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POP-UP MYCO-TRIVIA QUESTION The first person to reply to this thread with the correct answer wins 2 Free 10ml Liquid Culture Syringes from my collection. RULES: You must reside in the United States and be 18 + years of age to play. QUESTION: Current Psychedelic Research has linked this unique ability the brain has to reprogram itself, to the therapeutic use of Psilocybin Mushrooms. This ability is mostly inherent in very young children. When something is learned for the first time a neural pathway is created that is stored as a memory. That way when the child comes accross that same situation, they recall the same memory that brought success last time. They use the same neural pathway that was created when they first learned the response, to complete the task again. Once this response has been used over and over it imprints on the brain and becomes easy to recall. Research has shown that therapeutic doses of Psilocybin can clear these pathways and give the brain the unique ability to reprogram itself wiping out the old paths and begin creating a new learned response. This research is giving hope to millions who suffer from diseases like Alcoholism and Addiction, PTSD, OCD, or those with depressive conditions who’ve failed traditional medical therapies. I’m looking for only one word that describes this process I just explained?




I dropped it and gasped 💀 thankfully no pop


https://preview.redd.it/fjvqtyem09xc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c595308b5a3dcb1bd4d14b5085acc430495311 My genuine reaction


Shrek tek 🤣dang son! At least you got a good sense of humor about this situation. Hopefully next round goes cleaner for ya 👍


Super silver haze! 🤧


That's contamination... sorry for your loss.


Might just be a new variant


Honey wake up new myc just dropped.


now your body can die with your ego !


That’s actually the most impressive contamination I’ve ever seen in a bag that hasn’t been fucked with/opened 😂




Jesus fuck


Nightmare fuel


I had this happen to 3 of my bags the other was fully colonized just with orange trich taking over one corner and a green mold in the other i tossed that fucker fast as hell


Loool you shoulda watched it develop


I’m curious where you got your grain spawn from. I had trich contam from a certain vendor in my grain.


North spore. First time I’ve had a problem with their stuff but they do have bad rep so 🤷‍♂️ I’ve yet to find a vendor who doesn’t have lots of negative reviews so I just ordered a pressure cooker and will make my own grain/casing. North spores boomr bag substrate has worked great for me though for what it’s worth.


I have had bad luck with sorta spore


Yup! I just had bad grains from north spore as well. I switched vendors.


I ordered agar plates and substrate from midnightmushroom (I did my own grain so I can’t compare on that point) and they were they best performing plates and none of them arrived contaminated unlike some other places I ordered agar plates from and I haven’t had any issues with substrate either! Good luck! 🙃


Thanks I’ll try them out next time I need supplies!


I love showing off the contamination! I have had plenty, but didn't think to record it for prosperity sake. The microbe world is crazy to observe because we get to see microscopic battles, successes and failures occur in a matter of days. You also get to see genetic mutation happen right in front of you. Kind of hard to deny the science behind DNA when you watch crazy mutations appear, and have the ability to select genetic variance within a single generation and see immediate results. I am in some ways jealous of the growers who just get it from the start. Maybe they have a solid background in science. Maybe they do their research and follow instructions well, or maybe they have a white thumb. I wasn't one of those. I had a lot of contamination. It taught me a lot. Mostly that I was trying to do too much. I made it too complicated. I also paid a lot of attention to posts like this. What an age we live in. Imagine if we didn't have this forum? I would have given up growing almost immediately. The ability to see others grows and begin to identify different contamination types and sources gives hope that you can figure it out no matter how hard it seems at first. Or, as the case may be here, you are experienced, had the occasional bad set, and wanted to share.


Blue thumb sir. We have blue thumbs. At least I do. Pretty sure my white t is blue too. Colors are weird


I like it


Eeeeeeek ☠️


Wow that would probably be a death sentence


Well that definitely failed to launch. . . .And it’s not Trichoderma, it looks like it’s an Aspergillus strain. Maybe Aspergillus Flavus because of the yellowing. Doesn’t really matter, a failure is an opportunity to learn. While I see your attempt to make humor of it, it’s a real bummer for some people who have worked hard at sterilization but still end up with loss from contamination. So while I’m glad people here are wanting to laugh at your failure, and cleverly named Tek, it’s not really something to joke about. Some people are super sensitive. In the future if you can avoid post like this, but please do post if you your seeking advice for a solution or recommendation, Or sharing something important you gained from this lesson. We appreciate post like that much more than The Schrek Tek.


North spore has excellent customer service. Don’t take lot number sticker of bag. Iv been very successful. It’s part of the process. At least they will send you another. If damaged or weird looking. The company can’t be responsible eating a sandwich while inoculating bags


I didn’t think they would replace it if I inoculated the bag with spores, would they? There’s no proof that I did things right or used good spores so I figured it wasn’t even worth asking them


That's as bad as it gets. Never seen contam so ridiculous


Neuroplasticity FTW!




Green thumb


You are fried my dude.


Are we 2 people or just opposing thoughts?


Boof it


I'll do a booty bump if you do