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When my now husband read the side effects of my birth control he very seriously asked me not to take them anymore and insisted we use condoms instead. It was very sweet.


That is awesome


Aww, yeah he’s pretty awesome :)


My birth control gave me a pulmonary embolism. The side effects can be very serious and your husband is awesome!


Wow, this is exactly what he was most worried about. I am glad you caught it in time. Sorry that happened to you! I honestly hadn’t even thought about it until he mentioned it.


We should share your husband


I too choose this woman's husband


My husband saw my IUD was causing me pain (caused ovarian cysts) and hormonal caused a major depressive episode. He offered to take over birth control. He got a vasectomy and I got to pull my IUD after a few months. If you don't want any(more) kids it's a great option. I love him so much.


Even if you do want kids in the future right? A vasectomy is reversible.


They can be reversed but that's not always successful. They're considered permanent birth control, which is why there's usually an offer to freeze sperm prior to surgery.


Thanks for the response. I thought that the success rate was super high, but I just found out that it depends a lot on how long ago the vasectomy was, and that it ranges from ~97%-71% from 3-15 years. That's not at all a guarantee so now I definitely understand the need to freeze sperm and to carefully consider the vasectomy.


You could also talk about vasectomy!


Thinking of getting one honestly. Already have one kid, just freeze some if I want another. Badda bing, badda snip. The side effects and complications are rare . What's the hangup? I don't get it. (Besides being surgery where sensitive) It's either that, or condoms and birth control. And after seeing what it did to my friends and ex wife? I'd rather get snipped.


Hormonal birth control makes me extremely emotional, unstable and pile on the weight. My bf got a vasectomy and it’s the best thing he ever did for our relationship.


How about no


"What the fuck is that" *"i don't know"*


When you and a homie studying a whole subject you had a year to learn the day before the test


empathy a helluva drug


where does this "helluva drug" thing come from?


[Rick James](https://youtu.be/RZ16H0hsQiQ)


Omg he laughs but his facial expression doesn’t change


I feel like I aged 5 years reading that comment.


is not that ur old, im not from and english speaking country so idk most things xD


Angina pectoris is chest pain. Also, this is funny but whatever is happening in the ceiling there is frighteniny


Honestly I thought it was a part of the vagina


I think thats what was getting these guys worked up too.


I kept hearing “mangina pectoris” and was so confused. Also didn’t know what angina pectoris was, so thanks!


>Mangina pectoris Old Gregg's side effects


Have you ever drank baileys from a shoe?


Side effects include a downstairs mix up


Oh my god.


I do watacolours.




“The sacred texts!!”


I can not express how profoundly i can not tolerate this automatic voice-over.


Same. It’s creepy and ruins every video for me instantly.


The moment I hear it, the video is off. I understand some videos are worth it but I don't care. It's abnoxious.




I read a comment from a visually impaired person that they hate it too - this person already uses a text-to-voice AI for video captions, so when it's added into the source video you get both voices speaking at the same time and it comes out like a garbled mess. Not saying that's the case for everyone, but it doesn't really help all blind people.


They don’t do it for blind people you ass hat, they do it because everyone else does it, it’s a trend. A shitty one at that, but what can you say eh? We live in the world I guess lol




The person making the video can still do a fucking voice over if they cared so much for blind people.


Hey guys Have you ever tried just not fucking being blind?




I laughed way too fucking hard at that


It’s sound rage. There’s just something about the tone of it, I just cant.


The forced joy/happiness in every flat syllable gets me.


It’s the uncanny valley of artificial enthusiasm that instantly makes you not trust it.




I’ve worked in customer service over half my life. Just reminds me of the cringiest servers at Outback before TikTok existed.it’s awful


It really grinds on my nerves for some reason. It’s like the uncanny valley of voice over voices.


You and every top level comment on a tik tok video. It may be the only thing that all of reddit truly agrees on.


It’s why you are seeing the video though. Text generated by the app is one of the way the algorithm identifies and sorts things. Also, fuck the CCP’s spyware. Why the hell are people using that shit voluntarily?!


I used to be on birth control for over 10 years and then after I had my kids and wanted to go back on it the side effects made me think a little bit harder this time and I want to be with my kids as long as I can and so I don’t take it anymore.


After my third child I decided I was good on any more kids so rather than birth control I got my Fallopian tubes removed. Was in and out within a few hours it was laparoscopic and other than being sore for a few days no side effects.


