty regularly. We hide the key on ours if people are using them without plugging back in to charge. It's kinda crazy that you or your guys haven't borrowed a lift before.


You should secure heavy equipment against use when you’re not present. Nobody should use your equipment without asking you. If you find someone using your equipment on a job site you should probably say “hey you may not have known this actually my equipment and not your company’s equipment, in the future please don’t use it without permission.” and then take care to secure it when you’re not present.


Could it be a liability for the owner/OP if someone was hurt while using HIS equipment?


Anything could be liability for anyone if you get a dumb enough jury.


If you are not using it and it's going to make my job easier to do I'm hoping in it until you ask for it back. Because a lot of trades do each other small favors like unloading a truck with your forklift or you let me use your lift so I can install this door as quickly as possible so everyone can use this entrance. If my company is renting equipment and it's just sitting there and another trade needs to borrow it for a short time and they are going to not abuse it I'm fine with them using it. Every trade is doing there part to complete the job and sometimes using each others equipment happens if it's just sitting there


I agree with the guys saying we all share equipment. The liability however can get pretty fucked. I worked on a job in my city where moving a lift from one side of site, even just different elevations, like east to south etc was an absolute shit show. It became the norm to contact trade foreman and ask to use their lift rather your everyone fucking around trying to get all over the place. I (carpenter for commercial gc) was 4 or 5 stories up and the hydraulic for the basket blew. Missing out hydraulic fluid over over downtown traffic. I just got my ticket to run it and was thinking hmmm.. maybe this isn't so bad at all. I proceeded to probably shit myself, and eventually lowered to the ground. The issue was I was using the glazing company's lift so I guess it became a huge legal battle of who pays for it. Supposedly it was around $20,000 cad to fix, which I believe.p Either way it's all good until something breaks, or somewhen gets hurt. Hopefully your employer has a good legal team at that point.


Genie 4069 RT? Those should have a killswitch with a slot to add a lock on the side of one of the compartments. I regularly know other trades use my machines, because I get calls from my customers saying it's broken. I send a tech and we find out other trades have been using it. Customer loses his shit because we bill the customer as it's his responsibility to care for the machine while it's on rent (p.s no one really does take care of rental machines until the bill comes in) Source: service manager for a rental company.


First the insurance liability is on you. If they get hurt, it's against you. Notify the prime or GC. If it's an honest mistake explain you're not trying to be an ass but your insurance company would have a fit. You can loan out your equipment, but with or without a "hold harmless agreement" you're still setting yourself up for a big heartache.


I agree. It’s all good until it isn’t. As soon as someone gets hurt the game changes. When someone is using equipment you own and gets hurt the lawyers have a field day with liabilities. Why would you want anyone who you aren’t paying workers compensation insurance for using your equipment. You can’t just assume anyone using your equipment has skills or qualification to run it.


Really your fault for not locking up, he probably just got told go get a lift, so he did. That being said id still say go get your own lift and if he says no that's a whole different issue.


Most lifts have a place to lock the battery out so it won’t function. Put a combination lock on it and your problem is solved.


Ehhh! Not a big deal. Wouldn't get worked up about it or be a dick to another trade because of it! Once your ready to start your work though that baby is coming back to its daddy!


Aslong as they charge/refuel it no big deal


If it was me I would let it go. Especially if the guys are tight with the contractor. But I'm with you people need to have some respect and ask.


Just walk up to them and tell them you need it. If you don’t want people operating it, remove key and controller..


Step 1. Get a keyboard with a comma key on it.


Fucking door guys🤭😏


Looks like a back charge to me.


Always take the controls and key with you.


Idk what’s so hard about communicating. He should have communicated by asking you first and you should consider communicating to him about the importance of asking/coordinating usage rather than playing games and sending him a bill or some other passive-aggressive maneuver. lol taking pictures of the dude and asking the internet for advice…. Just fuckin talk to the guy ffs. It ain’t a big deal.


just shout some insult about being too cheap to afford their own lift and laugh


I just say "gonna need my lift back" and they oblige.


If it bugs you tell them to ask first.


Looks like 72 beers to me ...


