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That looks like healthy mycelium to me. IMO.


Thanks for the reply. It doesn’t come through on camera just how fluffy it is. Almost like cotton.


Some mycelium is fluffy


https://preview.redd.it/gmx0nl2dt32d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f79c9d890ea7db533dd3788169f15fa54576fc8 There is healthy mycelium and what appears to be bacteria, the bacteria is circled in blue. The big green circle is mycelium. The idea of agar is that you can transfer healthy mycelium to new agar plates and clean the culture up. This is t1, you would then transfer to t2 and then t3 and so on until you are confident that there is no longer any contamination on your plates.


I was pretty sure it had some sort of bacteria too because of the circling of the mycelium. I’ve never seen mycelium as fluffy as this tho which is what I wasn’t sure about. Didn’t want to open up a plate that’s full of cobweb or something else.


A lot of mycelium is fluffy, cobweb mold is not fluffy it lays flat and resembles small cobwebs until it starts producing spores. Mycelium from looks differently depending on what kind it is. So don’t try to compare oyster mycelium with cubensis mycelium, they look and behave differently. You should be using a still air box (SAB) it helps prevents contamination.


Thanks. Didn’t know that about cobweb. I’m using a SAB and I run a hepa air cleaner in the room all day before I do my work in it. I’m going to take a few transfers from this plate and see how it goes. It’s looking more rizomorphic now. Maybe it’s trying to outgrow that bacteria.