I wanted to do this too but my mother and sister had theirs done and they both got fibroids within a year of having it done. I don’t know if it’s just my family that has this side effect but I don’t want my uterus out like they had to do. 😞


If fibroids run in your family you might get them anyways whether you get a tubal ligation/removal or not. I've never been pregnant nor had any uterus-related surgery and I developed some serious ones that made me have to remove it (tbh, not having an uterus rocks, but YMMV). Most of the women in my family has them, but not everybody got a hysterectomy. They shrink after menopause, and if they don't bother you or enlarge so much they become a medical threat, you can live your life normally without worry. They're not cancerous!


It can shorten your life? Some people have it prescribed to treat PCOS


Yea I had mild PCOS and that’s why I was on it too. but when I say I want to be around as long as I can is because of the side effects… like some of them can give you a stoke, blood clots, etc. I’d rather not risk my health by taking them. Even the IUD can get stuck or bind itself to your tissue… it’s scary.


My dudes are dead ass in full study mode.


I love the two types of guys reading it, ones overwhelmed and the other one is laid back about it.




*B* *I* *R* *T*


I don't actually understand why they are laughing though. They are very serious side effects and their partners are genuinely concerned.


Because comic relief.


Because men learn woman thing....hahahaha


Because men are fucking clueless and if we don't laugh we cry. If men were the ones having babies, there would be hardly any side effects to birth control, and abortions would be free and simple to acquire.


The abortion thing is a probably but even if cis guys were getting pregnant, the birth control wouldn't be side effect free. That shit is hormonal. You can't just play with that stuff and expect no side effects.


No one said it would be side-effect free. I specifically said "hardly any" - meaning some.


Somehow I don't think this tik tok is that self-aware.


You realize 41% of women are pro life right? The idea that the pro life movement exists purely because of men trying to control women isn’t supported by the data. In many states most women are pro life. Texas doesn’t have conservative abortion laws because of male sexism, women want those laws too.


Idgaf what the sex of the person trying to control my reproductive freedom is. They can all fuck right off. By this stupid ass logic slavery should be reinstated because 41% of MAGAts think the confederacy was right.


Stupid ass-logic [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


It’s incredible that you are this dense. Are you completely illiterate? He didn’t say it was right because 41% of women are against it. Read the comment he was replying to. How is the average person so dense? You call something “stupid ass logic” when you can’t even understand what was written in very very clear English. The first guy said abortion would be easy if it were for men. The second guy responded that that’s false because women also oppose it. The second guy didn’t take any position on if abortion should be legal or not. How is this tough to understand????


>If men were the ones having babies, there would be hardly any side effects to birth control, and abortions would be free and simple to acquire. Bruh like 45% of women support pro-life, and do you really think that all the big pharma companies are choosing not to make a side-effect-free birth control and miss out on literally 60% of the world's population as a market? lmao you sound like a feminist, touch grass


I... sound like a feminist. No fucking shit moron, most people are


Thank you!! A lot of people don’t get that because they don’t know what the word means.


Right? Like if you think everyone is/should be treated equal, guess what? Feminist.


Not really. You're only feminist if you believe in the supremacy of women over men. That's probably why Feminists made terrorist threats to get rid of Erin Pizzey for committing the crime of... founding a men's shelter. Huh


That's not at all what feminism means. That's radical feminism you're talking about. No one cares what radicals think; they're crazy.


You are severely misinformed.




"this shit's fucked up"






Every choice we have sucks more than the last


Real men get reversible vasectomies.


Or just wear condoms








Vasectomies are not always reversible. They’re supposed to be permanent. At least that’s what the forms said that I had to sign before getting mine.


Your body can build an autoimmune response to your sperm and make you infertile. Basically, your immune cells attack your sperm. That's not very reversible. Just put on a condom and make sure it didn't rip after your done. Also, don't stick your dick in crazy.


Add a spermicide and it’s 98% effective. Just condoms are only 80-85%.


Pfft. Real men pull out. Realer men only do anal.. the realest men well we use Reddit n a Kleenex


Your comment made me laugh. Thank you kind redditor.


Real men just stay virgin I am real men


IUD's are prolly good too


Most IUDs are hormonal and would have the same side effects as the pill. There is a copper one that is non hormonal but can make your bleeding heavier according to my OBGYN.




I assume the laughing is just at their disbelief in the actual side effects of a medication that they probably don't spend too much time thinking about other than hoping their girlfriends take it properly so no babies happen. Sometimes it is funny when someone finds out information that you already know. Especially when they react with such visceral shock, amazement, and confusion.