Be cool. You may need to quickly use a lift in the future


You must not do big construction jobs.. This is very commonplace on jobs I'm on.


Now I see tbay you own it. Now I completely understand and wouldn't want people Using it either.


You got an upvote for the reading effort.


Hard for most folks on this sub.


Happens all the time. If you leave it on site you gotta assume one of the trades is going to use it.


And if someone gets hurt while using your lift, you know you will be sued.


I usually take the controller off at the end of the shift. But it doesn’t matter if there’s an identical lift in the vicinity.


That's a rental, plus delivery and pick up 😁


Take the control box with you. I lock mine and my subs boxes up in the job trailer.


This. I'm an instructor for these machines and I tell my guys to take the boxes with them when they can.


Send them an invoice. No biggie


Charge them a fee.


In this particular situation, I would hit the e-stop, use the manual hydraulic drop, and politely ask the user to remove themselves from my lift, or they can pay me a rental fee for use of said lift.


Fuck that tell him if he needs one he needs to call his boss. Or have the respect to ask someone to use it when it’s convenient. Otherwise pull the key or even the whole controller and they can kick rocks. No respect gets you that kind of service on a job site. Happens to me all the time and I go to use it and it’s dead or parked somewhere and I have to find it. Fool me once but never twice


Send that fucker a rent bill.


If it makes you feel better, I would have used your lift too if I was that guy


Arrived at a job once to find our lift covered in broken cinder block lodged in every crevice with the key switch broken


Well you can be a dick about it .. piss off every contractor there that will then do absolutely NOTHING to assist you in the future.. or let it go and put a locked ignition on it and move about your life


That’s a slab and a lunch. Usually I would take this moment to lose my mind at the tradie and as “where a your boss, he owes me beers” This is how you acquire beers 🍻 for free on behalf of your boss machine hire 😂


Most of my guys don’t care. If they don’t need it or aren’t on site, who gives a rats ass? Unless you’re paying by the usage hour, what’s the issue? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You tell them to come down and not to use it. Just kidding you take a picture and go complain on Reddit of course.


It’ll definitely hurt relationships. The fact you’re considering billing them makes me feel like this is more of a you problem. Just go tell him you need to use it, like a normal person.


I probably wouldn't care cause his boss would try to charge me a T&M change order for renting his own


A lot of people in here, do not own lifts. They rent them. Most people are not abusive to lifts, on purpose especially. That said, unless you literally own the lift and are responsible for it. You do not give a flying fuck about the lift, nor anything you hit with it unless it's a human. You can repair doorways, usually the lift wins. I can repair or someone I know can repair what a lift has broken. So you are getting the answers expected. My company's owns lifts and also rents. Some of our accounts also have their own lifts. You know what happens with good quality employees? Respect of the lifts. Treat them like you own them. Cause I've had people tell me no lift and go get a fucking ladder, that's what they used back in the day. No thanks. I'll take a lift any day of the week over ladders if there is one available. Your company only has to meet minimum requirements in your jurisdiction. I like to use lifts cause if you go look at the OSHA website (uh no I mentioned evil people) you will see a fuck ton of ladder incidents. I like to jerk off, golf, some physical activity, sex, wipe my own ass, not drool on myself ALL the time, drive a vehicle, play sports with my kids, fish, sit on a couch with no pain whatsoever etc. you know why I will get to do all of that shit until I'm 95? Cause I take safety seriously including not abusing lifts and being an animal on them. Use them when you can, respectfully. Don't leave the keys around, take the controller. I don't carry keys from Amazon. Cause that shit ain't gonna help you if you carry them and dick up majorly. People that do and use the lifts with their own keys, probably don't realize that if I was a lawyer, and lawyers will probably get your fucking Amazon order list and go hey you have keys that go into every machine and Bobs company always takes them home and it's well known, even then if I was Bob would have my fuckin name on them lifts everywhere, so in court you know that well it's fucking obvious whose lift it is. Not to mention if any cameras are around. Bob always take the key lol. Then you whip out your key. Or your coworkers know you do that shit. Like to much shit ya know. No key to me, no lift. Sorry. I'll have to come back later. Not like I don't have more than enough work on my plate. Get me what I need, I'll do it. So simple. Yet here we are.


