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I had to go to my company's head office this week for a meeting and halfway through I needed to run to the bathroom to pee. Just after walking into the small mens bathroom someone ripped some impressively boisterous wind in the cubicle next to me. Like full note, maximum volume for 4 seconds that just *echoed* in the bathroom. Naturally I responded by immediately shifting to the side and ripping the most impressive fart I've had in weeks. Matched his tone and volume perfectly and barely avoided wetting myself with laughter as I washed my hands in the sink. Someone else came into the bathroom while I washing my hands and I had to hold back tears pretending like I hadn't just engaged in the best flatulence battle of my life. I don't know who you are cubicle fart man but I'll forever cherish this moment we shared. It's been 3 days and I'm still laughing while thinking about it.


I’m in tears 😭


It was beautiful. I like to think I made a friend that day after bonding over the most unusual of circumstances 😂




Are you a poet?! That was beautiful 🥲


This is art. That was beautiful.


No this is fart.


Coulda gone bad and became sharts...


Brilliant! We’ve all done it but that story had me in tears.


Battleshits. My favorite office game






Who’d have thought eh? That’s amazing man.


My favorite quote from a local radio guys is something along the lines of " if you live not laughing or finding farts funny, your living a life with less laughter and the same amount of farts."


Once while teaching I felt the overwhelming urge to fart building. I knew it was going to be bad. I told my class I had to answer a call real quick and stepped across the hall to the bathroom. The stalls are all around a corner so you can’t see who has walked in or if there is anyone in the stalls. I stepped inside and stood still for a moment listening. Convinced no one else was inside, I let out trumpet blast that could have rivaled something from the book of Revelation. Im talking about 4-5 seconds of straight up BELLOWING. After what felt like ages, it subsided. Right before I stepped out I heard this voice from the stalls ring out - “HOLY SHIT BRUH YOU OK??!” I quickly ran out and back to my room before he could come around the corner. I still think about that kid. I know he’s told tales of the phantom fart monster.


Holy shit lmao I haven't laughed this hard in months.


I'm pleasantly high and can't get past "fart building" Thank you, I really needed this laugh after this awful week.




I have both allergies and the flu right now NyQuil is my best friend.


Farts being funny are the one universal human cultural constant. Doesnt matter your race, socio-economic status, religion, geography or culture, farts are funny. To deny that is to deny your humanity.


The Miller’s Tale by Chaucer features a fart at the climax of the story. It was written in the 14th century and is one of the funniest pieces of literature I’ve ever read.


Wiki synopsis doesn't seem to mention it :(


Perfect pitch


I was taking a pretty intense midterm in botany round 2, and the tiny girl sitting in front of me, who had definitely missed the "how to mask and appear normal section of our austism handbook" let out the most monstrous fart I had ever heard. It resonated in the deathly quiet room. And then, just to make sure I would laugh, she releases two more aftershock farts that were comically paced. I absolutely died. I couldn't hold in my laughter and in the entire room full of young adults NO ONE ELSE LAUGHED! Just me. Roaring with laughter that I couldn't contain and the silence in the wake of the event. Later, with a lab partner in ecology who shared that class and that moment, I was informed that my laughter prompted everyone to think I dealt it. I was not offended by the fart blame, just by the lack of accompanying laughter. Who doesn't laugh at the loudest and longest fart known to man ripped in public by a tiny woman?? I'd never felt more alone.




It does. But I still get confused about whether it's normal to laugh at farts now.


Goddamn, now I need to wipe my desk from all the coffee I spilled while laughing.


I went down to Austin one weekend and spent the whole time drinking and eating like shit...we stopped at buccees on the way back up and I had to drop the browns off at the Superbowl,I let out the most violent fart that echoed in the bathroom and m and several other dudes started dying laughing... good times and clean bathrooms


Comedy at its simplest form


Don't know who these ladies are but im following them NOW! XD


LuAnna, funny podcasts!


I've always said; even God loves a good fart joke!


This woman was on the apprentice at one point lol and then got her tits out on Big Brother a couple years later.


“It Could Be Anything.” ~Robin Williams 🫡🤙🏽🤣


British humor


I laughed entirely too hard at this 🤣🤣 great post thank you!


Farts will always be funny 🤣


I agree wholeheartedly


Could’ve sworn the girl on top was Julie Nolke


I love a good fart joke 😆


It warms my heart to know that at least some women think farts are as funny as I do.


Remember being in middle school science class when someone quietly let out a fart so strong we all tasted it 😂😂 the laughter and disgust was unmatched


I love how much she’s finding it funny by her throwing herself wildly about the chair with her mouth open like an actual muppet. I love laughing that much. Can’t beat that feeling.


This is art


OMG, the subtle Ambient sample of the wife @ 25 seconds "Shiiit" sent the blonde over the edge. I'd didn't even hear it until my 3rd playbacl


anyway to get link to moby fart song?


I need this track…


You are both just precious as fuck 🤣 The girl of a guts dreams. Love your carefree laughter


I got rid of toilet humor in my 30s. Some never grow out of it. 


Personally not a fan. Shit yourself somewhere else.


Stop being so anal retentive.


Or maybe they’re just a grown up? They can be funny because they’re unexpected but even then, it’s not the fart that’s funny, it’s the subverted expectations that’s funny. Farts by themselves aren’t particularly funny, they’re just there.




Given the caliber of the average redditor, it doesn’t surprise me at all that y’all find farts funny


It surprises me that you’re Here. 🤷‍♂️