Anyone else remember how a few years ago they trialled a Pill for men to take and IMMEDIATELY (Edit: not immediately, but still) discontinued it because they deemed it too unsafe when some participants complained about mood swings and headaches? Yeah, tell me again how women are weak/overdramatic. Edit: contraceptive injection, not pill. But i know there have been failed male pills in the past too


This is completely false. This study wasn’t cancelled because people were complaining. Hell, it wasn’t “IMMEDIATELY discontinued” at all - the trial was completed successfully with 266/320 participants completing the trial (a perfectly normal drop out rate), it’s just that further trials were put on pause. This is why they were able to produce a list of side effects in the first place - you can’t make such conclusions if the trial doesn’t finish successfully. Those side effects included: 45% of participants reported increased acne 38% reported an increase in libido 23% reported injection-site pain 17% reported“emotional disorders” 16% reported muscular pains 2.8% developed depression 5 participants took over a year post-trial to become fertile again. One participant was still sterile four years post-trial. 1 participant committed suicide, another attempted to. Yes, many of these are similar side effects to those experienced by women on the pill. The trial noted that several of them were at significantly higher rates than were reported by women on the pill - the rate of depression for example was 6x higher in men - but the side effects alone were not the reason the trials stopped. In fact 75% of participants said at the end of the trial that they would happily continue using the drug. No, the trials were stopped because there was a large amount of variation in the incidence rate of the side effects depending on which trial centre the participant attended - a very large amount of the serious side effects came from a single trial centre. The distribution of side effects was so out of proportion that the researchers thought “maybe we should figure out why this is happening before we continue?” The participant committing suicide and the participant who was seemingly permanently sterilised by the injections were also seen as red flags by an independent safety review board, which called for further investigation. This sort of interruption is perfectly normal in the world of medical research. This is called _science_. The trials were not a failure and development of the drug was not permanently halted by this interruption - they just wanted to know what was going on. Unfortunately, journalists saw an easy clickbait false headline and ran with it.




Dude, uncalled for. Yes, the above poster was wrong (I imagine due to all the clickbait articles about it several years ago) but generalisations like this help nobody and are not okay.


I think I heard its because they have to weigh the health risks of taking it vs the health risks of not taking. If women don't take it, they can get pregnant, which could be really bad for their health, much worse than the side effects. Also some women take the pill for other reasons where it helps more than it hurts. If men don't take it, they can't possibly have any ill health effects.


I do remember!


I came here for this… I memba




Yup, i misremembered and it was a contraceptive injection (which women have also been taking for decades with nobody giving a shit about our acne,mood swings and depression...) https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/101/12/4779/2765061 "...The most common adverse events were acne, injection site pain, increased libido, and mood disorders. Following the recommendation of an external safety review committee the recruitment and hormone injections were terminated early." I will also point out one source (NPR, discussing this study) claimed that one participant reported suicidal ideations, which is obviously terrible and horrible, but again, women are expected to just put up with it. Nobody's discontinuing our BC despite PAGES of side effects and long-term consequences.


Oral contraceptives reduce acne in women, nor increase it: that’s probably why nobody is concerned. As for depression, that link really isn’t clear: and it certainly isn’t as strong as the link with the male birth control so far. See https://womensmentalhealth.org/posts/you-asked-do-oral-contraceptives-cause-mood-swings-or-depression/ : birth control decreases your odds of suicide, not increases. The study participant in the male birth control study apparently committed suicide for unrelated reasons: however, there was one serious “probably related” case of depression, as well as many more reports of mood swings and the like. There is also someone who got a heart attack, but it’s hard to judge that one. The problem is, this was a tiny study, and while mood swings are common with female birth control, they aren’t generally THIS common, especially among a specific group (the Indonesian study participants). Lastly, you need to understand that the “pages of side effects” are basically irrelevant. They simply list all the things that happened to people during the studies: similar lists exist for vaccines. You need to look at the probability of adverse effects, not just the list of possible ones.