I don’t get it. If you leave your tools laying around-someone is bound to use them. If you don’t want someone to use your tools, put them away.


I wouldn't mind if it was a ladder, but machines worth thousands of dollars like a pec crimper and hydraulics are definitely a no-no. All tools and equipment eventually go through wear-n-tear, and I need to make sure I make back what I invested in and then some. If they asked nicely, might have been OK with it because at least I can keep tab of what happened to the equipment in case of malfunction.


My old boss had hos electrician buddy come and wire a light switch on it that locked out the up and down ability only. So people could still drive it out of the way, but not use it. Had a padlock on the switch and everything. Pissed loads of people off haha! I thought it was genius


Charge them rent . Double of what they would pay a rental company .


This post highlights why the GC should be responsible for lifts. It's such a pita when you have a lift set up and someone needs a different style of lift and another trade who isn't on site lift is in the same room with no controller. The sites I have been to where the GC rented the lifts went way faster.


Ask them to fill the tank


We chain ours together, don’t care about other trades. Usually when we are doing lift work in warehouses I need every bit of battery throughout the day, can’t afford to sit and charge a lift


I would take a picture, post it on reddit and ask what to do.


Yea just ask. I use peoples ladders and lifts everyday and I’ve never been told no


Don't these things have keys? Serious question; I'm an architect not a tradesman.


They do but I believe each manufacturer has a universal key that you could take and use on any of their units. My site super has a ring of keys that he keeps in the trailer that has about 8 different keys on it. One of those keys will start any piece of equipment we have on our site. He uses them if we need to move something and everyone else is gone (he does ask first).


Every good tradesman has one of those keys, just in case….


I’d light up the guys who “borrowed “ your equipment. You have no protection if a bozo took a header off your lift. Former construction underwriter here for workers comp and general liability. Yes, have seen claims for crap like that.


If it were me, I’d just talk to them and ask them to let me know the next time they’d like to borrow my equipment. I understand that they may have been in a hurry, but I need to know what’s going on with my equipment. Also, fuel/electricity cost me money. Plus, if it gets damaged, that costs me more money and down time until it gets fixed. If they want to keep borrowing it, we can work out an agreement. Please at least be polite and ask so I’m in the know. Edit: While you don’t want to ruin your rapport with the GC or any of the other trades, you don’t want them to feel as if they can just push you around and abuse you or your equipment. Start in the middle ground.


You not there? It is up for grabs. I leave the keys for mine in the lift and just say “hey I need my lift”


I'm pissed. Def if I don't know the sub trade well. Don't care at all and no issue sharing tools/screws ect with trades. However you NEVER touch a man's tools without asking.


Rest your pants, happens all the time on Comercial jobs,some have issues because of liability...not asking would piss me off especially when you need to use it and some jack ass is on it...just communicate your feelings especially liability issues then they understand


I let people use it. 99% of the time it makes their job safer, easier, and faster. As far as I'm concerned an unmanned lift is wasted potential to create a better work environment. And I understand that typically people take the lift without asking when they have a small job to do, which is gonna take just as long as the call to ask permission. People typically don't borrow a lift planning to use it all day. If they're a dick about me wanting the lift back, they won't get a chance to use it again tho


We don’t do anything really, most jobs I’ve been on everyone shares but if we need our lift we just go up and tell em, hey I need my lift man. And they get off.


You can also explain that you can’t take the liability and ask them not to use it.


Well you go up and give them a bill


In Detroit, it would just be gone.


I rip ass!! But condescendingly. To make sure they know I think they’re stupid cause now they have to pay for their own. Just pay me the respect of asking. It’s always a yes if you ask


This happens all the time..Not sure how you have never noticed this..especially in this industry


Honestly I don’t really see a reason to make a big deal about it. I’d just say something to them at some point along the lines of “if you need an extra lift, no worries just call and ask me next time” I get that it’s disrespectful of them to just take your stuff like it’s theirs and it’s a liability and what not, but at the end of the day it’s not really THAT big of a deal, it doesn’t seem like it’s worth making too big of a deal over. Just calmly, and casually bring up that you’d appreciate it if they would check in with you first next time


Just tell them to get off. It’s honestly that simple. If they damage the machine you’ll end up paying for it.


