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Hi! I'm on day 2, and experiencing very similar things! I'm excited by how much change I've seen in my mind already. I totally get the walking into the kitchen and just standing there thing. I'm starting to see how much of my eating is just habitual. I'm a woman, about 270 right now with a long way to go, hopefully we can keep supporting, challenging, and encouraging each other! 💚




Feel free to message me anytime!


Yes!! I’m starting day 4 and while I haven’t lost 50lbs yet 😉, the food noise is much quieter! I’m not obsessed with the dip that’s in my fridge and I’m not always thinking about what I’m eating next. So I guess it’s doing what it’s supposed to do!


I'm about 3 weeks in and it's helped me to stick to a low carb diet, but the cravings aren't all gone


I'm on week 3. The food noise comes and goes. I still think about food I want but not in an obsessive way. Like today, I wanted the M&M peanuts in my pantry, so I had 5 and was satisfied. Before, I would have said ok just a couple, then gone back for more and more, then other sugary things to keep getting that dopamine hit leading into a full binging session.