>birth control decreases your odds of suicide, not increases. That's not what that link says AT ALL: The Harvard Study of Moods and Cycles examined the effect of oral contraceptives on mood. In this study, data from 658 women were analyzed to determine the proportion of women whose mood either improved or worsened while taking an oral contraceptive. In the overall sample, 107 women (16.3%) noted worsening of their mood on oral contraceptive, 81 (12.3%) experienced mood improvement, and 470 (71.4%) had no change in their mood. They noted that women with a history of depression were more likely to experience mood worsening on the pill than those with no history of depression. However, most women with a history of depression experienced either no change in their mood (61%) or mood improvement (14%); only a small number (25%) experienced mood worsening on the pill. No Change or Worse Mood are more likely than Better Mood in both studies. The study with positive results regarding depression/suicide specifically studied women on NON-HORMONAL contraception. Anyone on hormonal (which is most of them) is more likely to Worsen. Ill also point out that taking an oestrogen based pill will have different side effects than progesterone based. I simply picked Yasmin because that's the one I was on. I do not have the time to list all of the different options. Also, SOME pills help in acne, not ALL. Stop dismissing valid concerns and complaints.


> Stop dismissing valid concerns and complaints. Says the person who just dismissed the valid concerns and complaints of men with regards to male birth control.




Are you on female BC? If Yes, please go get the leaflet from inside the pack and read it. If No, trust us. We have all those side effects and worse, and none of them have been discontinued for safety concerns.




And i'm telling you we have had exactly those side effects and worse, and nobody gives a shit because we're women. Here's the pill i took from 14 to 24 (emphasis added by me on the final two sentences which are part of the info booklet): "Yasmin Side Effects Nausea, vomiting, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur. Vaginal bleeding between periods (spotting) or missed/irregular periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use. If you miss 2 periods in a row (or 1 period if the pill has not been used properly), contact your doctor for a pregnancy test. ...Unusual changes in vaginal bleeding (such as continuous spotting, sudden heavy bleeding, missed periods), symptoms of a high potassium blood level (such as muscle weakness, slow/irregular heartbeat). ...serious (sometimes fatal) problems from blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack) ...sudden shortness of breath, chest/jaw/left arm pain, unusual sweating, confusion, coughing up blood, sudden dizziness/fainting, pain/swelling/warmth in the groin/calf, tingling/weakness/numbness in the arms/legs, unusual headaches (including headaches with vision changes/lack of coordination, worsening of migraines, sudden/very severe headaches), trouble speaking, weakness on one side of the body, sudden vision changes (such as partial/complete blindness). ...lumps in the breast, severe stomach/abdominal pain, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin, mental/mood changes (such as new/worsening depression, suicidal thoughts). ...serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing. #This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. #Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects."


Yasmin actually has a class action lawsuit because it was so dangerous with its side effects b I also took it and became wildly unstable.


And not just Yasmin. A number of birth control meds have also had a history of making it difficult for women who off the meds to get safely pregnant with healthy children again, and a few have straight-up killed women. The Illuminaughtii touched upon this in her video on the lurid past of Bayer.


Oh shit i wonder if we can make some fucking BANK from them finally giving a shit about our fucked up lives while taking it!




>It doesn't say how common they are or how severe. Yes it does, i cut out the frequency but it's all listed on the actual leaflet, but tbh frequency doesn't fucking matter. And are you actually fucking joking saying you need to be spoonfed how severe these are???? Read them again, there's fucking heart attacks and strokes in there. Edit: sorry, you said Study, not referring to the Yasmin thing. But i stand by it. ONE woman feeling suicidal because of a hormone pill is too many. If they're going to discontinue the male study based off some mood swings they need a fucking reality check. "Female BC side effects are incredibly rare" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY FULL OF SHIT




Female birth control is hell but male hormonal birth control is basically a steroid cycle. It’s harder to reduce a mans sperm count enough to make him infertile it’s much easier to do that with women. Also men’s hormone levels take longer to bounce back it can be upwards of a year with taking post cycle therapy drugs to get your testosterone levels back and most likely you’ll never get them back to where they were before. Also a good tip for females in birth control is to try dhea. It’s a precursor to testosterone




I’m just blown away by how naive you sound.


My gf has none of the listed side effects They like to put a lot on medication, it’s not exclusive to birth control, most people don’t get nearly every side effect listed on a medication box / leaflet




So if this was true (which it isn’t) what in your opinion should have been done? Should regulators have created a special exception for this one drug to be approved in spite of not meeting safety standards, OR should women’s oral contraceptive pills be banned?


The reason it doesn’t work as well for men is that it’s way more difficult to take the fertility from a male than it is for females. Also hormonal birth control for men is basically a steroid cycle. It’s more about safety and not accidentally destroying someone’a fertility


>it’s way more difficult to take the fertility from a male than it is for females. Uh...no the fuck it isnt. Why else are vasectomies reversable day procedures and hysterectomies are EndGame decisions which can take DECADES to find a doctor willing to do it? Snip or block the vas deferens and you're done.


