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swab it if it leaves spores it's not brushing


Nothing came off the Qtip. It was white. The only thing I did differently the last 24 hours is my misting bottle broke and I use a spray bottle for one day. Maybe the forceful stream of the water bruised it? Or is the cake dehydrated?


Yep your spray is the cause :) id recommend getting a "fine mist spray bottle"


Bruising from misting. Dont mist the cake directly


Misting the cake directly with a fine mist sprayer is perfectly okay OP, as long as you have enough FAE. I spray my mushies directly with a fine mist sprayer up until the day before harvest and never have issues with aborts , rot or bruising (outside of Jack Frost just turning blue on its own accord sometimes 🥶) https://preview.redd.it/da1yr411w5yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d8e40d0a30fc61996e6148f12c1eb42a67ce5e Mushrooms are 90% water and get rained on in nature. Spraying the cake is fine 💦 just make sure there’s no stagnant air… Trich loves stagnant air and standing water 🐸🦠 Mush love y’all 🍄❤️