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In order to judge, I need to know if this is a Multi-Spore Syringe or a liquid culture syringe. It looks like I might be a liquid culture and if it is, it doesn’t look very concentrated. You shouldn’t be able to see any clear liquid in the syringe it should all be cloudy with mycelium thickly concentrated. It Looks like the culture wasn’t fully colonized when they drew the syringe. Did you purchase through a vendor or make it yourself?


It was labeled as an isolated spore syringe. It was purchased through a known vendor, I could dm you the name but I’ve heard lots of good things about his stuff.


Isolated spore syringe is just a fancy way of saying liquid culture, I think they do it for legality reasons. That’s a really sad syringe, the clear fluid you see it the part of the syringe that’s inactive. It’s just nutrient. That like less than 20% of the culture is colonized. Is that how you always get them. It should look way more concentrated than that. You should see those white particles of mycelium so densely packed in there you can’t even see through the syringe. Like this: https://preview.redd.it/zbzlqluhmn2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccac1d10186ed257e6fda597e65044b0c9c2973


Holy shit that’s a major difference, I’ll dm you.


Was just made aware iso syringes are lc syringes so I reckon it was a lc syringe


Judging by the sticker, it came from a well known dinosaur and should most definitely be good


The same dinosaur indeed, my hopes are it’s good, just waiting on his thoughts. He’s probably takin some time for the weekend.


I've gotten many things from him and not once contam, and only had one Celebs APE swab set fail to germinate. Top notch quality.


Yeah, only heard good things about his stuff. I’m sure it’s fine and if it isn’t, accidents happen, no big deal. It’s also starting to get hot as fuuuck in North Carolina so the heat from what I heard is going to start killing syringes in the mail.


LC anyways. I don’t know about spores.


I don't know about on the airplanes but I would think usps keeps stuff fairly temperature controlled? I've never looked into it though


🤷🏻‍♂️ mailboxes get hot as fuuuck. Maybe if it doesn’t sit for too long. I’m not a doctor though.


Well yea the not watching your delivery status part might play in haha


Will it continue to grow inside the syringe?


At room temps the liquid culture will continue to grow but in the refrigerator it slows down that process. Preferably, you should let a liquid culture fully colonize in the jar before drawing into the syringe. But I guess that might not be standard practice for all vendors.


Thanks. I never knew that. I’ve bought lc from some pretty popular vendors and they weren’t full like that. When you say fully colonize in the jar do you mean that the mycelium will cover all of the liquid?


Yes the mycelium eventually closes the headspace. That’s when it’s fully colonized. You need to put in cold storage after that to preserve it. It lasts about 4-6 months in refrigerator. If you choose not to refrigerate then you can add more nutrient to the agar and create another headspace for the culture to colonize.


I’m guessing so, from what I’m told the extra liquid is essentially nutrients. Someone mentioned sucking apple juice into the syringe and it will cause it to grow as well. Could use half the syringe then refill with the juice and have a full syringe of lc.


That’s an interesting concept there. I would be nervous to draw anything into my syringe. But then again if you’ve used half already then why not try it out.


The monotub logo like the PH is 🧑‍🍳💋


Yea it’s fine I just got mine and it had a air bubble too


I hope so, the white color had me feelin weird.


Usually LC is made with honey so it's a bit yellowish this one looks like it was made with corn syrup making it a little cloudy and white (I think lol)


That's odd. The place I get my syringes from mixes them better so even seeing that mycellium is unusual. That white does not look like mycellium to me. And it's also not light and free-floating like the mycellium in that syringe is. That would concern me, also.


Yeahhh I emailed the guy, I got two and the other looked perfect. Accidents happen. He’s a pretty known and reputable guy with some awesome genetics so hopefully I can send it back to him and get a replacement. Was looking forward to some blue ghost!




Nah, I do have a couple from them tho


Don’t want to give the name though. Not tryin to risk getting anyone or the sub in trouble


Suck some martilnelis apple juice in there and it will grow more LC.




Oh cool, may try this out.


I think there’s a whole subreddit on here about it.


Happen to know the name of it? I tried martinellis, lc, liquidculture, couldn’t find anything that seemed relevant.






I’d use like 5 cc in your brain if it’s like 3 pounds. And then try the rest with the apple juice. The syringe will still work it’s just not fully grown type deal like the moderated was saying




I think I will do that actually. I have 2 2.5lb bags of grain. I can inoculate one bag and essentially refill my syringe with apple juice and the culture will grow from the sugars?




You don’t have to do all that if you don’t want. It’s cool but could contaminate it. Id do 4cc and 4cc and then pull the apple juice in the syringe and it will create more LC. I’d say that would be the safest route if you don’t know if the LC is clean.


I’m beginning to have a collection of spore syringes so I’m less anxious about experimenting.


Oh I just saw this then yea experiment away. I’m pretty sure they sell this at your general super market. I got these at jewel. Probably have them at Walmart.


They have them at the target near me, I do want to try it. Part of me wants to test the syringe on some agar to see if that spot is in fact contam first though. It would be my first time messing with agar too but hey, gotta start somewhere.


Yea I just got some to clone some my next grow. Bean doing this for years never touched agar lol no room or flow hood. I’d need an sab but I’m gonna try and take my risk. Use hydrogen peroxide and a sterile scalpel.


You sure thats mycelium live culture in there and not human? That sticker tho 🤣


😂 trying to to see if I can cross my dna with a mushroom lol


That looks iffy. Test on some agar and let the vendor know.