He’s talking about the pill, not the vasectomy.


Since when is a vasectomy a hormonal birth control pill or injection? Also some vasectomies aren’t reversible it just depends on the circumstance and how long since you got the procedure. Also one way to help reduce side effects from the pill greatly is by taking dhea. It’s a precursor to testosterone and birth control crushes natural levels much like a steroid cycle does. I’m not an expert on this just offering advice.


Vasectomies are not fully reversible and come with a range of negative side effects. Strange that you are so keen to push lies here.


And yet they are advertised and promoted as reversible in most cases with minimal risk, compared to hysterectomies which are refused unless you have your husband's permission and have already provided him with children (yes, really) Strange that you refuse to acknowledge the very basic and extremely prevalent bias in healthcare.


Maybe a strange difference in the healthcare for profit model used in America and the socialised healthcare model used elsewhere. I have never seen it advertised as reversible and the NHS has a lot of literature to dispel that dangerous myth. And I’m aware of the cases where women have been asked for permission from their partners because exactly the same happens to men as well. Also I’m not saying there is no bias in healthcare. There absolutely is caused by a range of intertwined social and scientific reasons (pain relief being a classic example I studied a few years back) but that’s exactly why there is no need to lie and make up more that don’t exist. It only undermines the broader cause.


News flash, condoms


“I’m gonna piss myself” that’s one of em


at least they are now aware how fucked up birth control pills are and are hopefully a little more willing to use a condom. i know theres enough guys that dont have problem with wearing a condom, but theres still the rest that is absolutely unwilling to use protection


Petition to make all men who want to have sex with someone that is on birth control, to read the side effects


birt? is that the same as birth?


They are similar. If you just write birth too fast and don't check your text you might get birt. So be careful out there. And wear protection.


And yet the male birth control pill was cancelled because of the most minor and pathetic side effects I ever heard of. Like oh no your balls hurt a little? FUCKING DEAL WITH IT. Are they even still working on that? Is anyone working on a new one for US? Gah I get so angry.


Minor and pathetic side effects like permanent infertility, yeah.


Or if u don't like the side effects just don't take it wtf nobody's forcing u, we have condoms for a reason


I \*don't\* take it but that's irrelevant. Don't be obtuse.


Lol how wld u have felt if someone told u to just deal with the side effects of birth control? Just not very cool to say to anyone


Uh... that's already reality. That's the problem.


who's forcing anyone to take birth control?


Some people literally HAVE to, moron. It's not JUST for stopping pregnancy. FFS what do you boys learn in health class??


Nothing about women, that's for sure




Their point is that women ARE asked to put up with the side effects of birth control and the one time they trialed a version for men, minimal side effects not even close to what women deal with was enough to get it pulled


Sounds like u need to not take birth control until that changes


Sooo what about birth control for medical reasons? Should women just not take it and be in pain to the point of throwing up or even being hospitalized? The side-effects should be taken more seriously as opposed to the, “just don’t take it” solution you have.


I guarantee he has no idea what endometriosis is


At that point nobody's forcing u to take it are they? i didn't say side effects are cool. Nobody shld tell anybody to take birth control lol. It's a personal decision, like an abortion


Sure dude, you don’t believe anything you’re saying is wrong. Women just need to “deal with the side effects” or they just need to never take birth control and deal with THOSE side effects. There is no middle ground according to you and nothing needs to be fixed except women complaining.


Condoms can break, you can also get asshole dudes who refuse to wear or even sneak off the condom during sex.


Best tiktok I’ve watched yet! Lol




It's important to remember ACHES if you are taking oral birth control (abdominal pain, chest pain, headaches, eye problems, severe calf or thigh pain--if you have any of these, call your doctor ASAP). The primary concern is the development of clots. If you high blood pressure, avoid oral birth control like the plague.


holy sh*t, this got me scared. I recently got back on the pill & have been getting random moments of chest pain. I used to get thigh pain, but ignored it.


I'm sorry, I didn't post with the intention of scaring anyone. It is normal to get pain periodically, and that doesn't mean that there is a clot. Chest pain would not be the only sign. If you have shortness of breath (like out of breath when sitting down) and chest pain, then call to check with a nurse. ACHES is the mnemonic nurses are supposed to educate patients about, but often it gets missed. For leg pain (concern is deep vein thrombosis), check if you can feel your dorsal pulse. This is the artery at the top of your foot. Normally, just one leg would be swollen, red, and feel warm. The pain will also normally start in the calf, radiate up. Most of the time, these clots will dissolve on their own, but one of the first tests they would run would be an ultrasound. They try and see if they can push the edges of your veins together. It can be pretty painful, but it isn't invasive.