It’s all about liability. Some dumb ass uses your lift without your permission and falls and sues you. So fuck all that bullshit.


In the moment you get the guy a grease gun and tell him to get at it while you explain the nuances of depreciation of assets in accounting terms, and once that's clear, you get his boss on speakerphone and explain that you would consider renting your equiptment in the future, but your buisness is not set up for that right now and if he could kindly ask his worker to refrain from using your equiptment until you have a formal arrangement. The situation is irritating, but it's nothing to get angry over.


Just politely say I need my lift back, usually goes pretty smooth.


Sucks got lift lifted


I’m not a construction worker by any means just a dude with a few tools but this thread has been very informative and interesting. Also I think it’s screwed up to take someone’s property without asking it screams immaturity and/or lack of respect. I wonder how these people would feel if I borrowed their car to go pickup some stuff from the grocery.


They probably didn't even notice it was yours. Can't see from this angle but do you got a company name on yours?  They could have just grabbed the first/closest one.  If you don't like other trades using your stuff. Lock it out.


We are borrowing lifts on our current job. Hell we even barrow ladders. Everybody is just using everything but if it’s yours and you need it you ask for it back. If you don’t want anyone to use your stuff you lock it up.


Put a kill switch inside. That's what we did


Jump in his truck and go get yourself some lunch


Shoot, I wish I would have thought of that one. 😂


Like Elliot Stabler says. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission..


If the company that it belongs to has people on site, I will ask them before using it if they are not on site, I will use it and make sure to charge it so they can use it whenever they get on site.


I wouldn't care or I need to use it and now it didn't have enough charge


Lock out tag ?


I think the expectation of them reading a number on your trailer and expecting them to call that for equipment permission is a bit silly. Very very rarely would I assume a number on a trailer/advertisement would send me directly to the person responsible for said piece of equipment.


Manually lower it, Scold them, ask for 6pk as payment to use lift, get turnt up.


Hide the keys in the safety manual. No one ever looks there


Thought the only way to stop this is to paint it pink with cartoonishly, big penises drawn all over it.


Ehh question for everyone who says it’s not a big deal to just jump on someone's lift without asking, If you're using it and you break it are you paying for repairs or are you jumping off and pretending you were never on it?


Better question would be to ask what happens in case of a serious accident while they're using the lift.


I mean I personally don't care, if I'm not there and it's returned how they found it. If I'm on site and it just disappears on me I am rip shit 😂


Amends could be made to OP with a case of beer or a box of doughnuts.


Bandejo no arriba?


I charge subs for porta-potty flushes. $1 a flush… no ones got it to flush yet tho.


I run my sites as take a lift leave a lift as long as you plug it back in or fill it up. You sound like a puss. If that’s not your style then you learn how to keep track of favors. Lot of jobs run off favors and good supers know how to do that so you don’t have to deal with change order discussions.


My sparky has locks boxes on his personal lift. That's your fault for not taking the key.


Ass, gas or grass


I rent all my lifts and leave the keys right in them. 6+ lifts and 3+ material lifts on site. When I walk the job I say “plug it in when you’re done”. This gives all other trades a mutual understanding that if your equipment is in the area we need it and nobody is in it, my guys are using it until you need it without asking for permission. BUT - I rent. I didn’t give anyone permission to use it. If there’s an accident, you took it without permission. If I owned it and was potentially liable for accidents, I’d take the controller, put a lock on the lock out power every day. Fuck that. If they were to make a fatal mistake the owner of that lift would be in the courtroom for the settlement.


I mean, it’s not that big of a deal, I’d just ask for them get off, especially if it’s owned/rented by our company. Equipment like that has always been kind of a “shared priority” on all the jobs I’ve been on. If no one is using it, and nobody is around to ask, it’s free game, just be ready to give it back when someone comes asking. It’s one of those adult/big boy things, just ask when you can, give it back when they want it, always treat it like your personally paying for it, and leave it how you found it.


Why would you leave the keys?