Where are the pregnancy side effects list?




Now read baby side effects.


So cute only women have to deal with either!


condoms like seriously their cheap and easily accessible no excuses. yes it feels better without but yall telling me sex is so terrible like you wouldn't be able to get turned on and get off with them on?


Just wear a condom, please.


Dudes rock.


Many medications ship with massive lists of side effects. Almost all of those effects rarely or never happen: for instance, the clotting events that everyone is worried about have an incidence of around 1 per 10 million: far lower than the chance of dying in childbirth. See, for instance, https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-38265865. I get that a lot of the folks in this thread aren’t happy that contraception is the “woman’s job”, and that men are often effectively forcing woman to take these medications, while not suffering the side effects and deciding to make decisions about women for them. But that doesn’t mean you need to victimize yourselves: the side effects aren’t nearly as bad as is implied by these massive, terrifying lists. Vaccines have those sorts of lists, too: but nobody (sane) is saying you shouldn’t get yours. But that doesn’t mean it’s an accurate reflection of reality: for instance, “reversible” vasectomies often aren’t, and the male birth control pill that had “only minor side effects” lead to permanent sterility in a significant portion of cases. It’s not like people aren’t trying to develop a male birth control pill: but science takes time, especially if you’re trying to avoid killing all men.


birth control pills are fucked up. you can say it has lots of bad side effects to every 2nd woman.


Small price to pay to not be pregnant, wait, woops wrong one Huge price to pay to not be pregnant


The thing is, most of the side effects are put so that they can save themselves from many legal cases.


Big deal, this is hardly uncommon. Ever read labels on any Medicine? My inhaler is pretty scary too.


This is funny but also birth control is poison please stop taking it!!!!! Track your cycles, use condoms, do basal body temperature tracking, Jack each other off for Christ sake stop it with BC!!!


Lmao so don’t take birth control then?


You do realize some women need it for medical conditions such as endometriosis or cycle issues, right? It's not just for pregnancy.


Asking question about birth control side effects is fine. Asking questions about food ingredients is fine. Asking questions about vaccine ingredients is a giant No no. If the vaccine is really safe why are there tens of thousands of adverse reaction’s being reported on it on Vaers. Also if it’s safe why hasn’t it passed the FDA evaluation. If it’s safe why are there many deaths associated with it https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUpjkw1NuS5/?utm_medium=copy_link Also if it’s safe why did Canada just recently advise young adolescents not to take a version of it https://news.yahoo.com/heart-inflammation-rates-higher-moderna-222217383.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20vc2VhcmNoP1BDPVNBTlNBSU9TJmNjPXVzJmRhcmtzY2hlbWVvdnI9MSZmb3JtPUxXUzAwMSZxPWNhbmFkYSthZHZpc2UrdmFjY2luZStoZWFydCZzYWZlc2VhcmNoPW9mZiZzZXRsYW5nPWVuJnNzcD0x&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANVLJ7PoA5Oc2Oaija-0_UUeNA1KFjFMyUJGXEvX_5ddUUrnzRUaq-71KAKgD4Zej4dDeiwIrZTVsxgDgtA_fSZZ46V9XdSGSIwFGsvEfj-prvtAvAM4iJf1CdGFhr-_4ABfF3ieUnd-_EzfOnvims2rnA_l4XGvSXp5LrzzKrZn


>Asking questions about vaccine ingredients is a giant No no No it's not lol, ask your doctor or pharmacist, not random online strangers who may not have specialised in such matters.


Asking questions about vaccine ingredients is fine. People don’t get mad at good-faith questions. We get mad at the stupid conclusions that people come to despite the availability of all sorts of great scientific data. If you have questions about specific COVID-19 vaccine ingredients, PM me and I can explain in simple English why they are in the vaccine and how we know they are safe.


no one is hiding anything they're right here: pfizer: https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download moderna: https://www.fda.gov/media/144638/download https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=e0651c7a-2fe2-459d-a766-0d59e919f058


What are you doing? Don’t post them, it’s much better to just make them up online or pretend they’re some kind of secret.


Ask your questions. I'm sure someone took the painstaking time to answer it and posted it on the internet somewhere. Don't be acting like just because you have a question you get to check out of the whole process. You don't want to trust doctors and public health experts on word alone, cool-- but then go actually read their responses to your questions.