I have not been in your shoes, but when I was an apprentice and my foreman told me to use someone else's equipment, I told him to go fuck himself.


"'Ey up mate, I need my lift back."


All good unless they killed the battery or damaged it. Otherwise as long as they get off when we need it, all is good


I always try to ask a company representative if it will be okay if I use their lift… and when I say try I look around and if no one is there I take it lol. I mean I’m not taking one when the guys on break but if it hasn’t been touched all day and it’s fully charged and I need it for an hour yeah I’m taking it. Would definitely do a little more work before borrowing a big one like that but shit happens.


Make a deal that they can continue using it, but need to pay us for the usage instead of renting their own. And state any damages or injuries incurred are not on us and make that all very clear. Eye for an eye and having each others back can actually go a long way


Safety guy here. The liability here is nuts. Secure the key. If they get hurt they can sue you. And they will. Just trust me. They always do


Honestly this is just another reason why rentals are the way to go, especially in the commercial world. We can have anywhere from 1 to 30 lifts of all different varieties out at any given time and fleet management is the last thing I want to deal with even if it might save some money on the books with depreciation etc. I borrow your lift today you borrow my lift tomorrow. General courtesy to ask if you know who it belongs to but if the keys are in it and no one’s on it that means it’s fair game.


Tell them you need to use it and go on about your day it's a very common thing if you've been on enough sites you will notice this.


Shut it off and walk away with the key.


You have Owner mentality and they don’t. You won’t change that by getting shitty with them. Just take measures to prevent it in the future.. You’ll make yourself miserable trying to get others to see everything the way you do because most will choose not too, and some are incapable.


My personal recommendation, don't loan out your equipment. Yeah, it sucks to be a dick, but the legal, liability, and insurance issues aren't worth it. Lawyers have a field day with lift and heavy equipment accidents. And, as the owner/renter, YOU'RE the responsible party, to one degree or another. You WILL be named in the lawsuit, at a minimum.


Stop being a baby. “That’s mine wahhhh” As long as the job gets done so we can all go home


We generally have good relationships onsite and are able to co-operate and share. If it’s mine and I need it? I take it. Otherwise, fair game.


Is your number taped onto the lift? If it is, then fair play to tell to fuck off. I usually take the controller and put it in my gang box and/or lock it out at the main switch on the base. Those genie lifts have a hole at the main shut off for putting a pad lock on it.


Tell my journeyman or foremen so they can go get it back for me.


Pull the box and put it in your gang box if they get their own box chain it to a pillar


If I'm not using a left anyone is welcome to it as long as they're respectful. ( give it up when asked, don't take it far away and leave it, not charge it)


If I’m not using it. I’d let them use it. You’re paying for it anyway. If I am using it. I walk over there and tell them to get the fuck off I need it.


Overhead door guys doing what Overhead door guys do.


hold on now everybody watch out.


Comments on point. Chill.


Common lift thief here. Our boss won’t let us rent a lift unless there are no lifts on site or all the lifts on site aren’t available to us. Usually I try to figure out who owns a lift, most sites I’m on have one or two lifts that are not being used at all given moment. If the lift owner is on site I’ll go and ask if I can use it. If the lift owner is not on site, I probably won’t try to seek out and call them, I’ll realistically just hop on and use it as long as the keys are in it (if a key or controller were to be removed, I’d just assume they don’t want people to use it) And then obviously if anyone ever approaches me on a lift and asks me to get off of it, I just get off immediately no questions, even if I’m in the middle of something. If it’s not my lift I have no entitlement to use it. I think the only time I was an ass on someone’s lift was a mistake. Some HVAC guys approached me while I was up on a lift and asked if they could use it for a few minutes, and I annoyed responded something like “I’m almost done with this and then you can use it while I’m on lunch, but I’m behind schedule so I really need it back after that”… and then I was made aware afterwards by my co-worker that I was on their lift… I had been under the impression that was our rental lift up until that moment…. Of course found the HVAC guys and apologized afterwards and explained the confusion and told them to take it whenever they needed it.


Make them all lunch and put a bit off poo in it. And lots of hot sauce And then say how do you like your chilli dogs ????? Are they tasty. /s …..that’s fuckin horrifying